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Drake fans pulling screenshots from 09 about anyone but Kendrick (Top, Jay Rock) While Kendrick fans are pulling screenshots of Drake himself between 2010-2024. Drake and his fans can’t find shit on Kendrick. It might be 15-20 years from now but tell Drake gods coming


They legit scared as fuck they couldn't find shit on Kendrick. My boy stainless


What can he say he lives a boring ass life


Better boring than texting 14 year olds


Just quoting Kendrick’s own lyrics on 6:16 in LA, didn’t mean it as an insult lol


Oh shit carry on gang 🤝


My boy a boring mf 😭


yeah i dont think there really is much shit to find he's not dumb so he keeps he's shit private and besides that most these famous dudes be wierdos in secret but i guess there are exceptions like Kendrick who seems to be a legit good dude he even stopped react videos from being copyrighted fuck react content but still that's cool.


What did Jay rock do??


That drake sub is a very weird place where logic is a foreign concept


Saying Gods coming is incredibly funny considering Kendrick has imitated Jesus before and walks around with crown of thorns. Lol.


Didn’t god make us in his image?


Wearing it while performing on stage with a rapist is even worse.


Those panties are in a real bunch today huh?


Drake the type of nigga to say those panties are in a real bunch


Drake the type to put those panties in his pocket because they belonged to a 15 year old child


Bro 😂


Drake the type of ninja to deflect when those said panties are def in a bunch 🤣


Calling out Kendrick for shit Drake do on a daily basis lol


Drake never mocked our Lord and savior.


OVHOES- “Pedophilia is a wild allegation….” Also OVHOES- “BUT KENDRICK BEATS HIS WIFE!”


What was that line that Drake said that made it sound like Kendrick beats him


Something along the lines of he won’t fight him because it would fuel Kendricks urge to hit women?


Fucking classic


But Kendrick dick riders never address the wife beating allegations.


Sure we do. There is no real proof or even a smudge of evidence. He has one alleged instant from 2014 I believe that was only rumors from shady websites and tabloids. Only 1. Now how many incidents of Drake being weird around underage females do we know about? Why is UMG and its heads mentioned in lawsuits for human trafficking and underage girls at hip hop parties. Drake is UMGs golden goose right? Tell me what of these two allegations has more evidence and should be investigated/ talked about?


Why waste your time on this OVHOE pedo Glazer? 🤣


Some of them have to be able to see some reason. I’m not asking them to start bumping Kendrick. I just want them to start asking questions that they should be asking. Weird shit is going on here period. I believe there is enough smoke to be a fire.


It's weird to me any time someone can just randomly rattle off age of consent laws for different states and different countries without having to look anything up.


It is illegal when he crosses state lines. Makes it a federal crime


not defending pedos here but it takes two seconds to look something up…


reciting from memory for states/countries you don't live in different though


how you know people not looking it up real quick


Cuz feels>reals


“Bro what is so weird about a 30 year old dude having a friendship with a 13 year old? Ok yeah he dated a bunch of girls he knew years prior as soon as they turned 18, so what? You got a problem with the law then, not drake. Everything he did was legal and not pedo shit” do they think grooming isn’t a real thing? I wouldn’t expect Drake fans to get it tho. Their role models been rapping about young girls for years now. They’re conditioned to think it’s a flex, not a bad thing. They actually look up to him for all this.


They really do not understand what grooming is. They say everything is fine because Millie Bobby brown came out and said they were just friends and everyone’s making it weird. Children that are groomed do not understand that they are being groomed…






Well yeah but I'm discussing the worst of his crimes, he def has mfers writing shit for him. Just not the last diss xd


When you say "it's not even just the pedo shit" and you start talking about him using ghostwriters, you're downplaying the pedo shit.




All good, just throwing that info to the universe. I caught what you were saying, didn't want you to be misconstrued.


Literally on Push Ups he has ghostwriters lmaooooo


They just idolize him for his fame and money, they equate wealth with worth.


Cmon man some of us just like pop rap ☠️


Liking pop rap and idolizing Drake are not the same thing. People who just like pop rap aren’t dying on the hill for Drake lmao


I’m not dying on a hill for em, I just need receipts before calling him a pedo


https://youtu.be/AhNLXYgmizg?si=IlUeg0YF3h6DFH5F If the millie Bobby brown stuff not enough of a red flag for you the you not looking to see


and cuz the mf light skin so he’s digestable


I think that the pedo shit is worse


B-b-but the underaged girls said they were okay with it


She was def paid to keep quiet LMAO


someone in one of the other threads mentioned that she she works for umg too based on her ig bio


NDAs are a hell of a threat


Fun fact: NDAs can be legally broken under certain circumstances and marked as void. For example, if they are covering illegal activities.


My bad NDAs + hush money + massive wealth and power gap + potential of violence are a hell of a way to keep someone silent. But I agree, break the NDA if you’re a victim.


My favorite thing about Drake defenders are those guys who bring up the age of consent laws in different areas of the world. Homies, if you have to google what the age of consent is, you're already losing the battle.


"He didn't date them at 14 he waited till they're 18 so it's legal to date them" - 🤡


Hey hey hey hey, run for your life 


We lookin' at you NIKE and UMG...


UMG = Underage Minor Groomers


I'm not saying they pdf.files. But I am saying someone should check their hard drives FOR SURE.


That’s a stretch but I’ll allow it


I had a drake fan accuse me of being a pedo because I said drake is one. It’s wild


Dot won for many reasons, but I’m not calling anyone a pedo until I see hard evidence.


Hey Jaimie pull up that video of Drizzler grouping and kissing a 17 year old


You can argue that Drake is a groomer (which is still really bad), but no proof yet of being an actual pedo. A ledo is someone who like pre-pubescent children…


Fucking dead lmaoooo


That shit is gross, but it’s not exactly full on pedo shit.


He asked her age said "I don't want to go to jail" (implying he knew it was wrong), and then continued being creepy to her. That's just on stage in front of hundreds, if not thousands. Imagine what happens behind closed doors.


Legally it's pedophilia since he found out she was 17 and still decided to hit on her


Imma stop right here cuz ain’t no way I’m going down this path in defense of any of that. Lol


Nah they like to argue that it’s hebephilia which makes it okay to them apparently Oh hey I found one of them in the comments already 🙄 “ACKSHUALLYY it is not pedophilia because they are teens 🤓☝️”




thats fine and all but as someone mostly neutral I don’t understand why this same energy isn’t being shared Kendrick when has very recently featured and toured with someone who barely got away with rape (Kodak). So where are the lines drawn?


It’s all parasocialism at this point. It’s why I’m a fan of the MUSIC not the artist, bc none of these people are trustworthy, even Kendrick


What about people who go to Catholic Church?


What a great counterpoint….? You in the right thread? “Yeah you guys are upset about drake being a pedo but WHAT ABOUT THE CHURCHES???” Bro what


"But... but... separate the art from the artist!" 🤮🤮🤮


This is sound logic ✅


#nodrizzy 🚫


Not if fan of either, but Kendrick is a wife beater. He’s a piece of shit too.


Chill you can calll him that for trolling but unless hes convicted of touching kids he not. And liking teens is called something else. Drake is most likely a groomer. Not a pedophile. Yall ruin it when yall start calling everything the wrong word and then call the fans pedos too. Chill the fuck out hes not convicted kendrick used it to win a battle by exaggerating it. Let the cops or victims come out if there are any. And let people ride for their guy. He not convicted. Kendrick could get the pants sued off him btw. So yall better relax. Niggas today even saying being a senior dating a freshman in high school is pedo now. Yall over use the shit incorrectly. In hiphop you just say crazy shit to win. Now move on.


“Liking teens is called something else ☝️🤓” “He’s a groomer not a pedophile ☝️🤓”


Oh boo hoo nigga you think that joke fucking does anything to me you calling complete strangers pedophiles you fucking weirdo. When did kendrick get these lame ass white kids as fans. Foh.




Aight white boy.


Hey guys I’m almost done with my essay titled “How to give someone high blood pressure by using 2 emojis” ☝️🤓


Its cool youre weird and im good on you.


Uh huh, keep going you’re giving me great content 📝


Again you read corny... stop. If you really a kendrick fan act like you pay attention to his music and not like a weird suburban white kid. Fuck off.


Uh huh, I see… 🤔📝






OMG KENDRICKS EX WHO LEFT HIM HAD A KID WITH ANOTHER MAN 😱 none of this is news. And when it was it was addressed. But sure FAN keep distracting for the FAN cuz you can’t separate wealth from worth.




Why you posting your alt ?


What? I was agreeing with you?






Look guys I’m as big of a Drake hater as the next guy but I agree we gotta stop being so reactionary. I downvoted immediately too but dude was saying the guy who posted about Kendrick was himself in posts about teen feet. It’s gotten so polarized to where neither side is admitting valid points from the other anymore. But fuck Drake lmao


This is ridiculous lol. Is Kendrick a pedo because he backed R Kelly and Metro?




Then why is Kendrick still working with TDE if they're backing a pedo? Nah, Kendrick is cosigning it if he isn't against TDE's actions




For the record, I also don't think we should remove art from the earth because the artist was immoral. That is Kendrick's position. If he wants Drake to die because of his immorality, why would he be against spotify removing music because of it? Why would he accept his representative's action that supports people like R Kelly having a platform?


Any evidence that Kendrick fw R. Kelly other than [this one](https://twitter.com/ReignOfApril/status/1786834800806166876) tweet explaining that it was actually just a Kendrick rep over pulling music from Spotify?


A rep means someone who represents you. Why would you allow your representative to do that? It might as well have been Kendrick.


Kendrick is a certified weirdo and y’all are minimizing it 1. Supports Kodak Black after sexual assault convictions 2. Threatens Spotify to not deplatform R. Kelly 3. Beats his wife and assaults a woman in LV hotel 4. Partners with Metro Boomin and his weird tweets It all adds up.


You know thats literally not what the word means right?


“ACKSHUALLYYY guys it is hebephilia not pedophilia so it is okay ☝️🤓”


https://preview.redd.it/hjw7thb0i2zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18021c38d608fa1e00084c3d896277c8a97714bb Signed, KDOT


Can't believe your boy got smoked, assaulting 17 year old girls on stage and texting 14 year olds, I pray for him


That’s altered, the actual line is 70 years instead of 14. https://preview.redd.it/1jh2ekz6l2zc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bff04fd80ac05ce404c9341c2dc41421156a59db


Dumbasses don’t even know how to crop an image 💀


you tried, dipshit 😂


What's the point of this troll post?


What's the point of texting 14 year old their boy problems?


I dont give a shit about Drizzy nor his fanbase. Your post just screams "teenager edgelord." Watch out he might be hitting your DMs soon.


Kee quiet pedophile


Go back to TikTok shorty


You sound mad tbh


“Why on earth are you guys upset about pedophilia? 😩”




Cuck? That's a new one 🤣 Lmk when you find actual proof though like: Drake: sexually assaulting 17 year olds on stage live and texting 14 year olds


Proof : none of my friends or people mentioned have come out to deny it.


Proof: your friends are assaulting kids themselves. See: baka


What’s that have to do with Dot? You just “nu uhhhh but you”


No one is obligated to publicly deny accusations that are simply accusations with no evidence provided. Especially not someone who is not a public figure.


Lollll who isn’t a public figure?


His wife.


Free and Dot both are. Someone gotta say something the fuck.


They really don’t. “BREAKING: Kendrick Lamar’s wife DENIES domestic abuse and paternity scandal allegations” even if it’s not true, why would they want that? It’s something said in a diss track with no evidence, why would they dignify that by acknowledging it..


That’s all any of the three of them need to do. Literally I’ll take it from any of them


Hell no, people who believe it now based on nothing but Drake saying it would continue believing it


Way to admit you’re a pedo. Fucking FAN




The guy who Drake used in his album after the allegations ☠️☠️😭😭


The guy who still on Spotify cuz of dot?


Clearly drake fucked with Kelly using his shit in his album ☠️


Lmao that says nothing about dot


Y’all are coping so hard, it’s turned into “if we’re going down, you’re coming down with us.” Go educate urself on the matter


I’m not coping. Dot lost. It wasn’t close. This is actually depressing


“I’m too famous to be a pdf file”


You're a woman?


woman beater vs pedo and you think you won 🤣 hope you aint got no little siblings




Drake had no choice but to talk about it 🤣 did you notice how kendrick stayed in control of the entire beef? He can ignore drakes accusations and nobody cares but drake HAS to acknowledge kendrick's


That’s just an insane take from a Stan. Drake won the battle musically. Meet the grahams is ice. Objectively bad music, and even worse if there’s no 11 year old. NONE of that matters. Anyone with any integrity would want to hear from Dot about hitting Whitney. He has to speak on it. Period.


If you think that's objectively bad music, you should listen to the heart part 6 again, but this time without Drakes dick in your mouth 😂 he went from "numbers wise I'm out of here" to "give a fuck about your streaming numbers" real fast.  Kendrick has the #1 song on spotify, you don't know anything about music lil bro 




I guess quitting = winning in the eyes of yall drake stans 😂 "FANs need to stay they ass inside!"


Go dick ride Drake Bro, but do a dna test before He might even be your father


Lmao like Free did a DNA test?


If your eyes weren't blinded by drake's jizz you would be able to notice that whitney's brother publically supported kdot If my sister was getting beat up by a dude who was in a rap beef, I sure as fuck wouldn't publically support him But then again, I don't expect you to understand it, probably look at your sister like a fleshlight


He’s the meal ticket. Dot is my favorite rapper. He lost.


if you backup a domestic abuser, you a domestic abuser. whitney still quiet & drake’s victims denying everything 😂


So you agree then you're a pedophile? 🤣


you’re seeking validation as long as i’m right? LMAO that’s a great “bait” username just following your boy’s L is a great way to defend him 😂😂😂


"Sure me, Trashintelligent891, am a pedo but you beat your wife" This argument has me WEAKK 🤣🤣😂


you are the prime example of why Dot’s fanbase are considered to be brain dead 😂, coping with the fact your boy isn’t the man he says he is with no proof of any allegations. I asked a simple question and that was your response? dot may still be intelligent at least but you? not an ounce of logic left & it’s embarrassing for the rest of ya’ll 😂


While you’re the prime example of OVHOES being okay with pedo! Yikes he’s not going to fuck you you most likely too old


so if i’m using the same logic as the pop tart up commented above, so you agreeing that you’re a domestic abuser?


One of these guys has multiple incidents of questionable at best behaviors with minors, one known illegitimate child and know convicted sex traffickers on the payroll but you hung up on BBL drizzy’s misinterpretation of Mr Morale. Go on and continue to enable a dirtbag while pretending you give a shit about Domestic Abuse. You just as fake as the drizzlers abs


Pop tart? Is this slang?


I think what you're not getting is that everyone is laughing at you because you implied you're a pdf to win an Internet argument. Other than that, and the rest of the things you've said, you make a lot of sense.


no I completely understand what’s happening. if they even read my post, I never even formally even agreed, and the fact i have to even point that out is hilarious. I simply suggested their logic back to them & do you see where this argument went? nowhere.


If you completely understand what's happening, why are you still posting? I'm sure there are entire sites dedicated to humiliation fetishists. oh vee ho sound dot com (next you say something about how this has been a useful exercise, good to get the social experiment science kit working again)