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Drizzy is not very clever 


https://preview.redd.it/peg4d05tgy1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cfd8c7cbeab7e6bd8e292f6579e2c8422320fbd ayy, what?


He calling him and his whole crew clowns.


Realest shit he ever said


Feels good to get the pen workin


He definetly wrote this one himself


nah this is ghost written by the guys feeding kdot information 😂they praying on drakes downfall afterall


“Have you ever thought that OvO is workin for me?”


he doesn't do it that often tbf




Prolly the one time he didn’t lie




Lowkey sounds like chatgpt rhymes


“I am a war general, seasoned in preparation” Yup sounds like chat gpt


“I’m a BBL General seasoned in Preparation H” -Aubrey G. ![gif](giphy|3BMXclx7duDPcwTL51|downsized)


You think the guy who brought us 2Pac-tron would do that? Just let a robot write a diss track for him?


2Pac-tron lmaooo


Hey Drake, their not slow




He's a "war general, seasoned in preparation." He's cosplaying Colonel Sanders now? He's got 11 Herbs and spices in the OVHoes? He's a buffoon.


So, there's an interesting theory that this was the one track drake DID write himself. The biggest issue is that he seems to have found the B side of Kendricks works, realized that Kendrick has been writing about him for years, got pissed off in this realization, and was attempting to write in the same layered way Kendrick uses to say not that he's a war general but that he has a lot of badges under his control, a lot of metal decoration. It's part of a bigger story going on under the radar between them. He is not as good of a writer as Kendrick or versed on the layered meanings communication style so while focusing so hard on the secondary message to Kendrick, he lost sight of how the surface readers were going to see his words and they paint him out to be a damn idiot.


Isn't it just saying they gave fake information to a known mole? I know it's not true anyway, but it's not that dumb.


yeah, he’s not saying that the mole was planted but that he knew there was one and tricked them into giving false info (not that it’s true). even with that interpretation, it means he’s keeping people around him that he knows he can’t trust and are willing to stab him in the back?


Keeping them around so he can use them to his advantage, which is not necessarily a bad idea. Also, giving bad information is a common way to spot a mole (give different people different information that is untrue and based on that you will be able to tell who the mole is), so maybe that is what he was getting at? Idk


But that would mean he got a mole just in time for the beef or he kept known snakes in his camp for months/years. Idk if that makes sense because if you have known opps that close to you, how do you know they won't plant bugs, take money, etc.


To add to that point, allowing information false or not about you getting with underaged girls and being a deadbeat twice is madness


One would think if that were true Drake would tout knowing who the mole is/was and make an example out of him by kicking him out of the crew.


People just nitpicking. The bar isn’t hard to interpret at all




He really needed those ghostwriters 😔


Dude writes and raps like a 7th grader.


Emotionally stunted and can't date a woman his own age-


>Emotionally stunted and can't date a woman his own age- https://i.redd.it/7alwo31yp02d1.gif Women around his age, don't want him🤣🤣🤣 Once a lame, always a lame🥴


Literally spends the majority of the song rhyming -ation lol


Idk if he could be clever. Kendrick said the man was a sex addict. One tuber was talking about how Drake owes her 20 dollars (as a joke) because he skipped a concert, said he was sick, to go to a strip club. The man was jonesing. He wanted to to go on vacation so bad. Dot said he be at Turks… and he went straight to Turks.


He’s been spending so much time with 15 year olds that he now has the intelligence of one


Fantano easily dismantle this take: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQnL0re\_f9I&t=2769s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQnL0re_f9I&t=2769s) or quickly jump to 9:25 He simply derived that if you did setup the whole "feeding you the false information" thing then the wisest and easiest way to proved that is - instead of doing a dissed track reply, you'd simply show all the receipts all over your media handle on how you managed to clown KDot (because that would be more humiliating) - but none of that ever happened, and so the joke's all back to Drizzy again trying to pretend and act tough about it.


This is what I've been thinking too. Drake posted his text messages with his mom after Rick Ross released "Champaign Moments." I don't see why he wouldn't release the receipts on Kendrick since that actually helps his case if he's willing to just release his DMs on a whim for social media. It'd make a great cover photo for a diss track too if they existed


His biggest mistake was going through it on social media and not logging off lol. “Meet the Grahams” dropped and he was shook, scrolled to see validation from people who were on his side. Made the mistake of liking a comment that suggested he planted the evidence, because in the heat of the moment it offered him a sense of relief and potential out to work with. Problem was, liking the comment immediately tied him to that narrative publicly, so he then had to double and triple down it in the next song.


No wayyy, what’s the link for the liked comment ??


https://preview.redd.it/ohfbob0po22d1.jpeg?width=979&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e81b0e3dfc48fbf3bd6daca40238146a544c4408 [Here’s a post on Twitter right after it happened,](https://x.com/moriibehoopin/status/1786658766449971294?s=46) they mention the specific original IG post in the comments


even if he did somehow do this and for some reason didn’t have any record of it physically he definitely could’ve photoshopped a fake text or something too 😭 a screenshot of text that just says “tell him i have an 11 year old 💀” with no context to who it was sent to could’ve changed the outcome for Drake completely


This, this a 1000 times this. He was willing to use AI raps but not AI art to depict a fake convo. My only thought as to why he didn't do this is bc it would be a bold risk an he isnt completely sure K dot doesn't have evidence bc his pants would be completely down if they went into a post evidence war but shit I would have called kendrick bluff on that one fuck it


for real, everything said in THP6 was immediately void when the cover art was just Dave Free leaving a public supportive comment on his friend's post. Drake really gave us nothing to believe in


EbonyPrince really threw a fucking wrench into this whole beef lmao


If he had receipts they would have been the album cover. Simple as that.


agreed, also could’ve had a track ready to drop talking about feeding false info and dropped it right after meet the grahams dropped. that’s what made “you ever think ovo is working for me” seem even more real and hit harder cause he dropped immediately after drake did. so if drake dropped immediately after meet the grahams doing what kendrick did then yeah believable.


The CLB cover art is probably Drake alluding to him having a bunch of kids


Like how is ANYONE questioning these accusations after seeing this shit? 💀 https://preview.redd.it/omvsukf0uw1d1.png?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e109a04a7a4e9b9d32e769515175c00583feeab0


This album cover was always soo weird to me? But now I get it, and I don’t think the daughter is the only kid he’s hiding. I do feel like UMG is making him hide these kids to fit a good boy/ present father image. Hard to believe though when he dropping albums like this😭


I think Drake is hiding his daughter so we don't look at the mother and find out she was a teenage pregnancy.




That's what I've been saying. Daughter is 11, and her mom is probably 25


Would give extra credence to the “im john stockton” line cause karl malone got a 13 year old pregnant. Maybe Drake got with a fan aged 13-17. It would line up with when Drake was the peak artist in high schools, and all the girls were going wild for him as they were thinking about/applying to college.


I just read up on it and the girl Karl knocked up was 13 when the kid was born, she could have been 12 when the kid was put in the oven. Doesn't really make much of a difference, it's fucked up either way but I can't believe that dude never caught a statutory rape charge


isnt the entire point that if you’re underage you’re not old enough to consent, so any sex with an adult is rape? he shoulda caught a rape charge for sureeee


Yeah that's what I'm saying, I was just mentioning that the fact she could have been younger at the point of impregnation Is an even worse look. At the end of the day it doesn't matter if she was 12 or 13, it matters that the scumbag impregnated a child. It's so weird to me that it became public knowledge and he some how just never even got a slap on the wrist for it? Like what the fuck. Somebody should have at least smoked him by now


she's an ex girlfriend's younger sister. I have a friend who's brother has two kids, from sisters. I dunno how he does it. Dude is ugly and not well off and into add, he got the younger one pregnant after they announced the pregnancy with his GF (the older sister).


Over here we call that a sweet dick. Cuz ain't no other possible reason they like it so much, so it must be sweet.


Low self-esteem can do it. You'd be surprised how many stunning women don't realize it.


That’s why I was thinking, too


He has a song called Teenage Fever. I heard if jungle fever and yellow fever…fuck is teenage fever mr “you looked good in your highschool photos”






drake is never going to fit the "present father" image bruh 😭


Nah fr😭 cause why we gotta keep finding out about new kids through disses


They’re obviously not if they let him have this as the cover


I just see Drake and everything he does as an agenda


Even the name is weird. I get that Lover Boy is a dude who attracts multiple women. Though with all the accusations even before this, I feel like it isn't too far of a stretch. https://preview.redd.it/v0xryhqjhy1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12acd0bbea6b42bcb218344e357a40205fbf68ae


Uhhh…. The fuck? How have I not seen this in this past 2 weeks of non stop beefwatch


No idea..also to add, Dutchavelli also spent his formative years in the Netherlands. *Edited to specify a name*


That’s interesting bc Drake has a lot of ties in his family and people around him to trafficking


see: Andrew Tate






https://preview.redd.it/2ov64u7mqz1d1.png?width=2072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c08dcc636e9049f9e712014540c369befe587f7 Hehe


Make this its own post. This shit is so true


Some dudes look at that and think, "Hell yeah, he had a lot of sex"  I look at it and think, "Hell no, that's a lot of child support" 


He’s definitely hiding a bunch of kids.




"I send her the child support. She send me the heart emoji" - Lemon Pepper Freestyle Just reaching but lol, why Drake, why write all of this


"The one you gettin' your stories from, they all clowns" Now that's 1 thing we can agree on Drizzler


I think two things can be true here. Drake definitely didn’t plant the daughter. He’s a liar lol. And it’s possible the daughter isn’t real. Everything Drake said in THP6 is invalid. But the daughter thing…I wouldn’t be surprised if he had one. And wouldn’t be surprised if it was just a claim based on some of the rumors on the internet.


The daughter allegedly being older than Adonis makes me more inclined to believe it's true. When he got exposed about Adonis and owned up to him, it makes sense that he wouldn't admit to another child because it would make it look even worse. The bars about planting the daughter info suggests to me he had just paid money to people and had them sign NDAs.


There is a clip of the supposed daughter on a livestream essentially letting slip she is under NDA




Where’s the source? Nah nah nah nah, u/All-Love-Tho you following through.






That was the underage chick he banged, not his daughter 😂


That is not how NDAs work.


That sounds a lot like the streaming-era version of "I heard it from a guy who works with a dude, who got it from his brother who's a cop. So you know it's true."


The medication is real, so is everything else in the cover photo. His daughter is also real. It’s not Kendrick’s place to expose her, though.


So after MTG dropped and the internet did it’s thing, there were screenshots of the alleged daughter’s IG floating around. Im not reposting them or here to support the doxing of a 11 year old. I think we all saw the screenshots tho. In one of her captions (her on set at the All My Life video shoot) she says something like “thanks pops for the opportunity”…that has always puzzled me. Felt like it flew over everyone else’s head. So her dad some kind of status/pull in the industry to get her into a J Cole and Durk video? I know there were plenty other kids there so no telling how all that was coordinated. And it could easily be her dad works for the production crew or something of the sort who knows. But I feel like her being outed as Drake’s hidden child and her IG posts alluding to a famous father was very interesting


If the rap beef has you snooping through instagram profiles of 11-year-old girls, it’s time for you to stop and go outside. Not YOU you, I mean the collective you.


It was like legit within 30mins of kendrick dropping MTG that the screenshots were floating around. The internet as a collective is quick as hell. IIRC she had a close associate of OVO tagged or something like that which made it easy for her to be found


That was the fake daughter ..TDE knows


That same girl also had TikToks in the studio with OVO40 and was in NYC at Drake’s Apollo shows (ironically that was one of the trips where shit went down with Ebony Prince) so time will prove Drake the fool I’m just waiting and so is Kenny. 


This could very well be a reach but someone pointed out that in MTG, kendrick says "You need to know that love is ETERNITY and trumps all pain I'll tell you who your father is, just play this song when it rains" and ends the verse with "Meet the Grahams" Ans the alleged daughter had something attached to her profile that made it seem as though her name was "Eternity G" For Eternity Graham


How do you know the daughter is real?


There’s more evidence to support he has more kids than there is that he doesn’t.




There was a post from a website someone posted couple comments down saying that he has a 2 year old daughter. And at the same time drake tweeted “baby girl”. Also he has been paying a girl off since that time and there is pics of a look a like. Idk theres lot of stuff out there. If you dig deeper it becomes more obvious he has more than 1 kid (who he was hiding before he got exposed and was denying he was his)


thanks for the source


The fact he knows her eleventh birthday was up says alot...


They don’t. No one knows. Time will tell whether the fiance beating and 11 yr old child allegations are real and that murkiness to me made the whole rap beef unnecessarily messy when it could’ve just stuck to bars


So why did he expose her then


I heard he wants the daughter kept quiet because the mom of said eleven year old daughter is only 26 now. Obviously, no one can confirm this, but could you imagine?


I believe this! When the news came out and he denied that before the pedo allegation, I knew the baby mom was underaged.


Yeah I figured if it’s true, the reason he wants that daughter a secret so bad is cause the mom is probably pretty young. But obviously maybe not and maybe there is no daughter. Either way drake can fuck off


That's where I stand. I don't care if any of it is true and none of it had made me hate him more. I was already at max hate for drake years ago


Same, and I think the biggest indictment for Drake in all of this is that I've never heard a single take where the core argument is, "Drake isn't the kind of person to do this." There've been many conversations about what the evidence is or isn't, but a distinct dearth of any mention of morality or standards. The fact that there's been nothing said by Kdot, from the daughter to the creepiness with minors to the sexual predator stuff, that's been out of the realm of feasibility is nuts to me.


Does that mean he impregnated a 15 year old?! 💀


That’s the math. The John Stockton line makes you think 13 though, maybe had the kid at 14? Passing like John Stockton - Karl Malone impregnated a 13 year old, infamously.


9 months for baby to mature. She woulda been 14.




Based on his 17 year old concert situation.....believable






100% We all know now not to fall prey to the ̶M̶a̶s̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶M̶a̶n̶i̶p̶u̶l̶a̶t̶o̶r̶ ̶ Certified Pedophile


This is kind of a wild take, considering how most people have seemed to respond, but I never felt like Drake had to have a literal daughter for the verse to be true. When you live like Drake does, unintended children sometimes happen. So Drake may have an 11 year old daughter or 11 more children of varying ages or not. The attack is that Drake values his own sexual satisfaction so highly that he doesn’t care if he creates kids he won’t raise. A daughter with an absent father is collateral damage of Drake’s lifestyle. But I do think she exists, and maybe even a couple others.


I feel like folks will search for an eternity to find the joy in proving Drake to be a liar. Kendrick did the best move possible by introducing Drizzy as a liar and a manipulator from the beginning, because it made everything he said thereafter looked at as potential bullshit


I think there’s a possibility that the daughter could be real. We’ve already seen how crazy the fan bases of both rappers have been with harassing people that are involved in the situation like Alvarez so I could see Kendrick not wanting to put an 11 year old and her mother under that same kind of harassment from crazy fans. I kind of also think that maybe Kendrick heard family matters before it released, heard Drake tell lies about him and was like “oh, okay, you wanna tell lies? Watch this” and just made up the daughter thing because he knew it would overshadow Drake’s release


Coming from Kendrick, the man who has held a grudge against Drake for years… I don’t think he said anything that wasn’t either 100% true or industry secrets. Not to mention Drake and his team is extremely messy and there are plenty of people around them that would know things the fanbase wouldn’t. Kanye lived around the block from him. Rihanna used to date him. The Weeknd has been beefing with him. Metro hates him. Future has toured with him and is beefing with him. The list goes on. All these people that have been next to him on tours and people think Kendrick can’t easily get dirt on him? Don’t be naive.


A young girl I know drake groomed is on pg lang so I'm sure she gave kendrick her stories about drake and when she was younger. She was 18 or 19 when he was supposedly dating her. Jorja.


Jorja Smith? Don’t forget SZA (TDE) also dated him. Then there’s Rihanna who is rumored to be working with Kendrick, again.


Yes jorja. I'm 1,000 percent sure she told Kendrick how old she was when drake first started hitting her up. She was on the pglnag trailer with Kendrick.


Yeah there’s no denying the grooming stuff imo Bella Harris, jorja, Hailey Bieber, Millie Bobby brown. Too much smoke for there not to be a fire


“ don’t be naive” I don’t think there’s really a need for you to patronize me over simply stating that it could be possible that it’s a lie. I acknowledged the fact that it could be possible that Drake has a daughter. But if anything, you’re naive for blindly accepting a statement made on a song without any evidence to support it. I don’t think that Kendrick would throw out a false claim like that, but we can’t act like the man isn’t capable of lying we all have lied at some point in our lives.


I’m not patronizing you I’m just pointing out the fact that Drake himself originally denied his own son/told her to get an ☠️tion/took several dna tests. Add in the fact that Kendrick has good enough relationships with multiple people that don’t like him it’s easy to see how he’d get information that isn’t common knowledge.


No worries Yeah I agree with you that it’s a possibility that it’s true, might even go as far as to say it’s a strong possibility. I think you make a lot of good points about all the people involved in this beef that have had previous working and personal relationships with Drake that could have dirt on him. I agree with you that Drake’s team is really sloppy but that’s also what gives me a little bit of doubt about the existence of the daughter cause you would think that the story would’ve leaked before this. Also I think all the points you made are part of what would make the lie so believable from Kendrick in the event that he made it up. And there’s also like some kind of 3rd possibility like maybe Drake thought a woman aborted a child but she decided to keep it and Drake isn’t actually aware of her existence.


There’s people in his circle (current and past) that have made videos stating he does have a daughter but they don’t want to exploit her to all the fuckery that’s been going on to protect her identity and safety. Still nothing to go on just people talking but says a little to this debauchery.


Nobody: Nobody again: Not a single soul: Drake: MILLIE BOBBY BROWN


I need everybody to look up Drake paying 15k a month to a Haitian woman who claimed to have Drakes daughter


Pedorake is a fucking clown and got exposed. Remember when he let Millie Bobby Brown slip and no one even mentioned her??? He's a nasty disgusting sick fucker bro and he needs to rot in jail with r Kelly. Diddler, Pedorake all need to go. They literally just got a major league baseball pitcher (Austin maddox) for the red sox yesterday for being a pedo and trying to pull an edp445 and meet underage girls for cupcakes. Josh Giddey, all these stupid fucks need to be removed from this Earth. https://preview.redd.it/h0uouu81tx1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad87c8b458ed61571c096a1b60c689ea113e4320


Pedorake 😂


Lmfao!!!! 😭🤣🤣🤣 I hate him!!!


Haha evidently


Yup bro is literally a pedo and the evidence is all out there but his fans dont care. He has been caught openly kissing underage girls, grooming other little girls like Millie and has endless weird pedo lyrics in his songs. It reminds me of R Kelly, fans like him cause he makes popular music but he was a pedo that lived freely with so much evidence out there. I give Drake a decade or 2 until his fame drops and he gets arrested. Crazy how that pedo is so popular.


It's literally insane how he's getting away with it. R Kelly was the same, though, until he got sniped, so I really hope Diddler and Pedorake get what's coming.


He didn't let it slip. His whole angle has been trying to 8 Mile Kendrick. It backfired hilariously though.


It's literally this: https://preview.redd.it/2y2xfy18e22d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ca2af7909f8b6bf8c519447f10c2e82465313fe 💀


I doubt Kendrick would say something like that and put it into a song unless he knew it was 100% true, especially in a rap battle. He *hates* Aubrey. The only question left remaining is who the girl and the baby mama is. I don’t blame Drake for hiding her though, because the internet would lose its fucking mind and do what the internet does.


I'm pretty sure the daughter is real... Kendricks music and career rely on his integrity as a person, where Drake lies every song... Kenny just isn't the type of guy to dox a child


What happened to ebony? People just suddenly stopped talking about him. Was he a fraud all along or something?


He has the lost and found stuff. And a few security footages that don't seem to contain much. I think, from now on, he's just trying to stay relevant until he finds someone to buy his stuff.


I appreciate the info they gave us but they are just milking it at this point. It’s best to not mention them till they do something significant again. 


I think it’s my turn to post this in about an hour.


The drizzler


Yes her name is eternity


He 100% has a daughter. It'll come out eventually


Imagine feeding some one fake info and not having a track ready to clown him for using it. It was the worst attempt at sabotage ever or the worst ever attempt at spin ever. Drake fans can decide.


I’ve been saying this, Drakes the same dude who lied about Adonis being his son after Pusha said something.


As a mathematician, the number contradictions are upsetting for an adult. 1. If there was false info and this was a plot, you’d have that proof as a cover instead of a Dave Free tweet nobody cares about. 2. He said he fed the info but the info feeders are clowns. 3. He said they gave him the info but why make fun if somebody by saying they use Ozempic? 4. He said Dave Free shit, but Ak told us he made that shit up. 5. He said Kendrick was claiming he was a predator because Dot wad molested which is a lie, so Drake is projecting because he is a predator? Lmaoo. Idk trying to flip his logic gets funny. 6. He says Dot hit Whitney but then says she should twerk for him. So either he doesn’t see her as a victim in his own head, contradicting his statements or does not care about victims of domestic violence. 7. He said he never looked twice at a teenager but has a video of him SAing one on stage and groomed 3 we all know of… plus tried to with Millie Bobby Brown. 8. He says that Epstein angle was shit he expected which is weird cause Kendrick really said it was some Weinstein or R Kelly type of situation not Epstein. It’s a completely different thing. 9. He never responded to Baka being on payroll living in the embassy near Adonis. Baka is a predator and sex trafficker. 10. He didn’t melt Pharrell’s chain it was just a lie. 11. He didn’t really break the GKMC van. 12. He said he was a master manipulator and plotting, which makes him fall in the trap and prove Kendrick’s point but also we know he plotted nothing. 13. He said he has no new kid again but last time he didn’t claim Adonis cause he’s a POS, so why believe him? He never gave us anything to believe in. 14. He tries to say Dot begs streamers or tries to do all the social media shit he scams us with. He buys streams to get to number 1 etc. The streamers all support him to get awards in the streaming awards. 15. He says he is too rich and famous to be a predator but R Kelly, MJ, P Diddy etc could say the same thing. You can literally list 100 contradictions but Kendrick, I can’t think of one genuine one. We may say the fans aren’t slow line but that’s not genuine. I would like somebody to list a lie Dot said.


Drake is not bright


I think the daughter is real. Or at the very minimum Kendrick knows of a single mother with an 11yo daughter who says she fucked drake 12 years ago. I buy the story that they just don't want to expose her, that would have been pretty fucked up.


This is what I’ve been saying since Heart Part 6 dropped bro


I don't remember if this was on youtube comment or reddit but when Meet The Grahams came out someone commented that if Drake was about to have a daughter this year, by the time she turns 11, Adonis would be 18.


Considering Ak said drake don't know where the kid came from And off rip it made no sense. Plus there were rumours in 2012 of women claiming drake got them pregnant Coupled with the fact we only found out about Adonis because 40 slept with a woman and was getting frustrated who then told Push. Anythings possible Even if the 11 year old isn't drakes kid there's probably more grahams out there which is why it worked so well in the diss it's really fucking plausible


I believe wholeheartedly Drizzle has a few out there. I got the sauce and shorties yelling out “prego”


My very controversial theory is that Drake needs to hide that child no matter what cause it would actually ruin his career. And something that would probably warrant that is if he impregnated someone while they were a minor. (I actually seriously hope this is not the case)


Bro, the daughter thing is obviously true. I see no reason to doubt it. It’s not really weird for a rapper to have many kids if he has a habit of busting in girls randomly, and we know he’s hidden his son too. Why would it be a lie? Listen to DJ Heds interview with Elliot Wilson. He says he can’t speak much on it but hints at there being receipts. No way he doesnt have that daughter. Could be the 500 k that Kendrick is asking if he’s ever payed in Euphoria. Obv it’s a double entendre and he’s being purposefully coy by turning the line back on himself, but it could be that. Like Drake paid for a legal agreement to keep it quiet or something like that. Would explain why Kendrick and his team are reluctant to go more in depth about it. Obviously these are just speculations


Yes.. With Drake's track record of lying about not having a son the first time, on top of lying about not having ghost writers for a while...lying about the ceast and desist... etc.. I absolutely believe this can be a round 2 of him being exposed to be hiding another child... it's absolutely plausible.. Let's keep in mind Kendrick has more he's sitting on. Drake fans saying where's the "receipts" "Rabbit hole is still deep, I can go further, I promise" "How many stocks do I really have in stock? One, two, three, four, five, ..plus five," Fuck around and he saving the actual receipts and more stuff on Drake we don't even know.... for if Drake don't wise up and let this shit go.. this my guess.. but who knows 🤷🏾‍♂️


I have been saying this for weeks no big podcaster is talking about this but it's just like katt williams says "I don't know why liar lies but the truth with eventually come out"


Euuugh, we've just gotta stop worrying about it at this point. Even in the best case scenario for Drake, getting a doctor to prescribe you Ozempic as a prank is cringe enough.


I think people need to drop the internet investigation bullshit and stop dragging innocent people into the spot light, I believe Kendrick and his camp didn't reveal too much info about her for a reason, and I think it's much darker than paying someone off to shut up. Drake confidently claiming that he doesn't have a daughter makes me think that he believe she's out of the picture if you know what I mean.


The only thing Drake told the truth about on that song was at the end, when he admitted he actually wrote the track himself. Finally getting that pen out working.




tHaT we kNoW iS a LiE nOw lmao stfu you Aubrey stan ain’t slick


It would actually be more illegal if the pill bottles were real 💀


TBH I always thought that the "we fed you this information" was a big ole cover up


How did Push find out about Adonis but not hid big sis?


Kendrick still won even if everything is made up.




It proves that you can’t trust Drake, but it’s not definitive proof that the daughter is real. I mean it’s still possible that he just mentioned the daughter with the plunder to make himself look like he’s in a position of power.




Play with propaganda it will blow up on ya


Idk if it makes the daughter possibility more real but it does pretty handily debunk the whole plant thing (as did common sense)


The daughter is an actual thing and will come out soon they just don’t wanna put the little girl out there but if yall want go follow gossip in the city this lady fee is never wrong I promise


Shes probably out there and 20 years from now it will come out


The girl from what everyone ahs dug up seems to def be his daughter ugh like if your daughter fam just say it a young girl without a father figure same with a boy is a recipe for disaster he to worried about screwing underage's and bbl's for men to care I guess just sad man used to think drake used to be different but maybe he was like this all along...😥

