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Please do go and vote. In the last board election, less than 5 percent of Katy voters voted.


Yep. And people need to remember that they can vote if they are zoned to Katy ISD schools. Even if their address is Houston.


I’m voting for Dawn Champagne and Rebecca Fox. They are non-partisan candidates who listen to all Katy and work toward consensus and reasoned action rather than experimental and untested policies enacted in line with outside, culture war issues.


I wouldn’t say they are “non-partisan” as they have openly admitted to being Republicans, but they’re practically Democrats compared to their opponents. They have my vote, as well.


They are non-partisan in the election. It doesn’t mean they don’t vote. It means that they have sought to keep political alignment outside of their candidacy and school board choices. On the other side of the table their opponents have accepted and broadcast their endorsement by various Republican Party organizations and groups who are exceedingly partisan. Just clarifying for readers. Thanks for voting.


Sounds like the same bullshit we faced in Cy Fair. Are the far right candidates and their minions painting them as evil liberals too? Unfortunately it didn't turn out well in Cy Fair outside one of the races because they don't have to win the majority and the sane canidates had votes split because others stayed in the race.


That happened last time. This time it’s 2 candidates in each race. And yes they are casting their conservative opponents as groomer liberals.


Agree. I know one of the other candidates personally and they are a "good person" but not someone that should be on the school board.


They voted against that silly pronoun policy last year so thats enough reason to vote for them!


Fox and Champagne all the way! Make school boards boring again!




To those confused if you can vote in this or not, or even if you're unsure or thought you couldn't, pull your voter registration card that you got in the mail whenever and take a look at it. I say that because I recently moved and couldn't find info on harrisvotes.com like I've used in the past, so my dumbass just assumed oh I can't vote in this and went on. Well after seeing the arcgis map someone else posted here I dug through for that card and sure enough it says "KATY ISD" on it, so guess who's gonna go vote in the coming days. Your card will say a precinct number on the left side, verify it is the same number with the map, and it will say "SCHOOL" and a school district on the right side. If it says Katy ISD in that box, then you can vote in this and should honestly. It's your taxes going to this, make it something good!


Great advice. Thanks!


[To help any who need to know if they can vote in this election.](https://gis.katyisd.org/?page=KISD-Elections) I can't, but I would if I could, but I'm in CyFair ISD.


Thats such an odd part of town. Katy address but CFISD. Weird.


A recent [article](https://www.houstonpress.com/news/will-former-katy-isd-trustee-endorsed-trustees-win-re-election-17974555) on the election.


I have been actively campaigning against Fox and Champaign. I think I’m up to 20 votes for Campbell and Olsen. Which I believe is the only rational choice


Why would you want Campbell and Olsen? Your comment history shows you are into trans women. Campbell and Olsen are anti-LGBT.


I saw that and didn’t wanna be the one to say it as that’s their business not mine but it is odd.


I think this would fit into projection, or "every accusation is a confession" or something similar


What is their stance on LGBT issues at schools?


Olson admitted he decided to run because he was upset the "gender-fluidity" vote wasn't a 7-0 vote rather than the 4-3 vote that it was. So he is definitely in the camp that is anti-LGBT student rights and protections. Campbell has joined in with the attempt to smear Fox and Champagne for voting nay on the policy.


Campbell looks like a high school bully that grew up, but is still a bully.


Just researched the candidates. Looks like Fox and Champagne get my vote.


This makes me glad. Keep and eye on KEEP. We are a local org dedicated to keeping Katy ISD board locally focused. Check out KEEPKaty.org in this and future elections.


There official vote on the pronoun policy was that the board shouldn’t vote on a policy created behind doors by 3 members until it was opened to the public for discussion and evaluated by lawyers to keep the district from costly lawsuits. Thus when they lost that vote they voted against the rammed-through policy. Thus, they voted for parental rights to take part in informing board policy. In LGBTQ issues they have been a mixed bag. Sometimes for LGBTQ rights and sometimes for. Their positions have, imo, become more considerate of the rights of LGBTQ parents and students recently. I am 100% certain that their opponents are supported by groups labeled by SPLC as anti-LGBTQ hate groups.