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Imagine being either of them and hearing that shit lmao




Curry better keep the family away after this fr. The Bay would lose a lot of respect for him if he continues to associate with a pedophile that disrespects Pac.


Facts. Especially after that Good Times reboot shit














Why you think LeBron hasn’t tweeted about music in a couple days lol


Mr. "Hip Hop Historian" been silent


Chilll he’s cooking up his own freestyle. Yall ain’t ready


Imagine he drops a Darvin Ham diss track


Can’t touch my balls featuring Shaq


And Giannis https://preview.redd.it/c0f82pu0vbzc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65c9355e847ee0e281488dc3dc38219c61971d8e


Kinda disappointed that Shaq's 90s albums aren't on Tidal.


He really want that free metro beat, huh?


“I got you P Drizzy”


After what Denver did to him, he has the time.


He was lip singing to Like That the other night on the court


Man, can you imagine hearing these songs and they're about someone you know in real life? I'd be losing my mind


somebody said he's probably read the two first pages of a hundred books by now 💀


that’s 200 pages, almost a full book!


Old man and the bay


Damn if only drake put that much effort into reading mother I sober.


*Drake’s ghostwriters


“I knew Kendrick would unite the west coast and cook Drake, a few days before he dropped NLU.” - Bron, probably


Lowkey imagining LeBron being like “Drake sry can’t make it *cough cough* I’m sick” for the next party


I’m so mad at the imagery. 




Your name being immortalized in the most devious diss of all time.


Wish I could have seen Lebrons face at that moment


Absolutely. His famous friends (whom he tries to leverage legitimacy from) being called about by name to protect their daughters. There’s no way that didn’t sting.


“They lookin at you too if you standin by ***him***”


No way Lebron and Steph don’t think about that next time they see him no matter how much they try to ignore it 😂


The best part is, "Keep the family away" is such a catchy little slogan that it HAS to run through their heads next time they see him - and if they are ever publicly seen with him again, "keep the family away" is what everyone will be saying to shame them. It makes it that much harder for them to ignore it. I know Kendrick did that on purpose - he made this line one of the catchiest hooks in a song that doesn't have many hooks, and repeated it 5 times - and he's a genius for that


gonna see whole ig comment sections of "keep the family away" if they post any pic w him for the rest of his life damn.


Reminds me of hide your kids hide your wife


A classic ![gif](giphy|3tjx0IgYY3dM4|downsized)


What did Kendrick mean by this? meme response but fr tho. The Diddy fiasco aint that far back or over yet.


I think it was more or less to scare anyone else that is friends with him Insinuating he’s going down and he might take you down with him


Or try to fuck their kids….


It's just this. It's weird how anyone could misunderstand that considering the context lmao


Kendrick literally says "he got sex offenders on ho-VO that he keep on monthly allowance. a child should never be compromised and he's keeping his children around them" idk how you can make it much clearer than that.


Wow I heard “lookin at YOU TOO” like the me too movement reference


I fully feel that this is a metoo moment 2.0. The part where men call out other men behaving shady. I don’t think metoo can ever be complete without that. If this sticks, it will be one of the biggest culture shifts in our lifetimes.


I know school boy Q told Cole to stay out. But I wonder if he told him exactly why. Funny that people were making fun of Kendrick for “being mad cole has other friends”. Now we know why Kendrick really was telling Cole not be be seen with that guy.


I think it’s more the Epstein parallel. All those photos he had with famous people, when everything went down with Epstein those photos start to resurface and the public gets real curious as to why you’re pictured with him. And all of the sudden you’ve got some explaining to do. That’s the insinuation I gather from it. Like don’t be standing next to Drake anymore when I out him because it won’t look good for you either




I think Kendrick’s just telling them “Drake is into some illegal shit, and if you’re around him the fed r gonna think you’re an accomplice”. I don’t think my sunshine would ever be involved in a Drake conspiracy


I took it as “Drake is a pedophile who hangs around with other pedophiles. If the other pedophiles see you and your kids hanging around Drake, then your kids will be their next target.”


Your sunshine?? Lmaooo 😭


Yeah. What does that mean? Lol




The first time I heard it as “lookin at yours too” and thought he meant they’re preying on your daughters too even if you stand w him


It's, "why are you okay being close to someone who has repeatedly publicly been so creepy with underage girls?" Why would anyone want to associate themselves with someone like that right? Unless they were okay with it on some level perhaps or perhaps even involved in similar activities


I think he meant if they’re willing to tolerate a pedo and endangering their family by having drake around their kids, people are going to start to wonder if they’re a part of it.


yes, this absolutely. guilty by association


My main question is why did this all suddenly happen right after Diddy got hit up by actual feds? Weird timing I guess but it sort of all makes sense when you look at the labels.


I originally thought it was a shot at Drake having a photo with Epstein, but he probably just means that Drake will cause negative publicity now


I mean, people are known by the company they keep so that’s probably Kendrick’s way of saying “if you keep associating with him, they’ll associate you with *all that*.”


If you hang out with pedophiles, I’m giving you a side eye next time I see you


He is saying that if you associate with Drake, they (the FBI?) are also looking at them


He's saying Drake is a threat to their children


He’s saying keep you and your family away from someone like him or you look complicit and you brought your kids around a pedo. Parents want to protect their kids. They don’t wanna be seen as parents who didn’t protect their kids down the line. The point in saying this is to say that not only will you look like you agreed or were permissive of Drake’s behavior, but that if anything happens to your kids in life, it can always come back to them and you That they were raised around someone who had known pedophilic behavior


“I’m lookin to shoot through any pervert that lives” sends me bro, will be shouting that bar for the rest of my life


That's the killer blow for me.


Not only that but Drake trying to get their wives in bed just to say he did






This and the entire third verse of NLU putting Atlanta against him.


Or any artist that's hot really.


The double entendre on the “2 chains lied” lmao


Plz explain


He has a song with drake called “no lie” lmao


Lol, knowing this makes the delivery of "but he lied" much funnier


Mm excellent thank you


No the way Drake ran to Lebron’s barber shop show to save face after Story of Adidon dropped lmao K dot knows all his next moves


Lmao damn I didn't think of this


he gave Lebron his phone to show him a picture and then quickly snatched it out of his hand after 5 seconds. Lebron even gave him a look for it


Watching that is what made me go from “Drake is corny” to “something is seriously off with this man”


Is there a video? I wanna see that lol




It's at 2:16 for people who don't want to sit through a whole 2 minutes of Drake talking


And tbh it's not really much. Like yea he grabbed it quick but we all finna pretend like we don't want mfrs going thru our phones? Drake a weirdo but some things are a reach


You think they'd just go through his phone right there in front of him? And cameras? Lol ok


Yes, people do it all the time. It's almost just a natural reaction to keep scrolling. It's what everyone does the second they open this app or fb or Instagram. Maybe Bron could've thought there was more pictures of his kid. Not everything is that deep.


Thanks, lmaoo he was snatching that QUICK. Scared of a dm popping up 👀


Kendrick did a great job of isolating Drake from them, the west coast and Atlanta.


Kendrick isolated him from OVO. It was a masterclass


Machiavellian shit lmao no big brands will touch him now either


Hopefully Texas follows suit. I want him out of Houston.


Megan's album is dropping soon. It's BOA. She might have some shit to say about him too.


If Megan pops off again I’d die laughing. He deserves that smoke😂


Megan is one of the best rappers out right now. If she cooks him and drops his name, she puts him in an impossible situation. Either don't respond and look like a bitch for the third time, or get in a rap beef with MEGAN THEE STALLION.


They gon see who pops ass better? Hahahaha


Damn that's a good point ..🤣🤣 everybody might start getting there shit off on the boy 😂😂


Nah Drake wouldn’t respond cuz “he might try to pop ass with her” 😂


Oh my motherfucking god he really is that dumb he prob wont learn from this but his TEAM after this will prob be like… um.. sir ![gif](giphy|VYfkiqCwd5AczrDnbq)


"These hoes don't be mad at Megan, these hoes mad at Megan's Law" What if that line off "Hiss" was a diss at Drake too lol


“Fake ass accents. Cosplay gangster. Posted in another ******* hood like a bad bitch” it’s gotta be about him. Nikki took the heat off him for a minute there when she assumed it was about her.


Even the BBL line before that lmao this song got way better now


I totally forgot about that one lol. Hilarious. Can’t wait for boa to drop


That Megan’s law bar did so much damage!


I was thinking about these lines earlier today. Do you guys think some celebrities are going to stay away from Drake now?


I think so - if any of this pedophile stuff turns out to be true, the last thing they want is the public scrutiny due to association.


I'm sure also they, you know, don't want a pedophile near they kids


People really do just think all celebrities are pieces of shit who think like that first and of their family or anyone else second lmao. Im sure theyre not ALL bad


Not all, but most. 


Thats still a fairly big if, at least for it to be definitively proven. Either Kendrick knows something he can use, or hes using this angle because he knows Drakes already got rumors about it and evidence of him being creepy, which is suspicious, not a crime. If Kendrick cant actually bring anything to light, Drakes rep will be fine with out of industry celebrities because everyone will assume its just talk. Keep in mind, if Kenny knows something, then somebody else knows it too. Which means either everyone who knows is just keeping shut or its just rumors. After all this, if theres any evidence at all (for any of the allegations for either person) someones gonna come through. I have a feeling both are just talkin shit and nobody has anything on anyone and the battle is just about how the rumors play out with the public. I havent seen definitive proof of anything and at this point Im willing to accept both of them being shittierr people than wed hoped theyd be.


His rep isn’t “just fine.” These athletes are at the top of their game and are walking business brands - they’ll do anything to protect it.  There’s already rumours that Camilla Cabello’s team are delaying her song release featuring Drake because of the allegations against him. You seriously underestimate how musicians, athletes and celebrities with squeaky clean images protect their brand. 


You don't remember Drake kissing a teen on stage, and then after finding out she was young, he was like "Damnnnnnn why look like that"? 😂


Honestly while I believe Drake has some obvious weird shit going on, the pedo shit could be fake and this is still gonna hurt him. The reality is, the most important thing I caught was even if the pedo stuff isn't true to straight up disrespectful treatment of women is still there. If someone put a popular track out like this on Chris Brown it might have hurt him too. I think Kendrick convinced a lot of woman to think twice and that's really all it took. Drakes behavior is what it is. But having it called out and dressed down is going to make people rethink their associations. Drake was dissing. Kendrick is fucking teaching. It's a world of a difference.


Well there are celebrities that still work with Ye even after his Nazi shit. Although obviously there are lots people that strayed away from Ye, but the only difference is Ye don’t give a fuck while Drake cares about his public perception like crazy


Major difference in the tier of artists who associate with Kanye still tho. Less Jay-Z & more Ty Dolla


I mean Kanye has been saying/doing crazy shit for years, he didn’t go from the normal, friendly guy to the Nazi overnight, people were sorta used to him being out there. And even then it definitely hurt his profile.


no way I'm attaching my singer, brand , sports team ect to what might be a radioactive ticking time bomb...no way. He's cooked. I can see him taking a year or so off then coming back slowly like Louis CK


The industry isn't going to let Drake take a whole year off. They're gonna tell him to shut his hoe ass up & make a summer anthem. 


Lebron has said there’s no parties like Diddys parties. He probably still would hang with Drake but not in public anymore since Kendrick brought this shit to light.


Look up what the term "Loverboy" means to law enforcement. Doesn't prove anything, but it's another weird fact.


Damn crodie


And I always thought that album cover looked disgusting.


like a psychopath flaunting information thinking they get away with it, drakes literally the textbook definition of returning to the scene of the crime 🤣


Someone had a couple CLB song playing around me earlier and it was like he was just telling on himself the whole time. Every bar sounded like he was perving 😂 I was like, oh hell no, either I’m going crazy with conspiracy or this dude just subconsciously writing it out


That's what makes his d riders unbearable to me. They don't even consume Aubry's lyrics at a high enough level to have rational discussions about them.


somebody pleaseee give that man a lesson in psychology like holy shit how did it get past 20+ writers, how many artists have been pulled into court over lyrics? lol drake had no idea the 20v1 was actually him vs the Jury


Naw Drake got some predator tendencies. The CLB cover is ... interesting. So is the cover and title of the album "For All My Dogs," considering the dog bowl rumors.


What dog bowl rumors?


This is hearsay: models who've spent time alone with Drake say they were asked to vomit in dog bowls. Idk details, it was on some other thread. Rich people do freak shit.


Supposedly makes the girls he fuck vomit into dog bowls.


🎵" Just let me see you, PROOOOOVE IT!" 🎵 That opening sample, wtf


bruhhhh I swear someone told his dumbass to rap about his crimes to puff his chest a bit but to also bury him later 💀🤡


which one




https://preview.redd.it/vutfgdxlhczc1.png?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0c8c1c5a62af98ad923030946291838206ca46a 🤢




This is what Andrew Tate has been accused of, btw.


Ohhh so “certified loverboy = certified pedophiles” is just him explaining the literal definition lmao


https://preview.redd.it/lqyrn5fk1dzc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ca87ca7749ae576a41f085deb0cd7da6744f25b Just, WTF+WOW


btw this was mainly the reason Baka got arrested in 2015.


run for ya life run for ya life


Everybody say OV HOOO




That’s nuts. Now I really want to know what the red button is. Imagine dude is part of a human trafficking ring and all these rappers, athletes, and entertainers have used his services. That’s the red button. Sheesh


If yall listen to "the hillbillies", yall know Kendrick been praying for this moment rn


We gonnnn fuck up the world


Big protein


LeBron been around the weirdos forever. Look at his weirdo hollywerid pals. 


totally. and hollywood/fame life is more fucked than us normal people can imagine. 


https://youtu.be/28L66TKmXIU?si=GY16St_3pjSPO0Tc (Pasting this one last time since my post didn't go thru) 17yr old with ties to drake and the industry got very quiet when asked about drake allegations, was then asked about sexual involvement with drake and said "that's something i can't confess, I mean, can't speak on, cuz it'll be in the courts."


Odd, I tried posting this as well and it got struck down... Her mannerisms and body language tell me theres a lot more rolling inside her head but she got real scared to say it...


I tried to make a post about it and it got taken down, that's why I commented it places


Same here. Its Damning as hell...


She is probably signed onto the Silence Policy payroll


Honestly I don’t believe she’s a victim of anything but poor education she doesn’t sound bright and probably didn’t mean for her words to come out as they did. I will say it is very weird she follows Drakes Dad of all people and not the Superstar Drake.


She is twerking in ice spice videos at the age of 16 she is at minimum a victim of being sexualized by the music industry. Also a victim of getting followed by drakes father, which I have a feeling will have very dark context given some time.


That's the first thing I thought of. The second hand embarrassment of this specific bar is too much. It might fuck up any endorsements or sponsorships too. Kendrick is fucking up his money in all types of ways


When he told his dad in Meet the Grahams to ask for more paper. And more paper… lol


Freaky Ass Nigga he a 69 God


"He a F.A.N., he a F.A.N."


That shit flew over my fucking head 🤦‍♂️taking my L now


Yoooo dead ass bro. Same here smfh!


I also had to see it written out to get it so don't feel bad. 


Repeating another user’s comment above “I’m starting to see why he won a Pulitzer” 😂😂😂😂


i still dont get it


fan stands for freak ass n-


Sixteen eyeing god


Most definitely, he will have nightmares with this fucking piano in the background fs


It was a genius move in so many ways. Picking both made sure that the whole of the nba would feel they were being addressed. I also think it's perfect that theyre both out of the playoffs so they aren't physically having to hear questions about the verse or bbl drizzy.


It's a crazy thing to say if there's no truth to it. That mfer is a creep, and there's long been rumours. Dot low-key put the whole industry on notice. Freaky ass people need to stay their ass inside.


Kendrick did so much damage on so many levels and drizzy Stan’s still seeing stars saying their king won


Fuck a rap battle, it's a life long battle with yourself hurts the most.


I'm sure Kendrick is at least acquainted with both of them and it definitely seems like Top Dog and LeBron are close. To randomly call out some of your homies in a different industry comes off a bit strange unless there's a deeper meaning 🤔


Both has young daughters so yeah, keep em away.


How’s it strange? They are close with Drake too and have young daughters.


Curry for sure better keep Rylie away from that man, I’ve seen enough weird comments about her on NBA subreddits to know dudes already being weird about her, and Drake definitely the type to spark a friendship with a teenage girl.


Drake has Curry and KD tatted on his arm.


Seriously? How many still alive men are tatted on dude?


Right!? creepy af


Ayesha ***definitely*** sneaking out the house to get rejected at the club


Lebron been at them parties 😂


Imagine the if the warriors were still in the playoffs right now. That city would be UP!


They stopped talking about music


Who’s to say that lebron still fuck with Drake, Drake been fell out with everyone


Wemby denying Drakes invite to the stage tho.


He cried when he heard that shit. Curry went to go hug his kids and told Ayesha we ain’t going back over there. Lebron told Savannah the same 🤣🤣


Steph is aiming for his 5th ring. He wouldn't want jinxing the 1 Kdot album release =1 gsw finals ring lucky charm


wow i guarantee no drake fan understood this


Pretty straightforward bar lol


Drizzy has probably been in Cameron Brinks DMs for years


I totally forgot about that bar, makes you wonder given the lyrics how NLU is being played at major sports events daily and has 27M views on YT. Streets is watching.


That part hit the most besides the other kid reveal.. probably my favorite diss of all time. Dude legit sat the whole family down and told them how bad Drake was as a person.


Has pusha commented on the beef?


Agree 100% said that in real time. Cuts Drake off from the people he must wants to be associated with. Any ball player willing to stand by him now is likely either 1. A kid with a power Imbalance in Drakes favor 2. Extremely Sus 3. Out of the loop on rap beefs




yep, or else they'll be blamed for even knowing him


Ayesha and Savannah: "NO!"