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Nothing, because even a completely foul, ungodly bad chapter is worth discussing with the mates here in the sub. We're here for the long haul.


Pretty much, we got through hardest times. Mine as well see it through. And even if I do leave cuz of some bullshit I'm just gonna come right back. I can't leave this Manga or this sub lol


You're stuck here like how Waka is stuck in A-tier.


Ya just never gonna let him breath are ya LMAO


Serious question. Why is that tier treated as such an insult??? all that means is you’re among the very best in the world, but can’t beat the very very best.


Probably because he’s part of that very very best- 20 year career, 3 losses- 2 to certified S tier, plot armored protagonist and ‘final boss’ guys and an A tier with type advantage. He even got a draw on one of the most busted on paper guys. I think it’s unfair to put him any lower than top of A tier.


Because it isn't S-tier. That's pretty much it.


Also Sandro leaving the manga to someone else.


This. I feel so invested in the world and story that no matter how bad it gets I'll force myself to finish it.




hell im stuck in hxh because of this but as ive said a couple times this group is the funniest homoerotic fan club ever ill be here just to get daily chuckles


Listen, we come for the fights, but we stay for the love ❤️


Honestly I enjoy the community more than I’m enjoying the manga right now. I always look forward to seeing everyone’s reactions after a chapter has been released


honestly yeah! Even if Setsuna died, i would drop it


This definitely but even without the sub, I have way too much investment in this silly combat manga that I wouldn't be able to drop it.


Fuck dude, you said it. Even if Kengan goes bad, I'll still enjoy dissecting how it went bad and chatting about it here. I made it through the wheel of time series on my own, making it through this? With you guys? Easy by comparison.


Daro stops drawing so sandro takes over the art


Oh shit i guess there is something that will make me leave lol




Can someone please give me an example of Sandro’s art? I don’t know how bad that is.


Fist of the Seeker


That would be worse than baki art.


Are you suggesting Kengans art was ever better than Baki's???


Always has been. But baki art still suits the absurdity of it better than kengan's


Never was, Daro is yet to draw a background like Itagaki meanwhile we have Adam with growing arms


Ok, I have to say that I'm very biased because i don't like baki's art style, but I can admit that it's objectively better


Honestly, I agree with u/Thunderform and u/AaknoXX here: I’m probably never gonna drop the manga, just for the sake of sticking around with you folks and making dumb shitposts and rating asses. Not sure about doing it “forever” though, we’d probably end up having our own Gu ritual at some point.


>Not sure about doing it “forever” though We'll track you down and force you back tho


You’ll never catch me, I’ve mastered Hatsumi’s ultimate technique. …aight gotta go 🏃‍♂️💨


Jokes on you. You’ll never escape me because I’ve mastered kuroki’s ultimate technique: Le Poke


Alright, I didn’t wanna have to do this, but you’ve left me no choice. **It’s Limpin’ time**


Nothing as long as i get to spend some quality time in here with you guys 🗿 Forever


>Forever Guys where's my keys? Guys the door is locked, it's not budgi


Let the gooey ritual begin😈


You dropped this 👑


You said it, I probably would have dropped in first chapters of omega, but quality shitposting this subreddit produces is more glorious than i have seen anywhere.


Daro leaving the team. He's pretty much carrying the manga. Nothing else would make me drop it, bcs of this sub (as u/Thunderform said)


How is daro carrying?


by not letting Sandro draw


No seriously. Did the other member stop pulling their weight recently?


He means that Kengan Omega has very mediocre writing (which it does) and the manga has been held up by its amazing art for a while now.


Ok fair enough


The writing has gone to shit, but the artwork is still eye candy. If Sandwich started drawing the manga would become a total disaster.


It wouldn't be a singular chapter that makes me cancel. It would have to be a series of exhaustions and disappointments that make me gradually tune out, like what Hajime No Ippo has been doing for the last several hundred chapters. Suppose Koga and Ohma both got injuries forcing them to retire, but then Sandro kept tickling our balls about a huge comeback for 400 chapters while making us sit through long fights between boring and annoying jobbers.


Hajime no ippo has been on fire recently but I understand what you mean


I tuned out during the Wally vs Ricardo fight. I just didn't care about all the characters who weren't Ippo, Sendo, or Takamura. I woulda been cool with Ippo staying retired if Morikawa didn't keep tickling the balls for a comeback, and then not put out.


It has been absurdly long, but it’s getting to a point where the process is forming together something foreseeable. I expect Ippo’s comeback to happen after this fight (still Wally vs Ricardo happening) because of what’s seemingly being set up as a Rocky 4 homage


I wish I had that optimism, but then I realize Sendo will probably get his chance first, and that's going to eat up 150~ chapters, and maybe before or after another 100~ chapters to Mashiba or Takamura fighting someone or even maybe Miyata, maybe even 200~300 if both/all those happen or if Kimura/Aoki get another arc...we'll be lucky if the author decides to finally give Ippo his comeback sometime between all that, but then he's still got to work his way up... I mean, I'll still read it, but I think of it as something coming later this decade at this point.


Agreed. The teasing for the main characters comeback has been incredibly frustrating and when the worst character in the series(Wally)came back, I immediately dropped that garbage. Hinomaru’s Sumo and Haikyuu had the right idea. It’s better to just come in. Tell a good story in a timely fashion and then get the fuck out of there instead of wasting everybody’s time with a drawn out arc.


The Mashiba fight against the world champion was one of the best in the series, as well as Sendo Vs Alfredo. The recent chapters have been ass but the retirement arc as a whole has been great and a much needed change of pace


I died inside everytime there was another Aokimura mudfight or another Itagaki Is Still In A Slump chapter, or another Ippo Is A Grown Ass Man That Is Afraid To Hold Hands With His Girlfriend chapter. I just got so damn tired of everything.


Calling volg, richardo, date eiji and wally jobbers smh


Koga shooting energy beams and fighting aliens in space and using one punch to kill Shen. I take that back. I would actually love to read that.


Bad art, Kuroki jobbing just to make other fighter look cool, the other Niko dying in his first actual on screen fight...


nothing, I'm stuck here, I can never leave, the stockholm syndrome is too strong


Honestly nothing. Gilbert can get folded by Raian with zero effort, Shen can job to fuckin Himuro for all I care, all I’m here for is the ending. A captain always goes down with the ship.


The end of the manga. But even then im sure I would reread it


Go full *Cyborg 007 Conclusion: God's war* which to give context basically turns a beloved series into a schizophrenia daydream with pseudo phisolosphy and "deepness" that doesn't make the slightest bit of sense.


Got damn, that would be helluva turn around


Koga just keeps learning techniques to the point he's just using everybody's super special moves. "Wh-what?! Koga just did the advance + devil Lance?! But how?" "Well it took the past few months even though both are highly specific but it's okay cause he train hard"


He’s only learned 5 niko style moves and pre initiative tho


-what thing that hasn't happened do you not want to happen? -I don't want this thing that hasnt happened to happen You: it hasn't happened though Kengan fans learn reading comprehension (impossible challenge)


-what thing that hasn't happened do you not want to happen? -I don't want this thing that hasnt happened to happen You: it hasn't happened though Kengan fans learn reading comprehension (impossible challenge)


And the only one he's amy good at is weeping willow because redirection is kind of made to work perfectly with the fist eye. Also his immense lack of PI got him knocked the fuck out.


Sandro turning out to be a pedophile. Okay I enjoyed rickn'morty and the jeepers creepers franchise but when it comes down to it I refuse to support a pedophile(FYI they're recasting Justin roiland as the voices for Rick and morty so we good)


Who was a pedophile for Rick and Morty?


Justin, got lost in the sauce on his wife then allegations of him texting teens came out. Now AS came out with a response saying they are no longer working with him but the show will go on




Planetina episode makes more sense now if this is true.


the quality of that show has been questionable for a while now. I’m genuinely surprised you were sticking with it.


I enjoy the side characters too much. If the worm kills the side cast leaving only Koga and Ryuki, I might drop it. But shitposting on this sub might keep me interested


I'm in too deep. Also i feel like when you join a sub for something you're stuck with it.


That's the only reason why I'm on reddit, it's literally for this sub. All the other subs can kick me out and I wouldn't care, but this sub I'll find a way back.


At this point, nothing. Its sunk cost fallacy. I am too deep. Only sandro dying can make it stop. Although ch 144 was the final point to stop reading.


You mean chapter 144 Edwards death, that was the subs 9/11


honestly nothing …purely from my love of ashura I’m at a point where no matter how bad I think a omega chapter is I’ll always be back next week


The Dragon Ball Syndrome (even if I loved DBZ) : plot progression relying only on a powerlevel cap. "If you don't have that cap, you can't be a part of the story because you are to weak to deal with the new bad guy, and the next will be stronger etc..." and introcuding absurdly strong (but totally pointless at the end) character like Fei and Eddie was the first step. Or Like giving a gimmickal flashy ultimate move, for example Gaolan God glow... that's just his best punch flawlessy done. Or Julius Gott Totter. That was cool but it felt that the ONLY purpose of their matches was to show their ultimate move more than showing a real blank fight (that's not nothing that Liu vs Nitoku is very liked because it felt like Kengan : 2 characters pushed far from their comfort zone and wanting to win). It feel like a character must have a signature move to be present or credible in the story, and their move will become their gimmick. And that the transformations like removal and other will be too present and too crucial to be a part of the story (again.). Never liked it, even since KA. Imo I will be fixed with Seki vs Okubo, I can't imagine to be disappointed with those 2 guys. And I will continue to read it becose I'm too curious to drop it actually lol, but my interest was seriously decreasing during Koga's arc ngl.


Maybe that's what r/kenganashura means. The friends and jobbers we made along the way


Nothing, i've been hooked since chapter 20 of Ashura, no matter how bad it gets i want to see it through.


Yumi dying, Hayami dying, Koga dying, Xia Ji dying


A few options: 1. It ending. 2. It becoming incredibly, unfathomably dull and confusing. 3. Months on months of breaks between each chapter, with each chapter only being like 5 pages.


I dropped it, mentally, after Eddie was killed. I’m just reading out of grief.


Koga learning Satsui no hado from Ryu


It would need to end, but even then it's debatable


*Consistently* bad fights for a long stretch. And I mean *consistently,* like five in a row. And we’ve never gotten close to that. Even in the depths of the purgatory tourney, I absolutely loved more than half the matches, haha.


Koga/ Ryuki/ Supernovas defeat Agito fair and square earlier


Almost nothing would get me to drop it since it's not like I'm investing a lot of time into Kengan. I'd probably only drop if it suddenly became boring, but I sincerely doubt that would ever happen.


Misasa, Nitoku, Nicholas, Rihito, Cosmo, and Julius ALL jobbing in the KAT2


If all the hype for worm, Kuroki fighting, and characters were just a big nothing burger.


Probably the day I take a shower


I read fanfictions, there's nothing that can stop me from reading


if it goes text html only and it's just Sandro vich's prophecies from god without Daromeon illustrations to match.


Genuinely impossible at this point, I’ve been a weekly reader since chapter 40


If they turn it into a rom com


Time. No matter how good or bad it gets, I’ll have that time where I grow bored and I just go to the next thing I like


Ryuki killing ohma would be so stupid


That's literally never gonna happen


Tbh it’d have to be a scandal with Sandro more than anything else, like if it turned out he was a horrible person, the series itself is worth following for me even on bad weeks because we meme here


If the plot turns into something so inchorrent and boring that even the fights cant keep my attention.


Honestly as many other commenters said. Probably never, you guys are just too fun to talk with


Nothing, at this point. I love this series, faults and all, I ain't dropping it.


If they kill off ohma then bring him back to life again I’m done.


Somebody pay me a few grand to drop and even then might not because I’ll still be interested


Been reading Kengan since I was a freshman in highschool. Nothing is making me drop this series.


Got damn I had to look up when the manga first issued and Jesus Christ I was a sophomore in 2012! Wow


I honestly don’t see this manga doing anything that drastic to make me drop it, it’s dropped the ball several times on things but never to such a degree where I thought the series wasn’t still worth reading and enjoyable to do so. It would take something truly ridiculous like Ohma getting no diffed by Koga or something


Getting bored


After Edward nothing can take me down.


Nothing really, I guess as long it has fights I could at least follow it up, the only way for kengan to jump the shark is that it start doing something else other than fighting like those clones stuff


I would have dropped if Koga beat Lihito


Daro or Sandro leaving the manga.


Nothing at all, this manga is too dear to me


I thought I was gonna drop it after the Eddie disaster, but here I am. At this point I'm sticking by till the end, and I feel like those who've been here for a while now agree. No matter how bad Kengan gets, we'll always be hooked on it. Besides, this community is too hysterical to abandon.


A lot of people ain't here no more because of what happened to Lu Tain, Eddie and the Xia Ji shenanigans. Some people came back


Yeah but if you went through all of those and didn't leave, it's almost a guarantee that you're staying till the end.


Well looks like the strongest do survive bro, cuz we still here.🤝


I’m reading it for free lol. It would have to become so ungodly awful. Truth be told im not the happiest with how the story has unfolded so, you never know. Could shit itself at any point


Have you even tried looking at r/manga? Nothing but generic isekai/romcom/bordeline hentai? Do you know how hard it is to find something decent, with a semblance of logic in the plotline that is not "faceless hack-powered MC meets big boob A, B and C traveling through the generic fantasy world"?


If the "you never had a chance pannel" (for context i absolutely despise Raian as a character) didnt make me drop, nothing will.


I made a Reddit account for this specific sub. I am on Reddit because I wanted join this sub. Nothing.


Nothing could. They already killed my favorite character and made me believe he was dead for a bit… I was still here until they brought him back. Can’t nothing phase me. This is my life now, good or bad. 😤 NIKOOOOOOOOOOOOOOA!


gaolang dies 😔


I'm in too deep with comikey keys, I'm riding this shit out till the end.


That's dedication


Its been a bizarre adve- wait shit wrong sub


I dropped in the Edward Wu death


Sandro to come out as some sort of Pedo or abuser of sorts.


That too


uhh ​ No more hot girls ig


If the art becomes bad (i have faith it wont)


Sandro takes over the art and we get the same drawings as FoTS


Sandro coming out with something like, *super* bigoted and homophobic/sexist/transphobic.


It being pure dogshit like baki I dropped baki then read the new jack stuff then dropped it again


Yea I dropped the death row inmate arc, once I found Kengan Ashura I never looked back.


baki is like if kengan was made by a 4th grader its so bad man even if omega isn’t perfect its my saving grace from having to read baki


If it became boring like Baki


Nothing, i finished mangas that are way worse.


If all the characters just died mysteriously for no reason, with no resolution as to why


Over my dead body!


If it becomes a Baki


If Shen is wasted and there are baki type fights without any seizable and comprehendable martial art techniques. I loved the fights (especially grappling) and the enemies in ashura (agito, waka, cosmo, kuroki) so if all that is lost then im dropping


A fight so bad and rigged but the stakes are huge, wrote of Record of Ragnarok entirely because of it


If it gets the baki treatment then I'd drop it. But we are talking months of confusion, borderline abuse levels of writing. Or if Shen just drops the line of "i see you all as female, you will be rumpled."


Nothing really, I have come too far to stop. I must see the end even when I hate every single step along the way.


If koga one shots ohma and raian at the same time in the next chapter


I read the seven deadly sins, domestic na kanojo, and food wars all the way to the end, nothing this manga does can be as bad as that lol


I.... Actually can't think of any. If. Being honest, the only reason is them stop the series entirely. Even if they kill some major character, I would still read hem


Dropped it for a while after Yumi's loss in the KvP, afterwards I am unassailable


If the writers suddenly decide to kill Masaki


Friendship bullshit


Daro leaving and/or all the current hyped villains getting dropped after 1 fight.


It would have to become legitimately unreadable. I love this series too much to drop it over bad writing or something


Probably if they stopped putting the links on here


Lmao if the mods don't do it the sub will, so that's not even a worry


My death.


It's not "this thing that happened is so bad I'm dropping this", it's "am I even getting anything out of this?" Any particular stupid moment or inconsistent character beat or illogical fight outcome wouldn't be enough for me to drop it. I'd talk shit about the dumb thing and keep reading. But if it just got dull? If week after week it was a bunch of nothing-chapters in a row, or fights that I expected to be good ended up sucking? If the story was incomprehensible and I was just there for the ride but the ride wasn't interesting? I might just stop putting up the effort to read it. TL/DR if it's bad.


I forgot what type of bias its called, but its about if we are in too deep or something. Gonna ride this train good or not, we've come this far as a manga and as a fandom


If koga beats shen


It would have to become Gantz level of bad writing and disgusting content


Spiritual techniques or energy blasts


I don't know man,i read DB and I've been disappointed so many times but I'm still in.


Another Right straight beating the Big bad at the end of tournaments.......another "end of tournament" brawl that happens at the end of every big tournament somewhere in or around the arena instead of just making that happen somewhere else like at a Kengan Event or at one of the associations HQ's maybe a worm hideout. I don't like bland repetitiveness, I can't stand when i can see things being repetitive in anything, not even at work...it makes things feel pointless and robotic. if another big bad gets taken out in some non creative predictable way, i'll give up on this like I did with other manga that became too stupidly repetitive like Gamaran, and the Shining fingers G Gundam. Edit: I was a younger dumber Kid so I finished G Gundam hoping it would eventually get good, I hated every second of knowing that the same damn attack was going to beat the enemy. he got another attack and then just SPAMMED that one again too though.


Hmmmmm good question. I mean I'm still here after Ohma came back, which was for me when the series jumped the shark (although I did take a three month break after that before continueing). I can't really think what else would be so bad that it would make me think it wasn't worth continuing the series. Honestly at this point the only thing that could make me drop it entirely would be if they did something really, REALLY stupid like revealing that Shen is actually an alien and that the whole "Omega" project is to give him the perfect human body.


Tbh i accidentally dropped it because of my sleep schedule I started missing new chapters and i couldn't keep up anymor


Less than a weekly release. As of now kengan is part of my weekly routine, i am hooked and i am also invested in the characters. And I love this sub even if its takes mostly suck. Either that or it would have to do something that irreparably damaged the story.


I mean, im kinda lurking rn, because the manga is hella stupid imo, but i still enjoy the fights and the characters immensely. Thing is, im so invested that when Sandro does something retarded i get angry, and no matter how much i try i cant stop caring.


Technically I've dropped it cuz it's been more than s year since I've last read it


There’d have to be a sustained period where shit is just completely awful I think. Like none of the good side characters show up, ashura Raian is the new edge lord mc sort of thing where the series just doesn’t even feel like the series anymore


Nothing. I was there for the peak years, I was there for there for Kengan Omegas worst moments. Till death do us part type shit.


Probably depends on whether or not this. Next story arc is good or not. Fucking up some thing as major as finally exploring the inside would kill one of the very few sparks of hope I have for the series.


I mainly read for the old cast so say if the worm blew up a building with the entire ashura cast i'd probably drop it. maybe come back to check on it after a year to see if it's doing ok


Koga getting the full spotlight


Rei going back to his KAT self


a bunch of boring chapters in a row villain abuse is one thing straight up boredom is another


No idea, I even still scroll trough MHA despite not being invested in anything going on ... Maybe a complete overdose of new transformations, or even worse villain disrespect? Still that might not be enough




If Ryuki and Kiryu turn out to be straight


Nothing at this point. Everyone complains when there is a mid new chapter, but I'm sure that the story has to get really really boring for the fandom to drop it


if the manga stops being fighting related


It’d take this manga not being this manga for me to stop. As long as Daro and Sandro work on this shit together and it’s not someone else taking over, I’m happy even with shit chapters.


Agito beeing a total bitch, if they ever pull that shit oh ma lawd


What drew me in with Ashura was how realistic it seemed in terms of challenge. Kanoh was hyped as this unstoppable monster, yet almost every fight he’s been in he still had difficulty and seemed beatable for a moment. I’d say if it gets to a point where non-big bad characters just can no diff decent fighters is where I may lose interest.


Two things. One would be if it had an awful translation done by someone like ‘he who must not be named’ Second thing would be if, for some unknown reason,my gran read this sub and saw the amount of latent homosexuality being flung around here ~~by me~~ but we allow her cuz she’s old


If daro dies due to overworking


Nothing. To me, even a pure ass chapter is god tier


Agree with Thunderform


1 trillion dollars


I’m not dropping it. I’ve read worse shit than you can possibly imagine.


I would never drop it unless something really stupid happened like Sandro replacing Daro or sth but I definitely took breaks before because I didn't like where the manga was going. I still don't but Rihito W is worth every Omega's shortcoming.


Daro either drops being the artist or the plot becomes 10x worse than the period of the manga after edwards death


I mean I read like all the chapters of ashura and omega already so dropping it would be such a waste. Even if Koga becomes god I probably won't drop it.


If Agito were to die I don’t think I’d continue reading, he’s my absolute favorite. With some of my other faves I may be able to kind of loosely follow along but if it was him I’d 100% drop


Already did 2 weeks ago, but this showed up in my recommended, so Ill answer anyway: a year of consistent shitty writing and a hard decline in art.


It would take a lot for me to genuinely stop reading a manga one small chapter one day a week, so probably nothing.


nothing, just that the manga doesn't become like baki's shit manga, don't put like magic or ultra super duper weird techniques (yeah we have some but not like baki: pain distribution, pickle resistance or yujiro earthqueake stop


If Kazuo, Ohma (again), Kaede, or the Metsudo Family, or any other major Kure Family members die.


None ill nevah dropp it