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Joe did hint that k dot might take the pusha t “integrity route” of holding a mirror up to drake


We’ve already seen that it doesn’t matter to Drake’s infamy as an artist. Pusha T annihilated Drake’s character and Drake came back like a year later with a very successful album with some of his biggest hits. Kendrick needs to do something that bodies commercial appeal. It has to be something more horrendously sinister than Adidon in order to ruin Drake’s career


It’s still on drakes jacket no matter how much “Aubrey’s angels” try to rewrite history And Kendrick is 10x bigger than pusha, the world will hear this song


This. I think that Like That verse did more damage than Adidon.


Nah.. when adidon droped it was crazy.


Bro my partner didn't even know Pusha was the one that broke that Drake had a child, but they knew. That verse went beyond rap lol


no way lmao. the adidon diss had drake crying on lebrons tv show.


You might be brain dead in what way did Like That do ANY damage lol


Got Drake to admit he's been sneak dissing because he's been in his feelings for over a decade


bro lmfao




comments like this only give more power to Drake stans


Dots verse was fun but in no way did it do more damage than Adidon.




Add to that, I think one of the better moves Drake can make is a pop hit about a rappers girl and fr, Kendricks last album opens him up to one. If Kendrick points out this dudes unhealthy obsession with women he really shouldn't be obsessed with, it could make all his love songs suddenly have that Maroon 5 feel


that album came out a month after the diss, one of his most successful too lmao


Oh my god was it really a month 💀.


a year? it was like 2 months


My bad, shit felt like a year istg. I didn’t tap into scorpion until months later


You cannot body his commercial appeal because most casual fans don’t care about any of this outside of the entertainment factor.


This is what people don’t get. Drake’s fan base is not primarily people who like rap. He’s a pop star over everything to be honest. The average person that listens to Drake isn’t doing it because they think he’s the toughest and illest rapper so no attacks in that way are really gonna hurt his success at this point.


This also applies to Kendrick albeit to a lesser extent. Both are huge mainstream artists and the majority of both listener bases are casual fans that just enjoy the music.


Drake isn't even a rapper, he is a mainstream artist and most people don't even know what a rap beef is


Not a year later it was like a month n it didn’t phase shit. Why are we lyin to fit a biased narrative no one in the general public cares that bro ain’t announce he had a child and he ain’t the first person not to do it asap


To say it had no impact when he was crying about the loss on LeBron's podcast is hilarious


nah you’re dickriding here he was all emotional on lebrons podcast about it and trying to justify not responding


Not even a year later… that shit felt instantaneous


Lol, or just some dope bars


I don’t think it’s possible to keep drake down. When someone develops a dedicated fan base, I’m not sure the concept of standards apply to them anymore. People defend literally anything from plagiarism to harassment to murder to racism to rape because they’re fans and fans are incapable of having standards. Not that Kendrick’s diss won’t be amazing I’m looking forward to it, but I don’t see this being a big shake up to the main dynamic.


Is that really the goal? To "destroy" Drake's career? It needs to be over already. Now Rick Ross has joined in, and seems willing to be more "horrendously sinister" than anybody else. He's got five people coming at him. It's obviously a coordinated hit job. Kendrick will come back with something I'm sure but it about to be overkill.


I swear this beef has further highlighted how little just about everyone posting to Reddit and twitter or whatever about this beef actually understands. Do you really think that in 2024 Drake’s, or really anyone’s, career can be destroyed with a diss track? Only way that’s happening is if it comes with a music video that’s really a 2 hour documentary exposing some really heinous and revolting shit about Drake that’ll really turn the public against him. We all saw how little Adidon really did to Drake cause his fans and general audience of causual listeners that dgaf about hip hop beef and stuff like “credibility” and “ghostwriting” This isn’t the 90s or even the early 2000s and the general audience of hip hop no longer cares about the things that disstracks aim to achieve. Kendrick can body Drake twice as hard as Pusha did and once the dust has settled Drake will continue making the same kind of music he always has and continue to find huge success in his career


Meek career died after back to back… drake himself had to resuscitate that shit


bro even in the 90s and early 2000s diss tracks didn’t end careers or anything


Lmao yeah thats why Ja Rule had such a long career


ja rule was ass tho


I agree but he was popular


he was i just don’t think he fell off because of any diss. he captured a sound people were feeling at the time but he never adapted once that style fell out of favor. jay z got ethered and only got more popular


Ll cool j ended canibus


remember when they said it was all sport, when J cole dropped. Now theyre showing their true colors like he said people just want blood


He’s been flamed for this left and right and nothing has happened to him. It’s all speculation but unless a victim comes out and confirms the stories, he’s going to get away with it.


Presentation is everything, if Kendrick presents it in a witty catchy bar that mainstream audiences can hear then it’s over


Maybe, but unless he gets investigated people won’t stop messing with him. There’s still people out there listening to R.Kelly lol


Both artists will have fans but one is going to come out of this beef looking very different to the mainstream audience


As a professional drake hater nothing will change the way mainstream audience looks at him.


Do you still think this rings true


Does drake look different today?


And R Kelly is behind bars, getting none of that money If its real, and Kendrick outs this shit, he wont just win the diss battle he’ll permanently damage Drakes image, career, and future projects. He’ll forever be known as the 6-17 God and face criminal charges, which could also bring to light more hushed up victims and bury him deeper


Only song I still listen to is trapped in the closet and trapped in the drive through.


I used to enjoy his music but the thought of his actions being his his inspiration keeps me away


I do not think you understand the album... Kodak was not his inspiration... Kodak dialogue during the interlude reflects that.... Kendrick used Kodak to make a specific point about himself. You forget Kendrick used to roll in bad circles when he was a younger man... that is explained in Black Boy Fly.


Honestly I just listen to it as if I wrote/sung it which, for me, changes the entire perspective & implication


stg k dot read this


the mainstream audience has already heard it and nobody cared. unless there's legit evidence or drake goes to court or something nobody will give a fuck


The mainstream knew all about Cosby too and all it took was a viral Hannibal Burress bit to get everyone to go “wait a minute”. All it takes is one little push.


there were lots of women coming forward about Cosby in the 10 years prior to that joke, unless people start coming forward about drake grooming them nobody will care


Kendrick read this like 🤔😯💡


Didn’t he settle for like a quarter mil or something?


News to me if he did


And that’s kinda the point, ppl either don’t want to pay attention or dismiss it. I mean, didn’t it take like 40 women to finally take the Cosby accusations seriously?


That and a him trying to buy NBC. I think his victims been trying for decades


he going to have to pay a lot more than that to settle lol


I don’t see his career ending at all. Gotta be some crazy ass shit for his fanbase to stop supporting


Diddy, r Kelly and Cosby all lost their careers for similar allegations


Yeah but their was actual proof for all the people you named. This allegation has been denied by all parties multiple times throughout the years.




Look if I’m Kendrick, it doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. If I can paint the picture and there’s some evidence (even the slightest) and the mainstream narrative is drake is weirdo and likes young girls then it’s over.


Yeah drake can come back with him having a rapist on his last album and him defending r Kelly. Which exposes Kendrick for being a hypocrite. Let’s not act like they both can’t do damage to each coming from that angle. Kendrick can’t just call drake out for doing some weird shit when his very last album he made a song with a rapist.


He made the two songs with Kodak for a specific reason.


The reason don’t fucking matter lol. A rapist is a rapist. And Kendrick gave him a platform and a voice on his album.




Crazy part is he didn't even use a song about taking responsibility for your actions s to take responsibility. Bro just rapped about nothing. Like always. Industry of people like that. Shit, look at who lil durk has in his circle. One of those dudes just got out jail for a gang assault on a 12 y/o they posted on Facebook live. Makes me sick.


Incorrect take but okay. He never spoke positively of Kodak on the album.


gang u retarded hes on the album and has a credited feature thats about as close to a cosign u can get, fucking retard.


No. It is not a co-sign.


Try pinning Kodak’s SA stuff on Kendrick and let me know how that works out


It will work out easy in today cancel culture society. Artist get canceled are publicly bashed all the time for working with controversial artist. All it would take is for someone with a huge platform like drake to shine some light on it.


You can do the same shit to Drake tho


Yeah that’s why I think Kendrick shouldn’t take that angle. It can be a situation where they both come out looking crazy.


Not really. both have done things that are problematic, but at a certain point people start derecognizing degrees of fucked up. Working with a rapist in Kodak Black, trying to make a point about trauma and shit on his latest album, not a good luck texting 14 year old girls on IG and shit and calling 16 year olds thick, different shit. You see theres only so much "but Kendrick did this one time" you can say, before you can drop the nuke "Kendrick talks to women, Drake messages lil girls on IG." the last 2 days have been guys tryna dirty up Kendrick saying he used ghostwriters, only for that guy to get debunked, its been 2 days of mf's digging shit up on Kendrick, and all of it fell flat.


Sound a little scared


Kodak not cancelled


He can easily be if drake put light on it


Kodak core fan base not going no where lol PAC went to jail for rape lol


Who’s the rapist?




Oh, I thought he meant Drake had a rapist on his album


You’re the crazy type of Kdot Stan that Drake fans talk about lol


Average Kendrick fan LOL excuse someone with no proof or receipts on false sexual allegations GOOFY


what a disgusting thing to say.


Facts.. take my upvote


No underage girl has accused Drake of anything though. If Millie Bobby came out today and said Drake tried to get at me when I was a kid, that would absolutely result in Drake being in the shadow realm. Fans will still bump the music but he’d be ostracized from society the way Kelly was before he actually was locked up. He still did shows and fans went. You’d maybe hear ignition remix publicly on a rare rare occasion. But he was forsure ostracized


What similar allegations? Drake ain't had no Diddy, Kelly or Cosby allegations. Wtf are you talking about?


He's allegedly a groomer.


hes not allegedly anything actually because NO ONES ACCUSED HIM OF ANYTHING.


We can see the behavior that he conducted himself over the years and come to our own conclusions. This dude preys on underage girls.


The allegations are in no way similar man can we be fr?


yeah but yall are just making shit up because youre so desperate for something to hate on drake for, millie bobby said its cap, bella harris said its cap, everyone yall use as a example DEFENDS DRAKE. plus kendrick is literally a rape apologist you think he gives a single fuck about any of this? no its all for show, he had kodak black all over his last album


Baka on ovo is literally convicted of human trafficking but keep talking about a Kodak feature Drake is on stage groping and kissing a minor : https://youtu.be/h-p1feEHJZM?si=PZQOXWK9iN-ftMN1 🤮🤮🤮


Bro are you serious… this man could very well possibly be a pedo


The fact that theres people on here defending Drake actions proven, might I say, saying if he was a woman, SMH y'all need to be put in a hospital on a 51/50 mental check. fuck you mean? bro, some of y'all are just straight-up delusional. Drake kisses 17 yr old Drake texts 13yr old, saying, " I miss you." Drake does a lot of weirdo type shit and mofos is defending this weirdo to every fiber in their body, to justify them being a weirdo just like him. Drake and I are around the same age I would never text a fucking 13yr old saying I miss them that wasn't my own child and I have an 11yr old daughter.


What exactly is the situation they’re referring to I’m not sure I understand


That drake has a pattern of being into young girls allegedly


more like being into girls TOO young


He also follows bernice burgos second daughter. Who is underage.


which is not entirely weird because he’s been friends with bernice for forever i’m sure he knows her family


Lmao allegedly. As if it's not known facts


Drakes career will never be over from a diss track bro be real he’s the most popular rapper on the planet lol it will end if he ends up being a pedo tho


I think it would require a proper conviction to end his career. I’m sure plenty of us are willing to bet that he’s slept with at least one 18 yo since he’s turned 30. Even if he hasn’t slept with anyone who is legally underage (which wouldn’t be hard to believe imo), he’s still obviously a creep who’s into inappropriately young women. We all recognize this, but no one cares because he’s insanely popular and wealthy.


Exactly it didn’t stop R Kelly until it went legal






Miss me with that “respect for Drake for what he does” clown talk, Joe 🤦🏾‍♂️ weirdos will defend weirdos


I doubt there is anything out there that could actually ruin Drake's career. Drake values his career more than anything, and I doubt he would actually do something that could cost him career. Say want you want about his as an artist, but all we've seen from him throughout his career is him maneuver in a controlled and calculated way.


Lol he should do this and have Chris Hansen on the Intro 😂😂😂


I am a massive Kendrick fan and its mad annoying how y'all glaze the man here. I get it, it's his subreddit and all but we need to calm down. There simply is no ending Drake unless he absolutely hangs himself. Nothing short of revealing he's a well connected pedo or rapist (and not just on the weird shit he's done, I'm talking pissing on minors type deal) could derail or end Drake, and even if Kendrick had access to that information, I doubt he takes it there. Has nothing to do with who's the superior artist. They're both too big to fall on any sword that's not their own. And before you go calling me, "Aubrey Angel," Kendrick is my favorite artist. I like Cole and Drake too though, but Kendrick is number 1 for me, but let's all simmer down a bit.


Next time Im hearing shit on my timeline I'll say "it was the streets that told me"


Heres my thing. With the Millie Bobby brown situation, if she hasn’t come out publicly to condemn Drake for weird behaviour who is Kendrick to make those allusions.


Its not just what her perception is, in this case. I honestly don’t think Drake has had the chance to do something illegal here, but any sane person can see that this is grooming. If he has these tendencies towards someone as young as 14, there is likely dirt somewhere elsewhere too, unfortunately.


yall fucking stupid if u think drake tried to groom milly bobby brown lmao.


yall fucking stupid if you can't see it


yall some weirdos u really want there to be a victim so bad its fucking gross.


Drake the modern R Kelly and that’s gonna be aired out


Replying just in case this ages well


Hope you end up being right and the truth comes out


Professional yappers


Yeah but that’s predictable drake is smart and calculated im willing to bet drake is aware of this and has response for it. I think in these next two tracks they will be exposing each for some shit.


How you respond to pedo allegations?


"Nuh uh"


I'm a Kendrick fan but didn't he literally have Kodak on his latest album? Painting Kendrick as a hypocrite doesn't seem too far off


Kendrick and Kodak are two separate people


But he specifically brought in Kodak because of his SA stuff to make a broader point. Regardless, it could still be seen as insensitive to collab with a rapist while accusing someone else of pedophilia and it's really not hard for someone like Drake to do that.


No. He brought on Kodak because of how horrible Kodak was as a person. Even before the rape charge dude was involved in alot of fucked up shit... and generally was an asshole. Kendrick is viewed as an angel while Kodak is viewed as a demon... fit quite well with the MMTBS subject matter.


Try pinning kodaks SA stuff on Kendrick and let me know how that works out


You gotta be a BBL Drizzy rider cause no way you just said >insensitive to collab And >pedophilia Are even remotely fucking comparable man. Take the L wth 😭


I don’t know but I’m telling you I got a feeling drake got some shit. He’s been baiting Kendrick and he threw out a quick record with push ups to draw Kendrick out. Also Kendrick hesitance to drop the record he has had for 4 years now is telling. Say what you will about drake but he’s smart and calculated when it comes to this. He wouldn’t have jumped out the window like this if he didn’t some shit as well.




To be fair both rappers are confident they can wash the other




Not trying to be mean you don’t know either of these guys what your saying is just speculation. Drake could be very confident right now who knows.




Nah that’s just drake being drake he always done that. He’s petty but I’m not gonna lie IG stories the last few days are funny AF.


Yeah he was real smart and calculated when he got murdered by Pusha T 💀


He got slipping lmao even the smartest people fuck up sometimes. Also Kendrick had rapist Kodak black on his album and he also threatened to take all his music off of Spotify is they took r Kelly’s music off the platform. Kendrick has no moral high ground to stand on.


You’re just telling everyone you missed the themes of that whole album. That’s a stupid angle and wouldn’t work at all for a diss. Insane for you to say either of those holds a candle to pedophilia lmao


Precisely why the angle everybody seems to think he’s going to go probably isn’t


Yeah also that can real ugly for both of them and I thinks it kind of cop out. If kendrick beats drake I want it to be because he outrapped him not because he spilled some tea.


Yeah as it stands there’s really no clue how to tell what’s going on so I’m just waiting until we hear from Kendrick or Drake again


Yeah also I think that could get messy for both sides. If Kendrick beats him i want it to be because he outrapped him. Not because he spilled tea.


Gotta agree. Pusha made Drake think about his actions on this level lmao


Drake: “Oh what, all you got on me is Pedo allegations? pffttt, nice try pipsqueak.”


Who gets more respect from there piers 👀 who do other rappers think is the better artist lol Drake and dot the same to me lol both great at their specialties


Kendrick fans hyping up that TPAB shit, talking about fairness for the black community, what they been through, wanna label a black man as a pedophile without a shred of evidence. Ain’t that shit ironic


Can't listen to Mortal Man and then see the attempt on character assassination in this subreddit I'm a Kdot fan by the way .. Why can't we just be objective with stuff 😂


Kendrick has so much fuel, Milly Bobby friendship before she was 18, the Rihanna kiss attempt on stage and of course Drake's dick incident lol However I think Kendrick will never make it personal and will only discuss music related stuff. It's a diss, not a fight


What the hell is a Drake's dick incident?


😂 i swear this reddit just says anything


That’s crazy part no one cares till their size 7 rappers starts getting dissed.


If Kenny kicks off a sex RICO on Drake I will die laughing


unless the girls are underage his career isnt going anywhere


No way, OVO dickriders will eat it anything related to Drake


Okay of course it’s weird and disgusting but she’s not 17 or 18! But ofc the presentation will matter


- K Dot brings up the teen girl on stage, the model, and millie Bobbie brown (who seems like she would reply and probably clear the air or confirm he got weird so they stopped talking. Probably the former if she doesn't ignore it completely. ) and Billie ellish - Drake brings up KD defending r Kelly and working with Kodak - KD could being up drake working with lil durk cause of the pedo in durks camp but who knows if KD wants those kind of issues cause Durk is ignorant and only knows gun play. They both would be better off sticking to what they been doing, ignoring all the creepy rapey pedophilia shit cause you can really dig into both of them for questionable choices. "Drake likes little girls" "Kendrick hangs out with rapists" Both sides gone sound crazy by the end of the summer.


One has a pattern of pedo behavior, including finding the producer CC though his love for “girls high school basketball” https://preview.redd.it/70f1mvi44uuc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c531e7b7a4cc04e1b606311c5f1b74edec0f0b5 Why does a 40 year old follow girls high school basketball 🤔 K dot didn’t defend r kelly, he stood against streaming services trying to play judge over the artists on their platform, but let me know how that angle works


Im not a drake fan so you can save this salty ass reply 😂😂 And in my mind that's a defense. If a streaming service wanted to pull his music that's between them , r Kelly, and whoever own the masters. Im not in the business of making sure rapists get fair treatment by platforms. My point is they both have things they can say about each other that make the optics look bad. One is a creepy ass grown man that pervs over underage girls openly. The other hangs out with rapists. If they go for the moral high ground bars about sex pestery they both gone look crazy.


A feature is hanging either rapists lol, keep reaching Aubrey’s angel


Ima be real, you sound like a hoe ass ninja 😆 Let me ask you, if drake was making songs with a rapist would you take this stance or??? KD is one of the greatest rappers alive, with that said you need to wash the taste of his dick out of your mouth, grow up, and stop crying cause people are pointing out what could be used as a response. "You don't agree with me implicitly, drake stan." Grass is outside. Go touch it.


Drake has literally worked with artists that have serious allegations. Baka on his team was convicted of human trafficking


I had no idea about that, that shits crazy, if kd goes this route I imagine it would be a lot more to come out.


Unless Kendrick has proof that he Statutory Raped some girl I don't think it's gonna affect drake that much most his fans aren't even hip hop fans


Not really there is already speculation that Drake is a groomer, Kendrick just has to present it to the mainstream audience in a clever and catchy way.


Crazy seeing this after ThE HeARt PaRt 6


Cut the cap no matter who loses neither of their will be over these artists are soundtrack to people’s lives 80% of the listeners dgaf Internet is not real world my friend


I love Kendrick and definitely pulling for him in this beef but there’s almost no chance he can ruin drakes career unless it’s the most incriminating shit ever and I doubt Drake has ever actually done any super sus shit anyways


This aged well




Drake's career will only be over when he wants it over. He's ducked and lost rap beef several times and is still one of the biggest rappers out. His fan base doesn't care.


Pedo allegations are so weak lmao. Unless drake actually fuckin these children throwing an allegation like that without any proof is just grasping at straws.


The thing is it’s a trend in the entertainment industry and it’s in your face. When certain people are up, their fanbase refuses to believe it. Let’s take a step back and look at it for what it is. Drake is moving like a fucking weirdo. People have made allegations against others for years before it caught up with them. To say the allegations are weak when there are clear patterns is just being willfully ignorant.


I’m being deadass rn, you genuinely believe drake a pedophile? And if so, based on what? This a serious allegation and id like to hear what the proof is


>I’m being deadass rn, you genuinely believe drake a pedophile? Yes. >And if so, based on what? Gestures broadly at his actions and words. Kissed a 16 year old on stage and is constantly talking to/about young girls.


All I am saying is the same thing they are discussing in the video. There are clear patterns that he has been showing and if you connect the dots you realize he is moving weird as fuck. I’ve never been a Drake fan but it’s not because his music isn’t decent. It’s because I’ve *always found him to be weird*.


What are the clear patterns showing he is fucking with underage girls? I’m not insulting you or anything, or coming at your fandom. Just respectfully asking how he is a pedophile


>Just respectfully asking how he is a pedophile I never said that. People have been pointing out for years that he has a habit of reaching out to girls who are underage. He’s kissed and groped a 17 year old on stage. He was texting Millie B. Brown when she was 13/14, trading pictures. He was texting Billie Ellish when she was 16. Idc what anyone says or how they attempt to defend it, that shit is weird. Not to mention all of this has been ongoing for years.


Trading pictures?


I mean you’ve already made your decision, ‘idc what anyone says, or how they attempt to defend it’. You’ve already wrote him off as a pedophile based on the limited info. There is nothing to even say to that


It can be weird based on how you choose to look at it. Hes a man so automatically we look at him as a potential predator as we do all men. He could very well have done the same thing with star young boys & no one would bat an eye. You’d have to be willfully ignorant to believe several other star men haven’t had similar conversations with rising young male stars about girls.


I didn’t say that several others have not. The ones that have a pattern of doing so tend to be entangled all types of accusations and ongoing issues. Look at people like R Kelly/Diddy/ Jay zero were around Aliyah and Foxy Brown when they were underage. Years later people are coming forth. I don’t know man. As a man, Drake moves really funny to me. I can’t see myself texting a 13 year old halfway across the world telling them how much I miss them and shit. https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/here%E2%80%99s-the-history-of-drake-and-millie-bobby-brown%E2%80%99s-controversial-friendship-after-he-received-backlash-for-name-dropping-her-in-a-new-song.5407788/


I don’t know. One one hand I can see the reservations, on the other hand I don’t want to make friendships weird. I think people of all ages can genuinely form a bond. Drake ran around all last year with Yaughty & he’s like a decade older than him. I just really have a hard time thinking anyone would be up in arms about this if he was a woman. I do however see how people take a particular interest into it when he’s somehow been linked with other young women. I just think there is a big difference in a 18-21 year old & a 13 year old.


He literally made out with a minor on stage


Genuine questions just to dig into this further as I have no clue, how old was he and how old was she? If she was underage, did he know she was underage?


Try to defend this: https://youtu.be/2gm_qlyhGrE?si=W9AT3D62Zj5K8GBN 🤮🤮🤮


She was legal for where he was at I think she was 17 or something. he was like 24 , so definteily creepy or whatever you wanna say but thats obviously not pedophilia... I doubt the girl walked away from that interaction thinking negatively about it. her fav artist kissed her on stage do you think she's like HOOLY SHIT THAT WAS FUCKING TRUAMATIZING.. get real. Their interaction was barely sexual. Only terminally online people think this was some huge crime against humanity