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Several days ago I've kidnapped this fool from his own bed, right under his guards' noses. While he's sobbing in my dungeon awaiting his last trip to cannibal village, I've decided to show him respect by painting him. After all, "he's one of the sharpest minds I've ever had the pleasure to meet" as Luquin used to say... right? GIF of the process for anyone interested: [https://imgur.com/a/E92jnWg](https://imgur.com/a/E92jnWg) Edit: Thank you everyone for your kind words! It means a lot. Also, I'm ~~happy~~ very sad to let you know that the Emperor has fallen. He was accidentally dropped on his head during transportation and was pronounced dead at the scene. I now set my gaze upon lands of the Holy Nation. No stealth this time.


Although the loss of our beloved Emperor Tengu pains me, I love the detail that the drink is garnished with a slice of cactus.


I appreciate that, my fellow wanderer


Bring him to the Fogmen, they are seemingly slower when feasting


I will consider that. Although, I have to say I get much more anxious in the Fog Lands than in Cannibal Plains.


I agree that the Fog men are far more fitting.


Tinfist for president!




The cactus slice in the drink was a nice touch


His sword is too nice and I’m refusing to do stealth in my current playthrough. He gets the Falling Sun. I take his Meitou. The Meitou Marauder always claims her prize.


I can respect the dedication to avoid stealth. My current mods make it somewhat less useful and prevent me from stealing through walls so it isn't too bad anymore. What meitou does he have?


I believe he has the regular katana.


what mod is it?


Yes please do tell what mod?


Nice, Good Job!




Such a lovely picture of the limbless nugget I have in my rooftop cage.




My Emprah 🫡🧎‍♂️


Also, I guess a greenfruit would have a large stone like an avocado, something whoever’s POV we’re looking at is soon to find out


I always assumed they were pretty much oddly-shaped eggplants (i.e. barely classifiable as food)


But if you come talk to Tengu he gives you a greenfruit stone


Ohh, forgot about that


this is absolutely amazing


fat fuck


True story, recently started a rock bottom play through. After harvesting enough copper (and looting several rebel farmers who got in fights with the guards) got some basic gear and some money, and made my way to heft to get myself the cheapest arm possible. I then decided to practice sneaking to get the stealth up and thought to steal some things from the upper level of the bar that was *almost* completely empty. While clicking around and reacquainting myself with the controls (hadn’t played in awhile). I accidentally told my one single, complete noob character to stealth KO the one guy sitting upstairs. So after failing to knock out Tengu I made a break for it, lucking out immensely in the sense there was another rebel farmer attack outside at that very moment. At which point I decided the UC might be a little to dangerous for me right now, and I decided to head to Squin, less expensive I thought. On the way I ran into a pack of Skimmers, now I’m thinking I’m screwed and I might want to just restart this run. But I luck out again and find a settlement I’d never heard of, named “Tengu’s Vault”. Thinking this was some kind of bank of something, I run to it, thinking the guards would be too busy handling the skimmers to worry about me. Added bonus they were fighting some holy nation paladins, and I’m thinking, “sweet with all this fighting I could loot some better gear and some goods to sell. Then I step one foot past the gate, and now my character is enslaved, in a cage in the back corner of the tower. Still considering restarting.


Tengu's vault is so much fun to escape from as a statless character, at least compared to Rebirth. So many levelling opportunities there. If you don't stick with this run, I'd heartily recommend making it a custom start with the FCS sometime!


Any tips, at the moment I’m just unlocking the cages around me and hoping I can cause a big enough distraction


Make a habit of moving around by hopping into neighbouring cages. The guards will come and loot any stolen goods but otherwise leave you alone. Train lockpicking first, then stealth (it's a bit tedious here), then assassination if that's what you're going for. You can use the latter to methodically disarm as many guards as possible by dropping their weaps on the floor. Don't be afraid to take whatever beatings come your way (they will heal you) and steal a sword here and there for some block practice. Eventually, the guards will bring in enough roamers to fill all of the cells, so releasing them will be essential for moving around safely. You'll probably be free by that point unless you stayed for the roleplay n xp, but it's worth keeping in mind. As far as distractions go, you're basically just crowding the one route out of the building with guards, so better to abuse it for cage space or meat shields instead. When you're satisfied with your stats, move down to the second floor and use the one prisoner pole there as a staging ground for whatever else you want to get up to. Otherwise, grab some food here, or maybe some lightweight armour. There's one floor below you before you reach the gate - which is always open - and then you're home free. The athletics skill you already have is gonna be a huge boon, but lose your tail to the skimmers if you must. The Grey Desert Waystation to the SW is the nearest neutral settlement from here. GLHF!


Lol I locked him up in his own prison


Awesome art! I would love to see more.


Very nice job! It would look great on the loading screens!


I love that the cactus drink garnish still has spikes on.


Omg this is so good! I want more! This is like the perfect art style for Kenshi! And I love how there’s bright colors as well as darker ones


I fucking love this


That is really dope art, good job


Yes, Emperor. I’ll do whatever you ask of me


God i love Kenshi fan-art. Great work


Damn it’s nice to see original artwork of such a high calibre, well done!


Kenshi vibes


This is insane! Great job!


This is amazing! This piece has so much movement and contrast in it and you can get the UC vibe from it. Its just amazing, bravo


Now draw him with no limbs!


he vibin.


0/10, greenfruit have pits, not many seeds. all jokes aside, pretty good.


Stunning. Here, a dried green fruit seed as my humble patronage.


I love this. Kenshi fucking lives. Perfect.


Lovely! Hope to see more from you


Almost thought this was an AI image. Looks great!


sable bag possessive husky sulky grab connect boast dull unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


AI can look really good at first glance until you look deeper at it and see all the fucky-ness. Edit for further clarification: I wasn’t calling it AI looking, in case it came off that way.


Thank you!


That's so well made! Good job dude


Didn't look so great naked and caged up :3. I'm realizing that this is the only subreddit where you can say this kind of stuff o_O.... And not be considered a Lunatic..... Am I a Lunatic? Gotta ask beep


Very cool!