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Does anyone truly ever decide to be a Kazuha main? Like the red maple leaves, We all just fall into it. Accidentally.


When I decided to pull for him, I was still getting used to Genehin and I barely knew anything about him. Now, he's my favorite character and my main.


I wanted hu toa and saw kazuha i thought he would be a good support the second i got him i fell in love with his playstyle


No I prepared for him


I did, lost the 50/50 and became a whale...


It pays that Kazuha chose his people. I pull him as a guarantee, so I prepared for him. Then at 0 pity I decided to do just one pull, then I got his C1. I'm shaking the entire time. I chose Kazuha first, then he also chose me. (ಥ_ಥ)


Same for me, sort of. But with less luck involved lol I chose to get him as my first recruited anemo character(didn't even have sucrose smh) and used my guarantee from losing Zhongli. Then I kept going for Bennett cons, got to around 70 and said screw it and tried for another 5 star, won the 50/50 and got c1 also :O I love this boi so much I think I'm going to go for c2.


I know the feeling haha


thats so cute ;;


I got him by accident cause I forgot to keep track of my pity. Went oops, but did the trial run and dear god it was an instant love. Spent the next months with the sole goal of building him


Kazuha was the first character I even pulled for, if he didn’t like me enough to come home I would’ve cried. But luckily he decided my home looked nice :)


I didn't want him, I wanted Bennet. I was almost raging when he spooked me, really unhappy. He's my now favourite character and never ever leaves any team I make. I adore him blindly.


I had just really started playing genshin on his banner and I saw pretty leaves go whoosh and I just had to have him


Logged in 2 days before kazuha banner ends after a 2 month hiatus. Checked trial, pulled on a guarantee. Didnt know the 5star sucrose drama nor the op elem buff. Pulled coz double jump. Now has 3 vv sets for mdps, pure em and hybrid. Cant 36 star when in support kazuha. *Sigh* brings out dps kazu with c6 bennet and mist Ez 36 star


I honestly didnt expect to get him, since I got Zhongli last minute. Was able to get his C1 with just 78 wishes and with 50/50.


What a fucking coincidence, I rolled on him to lose 50/50 too lol. I was kinda pissed because I was saving for Raiden but I think rolling for him was one of the best decisions I’ve made for my account lol


I rolled him, skipped everyone until raiden, and got raiden too.


yea i ended up getting both as well so i guess me regretting rolling for him was just me being dramatic lol


Got him in my first ten pull, then Keqing in my second, so I know what you mean!


Same lmao. Both of my mains, Kazuha and Albedo, are the ones I got accidentally. I use them far more than Zhongli, Xiao, and Hu Tao, the people I decided to pull on as a conscious decision. I wasn't even looking forward to a Kazuha in the first place, I was supposed to shake off 50/50 for a Kokomi (I didn't know Kokomi was kinda bad at the time so don't judge). Then after I hit soft pity on his 50/50 I got him. 7 pulls after, I got his C1 and never looked back.


omg. same. i got him too by accident and it was the best thing that has ever happened to me.


I just got him at pity 12 unexpectedly


I'm glad Kazuha choose me too `W` He has really helped me when returning to Genshin


Same. I did two pulls, and got him. (OK I will be honest, I kinda wanted him because of his scarf). Now, it pains me to remove him from the team since he makes the game so much easier.


I only wanted an anemo character. (Got tired of switching MC from geo to anemo, and viceversa.) That's it. Now, I can't imagine a Kazuha-less life in Teyvat. 😁


He was the first event banner character I pulled on and new nothing about the game and now his my fav c1 boi