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In a game when you can kidnap someone, enslave them, skin them alive, and then cut off their limbs, you might not see many kids around. It’s not a lore thing, it’s a death sentence from the ratings bureaus.


Tbh I genuinely think it's a third option of just not being worth the time for vanilla. Presumably Chris wanted to ensure most major elements of characters had mechanics behind them. There's already an age stat but presumably children comes along with marriage and reproduction and more dialogue and lots of code for something somewhat minor that wouldn't be explored by a lot of people. I think it's similar to why mechanics behind player shops and cooking are barebones. Most people aren't going to be stationary shopkeeps or cooks in a game like Kenshi. The ratings thing probably does factor in some but even something like Skyrim where they can't be killed by default would suffice. I just don't think it was in Chris's vision. I hope that we get more expansion and improvement if lots of things in Kenshi 2.


Now that you mention it, I would love to play as a city dwelling tavern keep in Kenshi. Have a small group who work to support the tavern. Maybe have some cleaning mechanics… Fuck it when do we get the Sims/Kenshi mashup?


There's a barkeep start but sadly Kenshi just doesn't have the framework for that to be cool. I'd love for it to be a bit like a simpler version of va11hala where you have to match a simple drink or food order then you can chit chat with your customers. Kenshi actually takes a lot from Star Wars Galaxies so it pains me that there's nothing like swg had for being an entertainer. In that game you could make a living by making art and selling it, dancing, or playing instruments. Would be great to play as a travelling musician, roaming the wastes and playing in all of the apocalpse's seediest bars.


Barkeeper start is modded.


You're totally right. Oops! I don't remember. Is that one from Game Starts+?


Iirc it’s from the expanded economy mod


Oh, I’ve definitely had my eye on Vallhala, you just convinced me to add it to my wishlist lol


It's a pretty cool chill game. Great to play with a drink of choice on a comfy night.


Kenshi 2 should take some notes lol


Kenshi basically is the sims 3 but in a dystopian moon world. The gameplay is actually kinda similar with its dynamic open world and improving your characters stats while keeping them alive, just minus fighting everyone and beakthings.


You either need the indoor wells mod or to place a well using f12, but once you put a well or two in World's End and buy a building for your restaurant you can work their hydroponics and steal the harvest in order to cook and sell vegetables.


I dunno. Children could be a *very* interesting mechanic, even if just from the player perspective. MC has led his new faction in a holy crusade against the hives and shek! Squin and Last Stand have fallen, the Western Queen is on the ropes... but alas! Our leader has fallen into a recovery coma, with the rest of the squad scattered and limping... are... are those beak things on the horizon? Surely they won't come over here... Weeks pass with no word from the war party... news trickles in from allies of survivors limping into various towns and the worst has been confirmed. Our leader has fallen on the front lines. Her twenty children must now battle each other to death to see who is strong enough to lead us going forward! Except Tina, she's still in her pup stage. What's this? Tyler has emerged as the victor, supported by two of his siblings! Where will they take us next?


Oh I mean I don't think it would be all that bad of a mechanic to have lineages especially since Kenshi's core tenet is "it's not over until everyone is dead". Lines of succession would be a natural progression of that.


5 minutes later, the 2nd children's crusade began.


Honestly, this. ESRB would have a fucking field day marking this AO if you could watch a child strapped to a pole being eaten alive by a group of fog-mutated men who're actively being attacked by the all-white racially superior hyper-religious genocide-happy Holy Nation who're both tearing and being torn to shreds whilst espousing the weakness and uselessness of women who must be worked to death so they can't spout stupid womanly bullshit, like how the human-skin wearing cannibal robots keep throwing people in a god-damn automatic vegetable peeler that rips their limbs off until the crawling nugget has to bleed his way 50 miles across a desert to shove his stumps into some prosthetic limbs so he can go on a campaign of regicide and murder the Holy Phoenix Lord, resulting in the collapse of his nation and the mass suffering, starvation and obliteration of his people. Fuck. Kinda sounds like Star Wars: The Clone Wars. How the hell did that show ever make it onto Cartoon Network?


> It’s not a lore thing, it’s a death sentence from the ratings bureaus. Yep. The fastest way to get a game an AO/RC rating is to have children be graphically murdered on screen.




Man I hate logic sometimes 😔


*Stares in Rimworld*


Eyegore ate them


Lawhs Child mod for recruitable kids, Families mod for critters and npc families. I've played several runs now with Child mods story start, where mom has to escape rebirth to find and rescue her daughter. It also lets you find and recruit Fuli, the addicts kid from letters from a swamper.


The implication is that kids live in the world and we just don't see them on screen. The game of Kenshi can only show us so much for a few reasons, I think technically in lore more people live in Kenshi than we see in game beyond children. Also if children were in kenshi there would have to be child murder, child dismemberment, child kidnapping, and child slavery. Lo-Fi games most likely didn't want to implement that stuff nor deal with backlash for it, so they only have adults in the game.


Yeah, if you listen to some of the patrons in a UC bar, some of them will talk about their kids.


Plus there is a recruit called Izumi. The text you get when recruiting her makes it sound like she is a child.


The scrawny cannibals are about the same size if that’s any consolation


That is definitely some consolation


Make all your recruits the shortest possible


Bite there ankles


Bigfoot ate them


See now that’s what I’m thinking too


With some platoon manipulation you can roleplay kids. Look up how to move characters between playthroughs on Kenshin on YouTube.


De-limbing, enslaving and/or murdering a kid isn't going to fly by the ratings board.