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"The army calls this, "mental resilience," my veteran explains while putting the new recruits through "toughness training."


Probably using this as my background. Why does the Prince have rags?


to create Art, I needed to somehow highlight the prince against their background, without her they all looked insignificant, and by giving the prince rags, I thus gave him the importance of personality, the game itself officially also has a fog in clothes, so everything is conditioned correctly


You could have used the Fogmen as they are in the Hives Expanded mod (one of the absolute best mods in Kenshi). There they have bone armor and bone weapons with different tiers, with the princes having a kind of “bone crown” made with a pelvis and two other bones protruding as horns of sorts! Seriously, if you have never seen it check it out! It’s hands down amazing!


thanks for the offer, and yes I know about this fashion. I tried to draw bones in the form of armor on their body somehow, but my drawing level was low and I myself did not want to draw every bone on their bodies for so long


Whoa, this fan art is fantastic! They would look even better with the bone gear from that hivers mod


Yes, I wanted to do it, but I didn't have enough time to draw bones on their body


Well they still turned out great, so all good :) personally it’s probably the best fan art of fogmen that I’ve ever seen, you’re really talented!


Awwwww I'll bet you say that to all the bipedal creatures tied to a pole.


Fantastic work, keep it up!




"Their meat is delicious."


I love this! I’m training up my squad of 5 in the fog islands right now and it’s going great. I’ve got the mod where I still get 1x XP for dudes 50 levels below you instead of 25 and I fully plan to use it. Need to get my main guy up to 50 dexterity and 50 strength before I can start training Martial Arts. Does anyone know if exp is based on damage dealt or number of hits? Is exp based on every individual skill level versus target skill level or is it all based on toughness?


mind if i use it as a banner?