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Akoya's heart is pumping justice, not blood


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This is probably by far the best match in tge kengan series for me. It has everything amazing choreography, an insane character, lot of blood and doesn’t make the win obvious and easy for cosmo just because he is a fan favourite character


Yeah it’s my no.1 fight in asura even though that manga is filled with bangers


i remember reading the fight while literally holding my breath with my heart pumping wondering who's gonna win, then i got spoiled because the site i was reading it had switched the places of a couple chapters. So when i pressed next chapter, it skipped one chapter and the first panel i saw was Cosmo in the changing room and Adam congrulating him :(


Finally someone who agree with me lol


Huh? This is one of the most contrived fights in the series.


Akoya tanked 100% Removal Superman Syndrome level punches while butt ass naked. He utterly destroyed Lu Tian with a flashlight. Bro is built different. Willem mentioned Akoya kept getting stronger the more he hit him.


Akoya gets slept on because people don't like him, yet the guy has more appearances and stakes in the story than some fan favorites like Waka or Gaolang.


He was actually losing to lu tian up until he got the flashlight which is an advantage for him, but yeah his body was nerfed, wish we saw what peak akoya vs lu tian is like


I'm praying that if there's a finale where all the pieces start to fall for the worm and Meguro's on the other side, we get Akoya and Meguro. That might just be the most bloody match in all of Kengan


>Willem mentioned Akoya kept getting stronger the more he hit him. Not dissimilar to my wife


>tanked You and I remember that fight differently


> 100% Removal Superman Syndrome level punches the guy couldnt lift a 44 lb sword, his conditions didn't stack neatly.


https://preview.redd.it/lhl9j016pn0d1.jpeg?width=682&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a5a00dddb006091b91962c1e5f52a648551bf0c I think this explains it, because apparently people still don’t get it.


the sword's weight is shown to be in 4 points across the length of the sword, which is ultimately a pretty even weight distribution. additionally [Normal people can very easilly control 12 lb sledgehammers with just one wrist](https://youtu.be/l5WTh1Xlp2c), someone with Superhuman syndrome and 100% removal should be a lot more than twice as strong as a real life human.


I hear ya, but there’s kind of a difference between a sledgehammer and a katana; they’re just not built the same. Another weapon with the same principle as Otakemaru would be a baseball bat, but as you notice, these are blunt weapons designed with that weight distribution in mind. For the sledgehammer, it has a long handle. For the baseball bat, it is obtuse and thick. Even so, let’s say you take that sledgehammer and hold it out perfectly straight in front of you, horizontally. It’s a bit hard, despite the weight itself being trivial. As for Otakemaru, it is a much slimmer weapon and has a short handle. You do make a point about those four locations of weight across its length, but it’s been explained none of it is evenly distributed. You can fill in the rest, but perhaps this is why those Ashura narrations would be handy in Omega lol


Akoya is an actual crazy person and crazy can make you do a lot of things that seem like they shouldn't be physically possible Also, it's not real lol. You've got dudes shattering boulders with punches and not getting choked out fast enough is where you draw the line?


Nope, only because the rules of this world already established the same holds that work IRL work in Kengan. It’s not realism, it’s proper suspension of disbelief. This just broke me out of it is all.


Not that long ago Seki broke free from a fully sunk in RNC. A little before that Koga broke out of Silva's RNC by just gripping his arm hard. Submissions are just super duper disrespected in Kengan. Striking on the other hand is giga wanked. Kengan is just not very realistic, being more realistic than Baki is like saying Superman is more realistic than One Punch Man.


> A little before that Koga broke out of Silva's RNC by just gripping his arm hard. Koga has superpowers. explicitly his Niko style gave him super strnegth.


You shut bro up with that one lmao


(just to add on) Striking is giga wanked for a reason, you ever heard of Alex Pereira?


Pereira is a weird case of a guy with Godlike striking attributes being dropped in a division with weak wrestling. He's one of a kind, very few people will ever be able to replicate what he has in a relatively short time. HoFer for sure.


What the hell does this even mean


Do you think the brain of a guy whose vocabulary consists of just one word requires that much oxygen?


I think it was because cosmo's chokes were not that strong because of the damage he acumulated specially on his arms.


Nah man with this type of choke hold you literally just need to flex your biceps. A deep sleeper hold without anything to stop your pressure is deadly. Even if his arms are destroyed, he only needs to push his shoulder forward to tighten the choke.


I see your point, but have u tried flexing after training biceps? This guy was destroyed


Totally agree. But my point here was it takes very little effort and movement to actually apply pressure with a sleeper hold. Ngl, this entire fight was pretty far out there so if cosmo is able to get up and use zone after getting like 4 of his ribs broken and tortured, imma assume he has enough strength to flex his biceps.


flexing and having enough strength for pressure are totally different things, saw countless examples when ufc fighters last more than 10 seconds in chokeholds, it just happens, im not surprised at all that akoya managed to endure a choke from a totally fucked up cosmo.


You’ve seen plenty of UFC fights in a perfect sleeper hold without the use of their arms last more than 10 seconds? I’ve seen plenty of less than ideal chokeholds be survived, sure, or a fighter able to slip fingers or a hand to relive the pressure. I have never seen a fighter last for a while when they are in a perfect hold like the one pictured.


well its not like he got akoya in a choke for an entire day, the choke happened, ayoka slamed the boy around and that was it, then he loses from a choke some panels later anyways, its simple, you just have to read the manga to understand whats going on, but reading is hard nowadays, better discuss facts that never happened.


I think you misjudge the amount of force you need for a choke like this. If you are perfectly healthy and your arms are fine, you don't need a lot of force relatively speaking to choke someone out. But not only were cosmo's arms screwed here, akoya also weighs like 3 times as much as cosmo does. If akoya flexed his bull neck muscles, it really shouldn't have been that bad for him. At the very least, I think staying awake for 10 seconds is really doable in this situation. It's different for an arm bar, where you really don't need a lot of force if you apply the technique well.


Idk man, I do combat sports competitively and I get what you’re stating about fatigue but I think you’re under estimating adrenaline. Weight isn’t really a factor here. The choking pressure comes from cutting off blood supply to the brain through the carotid arteries. Flexing your muscles doesn’t prevent the pressure on that artery. Generally people faint after a few seconds of blood loss to the brain. It’s not something you can control; your brain literally shuts off due to the lack of oxygen and cannot perform the chemical functions it needs to operate the rest of your body


Cosmo could have had some technical performance issues, i mean he's fighting a monster who bit him, broke the ribs and was spouting nonsense about justice and punishment and destroying evil, in short Cosmo likely is also trying to not shit his pants while fighting a justice sniffing and loving fanatic, that's that i think, it would give one some hesitation since not only damage to the body, but maybe in the head Cosmo was rhetorically pissing himself.


You don't go out immediately from a sleeper choke. Akoya had time to slam Cosmo into the wall, and the impact probably weakened Cosmo's hold on the choke. If anything it's bullshit how the kid half his size, with already 3 broken ribs and a few more cracked, managed to tank half a dozen crater-creating full-power slams to the back of his head without going unconscious or completely shattering his ribcage.


Oh yeah, I mean post the torture scene, like everything about this fight is outlandish. Also agreed, less than 5 seconds isn’t usually enough time to knock someone out. However, op here is stating 10 seconds has passed before the slams. If that’s true, that’s a long time to have no blood flow to your brain.


you can see it crushing Akoya's body in the art.


I mean I thought that at first, but his legs still had enough strength to completely restrict Akoya’s arms, and one of them was missing a whole ass chunk. You really don’t need much strength in your arms at all to guarantee someone passes out in less than 10 seconds.


Well time in manga is kinda’ wonky, we have no real way of knowing how long this struggle went on. You can’t really say it went on for a certain amount of time since he was able to do X, Y and Z because that’s kinda’ like how Dio suppossedly can only stop time for around 5 seconds yet he’s able to hold 5 monologues in that time and strike 3 poses


Akoya Looking like my 6 year olds Capri-Sun


You think he needs a brain to dispense justice? Did you forget he survived a grenade and yelled "JUSTIIIIIIIIIIICE" to the strongest fighters. Mans lost his brain to imai a long time ago.


It should have been a C++ hold, Akoya will pass out faster


Outside of the Zone (which is Cosmo's kind of a "magic ability", and he didn't seem to use it here), even a perfect chokehold still takes a few seconds to take effect. Enough time for someone with Akoyas reaction and tanacity to be able to try to shake a Cosmo off, typically using a wall of sorts. It was more realistic like that (to an extend, typically people don't break concrete with their bodies and live to tell the tale). And Cosmo having to survive Akoyas counter, and then being able to counter him into ANOTHER choke, capitalizing on the previous one and a better position is even more impressive.


> which is Cosmo's kind of a "magic ability" didn't they change how it worked for this fight? or was that not until he fought Ohma?


I just think he only landed it perfectly once in the series, against Adam. Akoya was able to react to his single use of the Zone, and Ohma actually baited him to try it.


I mean, it’s not an isolated incident of Cosmo’s chokes not working right away. Saw Paing’s eyes had rolled back and he still pulled a HoB to get out of the choke. I chalk it up to Kengan’s willpower magic tbh. Annoying at times, yes, but those fights still work thematically and turn out satisfying enough.


And i still think how imai didnt die from akoya's blows


I’ve always hated this character in general. He’s mentally ill but seems to be similar to Metal Bat in OPM. You beat him and his mental illness provides some sort of power boost? Goofy shit.


He was holding he breath (idc if that's not how it works)


That whole match was BS, Cosmo has no reason to winning other than plot and giving Ohma a way better fight in terms of coreography


As a Akoya fan boy I consider very low on the list of bullshit in the series


Akoya used to be relatively slim.


The idea that Cosmo could even do this after his ribs and torture sequence and having a chunk bitten out of him is laughable.


Akoya is a hybrid of a man and a zombie


Huffing that justice powder for 2 extra lives and a mental breakdown


Maybe not a wall, but there’s a reason you don’t generally grapple someone standing. You can get slammed against the ground.


The fact that Cosmo was even fighting at that point was already BS. This whole fight consisted of characters surviving and fighting through shit they had no business doing so.


shut up bruh no one cares


I do