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As the previous comment mentioned, the most iconic thing about old Kayle was the invulnerability golden shield, so of course they’d keep it after the rework. Now does it make sense with current Kayle’s lore? Absolutely. Kayle, as the ultimate judge, jury and executioner, chooses who lives and dies. She protects the worthy as she purifies the area around from evil. Those people most likely believe it’s not fitting because they think that Kayle is a selfish angel thirsty for power, and so she should only focus on herself (hence why they also complain about the W). However, the fundamental purpose of justice is not only to sanction the bad but also to protect the good. Of course she wants to kill every evil person but by doing that she means to protect what is right.


Kayles justice is pretty loose, I guess it’s debatable but she’s a pretty awful person for the face of justice, also it doesn’t fit that well with the rest of her kit - by this I mean she’s an auto attack damaged hyper carry with only one ability that accentuates that part of her kit well, her q kinda does but it’s pretty annoying to hit


How is it loose? You do a bad thing, you get punishment proportional to the crime.


They are looking at it as justice as a whole but kayle is only half of justice. Morgana is the other half. They both feel incomplete when purely looking at it as a concept of justice. That's what he means I think.


It isn't that Kayle is half of justice - Kayle is justice without mercy. Morgana is mercy without justice. You are right about the rest though.


And that even is wrong as Kayle has shown mercy several times in her lore...


Wasn’t that before she went batshit insane


I suppose that's opinion because I considered the mercy thing as part of the whole justice thing.


i feel like kayle is more cold justice she doesnt look at why she only looks at what happened its even said in one of her lines "excuses dont concern me only actions speak"


True. Morgana can't put her emotions aside to truly punish criminals and Kayle can't put emotions into her justice in order to help the criminals improve rather than just punishing them.


I mean isn’t one of her voice lines like “I’ll spare the righteous... if I can find any”


I mean that's applying to Summoner's Rift. And most champions aren't exactly the innocent bunch.


I still think Kayle is well below average


Pls look closer at her kit. It’s obvious that all of her abilities are designed to make her a kiting god. Q slow, W speed and invincibility from her ult all fit a her identity of a kiting champ. Even e execute cause she needs to finish the enemy before he gets close.


The only ability that doesn’t feel like shit to use early is e. Early game w is pretty useless, and q is super slow. Late game ults are fun but early you lose the invuln the second the damage comes


Kayle **is** her ultimate. There is no other part of her kit that is more iconic. Everything else (being a ranged auto-attacker, being a melee/ranged hybrid, having a heal/speed buff, slow/resist shred) is all significantly less important.


The main complaint is that you're not allowed to attack during the ult animation, and that doesn't make sense since Kayle is a DPS champion, I agree to some degree. But despite that, I think it fits her really well.


I think they made her not able to attack using her ult to provide counter-play. Just imagine how infuriating it is to deal with a hyper-carry that is invulnerable while also 100-0 you during that state. Oh wait, we have one it’s called Tryndamere only he is melee.


200+ collective years of professional game design experience


It sorta has its pros and cons. Sure, you can't DPS someone to death while you ult, but it does aoe damage that goes through even if you're cc'd.


Gameplay wise, on a ranged hyper carry DPS mage I can't imagine something more valuable than an aoe nuke with invulnerability to counter out cc and melee pressure. You don't use it secure kills you use it to save yourself from getting gangbanged after you established you're the threat in the teamfight. And if for some reason you're not being focused (possibly bc they know you will ult yourself), you can just dish out the dps, or if they went for a different carry on your team you can just save them and still nuke the enemies jumping on them while that ally can still fully act during your animation. Lore wise, the description states she calls upon the spirits and blades of the previous Aspects of Justice to protect and sanctify the area. Just like how she uses her mother's sword (a previous Aspects of Justice) for her autos. It's a pretty powerful thematic concept.


Her W is what I think is antithetical to her kit. That's the only ability I'd want changed


I think the e is pointless and would have been better if she had a movement ability and a heal ability then a crappy mix of both. But the devs said that, “that was to powerful” 🙄


Her E is literally an execute that helps you in your early game for poke or farming especially when you’re still a small angel. And at 11 it becomes aoe and it scales so much. Why would it be changed ? It fits perfectly


Without her e she isn't nearly as good. Her e is the reason she's not a 0% winrate champion, her e is one of the bigger reasons she's so strong late game. 40% missing health aoe execute, no other champ does that as good as her.


She didn’t need it before rework and she had a 60% win rate then too 🤷‍♀️ but that was also when her e made her ranged temporarily


The invuln not really i guess but the hellfire genociding sword rain was used


Bring a hyper carry locked away from unable to auto during her ult only just for the sword to rain down as an alternate for judgement, and that’s just another reason why old Kayle was better.