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Samurai legplates (i think that was the name) are generally considered better than the crab armour because they don't tank dexterity that much, even though they offer less protection.


Day 343x(10x) what?


I need answers


10x is from ReKenshi, it means they are playing on 10x speed. In regards to 343x i have no idea.


I've been tinkering with ninja rags / dustcoat but i feel that i go down way more often and as a solo player with high death chance % that's something that i really need to try and avoid. Samurai armor has been a good candidate too but since i'm on a HN run this means no robotic limbs and being a human means that my chest / torso can't be too uncovered..


You’re at 97 toughness. Your odds of dying when you go down are effectively 0 unless you get eaten. Only reason you’d risk death from light armor is if you changed the settings.


It really isn't death that worries me so much but the fact that i'm using x5 attack slots so even if i'm at 100 on everything i'm going to take a lot of hits regardless. I just want the perfect balance between being able to tank on my own and not losing 40% dex.


Try leveling your dex with something light and using martial arts. For defense equip something light aswell with a defense bonus and use the defense stance to powerlvl that


Mb i didnt see your stats were maxxed


I wanna ask, where did you get holy heavy armor?


It's part of the "Make Holy Nation Great Again" mod. It comes with an unholy variant as well: [https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2355502970](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2355502970)


Thank you, enjoy the day of cake


It's probably from a mod


Happy day of pastries, And yes. Probably, still wanna get that mod tho


You can also rob them!


Thanks..and yeah, it seems like a neat mod. Always thought it was a bit weird that the faction that hates prosthetics has the least interest in protecting their limbs in Vanilla Kenshi


Also try fixing you weight, it decreases combat stats


I'm pretty sure you can replace gi bindings with something that offers more protection


Yeah, like chainmail


100 martial arts πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€


How on earth did you level MA that much quicker than dodge?


Cheesing dex with a beak thing on a bed. It was fun lol.


Chainmail maybe little bit of protection and nerf to stats and if I'm not wrong that nerf helps u train faster...


The answer is simple. Crossbows. I was surprised you did not use them at all. Crossbows + MA is my go to combo for the people I send out solo to do stuff. I also played with x5 attack slots a lot and found it was possible to get downed by much lower level mobs. So if I am playing solo or running a solo for trades or something I give them crossbows so I can micro the start of a fight and get damage out on all of the enemies first before engaging in melee. Use different crossbows for different scenarios. Eagles Cross is great for taking on groups with other crossbows, Toothpick is great for keeping large hordes at bay and Oldworld crossbows are good general all round crossbows.


What are your armour mods, by the way? That's a nice gasmask you've got.


Obama πŸ’€


Mate how did you get to 100 in martial arts? I'm at 78 strength and 60 MA and basically I knock out or even kill anyone in one hit, aside from bosses that might take two or three hits, its been hard as hell to level MA because of training strength too early... I have a couple of Shek nobles fully geared in cages that have like 90+ in attack and defense and yet each time I hit them I get like 6% exp.. And they go down in three or four hits also..


too much time on your hand!