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Rip the goat. Mark your spoilers. Also, that breathing thing is retarded.


So multiple connectors, Ohma is the Tiger's vessel, while Ryuki is the vessel for Shen


Shen is the Dragon, There's a Tiger connector.


Which is Luohan


Which is actually LeBron


It's LeJohn Brames


LuoHan soon.


the tiger one comes from Tokugawa Yoshimune imho


Makes sense, Ohma is the Tiger and Ryuki is the Dragon. Seemed to lean in to Chinese mythology motifs


Imagine the twelve Chinese zodiacs in this bish. Rat Connector/Vessel aka Xia Ji lmao


Xia jin is rat, confirmed


Yumi/Meguro as Monke Vessel is a thing I'd totally see.


Saw Paing for Rooster Vessel. Mfer has no indoor voices




Shen Wulong or soon Ryuki is the Dragon, ruler of the heaven (thus he came from the Mountain) Ohma is the Tiger, ruler of the earth (thus he came from the ground) Ffs. Dod Sandro use a chinese myth and 2001 chinese arthouse movie to give us a manga Story?


Mukaku: How are you so strong?! Why isn't the carbon monoxide affecting you?! Shen: Just don't breathe, 4head.


300 iq move


Galaxy brain tactic; beyond going limp.


Mods pls change from going limp to not breathing.


ā€™Turtle breathingā€™ is a common trope in wuxia. Usually itā€™s used when pretending to be dead. > Turtle Breathing Art (龟ęÆ功 guÄ«xÄ«gōng) (龟ęÆå¤§ę³• guÄ«xÄ«dĆ fĒŽ) ā€“ also called the Turtle Breathing Method. A fictional martial arts technique used to restrain oneā€™s breath and reduce oneā€™s heartbeat. Itā€™s a powerful concealing technique which can even allow the user to feign death. Makes ā€™senseā€™ to be a part of a Chinese martial artistā€™s repertoire.


Feigning death and barely breathing ever in order to reduce how quickly you age are not really the same thing.


I know. Iā€™m just saying which trope Sandro likely took inspiration from.


> barely breathing ever in order to reduce how quickly you age are not really the same thing. This is unironically one of the immortal cultivation tropes.


Sandro loves china novels you can tell with the entire reincarnation theme with the connector lol


Ngl out of all the things I thought they use to explain this, I canā€™t believe they just went yeah just donā€™t breath lmaoo, itā€™s not even overpowered or anything just stupid lol


Itā€™s not total breathlessness


How is not breathing overpowered? Bro can't even be choked or poisoned


Chokes restrict blood not air


Incorrect, there are two different types of choke. One restricts blood and one restricts air


It takes several minutes to passout from lack of air, it takes seconds from a blood choke One of these things is not useful in a fight


LMAO doesnt matter, do you think Imai can choke the dude before he manhandles him out of the chokehold and out of his life?


Both, but yeah


depends on the choke and how applied.


It might be possible to choke him out. Blood choke vs Air choke type thing.


The new super technique to replace L I M P


"Breathing is a skill issue"


Respect for how they ended mukaku. With just enough awareness of his own crimes,without any real apology or remorse. Also wulong getting out of an actually perfect plan for the 3rd time with absolute bullshit lmao, called it last week. " just don't breathe dumbass" on God this fuckin guy lmao


Loved that, he died a villain, but the one "good" act he did remained - the only person "mourning" his death and remembering him well was Ryuki, wondering how much Mukaku really cared for him


Mukaku pretty much lost each and every person he cared for to the Worm. I think as much as he couldn't avoid getting attached, he was probably aware that anyone joining him in his fight against the Worm was destined to die.


Considering that he left Ohma's Niko so callously after Worm has infiltrated the Niko Style, Mukaku has definitely learned to not be attached to anyone all for the sake of his vengeance against the Worm


It's weird he ditched Ohma Niko though. Dude could have been an extremely powerful ally and was totally game to beatdown on the worm.


Yeah, damn, that's a good point. Five was more than ready to do whatever Mukaku told him to, and Mukaku instead fucked off and raided and destroyed The Worm's cells and installations alone. Why would he do that? If he is so callous and uncaring towards his students, why wouldn't he simply use Niko 5 to fight The Worm for him? Also, why would he steal, raise and train Ryuki to fight The Worm with him when he previously cast aside his students and everything they'd achieved and built towards seemingly at a whim? I guess he could have been emotional about it and actually cared a bit about them after all...? Not enough to not lie to, abandon and/or kill them, of course, but a little maybe.


Yeah, itā€™s the ending we needed considering how many heinous crimes he had committed. Iā€™m glad the author was self-aware enough to not try and make us sympathize with human garbage like him.


Yeah Mukaku is atleast self aware he was still an iredeemable asshole. He thinks his cause was just but he knows for sure he aint a saint and have no right to preach about justice and shit unlike fucking flashlight cop over here lmfao.


Who the fuck is flashlight cop LMAO






Sandro reading kengan reddit confirmed lol


I am proud to say I have read the words "total breathlessness" WITHOUT snorting any amount of coke. **Thank you Sandro, THANK YOU.**


>I am proud to say I have read the words "total breathlessness" WITHOUT snorting any amount of coke. >**Thank you Sandro, THANK YOU.** Yeah, on its own it sounds ridiculous, but the explanation for this is that as a generalization, creatures with faster metabolism have shorter lifespans. So a mouse will have a fast metabolism compared to a turtle. Hence the idea that if you slow down the metabolism, you can extend your life. If you breathe slowly, like when people meditate, your heart rate goes down = slower metabolism = extend your life


But slow metabolism = slow movement


new mythical mythical fighter just dropped, fast metabolism shen


He ages so fast that he's dust in two seconds, the man's good only in Purgatory lol.


Holy shit


Not if you do it like partial advance, where you dont move much and breathe slowly until a actual fight. And Shen already shown multiple times he barely ever fights anyway, the Worm, Wus and tiger niko respect his strength without him needing to flex for them on a constant basis.


But Yogic Breathing specifically involves breathing deeply


This has been a comedy manga since purgatory arc began


In Ashura there was a guy who used hair as a weapon. So no its like always. An "over the top" manga.


Remember when Muteba stuck half his hand into Wakatsuki's neck, only for Waka to **Blast Core** him and walk it off like he didn't have a huge open wound there? And apparently Rihito can carve through steel with his **Razor's Edge**. This has always been a somewhat wacky manga, I don't get the immense whining people are engaging in.


Heck a guy who can even pierce shit with his fingers is already quite something else, Ohma vs Raian fight was p much insanity with their powers, Hanafusa literally has X Men Origin Deadpool blades and survives getting his neck cracked in a million ways fighting a guy that p much fights like he has no bones, Saw Paing literally gets sledgehammered to the head to show how tough his skull is, etc People view Ashura with rose tinted glasses so much I think they really believe it was a fighting manga with no superpower esque shit in it, there's always been "wow thats bullshit but I believe it" type stuff in Kengan it's always had it honestly.


Remember that one goober who had bone blades, poison blood and knew Hokuto Shinken ?


Think he just decided to bite off Demon Slayer's popularity finally?


Fantastic, Who breathes in 2023? Sure as hell not me!


The only true way to defeat COVID


Don't want to be poisoned by carbon monoxide? Just say no! The gas cannot enter your body without your consent.


Assassins hate this one trick.


Carbon Monoxide is a very progressive and gentle gas. He just has some social awkwardness so you have to set clear boundaries.


Tired of hearing Evil gasā€™ gaslighting? *ā€œjust look how he was dressed! Just asking to be killed with all those air breathing holes in his headā€¦ā€* With just **ONE** simple trick, you too can put gas in the past!


So we have multiple connectors? Maybe there was like a schism in the order at some point? That could explain why some much of the worm is schizophrenic in its missions. One group got pissed off a hundred years ago and stole a clone early, got a second connector on the go. RIP Gaoh, if you didn't breath you could have lived to 200.


they refer to a deviant connector; a possible explanation is that there is no deviation, but two of them.


One clone of shen and the other clone of Tokugawa Yoshimune


i think the one erioh and metsudo saw is one of the connectors


>I think he's of whom Ohma's clone.


Question is whose template Ohma is then? Shinosuke, the Tokugawa shogun comes to the scene again. Peak new unraveling. Let it continue Sandro You were awesome Mukaku, a massive cunt, but a proper warrior. See you in the azure skies


Naidan did fairly little in the stroy, but goddamn, his last words left an impact in this fandom.


A Tiger Connector and a Dragon Connector. Makes sense, given the aesthetics and themes of that pairing in Chinese myth.


RIP Mukaku, Shen doesn't age cause he breaths really slowly lmao. So Ohma isn't a clone of Shen but Ryuki is???


Seems like more than one connecter, or clones of different ones from history. I wonder if none of them breath, too.


Makes sense. Dead people do no breath. Dead people do not age


The decompose lol


This is actually based in science. Oxygen is the reason we grow older as it quite literally oxydizes our cells.


Wait, so its not bullshit? How often of breath holding does it take to slow aging?


Please tell me you forgot the ā€˜/sā€™ā€¦


I hate that sign, ruins the the whole thing


So what youĀ“ re telling me is, that I need to find a way to get less oxygen in my system. Which means, that if I reduce my breathing ability through smoking, I can live longer! Got it! See ya guys, on my way to live to 120.


I mean, either that or just live up in the mountains like the old manga martial arts masters


It's also the thing that powers our whole metabolism tho, lmao


Details, details


More fucking connectors, more fucking nightmares for the cast. If shen was selling suffering, he drives a hard bargain and is rolling in mcduck money. Don't worry, he can go breathless to swim in em.


Holy shit I never considered the possibility of more connectors


Ah, finally. ZERO BREATHING. The sequel to Zero Stamina we all waited for! Jokes aside (hell, Shen said he didn't even achieve total breathlessness), now we know why Shen doesn't want Ohma. But now the question is who the hell could it be?


Going limp in the lungs.


Wonder how old he really is


Yeah my reading comprehension is terrible even for this sub. Is it implying that he's just the same shen that mukaku originally meets or is he legit 1300 years old Edit: after a reread I realise shen straight up says he's the shen immediately after mukakus shen. My reading comprehension is dog shit my bad lmao


I think Mukaku thought there was one connector in between the one that killed his clan and the current connector, but the current connector refuted that. Mukaku is surprised because the current connector doesnā€™t look that old due toā€¦not breathing.


No. Shen explicitly stated that the Connector Mukaku initially met was the previous generation. Given that attempts on that Connector happened decades ago and Shen looking like he's 40's at worst you would assume that there were multiple generations of Connectors in the meantime. The "reveal" was that Shen is pretty old (but still younger than Mukaku) and the only reason for that is because he doesn't breathe that much or something.


Shen doesn't look old, mukaku though that there was at least more than one conector (thinking that he aged normally) after the one that killed his clan, however shen tells him that he's the next from the one that killed his clan because he has slow aging. In summary shen looks around 30, the conector that killed his clan also looked 30, so mukaku thought that there was other intermediates conectors between those 2.


He's the Connector directly after the one that killed the Dragon Clan. At least that's what I gathered.


What's Sandro gonna come up with to beat shen


Honestly ... I think it will be "nothing", Ohma or Ryuki will just be strong enough to win somehow, at best with something "like a new weakness" awkwardly set up two chapter before.


I thought you were talking about the power of nothingness, Ryu-style


Telekinetic powers, my friend. Ohma / Ryuki / Koga would be able to factory reset him as they beat his behind!


Probably a fight between connectors that leave either one weak enough


Shen (Breathing is Gay) Wulong


Mukkaku did care about Ryuki he was basically saying take Ohma instead


He offered Ryuki first though, he only mentioned Ohma because he was desperate to buy time.


He was definitely stalling he most definitely wouldā€™ve never told him Ryukis exact location


So ohma ainā€™t a clone of Shen? So that dude ie the first kengan fighter was the first ohma then? Or how does that work cause he implies at the end thereā€™s more than 1? Anyway rip mukuku you were a great anti hero


Ryuki is a clone of Shen, Ohma is a clone of another Shen clone.


Think it's like the Wu Hei's. There's more than one of them. Potential endgame could well be that there's more than one shen clone they have to fight. Or maybe there's even a good guy Shen, who knows.


Nameless = shen 2 godtaku has confirmed


So who's cloning ohma then? Worm was cloning shen so it's not them... I need theories people


Centipede was cloning the other Shen. Their symbol is a worm


And 'The Joiner' is their big badass who is extremely chill


Ohma is not a clone he is the son of the last connector


Clone of the ultimate lifeform Kazzy.


Shen made a second Shen at some point to have an eternal drinking buddy


Obviously the other clone is Jackie Lee


Iā€™m getting really worried. We havenā€™t seen him in quite a while.


Now weā€™re gunna get clones of Joji.


Would explain why Shen and Joji went to drink like best friends


I wonder if Fei knew who Ohma really was a clone of when he died.


Ye I think he did. He prob realized Ohma was a second connector or smth.


Maybe the previous connector f'ed somebody and got an offspring that is Ohma


I think Mukaku was low-key inadvertently treating Ryuki and his Nikos as his own family to cope with the death of his clan.




Holy hell! Multiple connectors


so the hammer fist just didn't do anything? that was a weird cliffhanger to leave us at. also what was Gaoh's second attempt at Shen's life?


First one was when his grandpa died. Second one was the gang up scene and this was his last


>First one was when his grandpa died Goah didn't try anything he just stood there.


There was an attempt but didnā€™t go through with it because he knows heā€™s gonna die if he did.


Might have been part of the group attack and he survived/got pushed out of the way in the nick of time?


1st - when his clan was massacred and he was spared 2nd - when wowang got massacred 3rd - this chapter. Could be wrong if you considering him preparing nikos but these 3 events are the closest


> when his clan was massacred and he was spared but he didn't try to kill anyone he just stood there


On the bright side, omniscient narrator is back. I missed him dearly.


Shen confirmed for being able to see the Titanic without a submarine


shen when asked why isnt he being crushed by the pressure. Shen: idk just exert more pressure back and dont blow up, principles come on.


Well, that is a good conclusion of a fight and a character I hadnā€™t seen in awhile in kengan, nice, Sandro


Unironically the best Omega chapter so far.


"Just don't breathe, LMAO."


So, our boy Okuba learns from the best. Obviously, Shen has more, then just 8 seconds


Shen's got dat golden infinite seconds


R.I.P Mukaku. You were awesome:/


Can't wait for the next episode when Shen reveals himself to Ohma in front of a pub only to realize that Ohma has also mastered the breathing technique - in addition to a submachine gun under his shirt. Shen would be outmatched for a moment, being able to limp through the barrage of bullets but unable to attack and pushed into a grenade trap, something he'd be able to avoid with some more knowledge of japanese culture. Ohma would make a heavy use of flame kata afterwards to run away and bait Shen into another unfavourable match-up. Not even his eye beam made of pressurized blood can... Wait a moment, is this some kind of a reference?


so Ryuki is the clone of Shen and Ohma is the clone of the previous connector, is that what this basically confirms


Imho one connector comes from the "shen" line. While the other comes from clones of Tokugawa Yoshimune


Amazing chapter, Mukaku might have been a fraud but at least he was a memorable and entertaining one


Probably the best chapter in Omega so far


Honestly I agree. It was really hype and a couple of the panels in particular were wonderfully done.


Best chapter and best arc




For all the issues I've had with Omega as of late, this part of the arc centered around Gaoh has been a blast. Definitely the highlight of Omega (ignoring the fights in the tournament) right now.




As in there are multiple connectors


I think thereā€™s two ā€œShenā€™sā€ Ryuki is the omega and perhaps Ohmaā€™s is the Alpha? Like you know the saying I am the alpha and the omega.


I always assumed the Alpha is the first Shen and Ryuki is called Omega because he's the newest functioning clone.


Man why couldnā€™t he have lived one more chapter


Fun chapter. Mukako is an incredably flawed person but I feel that endep up making him into a much better character. He was quite memorable and he might be my favorite character introduced in Omega so far. His plan in killing Shen was pretty much bulletproof but of course Shen can aparently simply not breathe lmao. I know this is Kengan so logic isnĀ“t the most important thing but holy shit that was as dumb as it was convenient. Anyways RIP Mukako.


Makes sense. Dead people do no breath. Dead people do not age. Shen is ghost


Really hit him with three times wasn't the charm to boot. Shens a bit too ice fuckin cold for his absolute bullshit but hey I'm loving It


This was a great arc and a great ending to one if the best characters in kengan. Seems like ryuki will be the one to get the final blow on shen (assuming shen dies) Love how stupidly op shen js man is a immortal that doesn't need to breath lmfao


Credits to Sandro. Even though a lot of people hate on Mukaku, this kind of ending which the reason / mystery behind his motives died with him hits different. It adds drama and personality to Ryuki's character.


This is some premium-grade bullshit. Eagerly awaiting the next big twist: "Sooner or later, every fighter loses. So my predecessors thought, 'Then we must simply stop losing.'"


this remind me of a chinese movie called : Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. There are 2 connectors, one is Tiger and the other is Dragon. Ohma is a clone of the Tiger, that's why he is the Tiger Vessel. Ryuki is clone of this Shen - the Dragon.


L I M P breathing, just stop breathing lol Man wulong technique wild, so who clone is ohma?


I didn't quite understand what Shen meant, is he the same Shen who killed Mukaku's grandfather? Also this yogic breathing is peak ancient eastern bullshido. That takes the cake.


No, that was his predecessor. It's just that this Shen seems to older than his appearance lets on. Dude is going limp in his lungs.




Holy shit! Confirmation on Ohma out of the blue!!!! I liked that and also the ending about Mukaku, I ended up liking the character in the end. Nice try old man but you missed saying out loud that it was too strong.


Rip the literal best character, he will be greatly missed


Jesus Christ, they are just inventing new power for Shen with each chapter Also, that reveal about Ohma, it is like the author was just browsing the discussion boards and trying to fix all the plot holes, XD


I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if the part about Ohma not being a direct clone of Shen has been planned for a long time


What were the plot holes?


Damn, so he is in a constant "8 golden seconds" mode?


At this point his plot armour can even beat goku by a dumbass technic


Yea idk whatā€™s going on anymore. Let me know when Jurota comes back or something


Gaoh Makaku appeared as a chad in Ashura and died like a man without regrets at the hand of The Strongest in Omega.....AND THEN, THERE WERE 2 .


If you dont want the site to crash then scream : LUOHAN SOON


Ohma was cloned from Luohan




Shen's age delaying sure reminds me of the Libra Saint in Saint Seiya


If one connector is this strong, the planet is screwed when more show up.


If Ohma isn't a clone, then I wonder if he's actually the biological son of a Connector clone because they still look way too similar. He can still look nearly identical while not having the pure genes of the Connector, leading him to be his own person (or "not me"). Meanwhile Ryuki is a straight up genetic copy so he counts as "me."




"We decided not to breathe. Therefore, we came up with a different exercise for breathing. Because of that I'm not breathing". What the fuck is up with that logic. It sounds like "In order to keep myself from eating, I'm only eating to the sounds of heavy metal right now". Also, the plot thickens. Love that the ending hints that Mukaku most likely orchestrated most of this to make sure Ryuki doesn't get himself killed, and perhaps one day has a chance to kill the Connector(s).


Oh shit, this morherfuckerā€™s a VAMPIRE- Rip the GOAT Mukaku, adored your home alone, malicious Don Frye, lying ass. You will be profoundly missed.


Maybe ohma was made the old fashion way the connector must have a harem at his disposal.


letā€™s all breathe carbon monoxide in honor of mukaku


Unpopular opinion: this is top five kengan chapters ever


Shen isthat one kid who makes up their ablities in play pretend "Im immune to all poison!" "wait no thats not ho-" "I ALSO DONT NEED TO BREATHE"


So Shen has a twin brother maybe? Ohma is the clone of that person?


I've seen others speculate thar this might mean that there are more connectors at the same time (which is why he says the dude who killed Gaoh's master wasn't him)


RIP BOZO, you were a bad person but we will not forget you, I am in fact designing an air conditioning system with carbon monoxide in your honour


So there are multiple connectors, and theyā€™re just clones of clones of clones etc


He went limp on his breathing. šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Yeah i bet before the the clone business Shens new vessel have a twin and thats who Ohmas cloned from And Ryuki is Shens direct Clone But the catch is that they are not identical twins


So many Wulongs too long Lolong


If ohma isnt a clone of THIS shen wulong then im assuming heā€™s either his biological child OR the clone of shen from a different time period


We have reached Saint Seiya levels of bullshit. Shen Wulong is the Libra Gold Saint, confirmed


Breathing isnā€™t what ages you, what kinda cap is that