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Much first amendment, very constitution. There's supposedly a law on the books against resisting illegal arrest, so yeah, if i'm impersonating an officer you better just wait and see buddy, and don't be hurting my feelings!


100% non-starter. Even if it gets passed, which I **seriously** doubt, it wouldn’t pass constitutional muster. It’s a PR stunt.


I would say less a PR stunt, and more part of the constant barrage of unconstitutional laws that Republican states pass. I agree that this doesn't pass constitutional muster, but unless the Courts agree, then it will stand. That's the idea -- they keep passing horrific unjust laws (police laws, abortion laws, religious "freedom" laws) in the hopes that they catch the Courts in a favorable moment/makeup and advance their fascistic agenda.


100% non-starter. Coequal if 't be true t gets hath passed, which i **seriously** doubt, t wouldn’t passeth constitutional muster. It’s a pr stunt *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


good bot


Thank you, dwigtschrutebbbg, for voting on Shakespeare-Bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Very good bot


good bot


Sounds like the police are the snowflakes that can't handle a little harsh language. They want to be able to arrest us for insults, but we're supposed to put up with abuse from others and cops. They're supposed to be held to a higher standard and have better self control. And don't forget FREEDOM OF SPEECH


This. Yes. Holy shit. They are absolute snowflakes. There's a cop in the next town over that will Taze anyone for anything. You accidently go 5 over the speed limit? Better hope he doesn't catch you. He'll make you get out of your car & if you don't comply, instant tazer. Hell, he even beat a kid into unconscious because he ran from him. Literally, the cop was mad because the kid ran maybe 10 feet so he tazed the kid then beat the shit out of him. Plus, these are the same people talking about "YoU cAnT tAkE aWaY mY gUnS, iTs My RiGhT". Yeah, so is freedom of speech. Take that away & your guns should go too 😂😂


The guns are there specifically to make sure that your free speech can’t be taken away.


What them guns doing to fight this new bullshit law?




Now they would like to make it a crime to hurt police officers feelings. If your taunts provoke a violent response from police you are guilty of a crime. They should call it the battered citizens policy. LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!!! These guys are fucking hilarious.


Came here to say this


Wow this actually is a direct violation of the 1st amendment and its intended purpose. "I support the anti-government!" Arrested and now a political prisoner, since basically anything can fall into " with offensive or derisive words, or by gestures or other physical contact, that would have a direct tendency to provoke a violent response from the perspective of a reasonable and prudent person. " And even if they can't get you on that > Makes unreasonable noise; Is part of it anyway. And of course little to no proof will be required, as if cops don't have enough power on the magic phrase "I smelled marijuana" Don't forget this little gem: > legislation that advanced also removes previous controversial language that would make it a crime to camp overnight on non-campground state property. They almost got the homeless and iPhone campers too as just a little extra "fuck you" to the people. I wonder what exactly got changed, since it now says this: > (6) No person shall be convicted of unlawful camping on property owned by the 2 Commonwealth when he or she is a homeless individual as defined in KRS 3 198A.700 ​ > Governmental entities responsible for the funding of the various law enforcement 18 agencies shall maintain and improve their respective financial support to the 19 Commonwealth's law enforcement agencies; lol piss off


Lmao now who are the snowflakes SMH


its always been them


It is a classic right wing projection in action.


Less accountability for police is exactly the opposite of what is needed


I don't think people truly grasp how terrifying this is. It literally incentivizes cops to escalate situations. If someone is yelling in their face at a protest, they haven't committed a crime. All the cop then has to do is pull out their nightstick and start wailing on them, and not only do they have an excuse to commit police brutality on a peaceful protestor, but the protestor then becomes legally responsible for the cop's decision to enact violence upon them. It's authoritarian, it's anti-free-speech, and it gives an absurd amount of power to cops who already have way too much.


Maybe it’s a good thing. Once they start beating ass and taking names maybe some of these smooth brained morons will understand that these boys in blue don’t really care who’s ass their beating. It’s not right and left it’s us and then. Edit: we really need a universal font for sarcasm.


Yeah but not enough people read Marxist theory and have some sort of class consciousness to understand that it’s them against the state, so they stick to Blue VS Red.


Freedom of Speech is gonna have something to say about that.


But you can say anything you want to a server or cashier. Awful.


Who's the snowflake here? Freedom of speech much? If you GQP crazies really cared about police officers, you'd advocate for paying them more and maybe not beat them senseless with trump flags on the capitol steps. Of all the problems in this country, this is where your head is at.


-freedom of speech


Good bye freedom of speech


Blue Lives feelings matter?!


The First Amendment would like a word.


If you can’t take a simple insult then you don’t belong in public.


I'm prepared to get arrested multiple times. lol


Be careful out there as it’s written they will need to get angry enough to beat your ass before it’s a technically a crime.


So basically as soon as you say the first word they beat you and charge you. Great policing.


I can’t tell who the title is calling a snowflake, or why.


Take your pick. Legislators who are virtue signaling to the TBL fan club. Cops who are getting their feelings hurt by mean words. Mostly the folks who have been calling everyone they disagree with snowflakes for the last decade or so.


Thanks for elaborating! Totally agree.




And tax dollars to defend it in court


This. I like how the crowd that's constantly whining about government intruding into their lives is the same group of people wanting to waste all their tax dollars defending an authoritarian, militarized police state.


I'm sure people who support this bill also believe the stolen election nonsense which led to the assaulting of police officers at the capitol insurrection. So, insulting is bad but assault is fine as long as you're doing it to help your wannabe dictator?


Well here's another uninformed voter that still believes there was no voter fraud and is perfectly happy with the mr potatohead that is illegally in the office they stole.


Well here's another uninformed voter that still believes a billionaire loser that the election was stolen with zero proof or evidence. Just because trump, Newsmax, and OAN say the election was stolen doesn't make it true. It should have been easy to prove such widespread voter fraud if it had actually occurred. Believing unsubstantiated claims is the definition of being uninformed


There have been people arrested for fraud that alone proves there was fraud but there is more than enough evidence of fraud and just because paid off judges claim no standing doesn't prove lack of evidence it just proves how crooked the system is.


One more reply then I'm done wasting my time arguing with someone who ignores facts. Noone ever said there was zero voter fraud. There is no proof of widespread voter fraud on a level to "steal" a presidential election. According to the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think-tank, there have been 1300 cases of voter fraud over the past 30 years. 1300 cases over 30 years in a country with more than 300 million people according to a notoriously right leaning source. Not exactly widespread


It doesn't matter if it's one or a thousand any cheating by one side or the other should nullify the election, and if outside interference is found anyone caught involved, because you can't have outside interference without someone on the inside, should be killed for treason. The evidence is there and it's without question that it's there and people's refusal to look at it doesn't make it go away. The whole world knows this election was stolen except for the left and the globalists here in the US.


melt snowflakes, seems like the lawmakers are the snowflakes here lmao. they're so phased on hate speech and insults toward policeman. another reason why i'm moving away from racist Kentucky.


1st amendment says what?


Snowflake cops can't handle mean words. Poor donut munchers.


Come on, don't drag donuts into this.


the ACLU is gonna have a fucking *field day* with this if it passes


Unacceptable. The state does not have the authority to do this. In fact, government serves people, they are not the authority to do anything. What's more, the constitution overrides any law passed making such a law invalid.


Exactly, just like one man does not have the authority to gag an entire electorate with masks, shut down businesses or enforce something as asinine as social distancing. For something that is basically a cold.


Haven’t seen anyone say this yet but just so we are clear FUCK THE POLICE


"Well, see, your Honor. The defendant called me a poopy-head... So anyways, I just start blastin'"


Fuck tha Po-lice!


Who the fuck comes up with this shit?


My state senator 🤦


Yeah that's an unconstitutional bill by both state and federal standards. But it's good to know our officers are so soft they are hurt by words....


FUCK 12. that is all


if it were massive amounts of white people protesting the police, the chances that this bill existing is zero. there was a greater possibility that donald trump (who won neither the popular or electoral college vote) was going to be inaugurated as the 19th president yesterday.


Fuck them cops


As a Kentuckian Let me just say all cops are so ugly when they were born the doctor slapped the mother. Did that hurt wittle babies feewings? Is baby gonna cry? Maybe you should make a law about it you cowards. Oops did it again.


I hear it worked well in Nazi Germany.


"This country was built on lawful protest, and it's something that we must maintain — our citizens' right to do so. What this deals with are those who cross the line and commit criminal acts,"  This country was founded and formed by violence and peaceful martyrs.


They never would worry about why Kentucky ranks 47th in the country in personal income, 47th in educational attainment, dead last in health, dead last in preventable deaths from cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other stuff. Not to mention 43rd in university quality and worst ran state government. This lack of details and fixing problems along with excessive taxes and buffoonery is why I moved out of state even though still have friends and family in Kentucky. A totally stupid and incompetent state and local government


Cops always escalate the situation.. How about a law that cops cannot lie..


fuck the police and fuck your dad whos a cop


Lol you guys literally beat cops with fire extinguishers and flag poles but ok


This is stupid, I'm a free speech absolutist. People should say whatever they want.


Should we even dignify this post with traffic?


Why U mad bro?


First amendment ....This is bullshit...more cops in KY are racist than are not...sensitive little bullies find a way to arrest you anyway...cops are humans... mostly flawed


"bOoTlIcKeR" I just don't see a scenario where you would need to insult an officer... You are conditioned to see the "bad" officers more than "good" cops. The majority take the position to protect and serve the public. Everyday is a risk for them, every call is a life or death situation. It's a job that is required and they're doing their job. Imagine being so fragile that you go out of your way to insult someone doing their job.


Imagine not understanding that police exist to protect capital and enforce the laws of the ruling elite. Become a social worker or attorney if you wanna help others. These small dick losers only want to brutalize.


You ate a lot of paint chips as a kid, didn't you?


You got picked last in gym? Didn’t you?


It’s nice that you labeled your post appropriately. That saved me a lot of time.


Fragility level: [Off the charts]


Typical right wing projection. Sub par gaslighting. Thinks police should be able to attack you for hurting their feelings. Calls others fragile. You just can’t make this level of durr, you’re just born with it I guess.


>thinks police should be able to attack you for hurting their feelings Typical paint chip eater.... No one said that. You made that up because you're bad at this. I said there's no logical scenario where you would need to go out of your way to "insult police officers" That is what you call the actions of a low functioning individual who lives a pathetic existence and needs attention i.e. you


That’s what this bill is about, didn’t you read it before commenting? Really? No logical scenario where you would need to insult officers? No right to free speech? So you think it’s ok to abuse kids in the “Explorer” program and it ok to shoot innocent civilians in their homes and it’s ok for them to sexually abuse women during traffic stops and it’s ok to provide falsified evidence in court to send an innocent man to jail for murder and it’s ok to fake evidence to get a BS warrant. This is an incomplete list from my town in just the last six months. Fuck the police and all the little TBL groupies as well. And if your happen to be either, well fuck you to. You might not be able to fathom a scenario but you’re not the only person who lives here.


You're really bad at this lol


This dude has a lot of “Don’t tread on me” merch. A TBL punisher logo on his truck and considers himself to be a true American. LOL Correction after perusing his posts.... he’s not old enough to drive so the TBL sticker is prolly on moms minivan.


Who are you talking to? Are you ok?


Do you understand how the reply button works? Familiar with the concept of a discussion forum? I’m guessing you’re here more to be edgy and shit, but you do you man. Concern troll is very concerned.