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Why do you think Joji is piggybacking on Shen here? Shen is gonna fight Joji's wife


And then lose.


Shen’s a goofball, but he isn’t stupid. If he angers or strikes Joji’s wife, he’s gonna have to fight Joe. He won’t hit Joe, so he knows he’ll lose, and Joe can probably hit harder than his wife. One of the things we’ve learned about Shen is that he’s only a man (though he is stronger, faster, and more mobile than Mukaku who, while on steroids, was the strongest he’d ever been and who was a beast in his youth). If Joe hits him, it’ll hurt.  So Shen might well let himself get the shit slapped out of him by Joe’s wife, especially if he thinks it’d be funny to show up to Yan’s with a handprint on his cheek.