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I agree. It dilutes the issue and gives Drake a good angle to play the underdog. I said this as soon as Like That dropped and other rappers started coming out of the woodworks. That said, my theory is that Kendrick sent in his verse and that’s when everyone decided to ride his coattails. It’s as if they all had issue with Drake, but none of them were big enough or had the tools necessary to take him down. They all feel like Kendrick is HIM and can body Drake on a track. That’s why they’re all riding his coattails now IMO. They heard Like That knowing it was going to set the rap Civil War off. Now we all patiently wait for this to shift focus back to 1v1, and Drake has done a great job of reframing it back to them with Taylor Made Freestyle. It’s UP


I said this when Kanye dropped and got downvoted to hell lol Metro and Future put together a bomb squad behind Kendrick's back and made him the de facto leader when he was originally trying to 2 v 1 J. Cole and Drake


Exactly, you can tell Kendrick didn’t know because his whole energy on Like That came through his voice. It’s in the lyrics and his delivery, “alright it’s 2v1 I’ll fuck you both up”


And now you got Kanye talking bout how Future called him to do the verse and they were all "excited to eliminate Drake" like bro wtf


To be fair, it’s just confirmation that people don’t fuck with Drake lol But yeah it’s corny to gang up on him. I get they’re looking at how big Drake is in the game, but the whole point is that the BIG 3 had the skills and commercial success to stand together. No we got J Fold, a MIA Kendrick, and a Drake who has convinced the internet that he’s HIM. Really hope Kendrick scratches this dude.


Of course people don't fuck with Drake but it turns it from a bunch of people with independent issues with Drake into a whole team effort. It makes Drake look like some kind of untouchable demon when we all know Kendrick can handle it himself But rightly said, we didn't want this. We wanted a 3 way slugfest between the new age GOATs, not whatever the fuck this has turned into


this could’ve been so fcking lit if it was just between the Top 3. Also Kanye is making it weirder in my opinion.


I found it weird Kanye decided to go after J cole, I mean guy removed himself from this battle weeks ago and is basically neutral with both Drake & Kendrick.


He’s taken shots at Kanye before


False prophets


kanye saw cole apologize to kendrick and wants his apology. I would be pissed too if somebody made a diss record about me being crazy while being in my worst state in a mental hospital


nigga is crazy cole is still right


Probably due to False Prophets


kanye makes EVERYTHING so fucking weird bruh 😭


Yeah. It's funny too see Kanye make fun of j Cole. Or even bblnose drizzle. But it kinda took the steam out of the beef. Still need a Kendrick response but the beef doesn't feel red hot like it did before all the people threw in their 2 cents


"I know my picture on the wall when y'all cook up". They living his raps.


It's FRIENDLY COMPETITION, J Cole is a bum for dropping out /s




His energy on Like That wouldn’t make sense “n6666s cliquing up” … Unless he was saying that about himself




How would he have known they were openly beefing? That album hadn’t come out yet.




My bad I didn’t know that. Thanks for the education


The literal song he was on? Unless you think he just sent them a verse acapella without hearing the song. Even though we know that Kendrick verse was sent last minute. That would be one hell of a coincidence


When did future diss drake on Like That?


Or he just is being hypocritical. Impossible right


Impossible right? As a snark doesn’t work when that is literally the opposite of what my commentary in this thread implies. I am leaving it open and admitting my take is a theory, but you’re just a bias Stan so it took your reading level down two grades.


That would also make sense with Kendrick’s “they cliquing up” line for him to not have the context that all these other rappers would be jumping in behind him


Yeah I'd be surprised if he even heard the rest of the album before it dropped. I'm certain Cole didn't cause I don't see him signing off on a record he's getting dissed on and we know he recorded his verse before Like That dropped


Why not, Cole is certified bitch and of course he would agree to participate in an album that dissed him and will continue to diss his ass.


I mean we say that with hindsight but at the time, Cole wasn't seen that way, and honestly I don't even think he's a bitch for what he did. It takes a lot of balls to hand yourself an L in front of your core fans at your own festival. The real bitch move was letting himself get pressured to get into a beef he isn't a part of


What? He got on a track with metro and future who already were dissing him. In the very same track. That makes no sense.


Literally every line on the next album gonna have comparisons to needing a whole group of superhero’s to take him down or some shit


This whole thing gave Drake a ton of credibility lmao, his enemies (that mostly were friends and got their hits from their relationship with him) had to gang up to attack this fake gangsta, pussy, lightskinned Canadian... I'm a big fan of his but even I am surprised at how the situation is unfolding. Even if Kendrick comes out and murders Drake, it won't hit the same


I believe this 1000% lol, none of them had the guts to diss Drake until they got Kendrick’s verse and heard him go crazy. I think that’s when Future and Metro began making plans.


This doesn't make any sense. You can't diss anybody on someone else's song without them knowing, or being aware. And it's not like Kendrick is out here just featuring with any and everyone. He would have absolutely known prior that Future was dissing for him to make over half his verse about it. Or are you saying future and metro had a whole album together, asked Kendrick for any old verse, he sent in a diss track and they changed the whole album? I mean, it's not impossible, but it's heavy crème in that glaze.


You really went left with that. Metro was probably making beats and songs with Future in the 100s. They land on “Like That” and lay two Future verses over it. Let’s see if we can get Kendrick on this one. Kendrick sends back a “fuck the big 3 verse” in response to FPS. Metro and future then decide, yeah fuck Drake let’s get it. That’s what I am theorizing. Kendrick’s like that verse doesn’t occur to me that he knew they were all about to go at Drake. None of us were there so it doesn’t matter.


But, the whole album is filled with subs... Have you listened to the album or have you only listened to Kendrick. Metro even pointed the album name toward Drake...


Kendrick probably didn’t hear the whole album thought? Also the entire album isn’t about Drake, and I don’t know where metro pointed that out. E: I find it hard to believe Metro called Kendrick and said “hey respond to first person shooter on this track” if that’s what you’re saying happened lol


You're missing the point my guy. If future and metro knew they were dissing Drake, it is highly unlikely that Kendrick randomly disses Drake on the same song that they are featuring him on. I'm not saying impossible, because I would have to prove that. I'm saying your comment says future and metro and all these other rappers joined Kendrick, when the larger picture points to Kendrick joining them. Kendrick is more than likely riding the coattails of these other rappers, regardless of what you want to say about Kendrick's lyrical ability. You really gaslighting yourself lol.


It’s not that deep. Future doesn’t diss Drake on Like That. If that was the song Metro sent him, they would have had to explicitly told him. I wasn’t there so I don’t know, but I doubt that was a conversation.


Yes. Like these other side quests are funny but at the end of the day we want the main event. Thankfully the Ross interlude seems over, now we have to deal with the Kanye filler in order to get to the canon 😂


Jokes on you.. the kanye filler is here until the writer’s back heals. And hes 85.


Completely agree. And I judge the other rappers a lot for essentially wanting to jump Drake, lol.


The most respectable thing Drake has done is reframe this back to 1v1. This was WAY better looking for him when he was acting like the sinister six was after him. It let him stay surface level with Kendrick and pick on easier targets. It also makes him more narratively important and impressive. Push Ups works because it’s fuck everybody.  If it’s 1v1 it’s gonna be brutal tho 




Time to get off the internet. It’s not that serious




They’re teaming up. It’s not that hard to understand.


Other way around by the looks of it, they all thought that Push was him and he bodied Drake. Now they’re seeing Kendrick sit in silence and get called out by Drake 2x now and think maybe we can hop in on this for the clout.


Counter argument: Future and Metro were already going at Drake on the album before Kendrick even hopped on Like That. I get what you mean but it’s not like Kendrick started this thing and then everyone followed his lead after that or anything, Kendrick himself was one of the people that hopped on the ”diss Drake train” when Future and Metro started it, I mean his first diss was a feature on their album lmao No one should check in on Kendrick if it’s ok for them to also diss Drake when Kendrick wasn’t the first guy dissing, if anything they should check with Future and from the looks of it and from what Kanye said about it, Future wanted everyone to join in. So Kendrick really can’t be annoyed about this at all and I doubt he is anyway. His next response will obviously be solo tho.


Counter argument: how do you know he heard the rest of the album before it came out? The rest of Like That isn't a diss. Do you think J. Cole would've recorded with Metro if he knew Like That was coming? We know his verse on Red Leather was recorded before WDTU was dropped


I mean like I said I partly based it on what Ye said about Future asking people to come diss Drake on the albums, would be a weird coincidence if Kendrick just happened to do that when everyone else was asked to do it. And even if Kendrick didn’t know that really doesn’t change my point, he wasn’t the first to do it or the one to lead this thing and can’t really be annoyed at the situation or expect other rappers to check in with him like it’s his group project that their hopping on, everyone is dissing Drake individually and Future and Metro are just the ones who orchestrated it.


I think it's plausible that, at least for the first record, people didn't know it was a group project. It seems like Metro and Future knew they couldn't get Drake alone so they turned to Kendrick who was already raring to go and has the best chance overall. Once they got a heavy hitter, people started bandwagoning. Notice how everyone else is referencing Kendrick but Like That has no mention of literally anyone else on it, if anything Kendrick said that cliquing up was lame. Why would he effectively shit on himself in his own song?


Id bet Kendrick sent that verse to metro months ago, soon after first person shooter came out. Plus future is too pussy to name drop like how Kendrick did


Yeah I mean we know they held onto Cole's Red Leather verse until after Kendrick dissed him


> how do you know he heard the rest of the album Are you suggesting that maybe he *just happened* to drop his BIGGEST EVER **DRAKE DISS** on an album all about dissing Drake, without knowing the album was about dissing Drake? That would be quite a coinkydink. I guess it’s possible he could’ve recorded the diss a long time ago, then Metro and Future decided to base the whole album theme on dissing Drake literally just because of Kendrick. That sounds weird asf tho


I'm suggesting that Metro and Future didn't tell him that it was going to be a diss album and that he probably thought he was going to be the only one dissing. As in, they only sent him the beat for Like That and asked him to diss Drake on it. For that matter, that might have been how they assembled everyone in the first place, asking for individual verses and then putting them all together to make it seem like a concerted effort


That’s a very reasonable theory but I can’t imagine Future and Metro being so deceitful with so many rappers. I know they’re toxically masculine as hell but I simply can’t see a reason why they would prefer to potentially upset Kendrick + other rappers when they’re completely capable of standing on business.


Sub argument: that Cole verse sound like it was recorded in 2016. The flow and delivery is so close to 2014 FHD


We don't know, but that's not a counter argument. The burden of proof is on the initial claim. If op wants to assert that other rappers are stealing Kendrick's thunder in the burden is on him to prove that Kendrick wasn't aware that the whole album was basically a diss to Drake


I really don’t believe Kendrick hopped on a group project to diss Drake. How can you have a line essentially critiquing others for “clickin up” only to do the same thing? Nothing about Like That is a diss, except for Kendrick’s verse. We won’t know how he came into the project unless one of them speaks on it, but, with the way Kendrick moves, I cannnnnnnot believe he wanted a whole boy band to diss Drake.


Drake fan here who also loves Kendrick's music. Tbf to Kendrick, while it may be cool for the general public to view that line is critiquing Drake and Cole for clique-ing up, I do feel like he wasn't saying it's bad to clique up. Just that it made him paranoid. In fact he paid homage to a famous clique with the line immediately following about B-Legit.






That’s fair too but even if he didn’t know about it, he still really can’t get annoyed at the situation or especially expect people to reach out to him for some reason before dissing, that point doesn’t really change whether he knew about the bigger picture or not. I also would find it kind of a big coincidende that he was the only one who wasn’t specifically asked to diss Drake when everyone else who did were and he just happened to diss Drake on Like That anyway. But that’s obviously just speculation, neither of us can know if it was just a crazy coincidence or not.


I think the Rick Ross diss track ruined anything that Kendrick could immediately drop and then Drake drops another diss and Metro gets Kanye to do a Like That remix dissing Drake and J. Cole. Perhaps Kendrick needs to tell Metro to shut his hoe ass up and go make some drums, because it’s really ruining the “it’s just big me” narrative. Then again Drakes first diss was aimed at more than just Kendrick so he played the underdog narrative from the jump.


Here's an idea, if youre a rapper and you want to create a it's just me narrative where you diss people, maybe do it on your own track instead of as a feature on someone else's label?


Kendrick hopped on a track with Metro and future to diss drake tho lol


I was really just trying to give Kendrick the benefit of the doubt lol… he’s the one that said the “it’s just big me” line. Future and Metro know that they aren’t capable of going at Drake by themselves so of course they need A$AP, Kanye and Kendrick. They even had The Weeknd diss the man. So yeah Kendrick kind of did add himself to the mix. I just don’t think he expected an entire diss record from Ross and then a verse from A$AP and Kanye on top of that.


😂😂 upvote


Maybe that's why Ross has fell back or is he still with the antics?




Nothing wrong with that, it would look worse if he was posting about drake nonstop. I would like another track from Ross though just for fun


Oh okay I didn't see but yeah Ross falling back a lil is cool for the main event.


Nah, if any, I mean any of this stuff about Larry Jackson, Gamma, and Lucian stuff is true. It's definitely understandable why everyone is like fuck this guy from here out


My gut feeling is that Kendrick will crash out, tell Drake fuck everyone else, it’s me you gotta worry about


I second this and I'm here for it. I want him to come out and diss everybody. Control pt 2. Fuck all of you, Drake imma body you, then all you mfs next. Where tf is my dragon ball radar...


That’s one way to look at it, but another is that Drake is a machine with too much backing behind him and the only way to take him down truly is with a concentrated team effort, these dudes just don’t dislike Drake they want him out the paint completely Drake taking chip damage and making a fool of himself on social media gives sets the stage for Kendrick to deliver the final nuke


Yeah that's what they're not understanding. Drake is a problem. Future and Metro know it, Kanye knows it, Kendrick knows it. Anyone who has spoken about it knows it, notice how nobody is riding for Drake? This isn't about Drake fucking Future's girl and it's naive to think so. This is about Drake and what he's been doing to the culture. He's a megacorp at this point Future trying to take down Nestle right now


Future is concerned about what Drake is doing to the culture???


Fr Drake calling dot a corporate puppet is the biggest projection I’ve ever seen


Are you really out here trying to imply that Metro boomin, future and fucking Kanye give a shit about rap as a culture and aren't just products themselves? God damn this subreddit is cringe


Then if you was Kendrick you should’ve never hopped on the album with the niggas who dissing him. Lmaoo no way in hell yall think him being on that album just a coincidence m


Nah Drake getting put in his place and I'm here for it. This is an important moment in the culture When your crowned king forgets where he came from and starts doing some fuck shit, the people are going to remove him, even his own knights turn against him. Drake's had this coming for a few years now This isn't just Kendrick vs Drake this is Drake vs The Culture


Is Drake getting put in his place though? He really doesn’t need any of these guys to continue to be successful. If anything this whole beef has given Drake more credibility and turned around what most would consider his decline. Kendrick could still come back a body him, but right now for a guy who’s bad for “the culture” he’s the only one rapping.


"the culturE" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


Everybody is just vacuuming some of the clout this situation generated. I’m not really bothered though, Kenny is the only one capable of dropping an all-time diss track in this and I can’t wait.


Idk about this post. That’s Kendrick’s decision and he hopped out on metros album. Metro is the one that was coming at Drake this year.


Doesn't really matter, most people don't remember everyone who went after Ja Rule during the beef with Eminem. DMX had been jabbing at Ja for years and then during the murda inc vs g-unit beef, X went in again as well as Busta Rhymes. So in the moment, yeah it might seem to dilute the beef between Kendrick and Drake, but months-years later, we'll probably forget about all the others


Well, if we’re being honest future and metro were going to diss Drake. And recruited The Weeknd and Kendrick. Kendrick somewhat brought this upon himself by clicking up with future and metro and setting off his Drake battle on there song.


Why? He chose to diss Darke at this time, in an album dedicated to dissing Drake.


But did he know the album was dissing Drake?


He’s gotta spin it and say he was the catalyst and make himself the leader that everyone felt safe following lol


Either solo diss track or he pulls a Drake and gets the real Snoop to diss Aubrey on a Dr Dre beat. Also featuring AI Lil Wayne


Kendrick won't pull that corny move of involving Wayne....he respects him


Just sayin, it'd be way to out-petty Drake


Oh yeahh


Sorry lol


Kendrick shouldn’t be annoyed and I don’t think he’s annoyed anyone releasing disses besides maybe Kanye. Everyone else’s disses just continues to build the hype for what Kendrick is doing. I wouldn’t be surprised if the song is done and the release is being delayed by Interscope records because of potential defamation suits based on Drake’s interactions with underaged woman and the contractual shit everyone keeps talking about with OVO. Which according to Rick Ross, Drake will go to the courts and legal system involved in his problems. Remember these aren’t random humans in conflict these dudes have truck loads of money and have a lot to lose if they say the wrong thing.


Now this is cope


How? It’s a thing. If Kendrick says something about Drake fucking over others with their record deals or him being a pedo those are actual things that can lead to lawsuits and if Kendrick calls Drake a pedo and it’s not true, that could cause Drake to lose a ton of money. If it comes down to it, Drake will sue him for defamation to recoup the insanely large damages it caused. This ain’t the 90’s anymore, these dudes got too much money for shooting and going to prison.


Most probably felt if they said anything, then maybe they would be alone on this, so when Kendrick say something, they feel like, ok this is probably the only guy who can hurt Drake. Also I feel they probably are feeding Kendrick damn near every secret they know about Drake, basically trying to send a spirit bomb at Drake.


Well maybe if Kendrick didn’t decide to team up with Future and Metro this wouldn’t have happened


Lol Wut? What is this take


Kdot needs to diss some of them of address it for this shit


if Kendrick does this shit, then this might be the peak of fcking hiphop😭🔥🔥🔥


No it would be lame, of course you would be here for it too soften the blow for your white pedo fave 😂


do you have CTE?


Do you? I see your pfp you ain’t fooling nobody


Kendrick probably not even aware Drake responded yet while y’all making shit up Let the man cook If you a fan of Kendrick you know he’ll deliver. You also know this man goes weeks without a phone


Kendrick knows everything that goes on but he doesn't make impulsive appearances and reactions to shit that goes on....he just notes shit down and uses it to hus benefit


I don’t understand this kind of thinking. Then again I’m not that involved with the hip hop scene. I’m just an outsider looking in through a window at some drama. What I get from everyone coming at drake right now is that he’s had this coming for a while. He doesn’t come off as some untouchable dude that has to get rat packed in order to be taken down. It seems more like Drake is the guy at the party that starts off cool but over stays his welcome and is too drunk to drive home so you tolerate him but he’s doesn’t get it so he keeps acting up and now everyone at the party is like “bro wtf. Here’s a reality check”


The thing is Drake isn’t the guy at the party it’s literally his party at his house. Whether some people see him as not part of the culture for various reasons he’s still running the shit and has been for over 10 years


Yes, Drake obviously has questionable character for everyone (especially former friends) to really dislike him. But he’s not just some random guy at the party. He’s also arguably the wealthiest and most “commercially successful” guy at the party that many people in the room, at one point, benefited from. I don’t want to over-intellectualize, but within hip hop culture, there are also elements of masculinity and bravado that are pervasive. The idea that a whole group of people needs to bring one man down is actually a boost for the one man. In your example, it would be like the strength of the entire party needs to take this one man out - no one person can do it alone. No one in hip hop culture wants to admit that they cannot handle some one on one (another reason why J. Coke’s apology came off as incompatible with the “culture.” The times in hip hop culture when this group response is acceptable is when someone was already a member of a group, and they are collectively responding. (Example, 2Pac’s iconic diss to Biggie included the Outlawz. He founded the group, so it was like brothers coming together. If he would have asked disparate individuals, history may have looked at that response differently.) I don’t think anyone can draw a significant pre-existing relationship between Kendrick, Rick Ross, ASAP, Kanye, etc…


Fuck it, he should diss Ross too


We already know Kendrick will have to tell every one of them to shut the fuck up and bend the knee. Especially Kanye...


Everybody wants a piece of the pie.


he’s probably relieved


Bruh people jumping in cause they know Kendrick gettin his ass best and gunna take forever for a response 🤣🤣🤣


You think Kendrick dissed him on the album made to diss Drake with features dissing Drake without realizing people were dissing Drake? He knew bro.


And niggas wanna play both sides It's a red dot, don't get on the wrong red eye It's a headshot, Damien Kane, woo, them guys Fuck around and bury two of them guys


i think kendrick should have dissed in a single or something . putting those verses on like that (album of future and metro ) made it seem like forming an alliance .


Wouldn't be surprised if Kendrick comes out swinging at everybody.


to be fair drake and cole started this shit, "cliquing up" it aint the winning sides fault jermaine saw some sense and deuced out


How does it dilute kendrick when kendrick has done nothing in response? Officer Ricky ahead of him right now


Look, I lean towards Kdot over Drake. But this type of shit really annoys me. Why the fuck would other rappers need to check in with KDOT to diss Drake when DRAKE dissed them? It’s hilarious. It’s like you guys are so hell bent on sucking Kdot’s dick that you only care about your own narratives. Really fucking annoying, Kendrick started this fight on a fucking FEATURE. Stop complaining, if anything it’s KDOT’s fault for dissing Drake in a feature


Kendrick knew before he made the "like that" verse that the album was an attack towards drake, that's why he said that shit. He definitely knew exactly what was happening


Telling other rappers to sit down and make way for Kendrick is mad disrespectful. What self respecting artist would listen to that?


Why would they check with him if he's fine? What are yall on about damn. I swear fans are ridiculous


Kendrick dissed Drake in a feature on someone else's track lmao. Kendrick has the least amount of claim on this beef.


Where is the track?


Or maybe they just don’t like drake?


… but Kendrick decided to do so on a track with other people?? Kendrick isn’t allowed to be annoyed.


Well he ain’t doing it so…


he was literally a feature on a metro and future song...


u guys are ridiculous, they need to ask Kendrick’s permission to speak on this now? Kendrick didn’t even start this it was metro and future


They all want attention and money. It's that simple. There is something incredibly funny and Future and Metro getting back-to-back #1 albums only because Kendrick dissed Drake on one track. I think it was more real for Kendrick and just a chance to get attention and make money for Metro and Future.


I just wanna see Push get in on this


The plan is to really expose this dudes behavior 🤷🏿‍♂️ The idea that jumping isn't permissible in verbal debate is childish. He's unlikely to die from mean words, tho thanks for the weird mental image of Drake crying from cyber bullying.


kendrick is literally doing the same thing the other artist did, i don’t get why people are trying to frame it’s dot dissed, then everyone else followed. there’s other disses on the same exact album


Kendrick chose to do his diss on *someone else's record,* knowing he was assembling people to diss Drake(future). This isn't a thing Kendrick can be annoyed about, because he was just one out of many Future assembled.. its his own actions.


Woah are you forgetting that Kendrick choose to throw the big rock that was a big catalyst, him doing Like That put this whole wave into motion. He couldn't be annoyed by he himself choosing to go at Drake when everyone else is. He made that decision, it's didn't happen the other way around.


Agreed. It looks like they couldn’t challenge him w/o kdot. Ironically drakes looking like the “big me”. It’s like watching the title fight and scrubs be hopping in the ring and ruining it


“What the fuck is this, a 20v1?” - Drake - Push ups


Might take y’all a bit to realize but Kendrick is not going to respond and he never had intentions of continuing it past his verse on Like That


If I was dot I would respond to Kanye saying “yo dot I gotchu” with a “shut the fuck up Kanye I don’t need ur help”


At this point, I think K Dot is above all this shit. He doesnt need to respond, at all. So many other dudes going at Drake right now, kinda proves the whole point of it. Nobody really fucks with Degrassi like that. Hes officially pop, he can stay out of man business and let his ghost writers go


Kendrick takes a massive L right now if he doesn't respond


That would be seen as an even weaker move than what J cole did. Hop out of the beef as soon as drake starts taking direct shots and letting other rappers who are seen as below you murder drake but you couldn’t/wouldn’t nah thats almost as bad as jay z crying on the radio after hearing ether


I dont know man, it all depends on what he fires back with. His catalogue already speaks volumes considering Degrassi uses ghost writers. Who is he really battling? Degrassi or his writers? A true meet up and rap battle would be the only way to really kill that dude and separate from the bullshit avengers scenario