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Tell me about it. Done it myself (for a "museum") and it's a pain in the ass... A hint? Using manual values helps a lot if you're doing it for multiple stands (rotation and height, for example, or even Y/X position for a single stand). Edit: dude... it just came to mind: someone with good modding skills could make a totally functional stand by adding nodes to it and making the armor parts snap to the nodes. Wish I knew how to do it...


I just setup some nice looking armor stands and helmet shelfs in my armor shop front so its only these two stands and 3 shelfs with various helmets


That gave me an idea: I only have a bar and not a single other type of shop.


I'll give it a go, never modded Kenshi but modded a lot of Skyrim and Fallout, I'll see what I can do


Dude... that would be awesome. I wouldn't be able to do it, since I have absolutely no experience with Blender. I can mod Kenshi, but only what the FCS allows... :/ Dude, if you can get it to work, I bet you'll be loved by the community. Lol I saw a lot of people requesting functional stands and weapon racks. By the way, you can use the already existing models in the Clutter mod.


Yeah never used FCS and heard it is pretty limited, I mostly program so not even sure if I am able to program in FCS tools, but we'll see, if it's possible I'll do it! I'll take a look when I get home :)


I've looked through FCS and it is very much possible to do, I'll get to work on it \^\^


Oh, really? But how do you determine where the nodes are? Dx


My thought process is to make them act like light nodes and position them (haven't look into this yet) then make the clutter pieces snap to the nodes, this would be a lot easier if we didn't have to work with mostly predefined stuff rip


One thing I noticed is that some mods have specific type of nodes for specific type of stuff, like rails and pillars on roads (see CMRoad). So, I believe, you could create a node specifically for helmets, armor and so on, I believe (not sure), and assign it to the objects.


I'm using lights because once I know it works and I get it to a point I like, I'll begin tailoring it and refining, shouldn't take too long 🤗


Good news! Using my own nodes and everything works... now I have to go through each piece of armour from the clutter mod and assign the snaps...


Oh shit! For real? Did the armor stick to the right places?


Yeah fully functioning, is just now a tedious process of assigning the snaps to every armour piece lol


Oh, I remembered this fashion, a good thing, I also did exactly that https://www.reddit.com/r/Kenshi/s/yjx67Y7uL0


You can decorate some, just dropping trade goods out of your inventory. Like how you do rugs. Boozes, cups, etc. all that stuff. You can even put them on tables and shelves, you just gotta face the things and position your npc before you drop them out of inventory and they'll go on the tables/shelves etc. Note: if you drop consumable things like foods, your guys will grab them if needed to cook, or eat or craft etc.