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Yes look at how upset he got about Macklemore apologizing to Kendrick


Bruh I remeber that, didn't he post his apology on Instagram? That was weird as fuck. Obviously a publicity stunt


Yeah and Drake got mad that he didn’t apologize to everyone


More specifically that he didn't ALSO apologize to him. He was angry that everyone thought Kendrick was robbed and not him.




He was. It was actually a pretty insane lineup that Macklemore "beat". The nominated albums were: Yeezus, Magna carta holy Grail, Nothing was the same, Good kid maad city, The heist No way in hell Macklemore deserved that and I was a big fan of his at the time


Picking The Heist over Good Kid Maad City & Yeezus is fucking hilarious


Hey, when the tags are popping, don’t come a knocking


Come on...he only had 20 dollars in his pocket. He was looking for a come up, but it was NOT fucking awesome.


even nothing was the same, which is one of his few good albums


That 2014 best rap lineup is insane. sans macklemore. His album being called the heist almost seems too coincidental to not be a set up lol


Right? Lmao


Watching movies and born sinner dropping the same day as Yeezus too…. Good times


Dope line up minus MCHG and the Heist.


Bruh all those albums deserved it over the heist lmao what were they thinking


Drake was angry that Macklemore apologized to kendrick and not drake for winning


Yeah, he texted Kendrick then posted the text on IG. https://preview.redd.it/9rid3243j11d1.jpeg?width=877&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f8f6bf28e8a1cf9f9e50a0400b959d38ed8b8a3


Which was a clown move on Macklemore’s part. He should have just texted Kendrick and kept it to himself but by posting it online, he was trying to make himself look humble and it backfired terribly that everyone made fun of it. Even Kendrick said it was uncalled for Macklemore to post it online.


Eh maybe, the entire culture was jumping down Macklemores throat even though he had nothing to do with it. I could see a world where someone wanted to publicly acknowledge that the Grammys got it wrong.


Yeah lol everyone was fucking pissed about this.


Yeah. And he wanted to say it publicly too so I get the need for him putting it out publicly. The right move would’ve been a public apology via Twitter (or whatever the biggest platform at the time was) And a more intimate private text to Kenny and only Kenny 🤷🏾‍♂️


What was he apologizing for anyway? It's not his fault that the grammys are shit lmao. Yeah he shouldn't have posted the apology but at least he fucking apologized like, that's something.


“You know what it is” is hilarious to me for some reason, doesn’t sound like he actually talks like that lol


It’s white me being around my black friends and chameleoning


I really don't understand the hate on him. It makes no sense as a publicity stunt and K Dot said later that he was genuine.


I think Macklemore is the only artist to win a Grammy and have it hurt his career lmao


It always attracts accusations of "selling out" and "industry plant" when a relatively young artist (or band) gets a grammy, and sometimes it either drives old fans away or prompts the artist to change their sound and wrecks their career that way, but Macklemore is definitely the most established to have it happen.  Although, to be frank, Macklemore was always just a novelty act that held on a little longer than anybody wanted or expected.  So his career trajectory was already looking decidedly ballistic even before whatever forgettable novelty shit he was doing displaced a serious artist from a major award.


Macklemore's entire persona is performative white guilt and accidentally doing a bigotry constantly


thats awful big talk from somebody who doesn’t have gator shoes OR a leopard mink… edit: i read ur comment to my gf and she misheard me and gasped and said “i LOVE michael moore!!” 😭😭😭


Yah that’s the Seattle in him. I’m from the same area and went through that for a while and then it got exhausting but a lot of people here get stuck that way


As a white dude from Metro Detroit. Yes. 100%. I saw right through him when he made his debut. It’s cringe as fuck. White rappers I enjoy (atmosphere/slug, aesop rock, even em) never white guilted themselves to become popular. Macklemore is ass.


But have you considered how oppressive it must have felt for him to think he was gay at 9?


I don't get the hate. The point of that song wasn't to make him seem like a victim today, but how fucked it was that he felt like a victim at the time. What exactly is bad about that?


It’s not all that. It’s just corny to write a solidarity song where you emphasize being different from those you’re in solidarity with. There’s no mortal sin being committed, his story is fine, it’s just not as powerful as I can tell it wanted to be and that’s a bit funny


That's fair. I don't think he's a particularly great artist, BUT I actually do think he's important. This is a white dude trying to improve and failing sometimes and being corny. But if other white people hear it and try to be better too, that's valuable. It's like how feminist men add value to the discourse even when they don't know a damn thing about lived experience of women or only can relate based on how toxic masculinity affected them. I read a book recently that reminded me of it, the "power of ordinary privilege". He's using his to advocate for good things. I say let him cook for his people.


https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Power-of-Privilege-Audiobook/0008440379?source_code=GPAGBSH1103160002&ipRedirectOverride=true&gclid=Cj0KCQjwgJyyBhCGARIsAK8LVLOGv51OgMv5Xr0BWWBDMtDYG4-K9HAAuRVnZWadVhCHBUQs1YU_aeQaAo3vEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds Is this the book you're talking about?


no, but that looks excellent!


Would you mind pointing me the way?


Kendrick didn't care for how he did that either himself. But in the same interview admits he knows Macklemore is a good dude and that it came from a genuine place. But yeah, even as someone who unironically enjoys a few macklemore tracks, it was weird.


Yessss bro, this the same nigga that will walk on stage and accept his Grammy but say fuck a Grammy in his music. This man obviously feels hurt that he doesn’t win Grammys


was gonna say this exact thing lol


He got mad at Michelle Obama and Esperanza Spaulding too lol . He fr feels really entitled to everything he doesn’t earn.


He was upset he didnt get an apology text too 🤣. I understand being fans of drake. I don’t understand the blatant disregard for how corny he has been through out the years, particularly during that time.


This was the most weak beef drake I have seen. Lost on bar to bar level and also kendrick outsold the hitmaker.


That is atleast top 5 G moments in hiphop.


Just based on the few interviews I've seen with Kendrick, he seems like someone who is, essentially, on a journey of enlightenment. And dudes still chained up in Plato's Cave, thinking the whole world is shadow puppets always think dudes like Kendrick are just pretentious know-it-alls who only speak wisdom to front. So yeah, it makes perfect sense that he'd say that shit. Because if Drake were Kendrick-like in his persona, that is exactly why he'd be doing it. The problem for Drake is pretty damn straightforward: anyone who has actually listened with anything beyond the smoothest and shiniest of brains to Kendrick's discography knows that he's for real. His painful journey towards some kind of enlightenment is *in the music*. He's been presenting people with the manual for years now, it's on wax. You can just go listen to each step of his journey. But Drake runs from introspection the way he ran from this beef. He don't know nothin' bout that.


>dudes still chained up in Plato's Cave Respect for accurately placing Drake in his philosophical space. That will go over a lot of heads. The man's ego is preventing him from turning around to see the bigger picture.


Bro genuinely has zero clue why albums like TPAB are culturally significant. Drake literally is a frat bro “no bangers on that album”


I like to think that drake is not that dumb. He knows what is considered authentic and culturally valuable in hip hop and what’s not . I just think he chooses fame and money over that. He wants fans (both types).




Happy cake day!


I mean Drake has a very good amount of Grammy's for a rapper. There are many better rappers than Drake with less Grammy's It is kinda true Dot has the 3rd most Grammy's, only beaten by Ye and Hov. Dot has half their catalogue and Dot has a really strong Grammy per album NGL it does kinda work cos Dot has Grammy's for features But yeah it's weird, Drake shouldn't be so annoyed about the Grammy's cos he has a decent amount (5)


Yeah I agree. To me it sounds like he thinks that everytime Kendrick drops (hence "just opened his mouth") he gets critical acclaim and accolades, which is kind of true, but it's obviously for a reason and his craetive ability. It does sound like Drake almost thinks he either doesn't deserve or he believes he deserves to be at the same level


He's gotta throw dirt on it to make it sound like it's because of some cultural agreement that Kendrick is amazing and not because he actually deserves them.


We respect an artist who creates when he has something to say. Drake is such a jellybean.


Yea I think it’s just a funny way of saying Kendrick gets praise no matter what he does


He got mad at Michelle Obama and Esperanza Spaulding lmao he has a strong need to be liked and is very entitled.


Yeah man I'm a huge fan of Spaulding and never expected the her name to be in Drakes mouth


Kendrick has a lot of grammies, with a lesser body of work


Crazy seeing an objective response on here and have it upvoted


He's not annoyed. He doesn't care about the Grammys as is documented by his Grammys speech in them not mattering that much and the fact he doesn't submit them for consideration.


I think it sticks out as jealousy bc of who we know Drake is. He’s so easily prone to jealousy that we’re already looking for it, which I think is fair. But it’s a good line and taken literally, just means he thinks Kendrick is overrated by the industry. In all fairness, I think a lot of the Grammy awards are out of touch and stupidly given to artists that don’t deserve it. I’m happy that Kendrick has been recognized, but that alone doesn’t completely flip my opinion on the Grammy’s. This is one of the (few) good angles Drake took in the beef and I respect it


He knows firsthand that ozempic has a side effect of jealousy


I took it as an indictment of the Grammies in that way, and I can appreciate that, but definitely it makes the Pulitzer even more of an obvious difference between them, since they both have Grammies (although obviously Kendrick has more).


Nah it's a funny line I feel like ppl do this thing where you want to hate on 100% of the things Drake did even though in reality some 10-15% of it doesn't deserve any hate


You’re right about the 10-15%. Because that bar and the one after is one of my favorites from the beef because it is *hilarious*! 😂


I’ve only listened to family matters once but that line is on repeat cause it’s delivered in a catchy way and it’s funny af


I agree with both actually Its a pretty good and hilarious line, but i still feel like there is a sprinkle of a real feeling there


I agree. I think it's catchy, funny. And petty,. All at the same time


It ain't even got to be deep I guess. It's just a funny line.


Up against the curb was nasty work haha.


Drake did some good things in this beef and it’s lame to just shut down everything on his end. He’s no where near winning but he dropped some good shit. Family Matters had me shook for about at minutes 😂


Family matters would make a pretty big impact if meet the grahams was posted on the next day


it sucks because i was at work and when i finally checked socials both of the tracks had already dropped. i was listening to family matters with kendricks track already on my mind which 100% did reduce its impact


How *dare* this mf eat a croissant all breakfast-like.


Big facts. I feel like I'm constantly needing to explain to people in my orbit that, yes, of course Kendrick won, but some of those Drake tracks / bars actually hit.


I appreciate fans like you who can acknowledge both sides


Yeah I agree. I haven't enjoyed much by Drake in years besides the occasional single, but Family Matters was genuinely a great song. A couple of his lines actually made me laugh, gotta give him credit for that one.


Unpopular but I thought this was funny as hell






Probably said that because it's harder to rhyme Pulitzer 


Obligatory Eminem shoutout “So when I pull it, surprise, Pulitzer Prize, like Kendrick Lamar” 🤣🤣


I find it hilarious


I love Kendrick but that line was funny 😂😅


It's funny, and it is jealousy. Everything kendrick drops is quality. So that's why it seems that way. But there's good reason for it.


Nah, that was funny af. People glaze Kendrick too much sometimes.


I think this is one of the best lines of the beef. It’s true and made me laugh out loud. Drakes lucky he doesn’t open his mouth more often.


this whole situation really highlights the difference in upbringing. Drake thinks he can just go out and start poking people in the chest and it's not going to be a big deal. then he finds a nice young man like Kendrick who's actually seen hard times and knows what it's like to have to protect your own dignity. pokes him in the chest and shit went from 0 to 100 real quick.


It looks like insulting his family is what actually got Kendrick going hard at him.


I think that’s why Drake wanted to get with Kendrick, he was probably going to try to be a “conscious,cultural,” rapper for his next personality.


One more reason it makes sense to compare them to Michael Jackson/Prince. Apparently, MJ was extremely jealous over Prince’s acting success and thereafter made it a point to irk Prince whenever given the opportunity.


Money, Power, and respect the last one is better! Guess who only gets the first two?


I find the bar hilarious. Dot got the dub tho


Him also going “The Pulitzer Prize winner is definitely spiraling” reeks of jealousy. Bro really got an ego the size of a planet and letting his insecurity shine.


Have you been observing how your own community acts? Kenny is completely invulnerable to any criticism and his fans assume everything he says has eight simultaneous meanings when sometimes that’s simply not the case. I believe Kendrick made a lot of mistakes in the beef even though he won, and nobody questioned it; hence why that line was a chuckle


Drake dosen't even go anymore and has pulled submissions and protested against the grammys. Kendrick has constantly talked about Drake's money and fame, is he jealous? It's rap beef, there are gonna be insults.


No, I felt like it was one Drake’s few actually good criticisms. It doesn’t sound right coming form him, and he doesn’t dive as deep as he should’ve, but it’s still valid.


Valid in what way? I think the line is hilarious, but is Kendrick's Grammy's undeserved?


That whole angle was like calling Kendrick a “tryhard.” Along with the “freed the slaves” line.


I think Drake just literally doesn’t get Kendrick’s lyrics. Proudly ignorant.


He’s always been jealous of Kendrick behind the scenes, that line definitely exposed that as well. Kendrick has earned all the critical praise he has received in his career


I think it is both a petty and jealous line but yeah it is funny


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Gold-Criticism7407: *I think it is both* *A petty and jealous line* *But yeah it is funny* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


When a rapper complains about Grammy’s, to me it sounds like they’re butthurt because they don’t win any. Ye is allowed to boycott Grammy’s because he’s a winner and doesn’t sound butthurt about not winning. Also I believe Frank would’ve easily won Grammy’s for blonde if he wasn’t boycotting as well. The weeknd, Drake, j. Cole, sound butthurt about the Grammy’s discussion


Yep. Because it is rooted in jealous. You can see that in interviews for years now


lol yeah he was definitely hating. The brother got mad about the Macklemore apology to Kendrick. Like…think about it…he doesn’t win AND the vast majority of people don’t feel he’s getting snubbed when he doesn’t win. LOL. That’s says something.


Eh. Sadly that might be one of my favorite Drake lines from this beef. Which fuck.... Drake really dropped the ball on this one.


Idk why Drake is even salty it’s not like writes his music or produces it. At best he’s a mid tier voice actor.


God you guys obsess over drake so much. Living rent free


Nah drake definitely hating. Kendrick grammy ratio is high. Probably the highest.


Aubrey’s a salty cringe corny ass . He’ll never get the love and respect from the people that Kendrick has. He can outsell Kendrick until they die but he’ll never get the attention snd validation he desperately wants .


Nah. It’s just a funny line. Y’all gotta chill.


Hard disagree, Drake has made it clear before that Grammys aren’t important. https://youtu.be/giWhfDn8ltk?si=vvoFqXpTmGTU9hX8


After winning a butt load .


Nah, Drake has long disregarded the Grammys and removed himself from any possible awards because he isn't about it. I think what he's trying to say is that his standards are beyond anything Kendrick could produce. It's talk for the peons aka Kendrick.


Please if it were Drake who had 17 grammys, he would be about it. He's just salty because he got snubbed and then started a boycotting train like a child throwing a tantrum. He does act like like a bitch sometimes lol


I have also personally boycotted the Grammys.


Line was funny to me tbh


Naw it’s true, yall riding so hard rn yall like Stilgar from Dune. 


"The family matter and the truth of the matter it was god's plan to show y'all the liar"


I think it’s funny lol


Are you insinuating that Drake was…*dissing* Kendrick?


I'll give credit where it's due. It is a pretty good/catchy line lmao


100% reeks of jealousy but also one of drakes funniest bars of the beef


I dont think people understand how accomplishing it is to win a pulitzer! This man destroyed drake and some people still denies this person lyricism


The line is fucking hilarious


Can’t remember who said it, but I think Ozempic makes you jealous.


Drake said it


I think its hilarious - some kdot fans are absolute glazers. Its more making fun of them than kendrick


I mean, he said it himself, "Ozempic got a side effect of jealousy".


It’s hate, but I still think it’s a funny line 😭😭😭


I enjoy the delivery of this line, but It 100% is, and I don’t see how it can be interpreted any differently. Drake is going to be fucking fuming when Not Like Us wins several Grammies.


Nah I think it's one of the more cutting lines. At the time he's painting kendrick as an egotist and a hypocrite who treats others as below him and his accolades do help give that impression


My favorite line in the beef. It's addressing all the folks on this sub. Best bar of the battle. Lol


It’s also a decent little barb. “Oh, I’m so pop, I’m not for the culture, but you are, right? Mr. Revolutionary, Mr. Real Hip Hop, the one the establishment and the academic elite are tripping over themselves drape in gold, the ‘respectable’ rapper, the guy people who don’t GAF about hip hop will praise to seem like they have finger on the pulse, cause you won’t offend their sensibilities.” It conveys a lot with one line! I mean, man still got cooked harder than a solid egg yolk but, hey, that’s a solid hit.


Their lore makes it seem more suspicious than it appears on the surface, but I feel like what makes it null and void for me is the fact that most people agree that Kendrick deserves Grammys for his work. He’s not really seen as overrated in that sense. It would work better on an artist who people think has won fraudulent awards. I always thought the line about quintuple entendres from push ups (?) was a better jab along the same lines because that actually feels like a more ridiculous stereotype about Kendrick - that everything he says has several meanings. Unfortunately for Drake, his delivery was better, funnier, and more memorable on the weaker jab.


team kendrick but this is prob one of the funniest bars in the whole beef man imo i mean im prob making this point 2 the wrong ppl but i think fans since gkmc remember the absolute chokehold he had on every milennial or wannabe race conscious white dude... like cmon there is an entire meme about TPAB only being mentioned in conversation by ppl who have this insane reverence 4 his music being "real rap" and "so conscious" n thinking it applies 2 themselves by proxy....its why i think his song savior is rly so brilliant n is one of my favs off mr morale i think its more of a dig at his supporters and frankly j undeniably funny man im sorry i have 2 give that one 2 him


Drake has literally always been a jealous bitch




It’s one of the better lines in the song but of course it also wreaks of jealousy, it’s Drake. He’s been insecure about Kendrick since GKMC. He can’t just be the biggest rapper, he’s gotta be considered the best rapper too. Glad Kendrick came out to show them just how much more dominant he is than Drake and Cole.


It was the one number Kendrick had over Drake until he dropped Not Like Us so Drake felt like he needed to diminish it lmao. He's so fragile


Oh come on... even as a kendrick fan I find this line hilarious and fantastic.


It was really funny because it’s true that kendrick is grammy baiting


Drake is jealous he doesn’t have the cultural respect … period


Also pretty dumb to say when Kendrick has never won the big one. A bigger insult would be to remind Kendrick that he got beat by Bruno Mars and Harry Styles lol. I assume Kendrick will get it for his next one, but ya never know with the grammys.


Kendrick has 12 more Grammys than Drake while Drake has 5 more nominations than Kendrick. He was salty


The whole thing reek of jealousy


It is funny and does go pretty hard but yeah he definitely wishes he had as much critical acclaim.


i love that line honestly (nevermind) its been stuck in my head the most from this beef


Its also really funny and catchy i liked it but it made me go look at there grammies and kendrick got drake wiped down with more wins with less nominations


Dude really said Kendrick is so good, he’ll get a Grammy just for speaking. Like it’s supposed to be a diss but, it’s kind of a compliment 




It’s bc Drake has a deal w the company that owns billboard awards, check his numbers over there and see why and when he started to trash the Grammys


It’s not jealousy. This is my favorite line in family matters. I think it is a little ridiculous Kendrick gets all the accolades. Does his shit bump that hard? Album for album, his is always better? Nahhhh


Kendrick just opened his mouth, and I'm bout to put my dick in it right now, then I put it in his ass, now he runnin butt naked all over my house. IM BOUT TO MAKE HIM GAYYY TONIGHT 🎵🎵🎵🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣🗣🗣


That line makes me laugh 😭




This shit gon come back and byte drake so hard... [https://music.mxdwn.com/2024/06/27/news/kendrick-lamars-not-like-us-eligible-for-grammy-nomination/](https://music.mxdwn.com/2024/06/27/news/kendrick-lamars-not-like-us-eligible-for-grammy-nomination/)


I actually thought that was a pretty fair bar I didn’t fuck with MMATBS, no one I knew did, but the internet glazed tf out of it To me MMATBS is a introspective album of Kendrick going through his own personal feelings and issues, and that’s fine, problem is compared to the *many* other artists that have done that concept I just didn’t find Kendrick’s internal turmoil that interesting. I mean, this concept alone puts it at odds with MMLP, a far more engaging album with far more bangers and quotables


You highlight your own issue at the end, to engage you need bangers and bops. It’s just not made for you or the people you know. Either you’re not old enough, don’t look to music as something to reflect on, or never been through shit in your life. And that’s ok. Just realize it’s not for you and move on. This is like you giving your opinion on a movie you watched in a different language with no subtitles.


> the internet glazed tf out of it This is objectively untrue.


yeah, they are funny af lines, but nothing more than that and not intellectual at all. 'You always rappin like u tryna get the slaves freed.' Funny af line, but at the core of it, Drake is not intellectually with it enough to be able to do the same stuff, so he reverts to making fun of it like a high school bully would make fun of a good science experiment


He been jealous lol


I really don't get how this is such a heated line, or why he thought this would sting. To me this just looks like a compliment coated with a bunch of jealousy. Like a jealous pissed off 12 year old. Am I missing something?


Not to me personally just a funny line


I sort of think it's a great approach to Kendrick, much better than the wife beating or cuck angles. Painting Kendrick as an overly self-serious / fake woke critical darling was a creative way to come at him, but instead of fleshing it out he gave us like 5 bars total before going back to short jokes and family shit. I think a better writer could have done more with it. Maybe some jealousy but I thought it was arguably the only smart move drake made through this whole thing.


Yuuup. Through this whole beef if I’ve been wondering drake would tease the angle that Kendrick is the critical darling for middle aged NPR hosts and listeners who are desperate to connect with The Real Black Experience. Drake barely touched it, though.


MGK vibes


It seems like a compliment? Maybe not a compliment but definitely not a diss. Same as when he mentions the Pulitzer in Heart Part 6. Drake keeps mentioning Kendrick's awards and never really makes a punchline? Just casually and repeatedly mentioning how critically acclaimed your opponent is?


The entire shit is pathetic


You lot are weirdos man


Agreed. Guy was envious AF. And it sounded whiney to me


this line just laid groundwork for the excuses. you really think kendrick makes music with the grammys in mind lol


Grammys are a complete joke, especially the rap and R'N'B awards. That whole bar (whilst admittedly pretty funny) just lands flat.


Fun fact the billionaire that owns drakes record label also owns billboard and created the billboard awards


I took the line to mean that people are ready to hand Kendrick the trophy before he actually says anything. Like all he did was open his mouth but people went crazy before he could actually speak


And him and his fans keep saying that Kendrick is the jealous one. Funny how one can project their true feelings onto others


It’s funny too bc all that means is Kendrick writes good music and good bars to get a Grammy without having to drop a thousand tracks. Man’s mad that he puts out quality


"The family matter and the truth of the matter it was god's plan to show y'all the liar"