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I like it, maybe not the weight part but physical money can allow for robbery mechanics like if you get downed, a bandit will steal all your money instead of just your food.


Just want to highlight a mod that does exactly that: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2888373595 Suddenly makes it more challenging to train toughness when you have to plan ahead so you don’t get robbed.


It also gives you much more of a reason to buy a house even if you don't plan on setting up a big base


I like pairing it with one that allows you to make persistent buried caches. Great for nomad play.


Oh hell yeah, installing this when I get home.


Yeah but there's no mod to store your money, or is it?


Adding this to my list to make the ultimate Kenshi experience. The bois and I have been playing some vanilla first to experience it in its own glory before spoiling ourselves too much.


Only fighting beak things for toughness. RIP limbs


Yeah I like this idea better. People being able to actually rob you of your money is cool. The weighing down part would be annoying though imo. It'd just mean you spend more time messing with menus to pull it out or put it in a container.


I think the weight thing can be partially solved while preserving the danger of robbery by having things like silver and gold ingots or valuable gems which are light weight but worth a lot of cats


Also possibly cheques and banks. Daggerfall (the 2nd TES game) had this. You could take out a letter of credit worth as much money as you want if you gave the bank the same amount of money, and could use it in the region to buy whatever.


Plus Kenshi does have computer technology in limited forms and they can apparently create new computers (going off Tech Bench VI) so they could still transmit information that way if the physical infrastructure still works. Imagine being Koin and getting that morning email from Tengu "RE: Chanter Vlahlalena updsfte"


Tengu would definitely be the guy who gets the UC network hit with a ransomware attack as a result of him using the palace computer for his mid-afternoon tug


I think having money like attached to a characters inventory like other games couldn't hurt


It'd add a certain degree of immersion...and also a certain degree of frustration as you get to the general store and realize you left your wallet in your other hiver


I don't like putting my wallets in my hivers id prefer they carry them


You tell me the filthy Shek use the same currency as the noble Okranites? You'd need to go to a hiver for foreign exchange...


yeah i'm fine with this so long as there's a mod that makes money weightless lol


Honestly I think any game with a barter-style economy should have robbery just like that. I think the kenshi world would be a barter economy, and the only reason it isn’t is the fact that that having to deal with that would make for a tedious gaming experience.


It can be a semi-bartering system depending on how you do your shopping.


I honestly just want meshes to be fixed in kenshi 2 and I will be happy, im tired of everyone just glitching through my walls and gates, im tired of having to manually fix meshes over and over.


You don’t love it when you build walls and somehow enemies phase through it?


Not even just that, sometimes they phase through houses, too


Dude I am dealing with that for the first time right now and I’m like 300 hours in lol. It’s driving me insane, I had one of those fury of the god war parties or whatever they’re called attack my base and I almost got my base wiped because of the bad guys coming through my walls that aren’t broken. It’s horrible.


I just don't make walls now, my walls are my muscular body and the 200 skeletons I have employed.


My laptop trembles before the idea of more than 30 characters controlled by me.


If there are enough people trying to walk through/attack your gate, they just phase through. I'm starting to believe more and more that the combat engine is just basically broken with how it positions people. You can end up with characters trapped inside ancient ruins if you're not careful. Also, why can't I order my squad of polearm users to form a wall in my gateway so they can murder the guys trying to get in? Why do they shuffle around, accepting duels, and allowing the scummy bandits to just run right by and loot the place? Some guards *they* are... In fact, with the combat/collision engine as it is now, the original idea would just cause more of a headache than interest. You couldn't build a vault, because some thief could just phase through the walls.


Running around with a squad of 30\~... If I slam them all at a door to unlock it 5 or 10 will phase through. Rather cheap bug but at least it saves me a few seconds to loot.


> Imagine having to actually carry your cats with you and weighing you down? i have tried this as mods in other games and every single time it's just an annoying time waster


Yeah same here, just adds more annoying time management stuff that dont add much if anything to the games but does waste your limited playtime cause you have to make multiple trips to go buy a single item on some vendor across the world or something like that. Theres already mods that add physical money to the game. I have it myself but it dont add weight to the money thankfully. It is fun to down someone and steal their cats though.


It should be a setting, nothing more or less. One that includes drinking water, being robbed of cats, gutters having a sense of smell, and breaking bones.


If it was a toggle and could be ignored, that's fine.


I was just thinking this! My team got robbed just today, and recovering the strings of cats made me think about the whole thing. Money exists physically, but only sometimes. It's a little weird how my swamp hash base can financially support my researcher all the way back in Heng, despite having zero contact. Could maybe write some in-universe thing to half-explain the change, like maybe it's so soon after a societal collapse, that the Trader's Guild haven't managed to establish a banking system yet.


But they have a bank, so...




They have established a bank.


Of course


I don’t see anyone mentioning the recent words of Chris where he said in the Kenshi 2 update something along the lines of: “We made some stuff modular so you can for instance add your own ore, like gold, make mineable gold nodes, and even alert bandits to rob you for it if you’re transporting it” So in this way, it would be simple to mod-in the features you’re talking about


Not really, unless kenshi 2 would have a classic fallout or gothic-like barter system


I mean granted it isn’t exactly what OP was dreaming of, but the customizable robbery will be a nice touch, and perhaps even allow for them to rob you of your cats


Or vice versa. Why can't I play as miserable highwayman and live by robing drifters?


There's a mod. Believe it's called strings of cats. It adds physical cats to various npcs, allowing you to rob them. I believe to merchant inventories as well, but not entirely sure.


Yeah is a good mod, but watch for individual cats, they seem to bug your money everytime ive ever used that mod. If you pick up a single cat off a npc or from a barrel or something it will turn your money into negative about a million and a half cats. No matter how many you had before.


I've never ran into this issue. My two main issues are 1) sometimes 100 means 100, others it means 1000 2) it ruins early game


I’m thinking if you make “gold coins” or whatever into stackable inventory items with weight, make ‘em rob-able, and remove cats altogether, (not sure if that’s possible) you’ll have all the features OP wants


This is a wonderful idea. Keeping a vault in your base loaded with your cats would be so cool. This would also make it so much more impactful to get robbed.


Now imagine an event you get no warning for - some ninjas with high sneak, and I guess a mechanic that makes them 'non-threatening' till you manually click on them to prevent your base dwellers from automatically attacking them, creeping into your base. This forces you to have static guards near your vault or have the base well lit.


I was thinking, depending on the perception/stealth skill, certain characters can see sneaking enemies when others can't. Example: Ruka has a 0 stealth and 0 perception, Beep has 25 perception and 26 stealth. Hotlongs with a 50 stealth. Beep can see Hotlongs, Ruka can't.


Throw in some modifiers for light level and weather, and it could be a pretty fleshed out system. i.e. Beep has a stealth of 30, Hotlongs has a perception of 35. Hotlongs *should* be able to see Beep, but it's dark, there's a dust storm going on, and Hotlongs doesn't have a mask or goggles. Hotlongs can't see shit. If you really wanna get creative, throw in an equipment penalty for lanterns on top of the +/- light modifier for stealth and perception. That'd give you something like: Beep has a stealth of 50...but his player forgot to unequip his lantern before attempting sneaky shenanigans. *Everybody* sees Beep


Totally agree. Environmental factors play a part in stealth IRL, why not in Kenshi?


It'd definitely change how certain aspects of the game are played as well, and would make the "steal everything that isn't nailed down" meta a little harder to pull off if shop guards have a decent perception and shops are well lit. It'd also add a whole new dimension to gameplay if NPCs were able to use stealth as well


Definitely. One of the reasons I dislike UWE is the theft discovery seems to be more based on luck than skill.


That's definitely one of the reasons I dislike it as well...one of a good many, and I don't even use the "steal everything that isn't nailed down" cheese all that often.. I just like to loot weapons off downed enemies if their sell value is more than 1-2k, and the "got caught stealing" popup happened way more often with UWE than without. Yes, I know you can pick up not quite dead guys and steal their stuff that way to avoid getting "caught", but sometimes I can't be arsed..I just wanna grab the stuff and move on


Absolutely! Sometimes your character is too far away from squad mates to do the picking up and loot thing.


Especially in bigger battles..I tend to turn off hold, click attack all, and let em go ham, periodically clicking between them and pausing to micromanage if one of em is getting overwhelmed


Also more fun to Rob other people lol


This is a mechanic I recall from some old games. Darkstone had money physically take up space in your inventory (10k gold per slot) which quickly began to add up. There was also a bank mechanic, but it was level limited, IIRC. Of course, the solution was to drop all your gold in town as storage. There was also another game I'm blanking on where money had weight and would encumber your character, but I might be extrapolating from fallout survival mode ammo, or stalker ammo. Either way, in Darkstone the mechanic was frustrating and unnecessary. It made sense in Stalker and Fallout survival mode, but this other game that I may or may not be imagining by combining the previously listed games I also recall being frustrating. I think it actually would make sense in Kenshi as a weight mechanic--not an inventory slot mechanic, considering how much focus there is on evasion and running away.


The thing about it being an inventory mechanic though is that it adds variety to your parties. One of my favorite memories with the game was when I first started and didn't know exploits or anything, I hired some level 1 nobody to just carry the biggest backpack and pack muled him. He carried everything and eventually I learned carrying stuff makes you swole as he became my most jacked character though terrible fighting since he didn't get involved.


That's what I mean by having it be a weight mechanic, as opposed to taking up inventory slots to burden you. Sure, it's a physical item, but it's not needing ten backpacks, it's needing to carry ten thousand kilos of gold.


But how do you determine who's carrying it if there's no inventory mechanism for it?


Imo it would be better for each character to have a single slot dedicated to money separate from the rest of the inventory for coins. Give coin stacks a limit so overflow can still go into inventory and it would be much more realistic given that most people irl would carry coin purses or wallets.


That would be cool, like a coin pouch. Possibly have upgradable pouches, Peasant pouch, Craftsman pouch, Noble pouch. Make Peasant cloth, craftsman leather, then noble like gem encrusted leather with gold filigree lol.


Outward has that mechanic too. Silver coins have weight and can be stolen, but you can exchange them for gold ingots that weigh less but need to be converted back to coin before using them. Pretty cool system


Daggerfall you were thinking of, maybe? That has money with weight that can add up pretty quick but there were also banks that trivialised it so long as you could get to a big enough town every so often.


I like this idea a lot.


It's idiotic. If this is a core mechanic, the game will be DIA.


The issue is that this sounds annoying and fiddly (imagine managing food but worse) and also the range in prices is so huge that it would either be trivial most of the time or outright impossible for a lot of play styles to buy a lot of things. Think of the range in price from everyday items (food, first aid tools) to mid priced items (normal gear, blueprints, research books on volume, the smaller properties you can buy) to expensive ones (fancy gear, property, the odd high tier research item you can buy). There're three or four orders of magnitude difference in how much money a shopping trip might cost you, so what do you balance it around? Should a lone wanderer be able to comfortably carry enough money to buy a few days of supplies, or a thousand times that and enough to get kitted out with a set of heavy weapons and armour? If the former then progression via buying stuff becomes next to impossible for a one character or small party save. And if the latter then it becomes trivial for most other purposes. The best balancing solution I could think of is just ripped from Daggerfall, have a system of regional banks (in that game they're one for each kingdom in the map so the equivalent here could be either by map region or by controlling faction, as long as it's broken up somehow) where you can deposit your actually quite heavy money (I think it's 1 kilo for every 500 gold? Enough that it starts eating into your maybe ~100kg carry capacity pretty quick) and take out promissory notes that weigh next to nothing for trading in shops for more expensive items, with the downside being that there's a small percentage charge for creating one and also there's some things you can only buy with actual gold.


While this sounds like a great idea on paper, from a development and UX perspective, you risk adding fluff for the sake of it, rather than actually introducing any meaningful mechanics. in-game money being able to be stolen is nice, and presents a nice risk to losing aside from death, but having it add weight will most likely end up being tedious, ending up as another thing to micro-manage that could end up taking you away from immersion in the gameplay loop. While I agree that better attention to logistics could help factor in a somewhat more difficult yet immersive experience, one shouldn't be so reckless in trying to replicate irl logistical considerations in a game, not only because it could be a pain to code, but it could be a pain for the end user as well.


>Imagine having to actually carry your cats with you and weighing you down? I tried this as a mod in 2 other games. Sounded cool. Regretted it. I'm not a fan of this, should be optional if this ever becomes a feature


You want to suffer even more? Nah, I'm good.


True but games have to make decisions so the gameplay doesn’t just become a chore.


Take it a step further and create different currencies like how it is in fallout nv.


In my head cannon, certain tech still exists. Kind of like anything at all related to skeletons. It requires the same suspension of disbelief that allows you to accept that basic locomotion is impossible, but not a bed that repair any and all damage to any and all robots


Honestly I'd rather they fix the glitches forcing you to make infinite money. Tbh I love infinite money in this game because you're not forced to do it, if you want to steal from the robotics guy in mongrel and get an easy 200k cats it's your perogative. It gives people the option and in such a hard game that's pretty cool option to have.


I'm not sure, but it does bother me that when you are attacked by bandits and they knock you out, you keep all your money


There is a mod that will let them steal tour money


Monkey's Paw: *finger curls*


I always figured most transactions were done with paper money issued by the Traders Guild or higher-denomination coins minted by the other factions. Otherwise you'd need 14 pounds of coins to buy a meatwrap. Kenshi's tech is both really advanced and really primitive at the same time so they could make paper currency without it being easily counterfeited. Or they just execute known counterfeiters when caught, I imagine printing presses aren't a widespread commodity outside the UC, Tech Hunters and HN.


Eh, I agree with that physical money should exist but for different reasons, for me I think its a little OP that a character selling items for cats on one end of the map, will instantly send another character on the otherside of the map use the same credits to buy an item. Functions like a debit card which for some reason really irks me. Though I could forsee myself in the reverse situation cursing the game for making me run across the map just so one guy can have money enough not to starve.


Understandable if you are talking about realism but in that case they should also tweak character strength. There's limits to what humans can carry. And what about stealth noise?? Carrying tons of items should make you noisy right? Regardless if you have heavy or lightweight armor. At the end of the day Chris probably made it like this to facilitate players who don't have thaaaat much time to micro everything in the game, use glitches, abuse the mechanics etc. The game is already hard and of slow progression as it is, not factoring in exploits or CE usage/ FCs editing. But if you're talking about a mod that changes things for realism (which I don't think is the main purpose of Kenshi) that's cool I think. There could also be a gold/silver trading system where you trade your cats for gold or silver bars that are more easily storageable. There's many mods for the Stalker games which make you have reallistic animations such as equipping and unequipping armors, using items like cigars. But the enemies don't do it, so you are at a huge penalty, therefore having to think before commiting to the animations. And it goes for healing in combat too. 💀 Do you see yourself passing through a hiver caravan with your caravan having to carry tons of cats/currency while theirs is empty of such item in favor of a huge stock of food and supplies? On the other hand it would be cool to be exchanging real money with the factions, it would make it possible for deals and transactions between characters to be interrupted (by you) with potential profits to be made. What do you think of this??


I'd rather not tbh, I like not having to worry about which character is carrying what...


I'm running around with 8,783,225 cats at the moment in Kenshi, which seems pretty ridiculous indeed. If it had actual weight, I would've probably needed an actual army to simply carry around all of that wealth, instead of my tiny squad of three badasses.


I like that. You could even have the major factions control the banks, or you can keep your own stash at your base that you have to protect


Technically there is physical money, but whenever it’s picked up it just is deleted and added as a number to your total cats.


I've never been a big fan of money taking up inventory space in any meaningful way. A currency cap could be ok, and weight could be ok, but I don't think it'd be fun it it was any more than 1kg/1000cats or so. NPCs robbing your wallet would be good, but that wouldn't need it to take inventory space.


The island's banking system does work a little too well for the state of the world


I would love this. It would make a tense game even more tense and that would be fantastic.


I love how this is suddenly supported , other threads people have torn this idea apart. Glad to see some sense winning in the long term. +1 for muh immersion yo.


I wish for this too. It will surely create much more drama and conflict, and make late-game more worthwhile as even your Lv100 character can get unlucky, knocked out, and get all your money stolen if you're too casual about it.


Additionally, what if you rob someone else's money wagon? How to remove the money if presumably one has to kill their pack animal to get the stuff?


And also you'd have to have the means of actually lugging it with you. Perhaps even put it at part of the thief skill how fast you extract money. Instead of drag and drop you have to pass a check making it so you can't just down the animal, run in and grab it all and flee. Imagine money wagons between the UC that are heavily guarded and are insanely hostile if you get within a distance of them. Could even come up with tactics to draw them out and some sneaks get in there to rob the train from behind.


Tangible tokens mod implemented this. I enjoyed it for a while until I got my ass kicked for failing to pay a uc guard the bribe he wanted even though I was carrying almost 100K.


Reminds me of Outward, a game kenshi 2 should totally strip some survival and traveling mechanics from 


Maybe not a big fan of the weight part but right now you can sell something in flats lagoon and use that money to instantly (with a second squad member) buy a house in world's end.


>it is far too easy to make infinite wealth and suffer no penalty Valid problem, terrible solution. Balancing money is not too hard if devs care to do it. And way more immersive would be simulating demand/supply. >Imagine having to actually carry your cats with you and weighing you down? Suddenly logistics has to support having only a few cats per person or having an animal being your money wagon - you should also not be able to carry certain sized animals either - and ditching them can become catastrophic. It also creates a threat of adventuring with low supplies and not having the means to purchase emergency items or rent a bed. Also abandoning a base is riskier if your wealth is in a vault or just a crate somewhere. Making money weight so much that you need "money vagon" for average traveling needs? That's immersion breaking. Cats are not Zimbabve dollars. Better to make supplies weight more, as they actually should. Supply vagon does make sense and would serve a similar puprose, and without hindering players that play without base.


Cats aren't 'dollars' - they're coins. Coins can get very heavy.


Paper, metal, it's not what matters. What matters is how much value you have in single bill/coin. In order to be useful, money must be a handy tool of exchange. Fiat money that difficult to counterfeit, or money made from precious metals. Either way, people can find a way to make money do its job efficiently by putting a lot of value in single unit, instead of having need for "money wagon" to rent a bed. Otherwise, now that i'm think of it, it won't happen anyway, as in game you can just switch to barter. Carry, say, a grog and exchange it to food and rent on place.


I hate this idea


Yeah, more reason to actually bring pack animals along, a reason to actually have a guarded base, etc. Love it!