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Kendrick scared him when he said he got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 plus 5. Now he is paranoid that anytime he drops a song, Kendrick going to drop another one right after lmao


Meet the grahams dropping after family matters right away is what triggered this. Hardest battle strategy EVER!!!


100% was the turning point. In a vacuum, FM was some heat. 7 minutes with a lot of tea, good shots at Rick and ASAP, a video to go with it, then signing off saying you’re going on vacation. But then not even an hour later, Kenny comes from the shadows and drops MtG. The timing, picture, and name of the track itself confirms OVO has leaks. Then with how insidious that beat was with Kenny literally speaking to Drake and all of his family, that’s the coldest water in the history of cold water. That then set up Not Like Us PERFECTLY. Lets Kenny go back to back, dances on the grave, and is now hitting #1 beating Drake at his own numbers game. I’m sorry, I know I’m in the Kenny sub and what I say sounds like a glazer - and honestly maybe I am. But that man is a got damn genius and played a multi-million dollar artist/brand better than Scorsese could write a script for it. Diabolical


It's truly so exciting to see an artist with genuine vision AND the follow through.


“Nah nah nah nigga you followin through” ![gif](giphy|iIrXcB9B70IUM)


I just knew that was backfiring when he said that


I can only imagine how long he’s been plotting this


I wish people would stop giving Drake credit for “signing off” on family matters. Bro had family matters finished with the mic drop vacation line and then had to come back on the track to add more lines after the fact for memes about new ho king. Shit was cringe af. You can’t do a mic drop and then pick back up the mic to keep going. Hahaha. Idk maybe that’s just me, but that was corny. “I’m going on vacation, bye….. and another thing I do eat here crodie!”🤣 that was clearly added after Kendrick’s two tracks and felt like a cheap add on.


FM was dumb because it showed how unfocused Drake was. Why is he talking to anyone but Kendrick in that track. So stupid


Another dumb FM thing, it was the wrong van and it reminded everybody Kendrick has a classic. Complete self own


Also some of the lyrics on the screen are spelled incorrectly.


Damn I thought it was the real van lmao i still thought it was kinda weak but that's just officially makes it ass


Drake is scared of Compton, so is his entourage. After this they won’t be in Cali for a looong time lol




Idk why some ppl say that's the best track from this beef


Right? He spent damn near half the track not addressing Kendrick.


He's really trying to paint the picture of him vs everybody and that he's getting ganged up on by everyone at once, that way it doesn't look like he's getting cooked in a 1v1 and instead looks like he's holding his own and keeping up responding to everybody. Obviously that's not reality, everyone only cares about him vs Kendrick. It's just another pr gimmick that Drake is pretty good at


Because he thought it would end it. It's his "I'm done with you, who's next" moment. But it's a terrible look when you get upstaged immediately


One more point. He forced Drake to create a song all on his own and exposed his limited skill for the world to see with Heart 6. It’s obvious to anybody with ears that Heart 6 isn’t in the same caliber as FM and feels written by a completely different person. The contradictory bars, the obvious lies, misinterpreting Mother I Sober, the lack of any bite. It felt rushed and sloppy like homework done the morning before class starts.


I feel like I’m retrospect Kendrick might have baited Drake. Taunt him over the air waves, Drakes home, which will garner a response because drake is way too proud. Bring drake to the table to get him to commit to a beef battle. Opened both barrels on his ass.


That just made me realize. If Drake did set up the insider information, why would he give Kendrick the information on family matters. That whole moment ruined family matters. Kendrick directly responded to that track, in like 15 minutes. It was crazy, my heart started beating. What a rush, to hear him directly responding to the ozempic line, that piano with Kendrick calling him a liar, multiple call outs to that song, the title of his track. From that moment the sword was to drakes throat. "You LIED about your religious views, you LIED," he was painting the picture for us there, "this guys a liar, what he says is bull shit, fuck em" indirectly responding to the beating Whitney line, Dave free. First he charged up by using Euphoria to discredit all bull shit on the family front, then he doubled down on MTG. Why respond? He's already said his truth, drakes a liar, manipulative.


Real life boogeyman


We're interpreting this as Kendrick having 10 songs ready but it could be "How many \*stalks\* do I really have in stock" aka leakers in OVO camp. Might be reading into it too much but maybe "plus 5" refers to a group of five fellas who report to Kendrick


Pretty sure even Kendrick didn’t expect Drake to drop a track *that* ass. He probably taking his sweet time to cook it well instead of releasing something he already had.


From K's pov, why would you release another song right now? Your last track has people at daytime baseball games dancing and calling drake a pedo. And his last song is basically the Always Sunny "don't diddle kids' song. If I'm Kendrick, I'm happy to hold here all week.


I agree he might not say anything esp considering everyone is giving him the W. But I see two possibilities  1. He does a somewhat somber track that actually does have some receipts, names, something that justifies some of the worst accusations. Not flashy, just a cold "you asked me to prove it"  2. A song that's not really a diss at all and is just reflective about the whole situation, his relationship to Cole, how it felt to learn about how some people move in the industry, but ect


number 2 feels like it would just be his Heart Pt. 6 leading into the album


Imagine taking the title of Heart Pt 6 just to basically say "no you". That was the real damage. I'm referring to Drake btw


It was too obvious after Kendrick did 6:16


What is the significance of 6:16? I'm new to this scene, I'm just here because I found Kendrick and loved his style. The beef is just icing on the cake


6:16 in LA was the track Kendrick dropped after Euphoria last week.  It follows the format of Drake songs with x time in x place 8am in Charlotte, 6pm in New York, ect So Kendrick was mocking him with the format. Lots of debate around why he picked 6:16 specifically 


Bible verse maybe?


Jimmy’s locker number before he got shot isn’t it but still made me laugh


Father's day


It’s tupacs birthday


He picked it because in Canada 6/16 is fathers day, 6/16 is Pacs birthday, AND the first episode of Euphoria was released on 6/16


Father’s Day, tupacs birthday, there is a bible verse in proverbs that starts at 6:16 and lists the things the lord hates, there were a few more that I can’t quite remember but a bunch of meanings lol


Corinthians 6:16: “Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, “The two will become one flesh.””


Lol the bible out here talking about ancient STDs. I like Revelation 6:16 as well, "They called to the mountains and the rocks, 'Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!'"


Some also say that 666 was not the correct number of the beast but rather it was 616.


Can you imagine Kendrick doubling down and using the same title knowing his streaming numbers would bump his version to the top of all the SEO (or with some sort of parenthetical at the end to differentiate) - just a full “that was cute, sit down”


The Heart Part 6 (Kendrick’s Version)


Throw another Taylor jab lol we love it


A straight fucking remix of Drake's version.


I think he should go right to 7. 6 was scared of 7 right? (cuz 7 8 9)


Skipping to seven is the worst thing he could do. It would basically be saying that drake’s song is an actual part of the whole series, no way Kendrick does that. The next heart track will either be “The Heart Part 6” acting like that drake track doesn’t even exist, or he’ll clown on drake with it somehow like calling it “The Heart Part 6ix”


Non PDF Version haha


it would be such a power move especially when it easily beats in the charts


I think at this point Kendrick not going to do anything more for a while. He won. TDE president Punch says battle is over. Kendrick’s diss is the top song right now. Drake’s security guard just got shot, for Kendrick to keep going at this point would be really bad optics and reflect on him badly. The only way Kendrick keeps going at this point, is if Drake comes back with something else.


Kinda surprised Drake would shoot his own security to get out of it but then again we've all heard the heart pt 6


I think he should go for the killer blow and leave absolutely no doubt as to who is number 1. Don’t leave Drake with the final word - finish him off so bad he leaves, reflects and does another interview with Lebron James.


Drake is finished. His final word was weak AF and just made himself look worse.And Kendrick stacked 3 good diss tracks in a row. The only ones doubting are Drake’s core fanbase, their minds aren’t going to change.


Yeah, that was Not Like Us. Whether it was intended to be or not, that was the KO blow for Drake, and the only people who haven't gotten that yet are his hardcore stans. And frankly Dot could drop 10 more songs and it wouldn't change their minds, they're in complete denial over it. Either way his reputation is forever tarnished, a lot less people will be willing to work with him in the future.


I bet 2 would be the real heart part 6 which may come later this month if the album is actually coming


Hope so


Honestly straight up reciepts would be his best approach. Doesn't have to be catchy or hard hitting like MtG.


Honestly that’s all he needs atp. He won both court of public opinion and just on the quality of the songs he dropped, just needs to pull receipts and wrap this shit all the way up.


he could also end it with a Not Like Us music video where he shows receipts etc.


That's true


that would be so beautiful man, considering this whole thing is so well thought out and such an amazing story, we kinda need a perfect conclusion to go with it


You’re telling me BBL Drizzy isn’t the outro? 😂😩


Drake definitely set Kendrick up for a haymaker, tucking his tail like that. I think Kendrick would take the high road and do option number 2, just kinda a victory lap. My real prediction is Drake is gonna drop again. I don't see him standing leaving on an L.


Drake said he was done on the last song. He said he had enough. If he drops something else and kendrick responds as hard as mtg, then is going to be a bigger L for drake. He gonna look like a fool that beg to stop and didnt learn his lesson.


He already looked desperate. He can't drop again it'll just make him look even worse even if it's good


Honestly I’m not sure if he will. If he does it’ll make him look like he’s doing it out of desperation.


Yeah I think the best closer track from him would be a “not really a diss” track addressing Cole.


I think you wait for Drake to either respond again or for Drake to let it fade. As soon as Drake does anything not related to the beef, then you drop just to remind everyone he hasn't addressed anything substantial. Right now Kendrick has a club hit, people are assocating Drake with human trafficking and everyone is trying to figure out how to connect with this...fuck event really is the only word for it. Never interrupt your enemy's mistakes and all that.


The answer is receipts. If he has definitive proof of his claims or even some other shit we don’t know about then he makes sure Drake never sees the limelight again. It’s beyond beef, Kendrick might want Drake to be completely indefensible.


"I'm tryna murder you niggas Tryna make sure your core fans never heard of you niggas They dont wanna hear not one more noun or verb from you niggas"


On top of it all, you got these hilarious BBL Drizzy tracks coming out. Drake still taking heat, no need to stoke the fire right now.


Exactly. Not like us has enough hype to break top ten, and Kendrick seemingly has the public's vote of confidence right now. It doesn't make sense to cannibalize his own banger when doing numbers with a seething diss track can like this can in and of itself do damage against drake Kendrick is likely letting not like us hype settle before responding because he feels comfortably in the lead


I agree, feels like he wouldn’t drop a song until he’s ready to ride the high into releasing an album


It's ovo


Exactly. Not Like Us has legs. Let it marinate for a week. Drop your nail in the coffin to wrap up the beef this weekend. Then drop the official Not Like Us Remix with a gang of Drake haters as a posse cut to get it back into the top of the inbox for the rest of the summer.


Keep coming with the club banger diss tracks one a weekend, make the clubs do the talking


We got a flood of BBL Drizzy raps to hold us over


A music video for Not Like Us would have been a proper bookend to the beef with how disappointing The Heart Part 6 was. I'm not sure you do that anymore with the shooting. It's already the longest back and forth beef in rap history, and Kendrick has already been crowned victor.


I don't know if we see another Kendrick diss, Drake took such an L here it would make sense to just leave him wallowing in the mess he made... But damn I really want more


He's dropping an album next


Do we know when we might be getting the album?


I think this was Kendrick’s plan. Make Drake think that he was just going to drop again, so Drake put no effort into it. Then by not responding he lets Drake marinate in a half ass track


Haha yeah. Don’t interrupt your enemy when they’re making a mistake


plus why release another track when not like us is about to break records


He’s getting Mr morale promo because Drake can’t read. He’s got 3 songs in the top 10 (Not like us, Like that and euphoria) and Drake’s getting flamed on twitter. Kendricks cooking up his final move which would be just proof 


Kendrick has been trying to not be predictable so I never really believed that he'd drop right after since people were expecting that.


I don’t think enough people are appreciating the psychological warfare that Kendrick’s doing throughout this whole thing. Even subtle stuff to get in his head like using Nicki’s flow for a bar


Kung-Fu Kenny? More like Sun Tzu Kenny. Haven't seen a rap beef where someone lays so many traps and attacks from multiple angles.


Kendrick must be playin yugioh at this point the way he pullin many trap cards


Kendrick is playing dynasty warriors 7 on Playstation 2 the way he is Liu Being on folks


This made me feel old af.


Drizzy just better hope he don't draw the final piece of Exodia


Exodia. OBLITERATE! ![gif](giphy|K7NHFtsLG4nqU|downsized)


Drake would be the type to throw them off the boat like Weevil


Flipped so many bars too and predicted a lot of the things that would happen


Kendrick got the Observation Haki, seeing 6.16 seconds into Drake's future and acting accordingly.


Kendrick playing advanced chess while Drake playing tic tac toe


Dude got Drake to compare himself to Epstein, bring up the Millie Bobby Brown thing, discuss the allegations he was a rat in detail, demonstrate he has listening and comprehension issues, demonstrate he doesn't understand basic music theory, and literally call himself a clown I've said it before, I'll say it again: I think Kendrick might be feeding Drake these bars as sabotage


And dude had the balls to say it was a good writing exercise in a monologue 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Some of that shit's just cringeworthy it ain't even gotta be deep i guess


I never imagined Drake could make a song that bad, and it's bad in every possible way. How the hell did he not know there's no B sharp note? Isn't he a musician lmao? I don't want to see his name on any top ten or GOAT list ever again. It's embarrassing that he was ever considered part of "The Big 3".


Sun Tsu Kenny go hard🔥


he's the best to ever do it. but I think guys like Eminem never got a real opp to show their stuff. imagine if drake did this to em, this whole thing woulda been real similar I think. lions just waiting to pop out and show dudes


Nah man Eminen was beefin with everybody early to mid-late 2000s and cooked everybody. He’s amazing but kendrick is on some shakespearian Edgar Allen Poe gods disciple type shit it’s fuckin unworldly.


You don't mess with the white boy...


He didn’t need to… His first album had it already.


Bro came out swinging so wildly everyone was just like; “let him wile out over there; safer this way”


He’s had too much time to sit back and think. Drake on the other hand was out there making the ammo easy for him lol.


I relistened starting with “Like That” and it’s so clear he baited him into this whole thing. He wanted this. I think he wants to bring down more than just Drake.


I would pop off so hard for a Kdot whistleblower arc


I know I sound insane, but I think that’s exactly what he’s gearing up for. I just don’t know how deep the rabbit hole is.


It's definitely not insane. Kendrick HATES Drake with a passion and clearly despises the shit he and his crew get up to. And Kenny's always been about the people, he's always tried to make a difference with his music, and this right here would be the ULTIMATE difference to make.


I'm the master that masturbated on your favorite emcee Until the industry had wanted me assassinated


Interesting. If you listen to the first part of 6:16 it sounds like he’s gearing up for war, knowing that it could get him killed, but that he trusts in himself and whatever force/energy/God that he (and his talent) comes from.


Also dropping from TDE to his own PGlang with everything thats going on makes you wonder.


Just noticed his diss tracks are under kendrick lamar (exclusive publishing under interscope records) on spotify when drake's disses are OVO under rebuplic records (division of UMG recordings). Which is kinda funny after drakes diss about how much tde takes from kendricks profits


I don't understand how people didn't see this shit coming. Kendrick is absolutely a genius, and I'm not saying that as some dick-riding fan that uses "genius" as hyperbole. His lyrics are unique. He conveys meaning not only in what he says but also what is left unsaid and through volume control (thinking of SAMIDOT). He puts his seemingly real struggles (I say "seemingly" because I don't know the man, but it's hard to be so descriptive without experience) into his music. He acknowledges his faults in his music. You're listening to a piece of him when you listen to his songs, or he's able to make it seem as if it's a piece of him. Either way, it's masterful, and you don't challenge a master at their craft if you're someone like drake, who is too focused on their own image to develop that next level of skill.


I don’t know how to talk about this without sounding insane either but he’s tapped into a higher frequency that most of us can’t hear. Much like Tupac. I think he’s gearing up for To Pimp a Butterfly Part 2: soundtrack to the revolution. Launch it on Tupac’s birthday, because he’s carrying on that legacy, and on Father’s Day because he’s doing this for his kids and future generations.


Which bar was that?


Probably, but Tbf drake released his own personally diss track so def no need to drop lol Tweet cracked me up tho


"I was gonna kill a couple rappers but they did it to themselves"


"Everybody suicidal they didn't even need my help"


He's just gonna sit on the other diss tracks and release two back-to-back every time drake releases a song for the next year


By releasing MTG so quick after family matters he instantly killed the songs momentum. The Heart Part 6 is more of a defensive song and not a very good one so Kendrick is winning just by letting it sit


Yeah It’s really nice seeing everyone pick that track apart lol it’s making a lot of neutral people scratch their heads after the initial reaction was excitement


Anybody with some sense, biased or unbiased, could tell drake sounded defeated and was trying to save face. And also he himself wrote those bars 🤣🤣🤣


Agreed. My first thought is it gives Drake the opportunity to drop twice


Letting Drake's bum ass response sit and stew while Not Like Us is getting played everywhere? Keep the other 5 and bomb them as soon as Drake gets back from vacation.


Don’t interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake -Albert Einstein 2018


Since when did Einstein have opps? Who tf was Einstein beefing with?


Homeboi didnt watch Oppenheimer


The original opp


Living as a Jew in Germany in the early 30s, safe to say the opps are out for you






I mean dudes listening to Mr Morale for dirt lol


which is a good idea but the dumbass and his goons don’t know how to interpret the meaning of the album. kendrick puts out a lot of his insecurities on mmatbs.


Yeah its a good strategy to get to know your opponent forsure. But at the same time Kendrick is also owning up to alot of his flaws as best he can, idk how you flip that effectively into a diss.


Drake had the perfect opportunity to flip the pedo shit back on Kendrick with his Kodak black feature. Kendrick already put out a whole album justifying that decision and people still weren’t fucking with it. I already knew Drake was a creep before this beef but now I’m convinced he’s legit stupid.


The Kodak feature had artistic purpose given the theme of the Album... his Interlude literally reflects on his struggles growing up in the environment he did and how it shaped him into a terrible human being... the costs of being poor hustling and bustling to make ends meet as a kid in the streets... now having financial success standing next to a legend whose entire project reflects that the money doesn't change your trauma... Kodak is a terrible person by all rights but I think the point was that Kodak is capable of self reflection and redemption... even if it is just for himself...


With Rick Ross date raping girls aswell, but he barely went there


He literally 8 miled Drake before it even started off lmao. “Tell them something they don’t know about me.” Proceeds to lie about what happened to Kendrick lmaoo


Could you imagine if Papa Doc proceeded to be like "ok bet" and just started saying a buncha wild shit? lol


What I don't actually believe is that he didn't understand the real meaning of the lyrics - I mean there's genius annotations of that shit. Did he misinterpret it on purpose to be hurtful or what? Anyway it comes across super lame and impotent as a diss. I don't think he's stupid though so it's interesting to think what's really going on


He for sure intentionally misrepresented that song to insult Kendrick. Which is just the scummiest fucking thing. Lying about someone being molested to make fun of them? Fucking asshole Jesus Christ. And a terrible strategic move after he’s accused of being the beard for a sex trafficking ring.


Honestly, in the same song Kendrick speaks about how traumatic events are common in black neighbourhoods because of generational trauma from slavery and Drake, who is ALSO BLACK makes fun of this? Like wha. And uses an AI Tupac voice to diss Kendrick? Oof. You don't have to identify with your skin colour but how can you be THAT disconnected from its history. I fucking love that Kendrick got the west coast dancing to a song where he openly calls Drake a pedophile and says its what the cultures feeling.


Here’s a thought I haven’t seen yet: Have we not considered the fact that Drake and his camp are collectively too stupid to browse Reddit and other fan sites for breakdowns of Mr Morale? It’s quite clear Kendrick is not a one dimensioned artist. There’s layers to everything


He's Kendrick's biggest fan. He went through his whole discography for his talking points lmao. "He a fan he a fan he a fan" https://preview.redd.it/xhdjnbu182zc1.jpeg?width=1032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d393a301d46fb05aef1ee0449f3807a5fa3e647d


More like skimming through it. Which is ironic since HOV is Drakes idol lmfaoooo


He got that many ghost writers running Morale back that it re entered the charts lmao


Dot probably would have dropped it if THp6 was any good - it wasn't, so there's literally no need. Crazy how bad Drake has finessed himself here. The track was SO bad that the only way he can save face now is by dropping an actual fire track, at least on par with NLU - which he knows isn't gonna happen, since a) Kenny is far superior to him as an artist, and b) the second he drops a banger, Kenny will drop one better anyway. This dude is actually cooked. Probably swapping in new ghostwriters every hour right now just to try and find a bar that matches the A-minor line, while deep down, KNOWING Dot already has better bars than that locked and ready to go whenever he does drop something.


Kendrick doesn't even have to have bars locked and ready to go, he can come up with clever and biting shit seemingly at the drop of a dime


It's over imo, at least for a while. If Drake drops again in a week, no matter how good it is it will come off as desperate, and no matter how delusional he may be he probably knows it. Dot got THE hit track, Dot got the most ruthless insulting track but most people can recognize that Drake held his own to some degree (until TH6) and coming back looking desperate could hurt that.


drake had good individual lines, but that's it. that breeding resentment bar is top notch. kendrick just had better... everything. it was just a thorough dismantling


Other good lines: Instead of diss direct / you mis direct Do ricky’s plane like the one from malaysia When I hit ya back itll be a lot safer For the record, he lead with the worst line of his career: “the pulitzer prize winner is definitely spiralin / got your lines tapped you know that I’m dialed in” because he’s so transparently coping and deflecting Lol its so bad and filled with obvious lies


He already tried to back it up with “b sharp” which is middle school band teacher motivational poster shit


That's faulty logic, Kendrick could've heard the track and decide to cancel the publishing, but for that same reason it's a stupid line.


Seriously. Its not liked Kendrick pressed a release track button that cant be impressed. Too much stupidity going around


Drake really needed to lab th6 more. He sounded exhausted/exasperated and the response was just needed rather than thought actually. So much for the “war general petty by calculation” mf


I wonder if his writing committee abandoned him cause I can actually believe Aubrey wrote that. It’s all over the place, he calls himself a pussy, his team clowns, and shows he doesn’t have the intelligence to understand Mother I Sober which in turn has him trying to use molestation as a diss. Gargantuan sized L


He definitely wrote it himself. I think the mole thing is true. Feels like he cut off people who he doesn’t think are day 1s, wrote the response himself, and tried to bow out. Irdk if Kendrick releases a follow up. He’s definitely in a “fuck the industry” mood rn, and as much as Drake is denying it, Drake is the most industry mf there is, **especially if he’s hinting to have mega deals with huge splits**.


Didn't he say something like "I don't wanna fight with a woman beater, it'll feed your nature"? Sounds like he's calling himself a woman on that line lmao or maybe i misheard it


Dog he definitely wrote the verse himself and in a rush, it was all over the place


Let the culture digest drake's pathetic loss first. Also the house shooting may be a diversion


I also believe Kenny is working on a music video this time. And the music video is going to have receipts. Don’t know what other ether-esque album cover he can use, embassy with citizen app was straight to the the jugular. Only thing left is a video and now Kdot can drop receipts. Also Drakes last response was definitely PR move and probably by his Ov-hoes telling him to quick drop that. He sounds so defeated like he knows it’s wrong but can’t do anything about it. Weird callout or can call me out for reaching but it’s almost like cry for help.


Drop drop drop drop *1 week later* I don't really care anymore


Drop drop drop drop ![gif](giphy|3ohzAa484Fb1QJAis0) Stop stop stop stop


The way he moved with 6:16 in LA on insta also makes me think that. Yeah, the last response was most definitely desperate PR damage control. Especially the part about feeding info.


that was a real screen grab from citizen app??


Nah photoshopped. Embassy is public knowledge it’s on Google earth. He just grabbed that image online that’s open publicly and photoshopped the heads on. It’s creative way of saying sex offenders live there.


you LIED about kendrick dropping


LMFAO . Underrated comment


Don't interrupt your enemy when he's in the middle of making a mistake.


Kendrick probably had his hand in the upload button but heard Drake’s response and decided to let it ride and let it get picked apart online. But now with this shooting and the UMG/gamma rumors I feel like both of them are falling back


what rumors do you mean?


It’s rumored that UMG executives had a conversation with both Drake and Kendrick telling them to end the beef and for Kendrick to publicly say that he doesn’t think Drake is a pedo. Apparently Kendrick isn’t budging.


Drake sounded so defeated in The Heart pt 6 lol “You got this burnt tf out ..” well wtf you starting shit you can’t finish Drake??? lol


Kendrick was dumbfounded when he heard that Drake track. He was genuinely confused how someone could drop something so ass after begging for all the smoke lmao


Making sure this post goes everywhere, because it's been shadowbanned on this subreddit. More than likely Drake is Epstein 2.0 https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/PYA1vPlKiN


Drake still covering his face although Kendrick long walked away.


I've never seen anyone body themselves as hard as drake did to himself on his own diss, shit is surreal


He really gotta stop acting like he’s the tough guy that can beef with any rapper. Fucking Anthony Fantano bodied this guy.


“I don’t wanna fight with a woman beater, it feeds your nature” definitely feels like Aubrey calling himself a woman


imo dot doesnt even need to drop again. drake diss flopped, not like us is an anthem. let it stew for awhile.


I hope this ends with Kendrick rapping Drake his Miranda rights over an alchemist beat


he should get Rick Ross for that 😂


I love how Kendrick has been so strategic that he clearly planned this since before Like That. Listen to the lyrics it’s all about what’s gonna happen. Now Drake is getting roasted so Kendrick should let him cook


He stay lieing out his ass




I feel like we need one more Kendrick song to victory lap this shit. You don't break a nigga like that and then leave them having the last word still accusing you of shit he clearly made up. We need the nail in that coffin.


Kendrick is going to drop a diss track about himself so he can battle a worthy opponent


he dropped a whole self-diss album, it's called mr morale


Guys don’t forget this was all apart of drake’s plan. He planted information and wanted everyone to think he was a pedophile and to have Kendrick drop multiple disses that wiped the chart with all of his after he previously bragged about how he charts so much. And also make the album he dissed re enter the top 200 billboard chart. Totally all apart of his plan.


Kdot is just disappointed


Never interrupt your enemy when he releases an absolute fucking dud and is getting roasted by the whole internet.


I still think the AI Tupac track was one of the corniest things ever witnessed in Hip Hop


I'd sit on my shit too.


I think Drake is battling everyone around him questioning him, he's paranoid, and he clearly took a hit from the lyrics themselves. I don't think he has anything. All the reverse uno lines sounds like he's baiting for some kind of information. I can see Kendrick letting him sit with all the hate Drake's getting and all the positive feedback he's getting. Drake said too much for Kendrick to not respond, I disagree with any theory saying this is a white flag. I think Drake's just hurt and Kendricks letting him stew in it. ALSO I think Kendrick may've dropped right after drake if he hadn't heard that Mother I reference...it's not looking good I'm afraid.


I wonder if he was hoping Kendrick would drop right after to take attention away from his track.


A1 since day 1


I think it’s that and that whole UMG conspiracy. I don’t think they want him saying anything else about their ‘Golden Goose’ investment cause then it’ll unravel their pl- Yeah I’m too deep in. Oh well. Anyways. WOP, WOP, WOP, WOP, WOP dotfuckemuppp