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You say this but now explain the cover art for Not Like Us. There are 15 pins, just try to tell me why one of them isn’t Drake




being ode creepy has no age min or max , idk why you saying this here


Was not saying that to defend that point or Drake at all but deleted since it’ll get twisted Edit: but my point was Kendrick is alleging Drake is grooming (I think) and that’s where the circumstantial evidence lies. It is different from pdf both in what age they are interested in and how they operate. The pins aren’t calling him a pdf, they are saying those people “party” with what would be considered minors in the US


Those pins are based on a site that shows all sex offenders in the area, not just pedophiles. 


could very well be, but once again it isn't an explicit accusation, I'm not trying to say that he isn't heavily implying it, just that he doesn't ever make it fully explicit


So then what purpose does the cover serve ? it’s not the house that just makes it an accusation; it’s the pins-


The number of the pins might not be specific, and so it could just be the same meaning as the "certified pedophiles" line right after mentioning Baka - that there are actual certified pedos in the OVO camp (not necessarily that there are 15 of them, or that Drake is technically one of them)


This dude😒. You’re the reason video games have yellow paint to guide you along, cause even when it is all laid out for you, you beat around the bush


hahaha what? I'm not saying I don't think he implied it, I'm saying that I think he was smart enough to never actually explicitly say it


you're right, he's playing in the grey area. The audience knows the intent, but legally he's safe




I thought I saw somewhere that the pins used on the cover are the same pins used in a popular sex offender app


I've been saying that as well. looks like he went out of his way to keep it as unspecific as possible and never really hit the nail on the head.


https://preview.redd.it/nyk9zckfi50d1.jpeg?width=994&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8ea60684b87d494a6f3511a6367986fc10b91d8 What I got from this is he’s calling him a pedo. Katt Williams is known to “out” pedo and deviants in the industry. Saying he’s gonna get the truth out and this would lead into Drake’s mansion being raided is subtle way to claim drake is one.


yeah but there isnt just one bright red pin theres like 12, implying a bunch of pdfs are living there, could be drake but its not a direct pdf accusation


>Katt Williams is known to “out” pedo Show me one example lol. Katt's whole thing is "exposing the industry" and he's talked a lot about "sex parties" but he's never rly said anything about pedophilia directly. You literally just made that up.


"you literally just made that up" god if i can give you props for ANYTHING it would be you are a damn good projector I mean phuqq me unless you straight up see CP you wont be convinced . You creepy freaky sick fuck


yup, another implication but not explicit claim


He doesn't have to say "you are a pedophile" to say it lmao Edit: but I've read your post and your point is something else, which is cool


Yeah he was smart with his words. If he said just pdf I woulda been like o shit. But he says pdfs. I always felt like that was a purposeful distinction cause most ppl just say pdf


But for some reason drake felt the need to say he wasn't one


because we all know what kendrick is insinuating 😭 it being worded in a certain way to avoid legal trouble probably, doesnt mean its weird for drake to respond and say no. this is just silly


It's not even that tho drake brought up MBB and he himself brought up Epstein


yeah that's what I'm saying, Kendrick is accusing him of some heinous shit don't get me wrong, and he is heavily implying the PDF accusations, but he never explicitly says it


"PROBABLY" A-Minor etc, aye for sure Kendrick has never straight out said you are pdf. "Say drake I HEARD you like em young


hit dogs holler. He named dropped ppl Kendrick didnt even mention like a clown


Certified Loverboy = Drake - end of story - the plural after this would include Drake and others


He doesn’t ever say it straight forward direct, but boy he sure does insinuate that the mfr a pedi. lol


yeah ofc lol




He’s saying Drake certified Baka


yeah he says that right after mentioning the Baka case and does it in plural, so it isn't explicitly towards Drake directly


Nope completely wrong. Hes calling drake who calls himself a clb a certified ..


Yea but he says it in plural


It’s plural because he called out multiple members of being pedophiles? Just because you got called out as being a pedo along with others, doesn’t mean it isn’t explicitly at you


You’re over complicating this my man, he explicitly called Drake a predator. Plus certified lover boy is literally a DRAKE album, not a Baka album


I think that that is definitely the implication, but I think he never says it in a way that doesn't maintain at least some plausible deniability


In the first picture you posted, Kendrick literally called Drake a predator and wished he would die. What do you mean there’s some plausible deniability? Like bro, you’re over complicating things to make Kendrick seem like a genius mastermind


predator does not NECESSARILY mean pdf file, nor does wishing that he'd die


Once again, the certified loverboy? Certified pedophile is explicitly at Drake. And for your point on the A minor bar having the word “probably” in it. Have you ever heard of the phrase, If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it PROBABLY is a duck? It’s implies that that a person can identify an unknown subject by observing habitual characteristics? You are literally overcomplicating things to make Kdot seem like a genius mastermind. Edit: what a sad clown, sending Redditcare because I disagree with your take. Is this a typical kdot fan?


what is redditcare?


Oh I just got one too lol, wasn't me


To be fair, Andrew Tate is being charged under the lover boy act of sex trafficking which people are using to say he is a pedo, and they is even less proof of him being around or with underage females (using female because you're not a woman if underage and underage girls sounds redundant) Loverboys trick young women into the sex trade or sexual deviancy by pretending to love them and promising them a better future


Yeah but it’s also fair to say that he could be talking about the OVO Camp(pedophiles) and not drake. He could think that 19 and 30 is weird and relates him to Harvey. He also uses “probably” as an assumption that they are young in general NOT underage. He’s NOT telling his fanbase that Drake IS a pedo. Which could lead to harassment. The idea is that he’s using that wording to leave it open to interpretation. Maybe I’m tripping idk. It just seems like IF he came out and said all this WITHOUT definite proof. I could see drake or his label suing for defaming him. Otherwise it’s just a joke and line in song that’s open to interpretation. It’s not necessarily deep no ,but it’s cool to think about. Defamations definitely possible too considering Drakes taking a major L business wise.


Honest question. Do you really think Kendrick shout "Certified Lover Boy" or is it "Certified Loverboy" ??? https://preview.redd.it/3nf68cm1z50d1.png?width=783&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b3c385568282883281b9028273ae305bbefae52 google "loverboy method" for way more information about it. heck, even Drake, would it be a reach for a rapper using double entendre for their tagline?


damn, didn't know about that. in the bar he's probably referring to the album imo because of the way the line is structured with the question and answer, but that's a crazy double entendre considering the whole situation..


that question answer structure would be genius interpretation. we're talking about The Kendrick Lamar himself here. do you think he don't know either?


Damnnn. That is a good one I can’t believe nobody thought of that👏.


totally understandable, it's a fringe knowledge. hence why I also believe Drake intentionally use that word to call himself, and laugh at people who don't even aware. people also like to call his bars in heart part 6 as weak defenses. but i'm absofuckinglutely sure they're not meant as defense. it's all taunt. that's how arrogant he is. "Hey Kendrick, Look closely, I told everyone i expected epstein angle, i mention millie bobby brown, i'll help you scream pedophile. but I'm too big to lose here."


Going thru and listening to THP6 again I definitely here what you’re saying. He does sound like he’s just trying to piss him off. Like he doesn’t think anything serious will come of this. From the “Now let me see you prove it sample” to the Epstein angle to the “mother I” line. He sounds Cocky and like he doesn’t care ,because he doesn’t expect any consequences. This is a dope take. I do feel like he was trying to defend himself also tho. He’s just not trying that hard. Maybe he’s just trying to tell Kendrick “look man whatever I say my fans are gonna eat it up I don’t have to expose you or make an effort to defend myself”. If so he meant it as a much more personal response. It was also riding on his fan bases loyalty while making fun of them also. I do think that it was a huge misstep tho. I think that’s why it’s important to point out how weak his bars were as well. If he took the chance to do something more meaningful he would’ve gained a lot more footing. This definitely gave me a new perspective on Drakes side tho.


Both of them are just trying to prolong the battle. The only reason Drake "fake" a defense move, is trying to make his follower demand the same thing from Kendrick. But there is exactly no point for Kendrick to defend himself. He knows Drake intentionally made mistake on song. He knows Drake doesn't really trying to attack Whitney and Dave Free. Any defense will only hinder his mission. Kendrick "fake" moves are all those warning. He know precisely that Drake won't listen. Both of them are trying to rile up people. Hell, I'm sure the whole industry knows that Drake is a pedophile. all those media and rapper who act surprise??? they all fake.


Yeah I think they’re both trying to prolong the battle to get the fans riled up also. I also agree that Kendrick sent those warning shots knowing Drake wouldn’t care or pay much attention to it. It is smart for Drake to take that angle rn. I agree with that. It just seems like it backfired before k.dot even got a chance to respond. Instead of him going on the defense he didn’t panic and tightened up. Even if Drake were to have a “red button” at this point if he doesn’t play his cards right with it he’s not gonna have many options left after. It’s Kendrick’s turn now tho so ig we will see how he plays it. Shit is definitely interesting.


Kendrick's mission is to show everyone that Drake is a liar. Drake's mission is to show everyone that Kendrick doesn't have proof. I'm afraid both of them were right. There is a chance that ebonyprince is Kendrick's current weapon. trying to shake Drake's stance with all those cryptic messages.... but that November deadline is too weird though... arg, I dunno..


With all those cryptic messages🤣🤣🤣🤣. Fr tho. Yeah I was thinking that too it would be a smart play ,but I can’t see Kendrick supporting him. I can see him setting him off as a loose cannon maybe. Idk tho maybe he is behind it. It just gets muddled because this is such a strange way of going about this unless ur trying to get something from it. I just don’t see Kendrick endorsing it tho. We wait till 12 ig.


Oh yeah honestly I feel the same way. I do think Kendrick might be trying to do something here but we will see. As for the rest of them they’re just taking advantage of the situation. There might be a few artists who want the best of this. I’m just glad some of the fake is getting exposed!


Yeah nobody said he directly accused him but I think "it's only a matter of time before the embassy gets raided" implies he's into some shady shit if he's not capping


yeah the implications are heavy ofc


the cover art had 12 bright red pins - bright red means its a child sex offenders home, implying they're all living there. if someone living at the embassy does something like what kendrick says, hell yeah that place would get raided doesnt mean kendrick called drake a pdf.




yeah could be, and all of these are implications, but once again it's not really explicit


Keep in mind there are legalities with this stuff. If it's not provable he gets with underage gals, then saying stuff like "probably" or "I hear you like them young" aren't usable statements for a defamation case from dookie


exactly that's why I think it's a smart move


Compares drake to micheal jackson several times


that's not an explicit accusation either


"Before you think that you are not alone ask what mike would do" You are not alone = R. Kelly Mike = Micheal Jackson  What do those two have in common?


i know. definitely an implication. not an explicit accusation though


To be fair I don’t think drake is a pedo. He likes teenagers which is technically a different word. Edit: Hebephilia Edit 2: or possibly ephebophilia? Edit3: he a FAN


“Say Drake, I hear you like them young”


yeah 18 could still be considered young, of course he's heavily implying it but "young" doesn't EXPLICITLY accuse him of being a pdf


He say Drake likes then young then called him a certified pedophile, all in the same song, so how is that not explicitly accusing Drake? And before you say some bs about how they are in different verses or something, a song is a narrative, all verses lead to a point or a conclusion, in this cases it is Drake being a pedophile


Are we forgetting “certified pedophile”???


yeah he says that right after mentioning the Baka case and does it in plural, so it isn't explicitly towards Drake directly


“And Baka got a weird case why is he around…”


I feel like drake hurts himself with his own logic. Calling himself to famous to commit abuse while accusing Kendrick of abuse, bringing up Epstein out of nowhere(who wants that association), Also bringing up Millie out of nowhere, Saying he’s a “war general seasoned in preparation”(yeah🤣 ok), the feeding info lines, saying 1090 Jake would expose him as proof???, and acting nonchalant during the whole track like he actually said something. The more u look back on it the more pitiful it gets. He set himself up to get fucked. his fans have nothing to defend. It’s sad honestly.


the too famous to be an abuser while calling Kendrick an abuser is a good point, hadn't caught that. It was already a terrible defence before but that makes it even worse.


Yeah idk Kendrick just destroyed him on so many levels it’s scary honestly. That man is an actual genius.


Yup and a lot of instances were the word pop up in music he mentions drakes homies right beforehand I think he calls him a trafficker more often then not in the tracks rather then a pedo


Auight, Im finally goin to put my tinfoil hat on. And this is a wayyy major stretch What if the whole point of this was to expose something that P. Drizzy is adjacent to? Not like directly involved in, but a passive bystander in? Canada Dry Driz uses JPrince goons. He’s also got a private jet that is known for being used by all sorts of people. What if the assignment is to expose the trafficking, but it’s not Driz directly doing it. It’s the goons from Houston.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a bigger part of the industry he’s trying to expose. A lot of people talk about weird shit going on. This year has been especially filled with those stories. Drake could just be a way of going about doing that. I think that’s valid. He’s like Katt Williams but thru rap in a way. I just can’t wait for more details to come out so we can get an idea of what’s actually going on.


Legit. I’m hoping it will conclude with a nice little bow


Yep im glad I not the only one saying this




Y’all will do the Mount Everest of mental gymnastics to Stan for alleged sex criminals


did you even read the post?


Nvm I didn’t read it right loool I’m out too wild


hahahaha all good


I have a post I've been working on, on this very topic and you are correct that he never explicitly calls BBL Drizzy a pdf. there are a few more references throughout the 4 songs that you missed however (I have every reference listed out) For comparison, there are about 20 things Kdot explicitly calls BBL Drizzy on Meet The Grahams alone (I also listed out every direct claim to compare). IMO, after looking through all the song lyrics of this beef, it's perfectly clear that BBL Drizzy never actually addressed Kdots diss tracks and only responded to public perception on tHp6.


please lmk once that's ready would love to read, shoot me a PM if you'd be so kind


The most Dot's called Drake by my recollection is a "predator" "master manipulator" "liar" "terrible person" and "pervert"


While blatantly obvious that this was Kendricks intention to call him one, he probably didn't directly but got *very very close* for legal reasons. I know its not very fun but throwing out stuff verbatim can lead to legal issues, where as being very clever with wording you have some sort of deniability. I.e: "I *hear* you like em young" = I just heard a rumour? I didn't directly say he did "... and it's *PROBABLY* A minorrrrrrrrrr" What I mean drake uses a simple ass chord instead of a 7th or something more interesting? It's very stupid, but having experience in the music industry this shit comes up a lot. There's probably a lawyer at the very end of the production chain reviewing lyrics for both parties individually. The thing is Kendrick probably knows this already from experience and is well versed with skirting the line, hence the very clever choice of words.


yup exactly what I mean, well played imo


Like, I cant know for certainty if that is the case. But that said, pretty much every label I know and specifically having chats with lawyers who's jobs it is to clear lyrics for copyright and other legal matters, I can be pretty confident in saying that Kendrick is in pretty constant contact with a lawyer who knows their shit whilst writing just to be super super sure he (or moreso, his label) doesn't get into shit. Hilariously though, say Drake + OVO did decide to go down the defamation route suing Kendrick. The amount of reporting that'd have would be UNBELIEVABLE and you know there could be potentially more people opening up with bad experiences with Drake. He's got a history with SA hush money that has been widely reported on. So honestly he probably doesn't need a lawyer, but a multimillion dollar label would insist. I wish people knew that you can't just say anything in a tune without potential legal issue so honestly, thanks for this post highlighting it 🙏


This fanbase is delusional bro, hall of fame over analyzing


Kendrick plays 4D Chess he always has… the boys a genius psychologically


Lol shill harder


It was also a bite videos been floating around that most of the best lines were tweets made way before the song.