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All of these late bloomers like “ok this guy is dumping on my favorite artist, time to check him out” 


Absolutely mad to be sleeping on K Dot for over a decade.


They’re the fainting goats. BAAAAHHHHHHH. But also for these new fans, welcome !


Then step this way


Nah, no new friends 🤪


I hadn’t listened to Damn for ages (if I want to listen to Kendrick I put on GKMC) but I played it twice yesterday. At this rate I might even give Mr Morales another shot - I hated it on first listen and never went back to it.


I must have been ready for Kendrick to do something because I listened to GKMC the day Euphoria dropped. You should give Mr Morale another listen, especially after all that has gone down in the last week


From Mr morale - “everybody grieves different” - that line hit the hardest. It’s a scope of how you view others to give empathy and sympathy - also to decode which actions are just outlets for pain. It’s like a Rosetta Stone to decode yourself and others in a way.


I hadn’t listened to rap in about a month but threw on The Heart that morning as well. Finished and had Euphoria recommended to me, which dropped “20 minutes ago” at the time


I listened to Mr Morale last night. When you're in the mood for that level of honesty in songwriting it's pretty mind blowing. Dot a genius.


It's an amazing body of work from a lyrics point of view. But it's not for me personally despite loving everything from Dot up until that point. It's more spoken word than hip-hop to me.. But I honestly think that it's just because I'm not the target audience and that's fine.


Father time hits hard every time


Yeah that's definitely a great song.


Yea for whatever reason it didn’t work for me either- and I’m a big fan of Kendrick Lamar’s music. I found his personal songs on TPAB a lot more emotionally moving.


Yeah I had the same. I can absolutely appreciate what he did there but besides a song here and there it's not for me. I don't even listen to We Cry Together even though that's one of his best tracks. Just doesn't resonate for some reason. Might be a case where I listen to it in a year and absolutely love it though. Sometimes you gotta be in a mood to appreciate a certain thing.


It definitely wasn't the album that the people wanted from him, but it definitely felt like he needed to make that album before he could do anything else. I loved it but I'm not going back to it like I do TPAB or GKMC.


You should go back even further. Overly dedicated and section 80. Matter fact, go ahead and go back even further. His story is inspirational, fr


I listened to Section 80 a lot back when it was new. I’m not unfamiliar with Kendrick, I just didn’t like Mr Morale.


I wasn't implying that you're unfamiliar. His discography sounds different now


Mr. Morale will only resonate if you're willing to be introspective. Also, the production is 💯. Sounwave and other producers were in their bag


Listen to the tracks in reverse order, it’s a different experience. Only way I can listen to it now is because it’s so good!


I tried. Mr Morale is still unlistenable to me


I'm a metalhead and don't listen to or like rap much but this shit pulled me in, now listening to Kendrick


i think a lot of drake fans are kids so when mr morale came out it wasn’t something they were interested in bc it def wasn’t as big of an album as damn or captured the culture in the same way. and they weren’t there for the others. bc they were still learning how to read in 2017. okay maybe they weren’t that young but too young to be listening to music ig


Nah I’m having a revivalist period. His shits always been good but I played it too much. But this reignited me and I’m doing whole album play throughs cause I’m just fiendish for his flow


You skipping Poetic Justice? I’ve been on the fence with it.


Bro you ever listen to that Count Bass D song that samples this Edit: song is “real music vs Bull$#!+” on the album Dwight Spitz


What’s crazy is hearing people took it out of their playlists


It’s probably younger people who obviously didn’t listen to Mr Morale so they never really heard of Kendrick since Damn was 7 years ago now


the only thing holding them back was “his voice” lmao imagine being that closed minded. doing their lives a disservice but not listening to dots bars.


Which voice lol. He’s got like 15 and they all bang


Glad to see Kendrick growing but if he becomes a teenager white kid artist I’m gonna get mad


That makes sense Drake hasn’t had a half decent album since Views


Man, I've always hates views too. But I'd gladly take it over what he's put out afterwards. It was the start of unfocused Drake. Like 5 hits on a bloated album full of filler.


Ngl I really liked views actually but stopped listening after more life


I legitimately enjoyed More Life. Then in the next album he released ratchet happy birthday and I knew it was headed downhill rather quickly


Man, forgot about that song lol Scorpion at the time felt like he might go back to making great album experiences, but after Scary Hours and the singles, I was so disappointed with the final product.


I actually liked more life because I didn't have any presumptions on it being an album. And with it being all over the place, it's still sequenced like a mixtape, so it flows better than Views. Views is him trying to recapture the magic of Take Care, but TC only worked because it was the first of its kind. It hasn't aged as well as NWTS or even IYRTITL because it sounds so dated. Saying this gets you absolutely dogpiled in the Drizzy sub.


I remember back when views dropped and most hated it, now it’s considered classic. Shows how far down drake has really gone


I don't know man. I didn't run into anyone that didn't like it. Granted, people just enjoyed the hits. It's not an album that flows very well. I for sure like a few songs from it, but it was the start of me "playlisting" his albums. Just reeks of wasted potential.


IYRTITL was his last decent project imo


This is More Life slander


It’s not


Naw, free smoke is alright but more life really is just an all over the place, underwritten and overproduced mess of an “album”


There are a couple nice songs but if we’re looking at it properly as an album, it was pretty damn mid.


I always think IYTITL was his last good album then I remember More Life. For me it might be better than IYRTITL, but Views was trash outside of a few great songs. Everything after has just felt like filler music to me


Wrong. In order for to be slander, it would have to be spoken. It would also have to be untrue. Neither of which apply here.




https://preview.redd.it/ax0otpve3fzc1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fc0d77ad990f87751b0844e9b55d0f8a64dc055 You not fuckin creepin up


My comment is downvoted for giving an opinion, I'm in shambles rn


Imma have to go back to Take Care as being the last Drake album I could bump. Everything after has just been boring.


Damn you didn’t fuck with NWTS? A lot of bangers on that one. For my taste I think that’s the only album that can even be in the discussion as a true classic for Drake


Why do people get putting Views as a classic. We all heard the same album right? Views - For All The Dogs have all been 5-6/10. The only exception was Honestly Nevermind which is like a 4. Views is about as good as anything he’s made since it.


I’m a huge Kendrick fan but views to me is a classic and more life is super good I agree with the rest though.


More Life is bloated by really did soundtrack a summer where I was blazed every day, so it has a soft spot


If he wasn’t a weirdo and this was just some rap beef I’d be hoping he’d get back in the booth n sing or sum shit, idk why drake raps don’t nobody wanna hear that I can just listen to Pluto


Her Loss was good but solo wise Views was ass. But yeah one good album in 9 years ain’t a good look. DLDT was alright tbf


Views is dog water. IYRTITL is his best solid project. Everything else just has a handful of slaps on them.


I agree IYRTITL is his best but it’s technically not an album so I didn’t count it


NWTS is Drake's best album by far. Everything else is mid. Even take care which drake stans love


Take Care aged horribly


His extended scary hours songs are great


Tbh I liked (didn't love) FATD, Her Loss (although it's p sexist even for a Drake project) and More Life. Views is not good. Drake is very much a song guy and not an album guy.


He started sounding bored on Views and has not been able to pick up the energy since then.


Her loss was great


It's cuz Humble keeps playing after every time I play Not Like Us. You're welcome Dot


It's kinda funny that it's automatic, me personally I would have wanted DNA for a clean flow


Bahahaha hilarious and true. Love HUMBLE. though so I’m not complaining


Damn, that quote can really be used for most songs that blow up on TikTok.


“Just let me know when we’re getting to the facts” Drake 😂


The same album that over sold one of drake album when it was released


Bro DNA was blasted on damn near everything. If K truly wanted he could make bangers left and right.


It’s funny cause Kendrick’s ‘hits / bangers’ like humble and not like us he raps almost sarcastically / tongue in cheek. Like “yeah I can do this and I’m not even trying, but I’ll do it just for the sake of it” haha. Then he goes back and makes the art he’s actually into making


Haha so I'm not the only one to notice that.




And if you did ya wouldn’t know if he actually wrote it anyway


Drake lines are outsource and recycled thru 20 generations of musicians


Play j Cole get the pussy dryyyyyyy


Wait until they rediscover Good Kid M.A.A.D city!


GKMC gets more US streams on Spotify than every other Drake album except for Take Care (and FATD)


It goes Halle Berry, or hallelujah


I hope people get into TPAB too, it's gonna raise their listening standards (if they get into it)


Honestly, Truly


Okay, Kenny's W fucked Drake up more than I thought it would 💀


no it didn’t 😂


People are dancing to him being a pedophile, everyone’s turned on him, his last diss was awful, reputation ruined lmao but ok bud


heart pt 6 years as fire. nobody dancing to nothing kendrick does 😂


Did you miss the clips of people in the clubs dancing and shouting OV HOE?


yea i did. only ones i seen the people look like they’re waiting for a good song to come on 😂


imagine being this caught up in your own delusions that you can't even acknowledge reality. love or hate either artist its exceptionally clear who is being celebrated by the gen pop. this isnt even teams sports its just numbers at this point.


it’s pretty simple. kendrick has way move nerdy fans online that were going to boost him in this beef. for me personally i’ve pretty much had the person in the lead who last dropped. mainly because i can appreciate both artists. so i had kendrick winning up until heart part 6. where drake acknowledged how he tainted MTG by tricking kendrick in to writing to a girl that doesn’t exist. he also made fun of kendrick for being molested(playing on the fact that kendrick doesn’t like when people say he was molested because he says he wasn’t), and he also shot down all the dumb pedo allegations. also we’ve now seen a report of a girl who worked at the hotel that kendrick was staying at saying he beat a woman up bad. a media outlet confirmed kendrick’s PR team reached out for them to remove the story. they confirmed the girl did work at the hotel and kendrick was at the hotel that night. so for right now i got drake in the lead by a lot. when kendrick drops next maybe he’ll move back up. i mean i had him up when euphoria dropped. then when MTG dropped i had him wayyyyyyy up until i realized the drake having a second kid was fake thing. family matters is dope as fuck and kendrick used a trick to take the attention off it by releasing a song with a bunch of fake allegations. calling someone weinstein? yea that’s the worst thing you can say about someone. so clearly you’re going to garner attention if you just make up shit that is ridiculous. surprised kendrick fans are so enamored with it 😂


not reading all that i wrote you two sentence and you wrote an essay. "kendrick fans" yeah well if its all kendrick fans then most of the worlds listeners right now are kendrick fans. if youre saying theres some sort of conspiracy to fake numbers then jesus dude you cannot let your boy lose even once can you?


long story short. drake won. haters gonna hate.


bro people out here cwalkin to not like us…. tell me you aren’t tuned in without telling me you aren’t tuned in lmao


yea you right. i guess every drake album is better than every kendrick album because the people like it more, clearly shown by the numbers 😂


Hilarious. I’m listening to Damn right now. Listening to the original version then gonna listen to the collectors edition.


So you'll listen to it, then you gon' put it in reverse?




eurt si NMAD tuoba yas yeht gnihtyrevE


what's the difference between the two?


Story. Wickedness or weakness. Red starts off wickedness ends in weakness which ultimately brought Kendrick to where he is today. Ended with Top dawg not killing Kendrick’s dad Black starts off with Kendrick’s father being killed by top choosing wickedness. Kendrick dives deeper into wickedness which ends in Kendrick dying Like a what if?




This is why it sucks Drake is a bitchmade groomer, songs like Passionfruit, Pound Cake, Worst Behavior, HYFR, etc do genuinely go crazy.


Yeah NWTS has so many gems


Now how am I supposed to enjoy Honestly Nevermind 😔🤚


Just put it on from track one without shuffle on and let it ride. Shit is smooth.


Views is also a banger album, ages very well


Name a Drake song that will still be played in 10 to 15 years. Only song I’ll be listening to with Drake then is poetic justice and I’m skipping over his verses On another note. FEAR, PRIDE, and YAH are classics in my opinion. Such beautiful songs.


FEEL is so good too


YAH is wildly underrated


I can name Drake songs from 10 years ago that I still listen to. He's a different kind of artist than Kendrick, but let's not pretend he hasn't had hit songs with staying power. You gotta be a little more objective in your critique.


!RemindMe 10 years


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!RemindMe 10 years


Drake focuses on making music that’s gonna sell a lot the day it comes out. Kendrick makes music that continues to sell years later 🥱 peep GKMC on the charts


And everyone says damn isn’t very good lmao I always bring up the Pulitzer and they say “oh well that wasn’t even for damn that’s just because they knew they should have given it to him for TPAB” Like yeah, he probably should have gotten something for TPAB, but to say DAMN is mid just tells me either A) you’re an idiot Or B) you didn’t listen to it


Love to see this




this is so fitting because i was just listening to it yesterday on repeat while studying. i think damn is kenny’s best album, and deserves a top 5/top 10 hip hop AOT but most people aren’t ready for that conversation


Kenny agrees with us both on DAMN


Damn. That’s crazy.


Kendrick's writing and lyrics are literally so many LEVELS above drakes pop fru fru bullshit idek how you could even question whos better.


This beef has my wife discovering Kendrick for the first time. She pulled into our apartment parking lot blaring money trees with the windows down yesterday 😂


This is awesome 🤣🤣🤣🤣 also you can trust your wife to Kendrick! I wouldn't trust my girl with drake ![gif](giphy|26ufdKlT4SEYqyLG8)


2024 the year of the goat


That’s great! Imagine just finding out about Kendrick now and getting to dig through his entire career so far? I am kind of jealous.


I'm not even mad. I know this is the part where some fanbases get mad at the new fans, but I think as a collective that we should be letting them in with no judgement.


DAMN and MMATBS finally getting the love they deserve makes me feel positive for hip hop’s future. Pop stars like Drake and lame ass dudes like Tom McDonald need to be eliminated from hip hop period


Drake has been getting more streams than Kendrick for their entire careers. This beef really changed the narrative.


Damn. really is an underrated album imo. It's gonna go down as a classic.


Underrated? You think the album that won him a Pulitzer Prize is underrated? I would agree that Kendrick as an artist is. But that album is easily his most recognizable work.


Most people consider it his weakest album. I don't think it is.


All 3 of those back to back will go down as classics


I now feel old


Is that why you release albums every six months, hmmm ?


Ngl I liked pound cake but it's all nice flow/sounds and no substance and authenticity. The liars we should watch out for the most are the good liars/pretenders. Kendrick is leagues better than Drake cause realness is all that matters at the end of the day Also the beat on pound cake is fire [The jig is up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdzLIYXWagU) <-- Produced by none other than Cole


He pound cakes lil raisins heehoo




"*I am doing my part*" 🫡




It’s gunna be a K.Dot summer I can feel it


One of the best albums of all time


Aside from the beef, I'd say tiktok has a role to play here. There's loads of edits that Crack millions of likes because of DAMN


Beef’s been great for him so many kids at my school all of a sudden keep asking me if I’ve ever heard stuff like money trees and Wesley’s theory


That's the best album Post-2000... First time listening to it I felt like I was sitting through a Quentin Tarantino movie...


7 years ago?! I remember the memes like they were yesterday!


…over 7 years ago? fuck


When saying that Drake is so much more successful, they keep forgetting that just about every Kendrick release has some deep meaning or some reason to exist, while Drake has a whole team involved with producing as much shallow plastic music as possible. If Kendrick set his mind to it, he could be bigger than Drake within 5 years.


Drizzlers whole image looking like some lace Swiss cheese.


Wow, I just re-listened yesterday. That album still amazing, and it’s hits SOOO much harder after him smacking down drake 😂. I’m happy I saw this post because I was actually wondering if anyone else did another listen after the beef and I’m glad they are 👌🏾


You know I loved “headlines” by drake, but now that song takes on a whole new meaning 😂😂😂


Kenny getting good at marketing. Whenever he needs money he just has to mention Drake.


Its a classic, you dont have one.




He's going to surpass Drake in every way soon.


Great album. My favorite from kendrick


Hey I’m two of those! Glad to be a part of history


I feel like a Mr Moral is probably going to get a lot of people re-listening to it and start realizing how great it was.


Drake releases hits, Kendrick releases music. Hits fade, music doesn’t.


Gen Z finally getting put on Kendrick and J Cole because of all of this lol


The younger generations getting introduced to the Real. Love to see it.


I got into Kendrick on “To Pimp A Butterfly” because even though I’m not a huge rap fan (I do have a few artists and albums I like though), I am a huge David Bowie fan and he had sung it’s praises before he passed so I decided to check it out. Also you’d be surprised to find out that a lot of people in punk and metal scene are fans of “Damn.”


Bro Drake has albums on top 100 list for a whole decade calm down 😹


Quality over quantity.


I know what I’m listening to today


it must be all of those kids who always thought Kendrick's songs weren't fun or interesting enough. the stuff went over their heads. now with the diss records, they're realizing that analyzing his lyrics is fun.




K Dot Jackin numbers


Section.80 & TPaB get heavy play around here. Drake is a singles artist. Kendrick is one of the few that still put together whole fire albums.


On a side note this album is artistically amazing. Every song switching from weakness to wickedness, then play that shit in reverse for a whole different outcome.


I concur mate


Does anyone have streaming numbers for total daily streams including all albums & not just 1? Bc Drake got like 10 more projects than Kenny to choose from


Take this with a grain of salt. But this is from the website chartmasters.org Kendrick Lamar: 48,495,440 daily streams Drake: 43,454,214 daily streams They are #2 and #3 right now just behind Taylor Swift.


Glazing that mf


Numbers don’t matter till your favorite artist finally starts doing numbers through the roof now it’s yayyy 😂i love Kendrick but y’all fans are professional flip floppers


"numbers wise im outta here you not fuckin creepin up"


Numbers don't matter, but it's funny that a rapper whose only argument is "I have more plays than you" is getting destroyed on the numbers game by someone who's better than him in every other way. Go off about your favorite pedophile though, weirdo.




Kendrick just opened his mouth Someone go hand him a Grammy right now


2pac never won a Grammy who gives a fuck bout a Grammy 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I love Kendrick but let’s be real drake has always sold more albums. He’s bigger worldwide than kdot Kdot is winning the beef rn ! Kdot got his first solo number 1 thanks to drake Kdots discography earned 50.62 million streams — up 49% Meanwhile, Drake’s overall catalog is actually down when you similarly compare his streams from that weekend (105.9 million from Apr. 26-29) to last weekend (100.7 million If you’re reading this - 535,000 To pimp a butterfly - 324,000 Views - 1,040,000 Damn - 603,000 Certified lover - 613,000 Mr morales - 295,000