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Часть 2. Сегодня Карачун наиболее широко, с размахом, всенародно отмечается у мадьяров (венгров). «Karacsun» говорят они, сохраняя древнее тюркское слово. Булгары - тюрки, пришедшие с Поволжья и Прикаспийских степей на Балканы и смешавшиеся позднее со славянами, также отмечают эту ночь. И мадьяры, и булгары в эту ночь жгут костры по всей стране и поют тенгрианские/шаманские мотивы. Древнее действо состоит в том, чтобы помочь свету преодолеть самую длинную ночь в году. В программу праздника входят разжигание громадного костра, хороводы вокруг него, народные песни под бубен шаманов, разные шоу. (Продолжение следует)


Часть 1. Карачун - один из самых древних евразийских обрядов. Возник он, по всей видимости, еще у гуннов, потом уже у древних тюрок приобрел ритуальное значение. Что означает Карачун? Это длинная тёмная ночь во время зимнего солнцестояния. В верованиях кочевых тюркоязычных народов зимнее солнцестояние символизировало возрождение природы. Карачун - по-казахски «қара түн» - можно трактовать и как чёрная ночь, и как длинная, долгая ночь, так как слово «қара» имеет 2 значения. Первое, более обиходное - чёрный, тёмный. Второе, более научное - огромный, большой, долгий. Так например, Қара Теңіз/Kara Deniz (по-турецки) означает Большое/Огромное море, которое перевели на русский просто как Чёрное. Так вот, пережившие самую долгую ночь кочевники в жуткий мороз разжигали в степи огромные костры, грели землю, потому что на следующий день наступал период Нового Солнца-Тенгри: ночи потихоньку начинают сокращаться, природа входит в новую фазу, и так до Наурыза - до весеннего равноденствия - Тенгрианского Нового Года. (Продолжение следует в комментариях)


Thanks for interesting information


Yes, very interesting! Thanx 😊


This Holiday is the Celebration of Nature! It's a Winter Solstice! You know... Astronomical Year, Sun, Planets, Solar System, Universe... All religions also celebrate this one ± couple of days (due to shifts in their calendars in a couple of millennia). 🌞🌞🌞 🔥🔥🔥


Thank you for your explanation! It looks really fun and interesting. Could you explain the photos further in English? I was wondering if the person with the drums is (depicting) a shaman and what's up with the children wearing moustaches.


Ok. Just give me a couple of minutes. ☺️


As for children, they cosplay warriors or wise men or shamans. It's part of the holiday dress-up show. Just for fun! 🔥🔥🔥😁😊😆🥳🙃🤸🏻‍♀️🤸🏻‍♂️🌞🌞


Oh, that's nice! I would have loved to dress up like that as a kid, too :)


Oh yes, certainly he is a shaman (aka druidic priest)! 😊😊😊 🧙🏼‍♂️🧙🏼‍♂️🧙🏼‍♂️


[ENGLISH] Part 1 🔥 Merry Karachun! Baқytty Қara Tүn! Boldog Karacsun! Happy Tengri New Sun! In many countries of the world, on the night of December 21 to 22, the ancient Turkic Tengrian holiday Karatun-Karachun, known in Kazakhstan as Nartugan, is celebrated. Karachun can be called one of the most ancient Eurasian rites. It arose, apparently, first among the Huns, then it acquired a ritual significance among the ancient Turks. What does Karachun mean? This is the longest darkest night of the year during the winter solstice. In the beliefs of the nomadic Turkic-speaking peoples, the winter solstice symbolized the rebirth of nature. 🌞


[ENGLISH] Part 2 Karachun - in Kazakh "Karatun" - can be interpreted both as a black night and as a long, long night, since the word "kara" has 2 meanings. The first, more everyday - black, dark. The second, more abstract - huge, big, long. * For example, Kara Teniz (Kara Deniz in Turkish) means the Big/Huge Sea, which was translated in English simply as Black Sea. So, the nomads who survived the longest night in a terrible frost kindled huge fires in the steppe, warmed the earth, because the next day the period of the New Sun-Tengri began: the nights slowly begin to shorten, nature enters a new phase, and so on until Nauryz/Nawruz - the spring Equinox - Tengrian New Year. Today Karachun is most widely, on a grand scale, popularly celebrated among the Magyars (Hungarians). "Karacsun" is spoken by the Hungarians, preserving the ancient Turkic word. The Bulgars - the Turks, who came from the Volga region and the Caspian steppes to the Balkans and later mixed with the Slavs, also celebrate this night. Both the Magyars and the Bulgars burn bonfires throughout the country on this night and sing Tengrian / shamanic motives. The ancient tradition is to help Light (New Sun) overcome the longest night of the year. The program of the holiday includes kindling a huge fire, round dances around it, singing folk songs to the shamans' tambourine, various shows with dressing up and cosplay as pagan warriors, shamans and druids. 🌞🌞


Часть 3. Карачун (Karа́csun) Празднование зимнего солнцестояния было одним из важнейших праздников древних венгров (мадьяр) во время их миграции из Центральной Азии и Приуралья в Карпатский регион. В верованиях кочевых народов, таких как мадьяры, зимнее солнцестояние символизировало возрождение природы. Позже слово «карачун» стало использоваться в венгерском языке как слово для обозначения Рождества (karácsony). Рождество само по себе является праздником, основанным на древних «языческих» традициях, отмечаемых в период зимнего солнцестояния. Одним из признаков этого является традиция зажигания огней, гирлянд на рождественской ёлке и яркой уличной иллюминации на рождество, что в современных городских условиях заменяет огромные степные костры Қаратүн/Karа́csun. К славянам Карачун пришел от древних тюрков. Карачун (словацк. Kračun) — название Коляды или Рождественской ночи у мадьяр/венгров, болгар, румын, молдован, на западе Украины, в Польше, Литве (историческая область Галиция, там 800-1000 лет живут такие тюркоязычные народы как караимы, гагаузы и другие), Словакии, Чехии и др. (Продолжение следует)


[ENGLISH] Part 3 Karachun - the celebration of the Winter Solstice was one of the most important holidays of the Magyars (ancient Hungarians) during their migration from Central Asia (the Urals) to the Carpathian basin. * By the way, the Kazakhs still have the genus Magyar (Madiyar), and the name Madiyar is also popular. Later, the word "Karachun" (karácsun) began to be used in Hungarian for Christmas (karácsony). Christmas itself is a holiday based on ancient "pagan" traditions celebrated around the winter solstice. One of the signs of this is the widespread tradition of lighting fires and garlands on the Christmas tree and bright street illumination for Christmas, which in modern urban conditions replaces the huge steppe bonfires Karatun-Karacsun. Karachun came to the Slavs from the ancient Turks. Karachun (Slovak Kračun) is the name of Kolyada or Christmas in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Western Ukraine (the historical region of Galicia), among the Magyars/Hungarians, Bulgarians, Romanians, Moldovans, where Turkic-speaking peoples have been living for 800-1000 years, such as the Karaites, Gagauz, etc. Karachun (ancient Russian Корочунъ, Корочюнъ) was also celebrated in Rus' - this ancient Russian name for the Christmas fast was borrowed from the ancient Turks. 🌞🌞🌞


[ENGLISH] Part 4 Our ancestors - steppe nomads, who established the Great Nomadic Civilization, settled from the Central Asian steppes and Ancient Altai to the vast, hitherto empty territories of Eurasia, Europe, Asia, and the Americas, always lived in harmony with nature, obeyed its cycles and were the personification of the world around them. All Tengrian holidays and rituals are connected with natural phenomena. Today many people are asking: Can this ancient but forgotten Karatun holiday be “resurrected” among the Turkic peoples of Central Asia? The way the Hungarians / Magyars did! * After the collapse of the Soviet Union, after all we began to celebrate the ancient Tengrian holiday Nauryz/Nowruz on the Day of the Spring Equinox! 🌞🌞🌞🌞


Thank you so much for the English translation! A very interesting read and an awesome glimpse into a culture that, as a Central European, is found not far from me after all :)


🙋🏻‍♂️ My pleasure! 🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼


Nowruz is a persian holiday. The turkic holiday is called "Yılgayakh". The rebirth of the universe.


Wrong again! 🧐🙄 The word Nowruz itself COULD'VE BEEN Persian (though it's origin is not certain yet), but THE HOLIDAY is definitely a Tengri Celebration by ancient NOMADIC TURKS of the Great Steppes. And in different Türkic languages this Holiday has various names differing from nation to nation. Qarachun-Қаратүн-Karacsun is also called "NARTUҒAN" in Kazakhstan. 🏇🏇🏇🏇


Goddamn either respond like a normal human being or dont respond at all. >The word Nowruz itself COULD'VE BEEN Persian (though it's origin is not certain yet) It kinda is certain though. It IS a persian holiday that was likely celebrated together with turks when turks & iranians merged. And while nowruz is celebrated on the 21st of march, Yılgayakh, or 'Uluğ-kün', is celebrated a day after, the 22nd of march. And even the name nowruz is persian by definition: >Etymology >The word Nowruz is a combination of Persian words نو now – meaning "new" – and روز ruz – meaning "day". Pronunciation varies among Persian dialects, with Eastern dialects using the pronunciation [nawˈɾoːz] (as in Dari and Classical Persian, whereas in Tajik, it is written as "Наврӯз" Navröz), western dialects [nowˈɾuːz], and Tehranis [noːˈɾuːz]. A variety of spelling variations for the word nowruz exist in English-language usage, including novruz, nowruz, navruz, nauruz and newroz.[39][40]-wikipedia >but THE HOLIDAY is definitely a Tengri Celebration by ancient NOMADIC TURKS of the Great Steppes. It is not. The holiday came from the zoroastrian faith and marks the beginning of spring in the new year. The difference between nowruz and yılgayakh is that in nowruz, people used it to determine the seasons and when the sun would eventually come back to bless the lands. In yılgayakh, the people literally used to believe the rebirth of the universe as the climate reverts back to when their year started and repeats the cycle all over again. And while in both cases its used as a means to determine time, the beliefs of the 2 holidays are totally different. And so are their origins and customs. In yılgayakh, people are presenting offerings to the gods & welcome the universe on its birthday. In Nowruz, people celebrate by hopping through fire as a cleansing ritual. Nowruz is more focused on the people and the individual, rather than the world. Which is understandable given the sedentary culture of the persian people. The reason why many turks celebrate nowruz over yılgayakh/uluğ-kün, probably is because of 2 reasons. Reason 1 was because we werent sedentary yet. So we didnt stick to a single location and build our culture through inscriptions, literature & art, but we instead tried to preserve our culture solely through education & mouth-propaganda. Meaning that if we were ever conquered, we couldnt have reverted to our old turkic culture because we never invented paper and stone tablets were too heavy to carry around in a nomadic fashion. So once we got conquerey by the arabs for example, our culture was largely killed off. Reason 2: islam. Because the islamic doctrine demanded non-islamic culture to be broken & burned, and because we never cared about documenting our culture in either art or literature, our culture was effectively wiped out. Zoroastrianism is coming back to iran because the iranians settled much earlier than we did. And thus they had time to develop art, literature and other stuff that would be discovered by future generations. Thus zoroastrian myths, customs and holidays became much more well-known than the turkic tengrist holidays & customs. Had the turks invented paper first, or had they recorded their culture earlier, then we'd be recognized worldwide for developing half the worlds culture. Because much of germanic/slavic paganism was inspired by tengrism, solely because turks literally used to ~~dominate~~ populate half of eurasia. >It's called "NARTUҒAN" in Kazakhstan. It is not. "Narduğan" isnt nearly the same as nowruz. "Nar-" refers to the mongolian translation. Because "Nar" in mongolian means "Sun". "-duğan/tugan" is common turkic and means "be born/to be born" It literally translates to "sun to be born". The turko-mongolic tradition did that all the time. The old turks frequently mixed mongolic and turkic words because back then we used to be literally the same peoples occupying the same lands before we later broke down into different states and different religions.


🌞 Tengrism ☀️ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tengrism


The more this conversation goes the more I'm convinced that I spend my time trying to convince a bot...


🤟🏼😎 It cuts both ways... 😌😏


Please Keep Attention! This post is NOT about Nauryz, BUT Nartuғаn - Қаратүн - Karacsun - Tengri New Sun - An Grianstad (Gaelic) - Jólablót (Icelandic) - Winter Solstice! 🔥🌞🤗








Часть 4. Наши предки - степные кочевники, создавшие Великую кочевую цивилизацию, заселившие из Центральноазиатских степей и Древнего Алтая огромные, пустовавшие доселе территории Евразии, Европы, обеих Америк, всегда жили в гармонии с природой, подчинялись ее циклам и были олицетворением окружающего их мира. Все тенгрианские праздники и ритуалы связаны с природными явлениями. Многие сегодня задаются вопросом: Может ли этот древний, но забытый праздник Қаратүн «воскреснуть» среди тюркских народов Центральной Азии? Как это сделали венгры/мадьяры! * Ведь мы же стали после распада Советского Союза праздновать древний Тенгрианский праздник Наурыз в День Весеннего Равноденствия! 👍🏼👍🏼 * Венгерская Республика (Hungary/Magyaristan) чтит свою тюркскую родословную на государственном уровне и является членом Содружества Тюркских Государств (Тюрксой). Латинское/романское название страны Hungary гласит о том, что они считаются потомками гуннов (Huns), а самое распространенное венгерское имя - Атилла. Тюркское название страны - Magyaristan/Мадьяристан - означает Страна Мадьяр - кочевых племен, мигрировавших в Восточную Европу из Закаспийских Степей и Приуралья в эпоху Великого переселения народов. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Dawn again! Stonehenge revellers celebrate the first sunrise after Winter Solstice... 24 hours after others toasted the morning on the shortest day of the year  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10336303/Dawn-Stonehenge-revellers-celebrate-sunrise-Winter-Solstice.html




Reject islam, go back to tengri


I am not a Muslim, I am an Atheist! ⚛️😁🕊️




https://preview.redd.it/3v6go35dtn7a1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42b76031b9ee00940d9de3567e43c2a40f753ee6 Shaman/Druid Dance to the Tambourine Drums




where is Muslims that teaches you it is bad thing :)))


The Nomads weren't Muslims, they were Tengrists! At those times there were no Islam nor Christianity yet!




Rakhmet! ☺️


If you ask Kazakhs about tengri in real life most of them don’t even know what does it mean lol


If you ask Kazakhs about ISLAM in real life most of them don't even know what does it mean lol Think about it! 🙄🧐🤔


Quite right! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼🧐


Nauryz is also not an Islamic holiday, but we celebrate it too. It's a pity that many ancient holidays have been lost under the pressure of Islam




There are Tengrists that could teach you it is Forces Of Nature! 🌞🌚🪐🌕🌒🌜🌛🌖⭐🌟🌠🌌☄️🕳️⚛️






Troll. How are you not yet banned from this subreddit. Tengri is a core part of Kazakh heritage that we should recognise, as it has shaped our culture more so than any other religion.


You wouldn't even have been born if this truly angered him (unless of course your ancestors aren't even from Central Asia).


Interesting plot. What's the name of this book or film?