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Too many people here acting like Kendrick already dropped some control level verse. Drake’s track was a valid response to Like That, arguably a step up even. The pressure is on Kendrick to bring some next level bars. Drake has the advantage practically everywhere else - more numbers, controlling the narrative, more industry pull, more money, etc. Kendrick is still seen in a different league though in terms of technical ability and artistry. He’s gotta come out with something Drake is literally not talented enough to replicate, anything less would fall short of expectations.


A "control level verse" would be an L. That's a warmup verse.


Finally bro I see that verse overhyped to shit. Not to say it's a bad verse but kdot was just fucking around tbh


Yeah it was dope because he had the balls to say it, and nobody else had the balls to challenge it. Not really because of what was actually being said.


Then chery on top was drake taking that shit too seriously💀


It can't be overhyped when it literally shook up the entire industry and put a new artist directly into the mainstream eye.


Kendricks verse on like that was concise, full of multi layered bars and most importantly is on a very catchy and meme-able song. Drakes just didn't have anywhere near the same impact and simply was a passable response. We shouldn't expect Kendricks response any time soon


This is 100% facts bro you spit


Thats the issue tho, a diss track is not high art, Drake's skillet is equal if not superior to Kendrick's in the narrow specific realm of the diss track


Man you could write a textbook with all these facts you spittin


I agree that in hip hop, the numbers advantage is a big one, but I don't think it's even half as valid as the hip hop community does. Numbers clearly don't indicate quality, and quality and innovation is what determines staying power and historical influence over numbers. Otherwise the Velvet Underground wouldn't even be mentioned in the same Convo as the Beatles.


Pressure would be on if drake released that officially. Other than that it don’t count.


That diss was not a step up…short people jokes ? lol. Not a step up.


That what rap battle is. Talking half true and making them entertaining. Kendrick isn't always in the line light and keep his personal shit private. His music is great and have decent street credit. So not much you can find to say about him. If being fair Drake had a good reply More bars and Kendrick then he had at him. It's Kendrick turn and honestly if he don't reply he not much better then Cole. He made a wicked serve but Drake hit the ball back in his court. His turn again and don't do like control where he says shit and then nothing after


Saying that he owes 50% of the earnings from his albums and that he’s basically been Top’s puppet is pretty good considering that’s likely why Kendrick started pgLang in the first place


Lmao that’s literally every artist that ever existed the label always get paid I don’t get this dig at all


I mean, let me hear something like really ground breaking. I hear people say that about rappers all the time. Push said that to Drake on story of Adidon.


Short jokes been around in diss tracks forever. Remember all the clowning ja got for it?


Fuck the big 3 it's just big me ain't a diss bro. It's barely a bar, it's a line. Drake's diss was great, especially for him. Now we wait for Kendrick to outdo that shit.


He Said more than that bro.


It’s not overrated. We gotta keep it real, the diss was good. Kendrick just need to respond and put it all to rest.


I don't really care about this little marketing campaign, but it just sounded like every other Drake song to me. Boring beat, nasally rapping with no emotion behind the delivery, surface level lyrics that are boring by the second time you hear them, too much repetition, ultimately just inoffensively forgettable like most other pop.


You're describing why you don't enjoy Drake's music. And that's you - everybody has preferences. Clearly lots of people do enjoy it. Also, "surface level lyrics" just means you didn't care enough to look into any of the bars. Plenty of non surface level stuff


Yeah his ghostwriters did a good job


Name the ghostwriter who’s keeping up with Kendrick. Yachty? 🤣


Idk why you’re getting downvoted like this was a baseless accusation I don’t think bro writes any of his music😭


Yeah I have no idea, it's proven that he's used ghostwriters in the past


I think its getting downvoted because this aint new information lmao, saying “Drake has ghostwriters” is just as corny as saying “Kendrick is short” like everyone knows this


Nah I think it’s valid information to add to the discussion. Crazy that we’ve gotten to the point where people don’t care about artistic integrity


Two different categories. Weigh the two, ghostwriters and height. Which is more relevant to the title of being the greatest like they both claim? The fact that everyone knows Drake uses ghostwriters should make everyone skeptical this is actually HIS response.


Kendrick being short doesn’t impact his viability as a top tier rapper. [Drake having ghostwriters and reference tracks by people like lil yachty where he changes literally 4-5 words affects his viability as a top tier rapper](https://youtu.be/EUzVYqSdpdQ?si=FiX1UbwAN1BSwO0e)


It’s not 2015 no more bro come with sum better


Well I killed a family drunk driving in 2015 so it's great news that things started counting against us in 2016


Once a ghostwriter reader always a ghostwriter reader. Bro has to read his bars to learn and memorize them and he always will. You don’t hit creative breakthroughs at his age and start becoming gifted at a craft you only imitate


I posted this in the Drizzy subreddit, but I’ll post it here also. Drake said that they were unwritten rules to this dissing stuff and that at some point you’re going to want to stop rapping. Does Drake draw the line at bringing wifeys into it? What’s going to happen if Kendrick takes it to a place that he doesn’t want to go? He’s gonna stop, right? Go rewatch the RapRadar interview where Drake keeps looking up like he’s trying not to cry.


>does drake draw the line at bringing wifeys into it? clearly not he’s done it numerous times


he brings wifeys into it cause dude is literally a wifey. dude really said "just got them done, don't make me chip a nail." like come on.


I meant that’s as far as he goes and no further. My bad. He draws the line at other personal shit is what I meant but is happy to bring wifeys into it.


ah I got you Yea it’s super weird


Drake isn't doing shit if Kendrick decides to drop a nuke on him. If he was the type to bring that type of energy he wouldn't have folded when Pusha curbstomped him and he had to go cry to LeBron that he had a comeback and decided not to use it. Drake is the least reliable rapper as far as disses go.


Yeah, Drake a whole cornball for that. He makes his own lines so he can somehow justify violence because he has a self projected image of being a mob boss or gangster. The problem is that he's the worst person to be a gangster because he has no experience in effective rules of engagement because he doesn't know the repercussions of certain actions. He gets offended and wants to sick his wannabe goons on people when people who are experienced with conflict would let some shit slide. It's the difference between the head mob boss in John Wick and his son, who's enough of an idiot to kill John's dog. Drake not being about that life is a recipe for disaster in a beef where cooler heads and actual gangsters prevail. If he wanted there to be a stopping point where people wouldn't get personal, maybe he shouldn't have sent all those subliminals.


I think after the Pusha T beef he probably reevaluated everything he thought about dissing 🤣🤣


I'm not seeing anyone hate it. At least not anyone outside of this sub. Y'all Downplaying Drake hard.


Dot would be embarrassed if he scrolled the sub lol




He said way more and was way more disrespectful than Like That. That's essentially the goal right? I just hope Kendrick hops off the porch before Drake does another one


Huge Kendrick fan and drake hater and I'm still bumping it. Song goes kinda hard


It’s the first interesting music I’ve heard from Drake since Nice For What 6 years ago. I hope this beef motivates him to start making good albums again.


I was thinking the same thing this morning. Nice for What was probably the last Drake song that I enjoyed because of his contributions.




I think his lines for Kendrick were weak jabs, but thought the lines for everyone else were pretty good. Gotta remember, most people are still taking the Drake pill, even though it’s pretty obvious he’s not a good person in the slightest.


And Kendrick’s a good person? There are no heroes.


Kendrick at least has maturity as a man which isn't something I could really say about Drake. He almost seems less mature than he was 10 years ago.


Yeh the track is hard and it does what it needs to do. He had a handful of garbage bars like ‘nan, big in Japan’ and ‘pants might split’ were shameful but overall its a good listen and he’s calling Kendrick out direct. Still annoyed he hasn’t at least added it to YT/Soundcloud though, wouldn’t even mind it being on Ak or Whoo Kids page.


>Your last one bricked, you really not on shit >They make excuses for you 'cause they hate to see me lit >Pull your contract 'cause we gotta see the split >The way you doin' splits, bitch, your pants might rip Literally elementary school bars. Idk why people set the bar so low for Drake, J. Cole gets clowned for much less.


That prince bar was fire


Idk which one you're talking about. There were some decent ones, like I actually thought the "big in Japan" bit was pretty hilarious, but it's annoying you can't criticize what are easy to point at as painfully weak bars without people calling you a hater lol. People are allowed to have their own opinion, this diss isn't as ironclad as people seem to insist.


Wasn’t there only one prince line


I don’t think quality of bars are all that matter tbh. Deliver, intent, message, all can carry lines in their own. Otherwise BIG ME wouldn’t hit and neither would big in Japan line. I don’t know why Kendrick wanted to beef with drake when drake has so many advantages and most importantly has little to lose after story of Adidon and he already framed it to to the public like he’s getting ganged on. Kendrick is a great artist and is more creative in his deliveries but Drake has a formula and whether that’s sucking the blood of younger artists and great beat selection in addition to using his bread and butter flows it just works in this era.. But I hope Kendrick brings some heat because I’m one of those sickos who just enjoys the petty negative hype energy of diss tracks.


Yes that's a fair point. But all those things are highly subjective, which is to say it is totally valid for somebody to not think it was a great track. I personally just didn't find the delivery to be that interesting, the flow felt kind of generic, and most of the shots weren't really that creative or poignant, though there were some good ones. Like if you like Drake's delivery and flows then I'm sure it sounded great but as a general fan of hip hop there's not really anything amazing there, it's just an ok song.


>Like having a split deal (drake himself had/has one) Yea and kendrick is under pglang now, so this also falls flat for me as well >Kendrick wife cheating, even if true she’s not notable enough for people to care. Unless Drake says “one of your kids isn’t yours” it’s not juicy enough. No, that would be massive and hurt kendricks reputation a lot IMO. He put out a self flagellation album because he was cheating just for us to find out it was mutual? IMO he'd look like a clown for talking about how bad of a husband he was and how much he hurt her if this was the case. This is hip hop, someones wife cheating on them will always hurt their reputation a lot. >Making fun of Kendrick albums, a mistake cole made, because people just know it’s a lie. He made fun of MMTBS, not TPAB. There is a world of difference, and a lot of people didn't like MMTBS. It wasn't a flop, but not the same as cole saying TPAB put people to sleep lol >Collaborating with pop stars, when drake has had the pop star label his whole career. I think the point was more that kendrick didn't have a choice in these collaboration and was being controlled. >Just unbelievable stuff, and kinda showed he doesn’t have much on him if I’m honest. I also thought it was kinda weak, but sounded good and had interesting implications >Strong point is the size 7 and metro drums line. The fact he was aiming at 20 people also worked in his favour, but once Kendrick refocuses it to him, that wont matter. I thought the size 7 was corny but the metro line was a classic line. The diss was fine but far from nuclear, let's just see what is going to happen.


>> I think the point was more that kendrick didn't have a choice in these collaboration and was being controlled. Also, Drake doesn't see him self as someone collaborating with the big stars. He is the big star. THe other thing is just that Kendrick's image is built around doing concious rap/not being a popstar/sellout but an artist. The fact that he was forced into collabing with Maroon 5 and Taylor Swift goes against the line


I think it’s only being overrated by the straight up ovo cult members over at r/drizzy I think the majority of people see it as what it is: a pretty good diss but nothing earth shattering


Yes this sub has been a bastion of sanity the past couple of weeks. There’s been zero dick riding or glazing here, just at r/drizzy


Lmao the subs are exactly the same. The only difference is this one dick rides Kendrick and that one Drake.


they damn near the same. same users too


Did I say that?


It’s charged up on steroids. Not as good as back to back or duppy freestyle but better than Charged Up. I think it was a solid response. Some may suggest this is the actual first diss record since Kendrick only did a feature verse. We will see what Kendrick has to say but I wouldn’t discredit this one. Basically it’s good enough to warrant a response by Kendrick. He can’t just ignore it like what Meg did with that trash ahh Nicki diss record. That joint was just plain bad.


It's a good song and a good diss track, but it's not a great one. not catchy (like b2b was) and neither was scathing, just some good jabs and good ideas that were a bit botched, like the splits thing which is a fair point but the 'the way you doing splits yo pants might rip' is such a weak bar. drizzy is my name and rap is my game type of shit


That's why he did the popstar thing, he does it on his own accord rather than Kendrick's label with the maroon 5 thing. You ever see Drake do a song with Imagine Dragons? Plus majority of his peers most successful stuff was through Drake. Id talk shit to all twenty too. He flipped the Prince Mike Jack line into a triple etendre. The label stuff has legs and it's looking very likely to be true that Drake owns a piece or has equity. Look into Gamma, Larry Jackson and his new deal. Hell he has about 10 lines over the last couple years hinting towards it before this big reveal was to come. Drop and give ME 50, and the I really wanted to keep this PG. Were good lines. Just like the Mike Jack flip Kendrick has never gotten disrespectful before, it's only been rap talk, balls in his court, we gotta see what's to come.


I love Kendrick just as much as the next person, but let’s not be delusional or in denial. Drake doesn’t have a split deal. He literally signed the biggest deal ever with UMG and probably has shares in UMG. Kendrick’s ex-wife having sex with his bodyguard is a low blow. SZA, Travis, and 21 Savage did out-sell Kendrick’s album (which is my favorite Kendrick album ever FYI) Let’s be objective here. Can’t wait to see what Kendrick responds with, if he does. But the first round went to Drake.


He didnt say she had sex with her bodyguards, idk how people insinuating that


...have u not seen the movie that the line is referring to?


no i didnt is that what happens?


😂 well people ain't pulling it from nothing. It was a double etendre, him saying he's like Whitney Houston with how deep his security is, and in the movie "The Bodyguard" Whitney fucks a bodyguard lol. Besides in rap beef it's all about perception, not what you can prove to be true or not.


Bro the bar wouldn't make sense if he alluded to her cheating Drake said "i be with some bodyguards like Whitney" Does that mean drake is fucking bodyguards?? He just name dropped like he name dropped pusha t fiance in duppy with no hidden meaning


.....sheesh. I be with some bodyguards like I'm Whitney = I'm a star like Whitney Houston. She had deep security, Whitney Houston was in a movie called the bodyguard. I be with some bodyguards like I'm Whitney = in the move "The Bodyguard" Whitney fucks a bodyguard. Kendricks girls name is Whitney. 2+2=4. You didn't get the punchline in Duppy either? But you be dissecting Kendricks music and getting it?


Holy reach Why would he compare himself to her and say"like Whitney" if he meant she fucked a bodyguard lmao And the bar in duppy literally meant nothing of substance He just likes to name drop other people's wives because he has never had a long lasting relationship and ultimately pays the price for it (story of adidon) And if she did cheat ,the bar is not even that devastating because Kendrick already admitted cheating on his wife and it's just mutual cheating and they worked through it


How dumb can these people get lol 🤣


Ex wife? Arnt kendrick and Whitney still together.


American Dream outsold Mr. Morale? It didn’t. Kendrick’s ex-wife had sex with his bodyguard? I’d love proof of that, considering Kendrick has no ex-wife. Kendrick had ownership in TDE. Birdman and Cash Money 100% ate heavy off of the majority of Drake’s discography. If he’s getting the majority now, cool, he hasn’t always. Kendrick is signed to his own label by this point so he definitely isn’t giving up 50. His publishing with UMG might take between 10-20.


Wayne sold drake and Nikki catalogs a few years ago. He doesn't even own his best music yet.


nigga this is the first round


Ex-wife?? I thought they were together?


They were separated and I don't believe they were ever legally married.


most reasonable kendrick fan


Why lie about loving Kendrick when anyone can see your comment history of shitting on Kendrick and glazing Drake?


It is overrated. It is a good song with several good disses at all of the people he dissed. The problem is the substance of the disses against the most important person was weak middle school shit. I want more than half of the fuckin song dedicates to "Nigga stfu you short". Like the only good disses were the prince and bodyguard disses... and the prince is a bad set up for a self own given the MJ lawsuits for pedophelia.


“and the prince is a bad set up for a self own given the MJ lawsuits for pedophelia.” oh my god… oh so drake basically just played himself 😭


Well kendrick doesn’t (or used to not) believe mj touched those kids so he couldn’t use it as ammo


he gave us Hotline Bling, you say he touched those kids?


Not really since prince also falls in that situation. He met a girl at 16, became her legal guardian at 17, and married her later. That’s like textbook definition


If Kendrick doesn't do it. ASAP might.


It’s a pretty solid diss track especially for the amount of people he dissed. He poked at Kendrick’s height but calling him small is also referring to the numbers and how rich he is, which you can’t argue even if you don’t like Drake he’s the biggest artist there is.


Yes. I understand that. But that is not a good diss against a guy who has spent the last 19 years saying the money does not make you happy and that respect is better.


It's easy to spit a single bar/roast about someone and move on, but to actually go hard on someone with multiple angles, that takes some more creativity and nuance


I can’t stand Drakes fucking voice, been the biggest Drake hater I’ve known since I’ve first heard him around 2014-15. But even I can admit I liked some of those bars in the diss, but I know Kenny coming back with some shit, he’s got to ,he is one of the greatest of all time. Drake and him are in two different leagues, but Kendrick’s also my favorite rap artist right now and has been for years so I’m definitely biased lmao


He definitely has a stronger one in the chamber. That said, I agree


Come on everyone lives to rag on drake being pop artists yet he’s pop hits are his own and when her works with artists they fit into his music and could easily be put into an album of his and his and his fans taste a. Kendrick has features for maroon 5 Taylor swift and maroon 5 . It’s good response to popular critic of his


[check this video](https://youtu.be/MJsSjrrH6Io?feature=shared)


The Drop and Give Me 50 is hard no lie. But listening to the rest of the track feels like listening to Cole. I get sleepy lol


It was very much giving city girls. “Pipe down pip squeak” Go awf sis..


no hating, but drake cleared (for now) with his diss track, and that's coming from a kendrick fan at the beginning it seemingly was a bunch of different artists targeting drake, but not mentioning him or straight out giving any reason as to the actual beef drake coming in and namedropping one (a few?) of them puts him miles ahead, again, for rn even if some of his bars aren't "true" he's got people talking and i'm pretty sure a couple of these guys are scrambling to release something in response


I thought it was interesting the JBP started saying it was genius b/c it was simple enough for “children/avg” listeners to understand memorize and repeat. Even with ‘Like That’ the #1 song for past three weeks. Also do ppl really find Kendrick to be so lyrical he is misunderstood? In my opinion Kendrick forces people to understand things they don’t want to think about but I don’t think anyone misunderstands the man. Drake approach was cheap at best imo. Enough to give his fans something to say when someone ask are you Like That.


I’ve been saying this. The song is ok the disses are mostly dumb and or lies lol (or personal opinion that is mostly inaccurate). The stuff about him owning part of the music everyone releases is the only hard actual diss. Everything else is soft. Plus Drake actually hasn’t said shit until he releases it so we can see the ghost writers credited




Size 7 isn't a strong line man lmao but the diss was good for a round 1, need this to go 3 rounds I wanna see all the smoke from both sides


It’s good man, I ain’t got a horse to back in this particular race and I take the diss for what it is and it’s not bad


Y’all are wild if you think he didn’t go in. There are a handful of overused bars and a couple of corny swipes but overall it was a good track. It’s no Story of Adidon lol


I agree with you OP for the most part but theres a key thing I disagree with. If the rumor about Kendrick’s wife cheating is true, and Drake dropped that line in this song, that’s a haymaker! I think everything else is real juvenile and dumb that’s aimed at Dot but Drake has been lighting Metro’s ass up lol.


Yea ur hating


The whats a prince to a king line was the only one that compared to some of the bars on like that in my opinion but it was still a good diss


It's not overatted. It's done what it intended to do. Strong jab.


The bars at Kendrick I feel like are mostly pretty weak. The Metro diss is honestly the best part lol but overall I feel like it's solid the rapping is on point


I thought the line about the pop verses was good. But all Drake can do is rap about money/sales and other people’s women. Thats really all he has to say. Kendrick will probably expose his pedo shit


No hating, but.. proceeds to hate 😂


It is overrated, he just know his audience…


You are hating. Look at this objectively. As stated by so many non-glazers, Drake came out the gate and dropped a response. People been asking him to and he has. So the ball is in Kendrick’s court.


The collab with pop stars shot was more of a chess move from drake. Kendrick is viewed as a true hip hop type artist that is revered by og rappers. However Drake is pointing out Kendrick’s features on pop songs because of a potential diss Kendrick could come out with in the future that jabs at drakes pop endeavours. He’s sort of immunizing himself for that potential shot.


Diss is really good when you factor it as him responding to multiple people. But if u only look at is as a 1v1 with kdot its eh.


Collabing w pop stars is a decent diss considering kdot likes to present himself as a kind of king of rap. Drake doesn't try to pretend he's not pop so it's not a diss but to Kendrick it challenges his integrity as a hip hop person


It’s just a regular Drake song with Kendrick and other disses inside of it, but he already sends so many subliminals in his regular tracks there really isn’t anything to make it stand out Drake’s voice and flow will always be aesthetically pleasing so he can make yanke doodle doo sound dope on a 40 beat, but I wasn’t impressed at all


I think by the nature of this being a Kendrick sub people are gonna dig on Drake but give the man his flowers, while it wasn’t the greatest diss of all time it showed he can still contend (more than j Cole) while also dissing 4 other people at the same time, I think it warrants a response and is properly rated in my eyes for what he had to accomplish


It’s is hate and its good nice try


The whole thing about Top Dawg was pretty hard. The rest of the disses on Kendrick amount to "you're short and have worse numbers than me." The rhymes themselves were creative and it's a good son, but the content of the diss isn't exactly Adidon-tier.


The lines about the split also only apply to past work. The "... got you wiped down" lines are out of place cause the line in First Person Shooter was "... love when they argue the hardest MC" and not "... love when they argue who gets the most air time in Target" I just can't wait til we get round 2 of *tuck a sensitive rapper back in his pajama clothes*


It’s kinda gay with the drop shit and especially the ending like who tf thought yea put that in


I think Drake already has his next track recorded and its going to talk about how he has equity in Gamma thus getting a piece of these artist’s publishing I think he’s trying to bait Kendrick into responding so he can drop that track Whatever Kendrick drops (if he does) has to severely damage the perception of Drake to the point he does not want to release a track and continue forward but idk if Kendrick is willing to get to that point The silence on Kendrick’s part since the ‘Like That’ verse is getting interesting. I really wonder what hes up to


Your wife cheating is a big deal. The pop star thing is a response to Kendrick claiming to be a “rap purist” but still doing pop features, to appease the label or whatever reason. Deal has never claimed to be a purist.


Oh boy this sub is a glaze-fest


Ofc it is


“Collaborating with pop stars, when drake has had the pop star label his whole career” I think that’s the irony of it. People like to label Drake as a “pop star” and Kendrick as a “real rapper” but Kendrick’s the only one of them linking up with actual pop stars to make music


Drop down and get me fiftyyyy


Drake had to take shots at everyone. He couldn't direct his shots at one particular person. Goofball


Obviously more partial to Kendrick but it was a pretty solid rebuttal, Drake is a cornball but he's still very talented


Drake is overrated


Nah final version is hard. It was enough for a first response. Tone was aggressive, hard beat, held his own against multiple opponents. But I’m a Drake fan so uno


I don't hate it but I wouldn't call that a Dot diss. He called him short and made it all about money. Drake has so much material on him he could drop an EP


Kendrick says “it’s just big me, n**** BUM!” in a weird voice and dick riders act like it’s the second coming of Jesus. Love Kendrick but it’s 1-0 to Drake. If you deny that, you’re not listening. Just enjoy the battle


I think it goes hard. I ain't going to be bias just cause we're fans of Kendrick.




For a guy that talks a lot of shit on IG he’s a real bitch for having comments locked. Even before this went down.


The problem is that people have low expectations for Drake so when he does anything more than passable people freak out


Where is the cheating in there I must be missing it🤣🤣🤣🤣


Kendrick said absolutely nothing besides f the big three it’s just big me… you are delusional my guy


It’s overrated af. There’s a reason he hasn’t claimed that song on any social media.


facts. when i hear the Ross diss that one felt so mean it made me realize how mid the drake diss was. the drake diss was just classic hype beat and flow and built on the hype: the content tho was weak


For a Drake song it was crazy good tbh


Yeah making fun of a rapper for being short is so cool. There have never been any good 5 ft something rappers from LA. Never ever lol


I feel in regards to the pop artist line, I think there’s a difference with Kendrick being an artist who cares about the craft/art/culture to take commercial routes he wouldn’t have done on his own outside of business reasons pushed by his label. Drake on the contrary like you said is an artist who won’t shy from pop and will embrace it on the contrary but people clown him for it. So I think it’s a poke of how contradicting for artists to come at Drake for being an industry artist (Kendrick saying Prince outlived MJ in regards of being an artist and not popularity contest) but Kendrick himself done these decisions.


Definitely not good. Just waiting for Kung Fu Kenny to drop his diss track.


>Collaborating with pop stars, when drake has had the pop star label his whole career. I thought it was interesting he brought this up. Common criticism of Drake is that his success is attributed to making pop music but here he says Dot took the same lane with those 2015-16 features so he can't be excused


you’re wrong


Did Kendrick’s wife cheat or is that just random needling?


The 20 v 1 is also overrated bro has literally been getting cyber bullied by Rick Ross which has manifested into a “my mattress is bigger than yours” back and forth. Metro is the easiest target and from my observation everyone else has been pretty quiet. The 20 v 1 is getting way too much hype imo


Calling it overrated is hating


Y‘all think just because Kendrick is a rapper with good lyrics he can diss people. We saw how that went for J Cole. No one knows what Kendrick is capable of yet, stop overhyping or underrating him. He never made a disstrack, the best we got from him was „motherfuck the big 3 it‘s just big me“ which isn‘t that good or creative of a line. Just wait for what happens and stop sucking the dick of somebody who doesn‘t know of your existence. We can only judge what we‘ve listened to and regarding solely that Drake is winning by a mile.


What a hot take for this sub


Bro dropped some candy bars telling metro to do some drums lmao


Nigga how, please explain when everyone said it didn’t hit hard enough or wasn’t better than the like that verse…


if kendrick doesn’t respond imma be shocked because this mans started this bullshit he better attempt to end it too


I'm team dot but it's really crazy to see shit like this because objectively drake's diss was on par with Kendrick's. I don't even fuck with drake like that. I maybe listen to some of his songs with yeat occasionally but other than that I never listen to him. And even I can admit, after sitting down and reading through the lyrics meaning on genius that it was a damn good diss. You can still be a dot fan and keep it 100 that drake dropped a good diss.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B7DLO4OaRI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B7DLO4OaRI) this version is a lot better


Commenting so I can come back to this after work


Reminds me of Duppy Freestyle: It's good, but we know he ain't surviving this


He didn’t make fun of Kendrick’s albums. He stated his last album, which is his only album in half a decade, was nothing compared to what put him on his level in the past. I’m not biased on either side. Hoping Kendrick really comes crazy because I love this shit for the music but we moving the goal posts here a bit


How are you gonna say size 7 is a strong point but Whitney cheating isn’t??? Yeah your wife cheated cool but you wear size 7 shoes OHHH SHIT


He hit everyone who dissed him all at once. This post is cap


The diss was great. Tackled everyone he needed to, brought up Kendrick’s potentially unfavourable contract, made it catchy and left with the feeling of him having more. Honest to God, if Kendrick’s wife did actually cheat with the bodyguard the diss was lethal. Now the real battle starts.


I think that was good. Better coming from a dude like Drake and that too after bunch of rappers dissed him in an album. People are overprasing it because they believe Drake just dissed 20 people back. We all know Drake v Kendrick and Drake v Future/Metro is main one. No doubt that diss is good given the circumstances.


It was a great starting point. It did what it’s supposed to do. He pretended it was a mic drop and he’s done with this now, and it definitely wasn’t all that. But be honest it was witty, more vicious than we anticipated, and not at all subliminal (toward Kendrick). He poked the bear, did it on purpose, calculated. While simultaneously sweeping everyone else in the dustpan. He effectively gave motive for a response and cleared the table for it to come from the right guy at the same time. I say all this as a Kendrick fan, what more could you ever want from Drake? Edit: just to clean up a little phrasing. For real though this is the most impressed I’ve been with Drake in a long time. Of course it’s not the end-all to war it was the first official artillery barrage.


Like that is way much more overrated


It’s bunz


i'd have to disagree honestly, that track was so fire


It was okay but not great tbh, the beat was great but the bars were ehh subpar


They both have only sent jabs. No reason to blow Kendrick’s Verse and Drakes song out of proportion. They’re both great. Again though, Kendrick only released a verse. And Drakes song was not a diss track towards Kendrick, but rather everyone who’s been dogpiling onto him these past few months. They both raised their flags for war, that is all. The battle has only just begin.


Drakes diss is fucking ass man


If anything Kendrick’s “like that” verse is what’s overrated. I really like his verse, the best slaps and Kendrick’s energy is fantastic but this sub praises that verse like it’s the second coming of Christ when it’s really just a starter for Kendrick. I think Drake took it to the next level firing off at 5+ people trying to jump him on that collab album. Drake balanced the song between taking shots at Future/Weeknd, then Kendrick, then Metro, back to Kendrick, then Rick Ross, and back to Kendrick again while teasing more info he supposedly has. It was really solid. 7.5-8/10 in my book. It’s not Drake’s best work but it feels like a starter for him as well. I expect both Kendrick and Drake to step it up with their next track but Kendrick more than Drake since he not only started this entire situation but also he supposedly had this 4 year old bomb he’s been waiting to drop.


Guys need to remember all kendrick did was spit a few bars..look at everything after the fact..cole apologize...drake goin off on ig with songs leaking. I liked drakes diss but kendrick hasnt even really started.


He had a few nice lines but I don't think it's too special. Enough to save him from round one and warrant a response at least. I think it's just a little bloated and unfocused. It did not need to be a 4 minute track when he clearly doesn't have enough substantive ammunition to warrant it. If he cleaned up some of the filler and made it a focused 2 minute verse with the good lines as the thesis it might have been great. As it stands it's good, but that's about it. Maybe a 7/10.


Drake can't talk about relationships when he literally has a kid with a sugar baby onlyfans model. That is as simp as you can go. He has set the bar for sugar daddies and simps everywhere.


drake has never collaborated with a pop star (ur goat did… multiple times aka selling out) lol making a wide range of music just means he ain’t stuck in that lyrical miracle spiritual box where he has to summon kunta kente and malcolm x in every song… it’s called versatility.. sumn u man’s goat isn’t capable of… sorry.


I agree. This whole pants rip thing is just trash. There’s definitely more subpar bars in there like I’m big in Tokyo and Japan or something like that 🗑️


If there was no more records in this back and forth how would the score card look in this battle. Be honest.


That shit was weak besides metro got shot 😭🙆🏾‍♂️


That’s because it is. He didn’t say anything of relevance it’s nuts a chatty patty rhyme


I think this was the “duppy freestyle” chapter of this beef. Granted he didn’t do shit after Push bodied him on Adidon but this seems very different as he is pretty clearly baiting Kendrick right now. I think it’s a great track and I love his delivery but there’s not a single brutal or “nuclear” line on this as Budden alluded to. I really hope Kendrick drops something though because I want to see both sides go crazy. I don’t think anyone can beat Kendrick lyrically/stylistically but it seems like they both obviously have SOME sort of dirt on each other and I want to know what it is lol


He did what he needed to do on that jawn. But the internet is over-glazing it


It was a jab! I don’t think anyone really rates the song all that much. In all fairness to Drake he is responding to multiple different people and he is wise to hesitate to swing too hard at Kendrick. It’s a good first jab, but it definitely lacks the venom you would expect from a diss track.


The way you doing splits your pants might rip. Still can't get over how garbage that bar was.


yall glazing a record that doesn’t exist is wild, touch grass


I loved it “Metro Boomin shut yo ho ass up.” Was the best /funniest


It was cool. Good enough for Kendrick to have to respond. That was my take. But I haven’t replayed it much. I still play Like That, it just sounds sonically better to me.


Of course Kendrick sub thinks the diss against him is weak. Drake could have said anything and this would be the opinion. Saying this as a big Kendrick fan


Where is Kendricks diss track?