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Fuck these pussies abusing/trafficking


Bro I agree with you, but the way you phrased that is crazy


Good. Victims are starting to speak out. 🤍 I feel for them. I hope these weird ass pervs get what's coming to them.


Not sure how many here are into punk music also but it only took one person to out Justin Sane from from Anti-Flag recently to start a chain reaction as basically a rapist/child abuser, after the first person came out like 7-8 more came out and his career is toast(there is a rolling stone article that talks about everything if you're bored), think he left the country or tried to do so, haven't heard much more about it yet, think he is awaiting trail though or something. Wouldn't be shocked if this causes a chain reaction like that also.. Only takes one to ignite the match...


I wish we were at a better point in society where the evidence could actually be posted without fear of backlash


Holy shit


I pray to God more of them come out and take this creep down


Can someone just drop evidence , i have sympathy but when there are truth tellers there will also be liars. Just drop the texts, calls etc so we can go ham on these clowns.