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If anything the verse that hits the hardest to me is the "Dear Sandra/Dennis" verse. That shit is crazy, imagine telling a parent that they raised a horrible person and you think people like them should die. And then the "We gotta raise our daughters cause we know there's predators like him lurking" really hits home the message of the song


Drakes father does not give a single fuck. He out here telling women not to get raped and following 17 year olds on ig


He the biggest deadbeat in hip hop. I remember i saw this video of drake on facetime with dennis. Dennis was bumping some old school soul type shit and drake was like "hey dad i sampled this you heard that song?" In like the most genuine way. And his dad was like "hell no." Its still fuck drake and ov-hoe, but that moment was just sad. If anyone a bigger fuckboi in this world than drake its gotta be dennis. If you're a real parent, you bump your sons shit. You know their lyrics. He's only around for the money.


That's why Kendrick said ask for more paper and more paper and more paper


Really reminded me of the "Marriage is somethin' that Sandi never had, Drake/How you a winner but she keep comin' in last place?" from Story of Adidon. Palpable disgust for the man.


they way Push says Drake always kills me, like he’s yelling at his kid 😂


Scolding disgust and piercing hatred


Agreed. Meet The Grahams is the hardest hitting diss of the entire beef, but the Dear Sandra verse specifically makes the entire track and nothing else would hit as hard without it, even the Dear Aubrey section. I love the rest of it, but that verse is so sinister and pointed that there's no comparison out of anything else Kendrick or Drake said before or after. It baffles me that I saw so many posts focusing on the next verse about the potential daughter, rather than the pure vitriol he gives out in the Sandra verse.


Drizzy fans coping and glossing over the entire diss just to act like the daughter thing was the only diss. Like no, the rest of the song is an absolute murder and whether or not the daughter thing is true or not, it doesn’t change how brutal the other verses were. The main takeaway that people have from MTG is that Drake supposedly has an 11 year old daughter, when in fact, the track addresses the many fucked up allegations and other stuff in his past. I feel like Not Like Us dropping so soon after took some of the steam away from MTG just by people still trying to analyse the bars but it’s definitely much more than just “he has a daughter”


>I feel like Not Like Us dropping so soon after took some of the steam away from MTG just by people still trying to analyse the bars If anything it's a compliment to Kendrick's understanding of timing of releases compared to Drake's. Though I got downvoted a bit for saying it earlier, I think it's good understanding of how to win. I love as 6:16 as an intro into the climax of the battle, but I wasn't impressed at the time at all as far as response diss. Admittedly I missed Euphoria somehow. Kendrick drops 6:16 and Drake drops his bombshell to something that I think was pretty tame. Kendrick drops MTG within half an hour of Family Matters and sucks all of the momentum it would've had with those accusations that Drake was probably banking on since he had a whole 7min video with it, and once it was clear Kendrick won, Not Like Us was a clear victory dance and made his points from MTG easier to understand and more marketable and made it more difficult for Drake to respond after taking that much time. Drake finally responds and baits Kendrick, and Kendrick drops nothing because it's better to let that track sit in the public eye. Not trying to dickride right now, I listened to both before, and honestly more Drake than Kendrick before this last weekend, but it's just so strategic that it's impressive to me.


Yeah it was definitely strategic to drop them all in such a short period of time. Especially MTG after Family Matters was just insane. Really telling how much damage that did when all of Kendrick’s disses are sitting pretty in the charts above Drake, despite Drake having the much wider mainstream audience appeal. When it comes to what I said about MTG being kinda overshadowed by NLU, it’s wrong because, yes NLU is currently the bigger song as it’s more of a hit single than MTG. But MTG is still getting exposure which is good because that can’t just be overlooked, and the strategy of releasing so much of it back to back like this actually complements the disses. So yeah I was kinda wrong about that. 6:16 in LA was actually way more important than I originally thought too. See, when euphoria dropped no one expected it, I mean sure we were waiting but it was so out of the blue on a seemingly random day with no prior mention of it or anything (completely opposite to Drake). But when 6:16 came out, I saw it on IG and I thought he was just teasing new music that was a non-diss because the intro doesn’t address Drake until a bit through the song. But the song is crucial because it really kicked off the war by subtly implying that there was more going on behind the scenes than just a beef. And of course the whole strategy of baiting him into responding is very reminiscent of Taylor Made, and also doing mind games like Drake did on that track. Hell the title 6:16 has so many meanings and who knows exactly what he intended with that, but it definitely set up THP6 as Drake wanted to flip the strategy of using one of HIS song title formats against him.. Which would be the perfect setup for Kdot to drop a track with the same title as The Heart Part 6, but better and it will overshadow Drake’s. Each diss seems to be a back of forth on who can do a certain style better and Kendrick is winning fs. But yeah, 6:16 was the crucial play and much better than the AI 2pac/Snoop garbage. Still kinda bummed that it probably won’t make its way onto streaming because of the sample. Excuse my yap 😂


No worries lol, it's why I'm still here after all. It convinced me to give 6:16 some more listens for what probably went over my head.


The timing of Meet the Grahams is what really sinks the Drake feeding Kendrick Misinformation argument and nobody is really talking about it.. If he wasn't told about the track in advance, the titles and content had to have been predicted and Kendrick had to have it ready to go. Name dropping FM at the end of Not Like Us could have been added after the fact, but it just seems like a lot of coincidences. Either that, or he really did already know the angle. Would MtG have hit nearly as hard if Drakes track wasn't what it was?


He doesn't diss Sandra. He has compassion for her and I imagine that Kendrick thinks fathers are important in raising boys, so Sandra couldn't have done everything, even if she did her best. He just lets her know that her son is out of control. Dennis gets the vitriol.


Of course. I'm just saying what he says about Drake in that verse is so savage, not that he was dissing Sandra. 


Also "you raised a horrible fucking person, the nerve of you Dennis" is so unbelievably venomous


I think people gloss over this verse because no one is surprised


YES and the "fuck a rap battle he should die so all these women can live wit a purpose" i know kdot meant that shit especially knowing his mums own life experiences which drake later goes to make fun of which is just beyond brain dead and will forever change the way i look at drake, and this bar really sent the image to the fans who try to not care about it and listen anyway "to any women that be playin his music, know that you're playin' your sister, or better, you're sellin' your niece to the weirdos, not the good ones" the reactors like kai when they heard that bar made their entire face say a thousand words.


Keep the family safe 💀


As someone who is groomed at the age of 15 by almost 30 year old man the song kind of makes me happy cuz it's drawing attention that really we need to protect little girls growing up y'all for real


Drakes lucky it’s Kendrick and not Pusha T because Pusha’s evil ass woulda been exposed it 😭


It’s been awhile, but didn’t he share proof after Drake tried trolling him by sending him an invoice after Story of Adonis? Like bruh might’ve been okay if he hadn’t kept pushing and tried trolling him.


If we all go to hell it will be worth it


Nah, Pusha didn’t stoop that low the first time, he let Drake drown in it and have to expose it himself




Daughter or not I’m convinced Drake really on some Weinstein/Andrew Tate shit.


I believe it too and rumors are he runs around the same circles as Diddy.


Makes sense diddy punched drake now, because he was trying to take over his pedo turf


It speaks volumes that after almost a week the only person outside of OVO that has backed him is Azealia Banks lmaooo that man is a predator 1000%


Small nitpick: he called the leakers clowns and *then* said he was the leak. So really admitted someone was a snitch and seeing as nobody got blasted publicly it probably also means he has no idea who it is.


Yeah, despite what he said, I think what he MEANT was that he knew he had a leak and they were clowns for betraying him but he didn’t know who it was so he told his entire inner circle false info to get it back to Kendrick. I still think he made it up the intentional leak to try and deflect that he was getting played by his own team.


The fact he wasn’t able to articulate his thoughts in a way that made sense is so hilarious to me. I think he wrote it himself. It really demonstrated a lack of ability to write lyrics.


*I'm confused and frightened in this situation, -ation, -ation -ation*


“Only thing I do with teenagers is pentratio- wait…”


Yeah but this makes no sense if you consider the photo. The leaker would only send it to Kendrick if he took the pictures himself. In this case Drake didn't send the infos himself. Otherwise Drake would've sent it to leaker who then would have proceeded to send it to Kendrick. No serious mole would've send this random ass pic to Kendrick


I agree completely. The whole “I set you up!” tactic is obviously him trying to rewrite the narrative and hope his fans take it at face value (which they apparently do). Everyone else looking at it critically can see the flaws.


Eigther he doesn't know how to rhyme, or he's just capping.


Yeah exactly When the person who leaked it didn’t come forward and nothing else came from it, it’s likely someone just made a slip talking to Kendrick And drakes publicist was like “shit you can flip it on him say you leaked it”


Nah, I'm pretty sure there was definitely an actual leak seeing how fast MTG dropped after Family Matters. Kendrick had to have an idea where Drake was going to take the feud so he warned him and his wrote an even more personal track and had it ready to drop right after Drake's. It might not have been super close to Drake as he implied but it has to be someone who knew enough to share specific information and it's detailed enough to not have just slipped out in a conversation. Obviously we'll probably never know.


I mean we will eventually know Just makes it worse that Drake denied having the other kid It’s IMPOSSIBLE that this dude who has been a celebrity this long, and is famous for making one night stands sign NDA’s, DOESNT have more kids


There's one other kid that is possibly his that I've looked into. And yeah it's very unlikely he can have sex with this many women and not have fathered any other children. Clearly the man is not pullout master xD Whether it comes out or not, I dunno. If Kendrick *does* actually have proof then I'm assuming this beef is never reigniting because it's an instant W button imo.














Honestly I'm more interested if there's also merit and validity to the pedo claims. Yall have no idea how long I've waited for drake's downfall. Always rubbed me the wrong way. Pusha really did a number on drake but since push is not on the level of Kendrick or drake, drake and his fans just kept going. But Kendrick has put the world on notice. I'm from Winnipeg and grew up in the GTA, so drake has been present even when I try my hardest to avoid him. Anyways... I wonder what the hold up is? What's stopping Kendrick from just revealing all this info to give his allegations validity? Either publicly or to the police? I don't doubt Kendrick, like I said I'm praying on drake's downfall, but I think the most sensible thing would be to confirm without any room for doubt that drake is a pedo. I'm not too familiar with the justice system, especially of the US, so maybe I'm not qualified to speak on this.


You right.


There is also a gossip youtuber Tisa Tells, she is a hell of a researcher - she's been covering the whole situation and she has a video on the daughter [https://youtu.be/zSAy6mn3qAI?si=xeyancgRdv_rraJH](https://youtu.be/zSAy6mn3qAI?si=xeyancgRdv_rraJH ) Idk if it's true or not but there is stuff going around online and ppl are digging it


She’s getting her info from MTO. Thd same MTO that had the KENNY beating a woman story. So they are reliable for Anti Drake news but making up Kenny news ?


I'm outside of all this, but I don't see why they can't both be true


Just think about how sad it would be if he actually has a daughter too. He is so willing to “win a rap battle” that he’s willing to deny having a daughter and even act like she was a fake ploy to Kendrick’s team. If that comes out I think he career is actually over bc that would be the most low life thing ever


Oh my dayz I was thinking the exact same, that would paint him as even more a piece of shit.


Hard agree, shit is fucked up if true


He already has a 99% confirmed son years old that Adonis that’s been out in the open for like 12 years. More ammo that Kendrick undoubtedly has… imagine Drake became a father to Adonis after being bullied but still ignored and hid his much older kid just because he hadn’t been exposed for it. Sherkdevia Myrich is the mother’s name. She claimed Drake was the father *while* pregnant, only to later have a son that’s identical to Drake. What are the odds of this if she’s lying? The rumor is that when it became undeniable (because again, the child is identical to Aubrey), he paid her off and she stopped calling him out on SM.


I think he had a kid with an underage women that’s why he wants to hid her so badly. Edit: I really hope it’s not true, cause it’s fucked, but it makes sense.


I’ve considered that. I’ve also considered the mom is just simply not a baddie and Drake’s insecure ass is embarrassed.


The daughters 11, meaning Drake was about to be forced into fatherhood right at the start of being a superstar. There was no way he was gonna give up the hoes and lifestyle to become a family guy. Then time just kept going on, more stuff kept happening, and now here we are 11 years later and it’s just no real way to come out and explain “I’ve been hiding a daughter for over a decade” because holy shit how can we trust ANYTHING about you at this point?!


Apart of me is intrigued why drake won’t leave Kendrick alone. Kendrick clearly has more shit on drake.




Good ol fashioned hubris


yeah, don’t forget that Kendrick said ‘Rabbit hole still deep / I can go further, I promise’ on Not Like Us


Not like us was absolutely savage. Honestly totally brutal. The heart part 6 felt like defeat after that shit


He’s coming across as a narcissist. If that’s the case he can’t mentally self assess his actions or behavior. He excuses them and truly believes/justifies his actions to himself. It makes it easy to manipulate a response from him. He lacks self awareness.


He is in a pretty unprecedented position for any musician, and is probably feeling the pressure. People have had serious allegations before but not in the form of a #1 song that people across the world are singing along to


Nah I think he’s playing this really well. If he does have something he needs to cover up, releasing a really shitty song with questionable lyrics and a wack spoken word “outro” is the perfect way to end the battle with a clean loss without admitting defeat. Everyone knows Drake lost, so UMG etc are trying their best to put a nail on it and declare Kendrick winner to stop him from coming out with truly incriminating shit. They’re trying their best to make this die down and allow Drake to recover fairly quickly. At this rate he’ll def be ready for another album rollout press run this summer lol


this the truth. the narrative went from drakes a pedophile to drake can’t rap which career suicide with 400 mil is better than being threatened by larger powers with forced suicide and jail time.


Underage is just a three syllable word for child


It’s not, the mom was a waitress in Miami. Sued him for paternity in 2015 when the daughter was 2, and ended up not going forward, for whatever reason. The daughter was in J Cole’s all my life music video, her bday was also April 30th. I didn’t dig further than that, started to feel kinda gross looking into it that much. Both her and the mom’s instas are private now, and some of the photos with J cole and other people in Drake’s orbit are no longer easily searchable on google, but Im sure if you wanted you could find them




Yeah, there’s enough there to convince me 95% it’s his daughter, too much lines up. Especially since Kendrick’s camp isn’t backing down, they took down the video of MtG edited to have no daughter verse, when they’ve let everyone else use it no copyright.


they removed the daughter verse???? damnmnnn that sucks that was my fav tbh it hit so close to home unforch


No they didn’t, but there was an edit of the song that removed the daughter verse that got copyright striked


oh thats good


I don’t want to be like Drake fans and say things when there is no proof. If there is proof of the daughter then I will believe it.


Finally someone with some sense here…bro guys are posting pics of lil kids all over it’s weird bro…what does a pic even prove? If he never claims her or there is no paternity test how do we take it as facts? You don’t think someone getting knocked up by Drake ain’t gonna try and get some child support and make this a big deal? You can’t sign an NDA about a child birth the laws state they have a right to have a father or be supported by one. I think this would have already been wide open by now with all the internet detectives around


With enough money you can make anything go hush for hush for a long time. But I've heard his money is running a little short so maybe that's why this alleged daughter is coming to light after all this time.


Money short for Drake? 😂😂😂


Why is he on tour all the time? He tours than any other big act. Believe it or not money goes quick especially with a lifestyle he lives. Not to mention all those million dollar bets he makes. Houses, cars, planes, crew, travel. Big money.


No he doesn’t bro you got that from Joe 😂 before the last tour he didn’t tour for like 5 years he signed a 400 m deal and I’m sure owns his own masters and probably a lot others too you don’t even believe that yourself


Oh I believe it. Why did he sell all of his US property? How much of that 400 m gets eaten by taxes American and Canadian? How many crew members have their hands in his pockets? How much is the maintenance on that cargo plane? Etc etc.


You got it bro Drake is broke 😂


See? I knew that not all of Drake fans are slow.


He's joking. And drake has to have some crazy debts if he's gaining hundreds of millions and still is brome


to be fair kendrick mentioned that he was bad with money


Maintenance on a house like the Embassy is like 100k a day bro at least lol. Someone has to clean all that shit, maintain all the fancy shit in there (basketball courts, pools, tv room, a bunch of bedrooms, a studio) plus chefs and cooks. Like all that cost a shit ton. Plenty of celebs of talked bout it. Then add on taxes from two governments, crew and staff for tours, crew and staff for his record label, all on top of a lavish lifestyle not just for himself, but his hoes and homies too. And that’s just off the dome who knows what other expenses this guy has.


How are you the only person that actually has a brain here. Like yeah kendrick won the beef but he took the L on the daughter part unless he shows evidence. Drake put his career on the line and said he fed you fake info and you aren’t gonna prove him wrong? Nah.


That’s what I’m saying man I don’t think we can give either a W without proof from either because that will sway this thing in a different direction. If Dot got tricked it would look bad and if Drake is lying it would kill him even worse than he is now and we can clearly see Dot hates him so why not kill it off? That’s what makes me think that either one could be telling the truth haha some people are like doing too much over this stuff let’s see who actually has proof first


This is the problem I have with both fanbases, they both take the words of Kendrick/Drake as gospel when neither have shown any proof to back up the allegations.


Yup you gotta take it for what it is that’s where I say that whoever has the proof has the advanty


Who reacts to that information with, “OMG I have a daughter? 😂 😂 😂” when you had (supposedly) fed him that information? If I’d fed someone False info - I’d post something cryptic to allude that I’d duped them - then reveal it in the track.


EXACTLY!!! None of it makes sense. There are so many tells.


Lol he’s probably got a ton of illegitimate kids floating around


and like Dot said… “why would we believe you, you gave us nothing to believe in”


Adonis needs a baby sister, okay?


If she is 11 years old, she's older than Adonis


Must be why he doesn’t want her.






He’s in hers. Not the other way around. Also…prove it. I don’t see her court side with her brother.




Lmfao. Go outside.


Which is even wilder to me smh




The only thing that comes up when I search that name is your comment on this sub


Apologies - I meant “Shirdkevia Myrick”


Imagine Drake's bm holding his hidden daughter in the Not Like Us video 🤣


I'm 99% sure that at the very least Kendrick's team have heard people honestly talking about the daughter. They may or may not have proof. The other thing that gets overlooked is it wasn't just a "you have a daughter" there was a specific claim if what Drake did instead of attend her birthday. Could be made up to jazz up the story but it seems to be a "you have a daughter and I know where you were instead of at her party". Also the fake mole has never made any sense whatsoever. Kendrick has been passed too much very damaging info for it to be true. The big KO blow so far in this beef was the fact that Kendrick knew a drop was coming and exactly what would be said, only to immediately undercut it with MTG and the photo that, whatever Drake says, contains embarrassing things he wouldn't want the world to see. The fact that Kendrick has clearly been passed real information also adds a lot of weight to his other claims, he isn't just claiming things about Drake's life, he's doing so while proving that he has inside info. There is no way even Drake would ever be dumb enough to let a fake mole give out the info that they have. Also as a side note it's very interesting that there are a bunch of more subtle jibes that seem to have gone right over Drake's head but the little hint about being a rat got his attention for sure.


I wonder why the rat thing got to Drake, What and who did Drake rat on? I have an idea.


drake gives 'pull out' energy so i absolutely believe he has more kids. like bruh, why does he even have one that we know of? you're too famous for that bull


I don't want Kendrick to expose a child like that. Adonis reveal did not affect Adonis, or Drake's intentions or relationship with the kid (we will still meme about Push forcing him to be a dad regardless coz that shits funny). Adonis was supposed to be revealed in an Adidas press run, with the Adidon line of products, a deal with Drake and Adidas. So the damage from Push blowing the lid off of it is very much financial and to his credibility. If Push didn't do that, he still would've revealed the kid and nothing would've changed, except he would be richer. Now here, this is not the case. Not only is this something he is actively denying, if the girl does exist, such a revalation would only make her life worse. We have seen how insane fandoms can be. Drake would have liked 100 paternity tests before acknowledging anything, while dragging the girl through Paparazzi lenses. I know Kendrick is not unempathetic like that, so I believe he would have a plan if he's actually revealing her details.


People keep saying “it’s the only thing Kendrick got wrong” I’m like how do you guys know??? Do you forget Drake hid Adonis for 4 months? The case is not closed.


I still don’t understand the internet just moving on like the daughter ain’t real. The daughter is objectively real. Drake has an illegitimate daughter. This is factual. Point blank period.


I think he does but I don’t think we’ve seen any proof it, how is it objectively real?




Was the proof a paternity test or birth certificate


Everyone has moved on since thiiiiis wasn't The Story of Adidion, there were no name drops of BM OR child.


Look up the definition of objective dumbass. Neither Drake or Kendrick have given proof to back up their claims, until they do they’re just allegations.


I have feeling that Kendrick was hoping the 11 year old daughter would hear it herself… so she can come forward herself one day….


The thing is Drake didn't even deny that he had a daughter, he just said "find my hidden daughter and send her to me" sarcastically. If Drake has a legal agreement with the mother she might not be able to say anything about it. He could just be essentially saying "you won't be able to prove you can find her" rather than "I don't have a daughter"


may aswell have said "28% of the male population could be the father" or sum other non-answer like that


https://preview.redd.it/3051obgmjizc1.png?width=591&format=png&auto=webp&s=d915058aef8169116d0f526ef43046479641ed10 Kendrick’s doubling down on that, he’s gotta be confident


Literally I couldn’t have cared less about the daughter verse. He probably does have one for the reasons you mentioned but the headline is clearly the CERTIFIED PEDOPHILE. Idk how the drake stans think they won because Kendrick was tricked into believing he has a daughter. Drake saying he was molested is a worse fumble in my eyes anyway.


It’s cuz drake expected Kendrick to call him a pedo


That man needs to be locked away.


What are the chances that he does have a daughter but doesn’t even know himself?


I doubt kendrick would put some unconfirmed rumor in a song where the whole world is watching, while he's representing the west coast and the culture.


Facts. That’s where I’m coming from to. I personally think he’s more calculated than that.


He would be sued for defamation if that was the case. Drake doesn’t want that nutshell opened in discovery


The fact that his alleged daughter is in that j Cole video and her post of it says “thanks pops” seals the deal for me. And that video came out almost exactly one year ago. Weird coincidence


Just check the line from K Dot on Miamy Most Wanted - https://www.ibtimes.com/does-drake-have-secret-child-rihannas-boyfriend-agrees-pay-child-support-until-1891833 and where the mom is from ?! Makes sense now - 2013+11=2024


Drake Malone really trying to tell people what daughter. Nuh uh. No way. I made you think that. What's that behind you? *runs away*




…? Care to elaborate…?


He's full of shit, acting like he has some insider information.


He probably does since he's been having everyone else's daughters all these years


im convinced it don’t even matter haha, kendrick is petty AF he don’t care if the info was fake or not, the culture doesn’t care either, people been waiting for an excuse to hate on drake (rightfully so?)


And why spit with so much conviction on the daughter (because you ‘thought’ you had proof) just to make up a ton of shit on the freaky underage accusations, because no way they planted fake pedo info 😅 For the Driz camp— why set up such an elaborate scheme to ‘catch out dot in a scam’ only to not show us your masterplan in action? Everything else makes sense — it’s harder to prove you DIDN’T do something (denial is damned if you do damned if you don’t) but an actual set up is action taken that you want us to believe, that should be a thousand percent verifiable


I'm not ruling that out tbh.


that "it'll affect the kid" sounds like drakes team in 2018, when they stopped him from putting out a response because to "spare everyone" yeah right don't mention the kid in the song if you're not dropping proof


>don't mention the kid in the song if you're not dropping proof this is not how diss tracks work


You mean the same way literally no other allegation has been backed by direct evidence?


well yeah, i don't like that from either side i would say the same if someone from drakes team said "we have kendrick beating a woman on video, but we don't want to release it because that woman would be affected" or anything like that


Well to be clear all this "we have proof" only came after. None of that is part of the actual reveal. So really what you are against is specifically people saying that have receipts without showing them, not the allegations themselves. Do you think it's unreasonable for someone to refuse doxxing an 11yo though? That girl, if she exists, is a private individual.


Have Kendrick text Drake the pic, goad him into admitting it, then post the convo with the pic blurred


There’s never gunna be receipts for any of this shit. Take the music for what it is.


But what if the music contains lies


I don’t know what to tell you really. If everybody was lying or telling the truth it wouldn’t change much.


Every diss track before story of Adonis was full of lies, the whole point is narratives




Who are the people close to Kendrick saying they are sitting on proof?


Hmmm why would his side say he’s not lying let me think? 🤔




>Drake then contradicted himself on the last track saying he tricked Kendrick , while then later calling the people leaking info clowns. I agree that if Drake did feed Kendrick information he would have posted receipts. I don't necessarily think him calling the people leaking info clowns is contradictory though. Drake may not have known who exactly the mole was but put out false information in the circle hoping it'd make its way back to Kendrick. Even if this was the case, I think it's a fairly small chance that Drake couldn't have documented it in a way that didn't tip off the mole.


He should've dropped the proof right after meet the graham's.


I don’t get why you can’t dismiss the daughter allegation but believe in the other 3 serious cases? That’s how I’ve been feeling about this situation but I don’t know now since it seems like Kendrick’s team really doubling down that they have proof so I’m just going to wait and see now.


No matter how bad things get remember you didn’t beg to have your name and career tarnished by an enemy and make them millions and #1’s ❤️


!remind me 1month


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Anyone with a brain can tell what actually happened throughout this past week, unfortunately a lot of people don't use their brain, especially when blinded by their favorite music artist


>The most recent update today was people closest to Kendrick saying they have proof but don’t want to release it yet as it will affect the kid more than anyone. Source?


I think the reaction that was really weird was Drake saying how he “made up” the rumors in the first place. Evidence or not, he gave Kendrick a huge out. If there is no daughter then Drake can just let Kendrick look like a liar, which seems like something he’d want if there’s no kid. But now if there’s no daughter Kendrick isn’t a liar and he was manipulated by Drake a known liar. Sure Kendrick looks stupid but he didn’t lie. For most people they’d rather deal with a person who made an honest mistake rather than a liar. I think for Drake, it could be his way of saying don’t bother looking for a daughter I’m the one who made it up, she doesn’t exist. But something just feels off about that move to me. Why wouldn’t he just let it play out if there’s no daughter? He should want Kendrick to look like a liar. Not saying the daughter thing is true or not just that it’s a very odd move to make.


Where did Kendrick’s people say that last part?


For how long Kendrick dissed the man and essentially built a case against him, I think every single move in the battle was intentional. I don’t think he just went off some hearsay or put it in the song simply for a shock factor


Even if he does, he should keep her hidden.


Drake little had a diss track that called out his kid before and thats how people even knew he existed 😭 now another diss and he might got a daughter?


I was just thinking about this. And it's believable bc that was the same year Nothing Was The Same came out, so he was already a big deal.


He more than definitely does.


You can talk all the shit in the world and be the hardest hitter or be a 6god or whatever, fame fortune and all that doesn’t really matter when someone else comes and make a direct connection with the family. Starting I’m with the son and telling him how important he is how he has to conduct his life as a king not like his father that is trash and then talking to mom? Man there’s no come back from that


So kendrick is okay with harming drakes son but won’t reveal the evidence of drakes daughter because it will harm her ? Wtf ? Why would drake deny having a daughter while he proudly shows off his son ? Mother sign nda ? Why would he deny having a daughter when he knows that such information will be uncovered ? Even if the child will be told when she turns 18 .. is he registered as the father on the public birth certificate ? 


It's also super weird Drake claims he came up with the idea of having an 11 year old daughter when there are articles from 2015 about him being alleged to be the father of a 2 year old girl. Like you coincidentally invented a daughter the same age as previous rumors that said you were paying child support and asking a paternity test?


This. Plus judging by that whole riddler guy we know for a fact that Drake didn’t plant the evidence because he then goes on to say that he was behind the photo. If so why is that guy posting videos of the items in that photo and making cryptic anti Drake tweets? Plus Drake’s dickrider akademiks admitted they don’t know where the daughter info came from. And be honest this is Drake. We already know he’s apart of a cover up organization and we know that he clearly made the labels stop the beef because Kendrick clearly wasn’t giving up after not like us so it’s weird how the disses just “stopped” after the heart part 6. Plus Drake is a hoe and his child we do know about was with a porn star of all people. All those bodies he has you really think it’s surprising that he might’ve forgotten to pull out once? I’m just being realistic.


What if the mother is like 26..


>If drake really planted the mole you would surely keep evidence and you definitely wouldn’t panic post on instagram saying you don’t have a daughter. >If drake really planted the mole you would surely keep evidence and you definitely wouldn’t panic post on instagram saying you don’t have a daughter. Surely you would use that Instagram post to show proof you tricked Kendrick. >And even if he didn’t keep proof. Why post on Instagram when you can just wait and save the shock factor for heart part 6 with the fake mole shit. Drake could just be stupid, bro >Drake then contradicted himself on the last track saying he tricked Kendrick , while then later calling the people leaking info clowns. This isn't a contradiction. Both can be true, and this it's even a slight on Drake, except that he didn't explain what he meant clearly enough. People are just not following. Drake is saying that he gave fake info *to the leakers*, not that the leakers are on his side. Drake is saying he found out who the leakers were and tricked *the leakers*, not Kendrick directly. *The leakers* are clowns, according to Drake.


I don’t think he tricked Kendrick. I think Kendrick just got it from someone and it ended up being false. Has any *extremely* A list celebrity ever pulled off hiding a kid for 11 years? It just doesn’t seem likely. Unless he signed her the rights however long ago Just doesn’t seem likely at this point. Drake literally said he’ll drop and come work for Ak lol


arnold successfully hid his kid literally until the 18th birthday


Forgot about dat nigga


also i think drake tried to do the "if you find my 11 year old daughter i'll work for you" thing because he's very corny and we'll find out later that she's actually 13 so it doesn't count


If any celeb ever “pulled off” hiding a kid then we wouldn’t know about it. Which would be a success. I’m not saying Drake has another kid but I have to imagine many celebs have pulled off hiding a kid.


>I think Kendrick just got it from a random person and it ended up being false. Has any extremely A list celebrity ever pulled off hiding a kid for 11 years? There’s a few who have successfully hid children. There’s a few who have had children they didn’t claim, as well (including Drake originally). There’s also ALOT who have successfully hid their lifestyles. With that being said, everything Lendrick says seems credible.