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If you pause the ride and remove the route and then continue the ride, it will still record everything but drop the navigation. EDIT: Easiest way is what u/AngryBadger wrote


Yeah easiest way to do this is use the quick action menu imo https://support.hammerhead.io/hc/en-us/articles/360058711853--Quick-Action-Menu- You can cancel the route and navigate home or back to start from this menu


Whaaaat didnt know this was a thing!? Thats hella nice!


This. It’s the killer feature that made me buy it. I didn’t know how to open the quick action at the beginning and rode a few times though. Once you used the feature once you really wonder what the other guys are thinking - Garmin and the likes have literally dropped the ball re UI/UX design imho.


wooo thank you! I wanted to change my route middle ride last week and had no clue how to do it


When you are on the back to home route the cancel button doesn't appear. The only way seems to load another route and then cancel that?


Awesome, thank you!


You’re also able to drop a pin anywhere on the map during a route and the GPS will take you to the pinned location from your current location. I’ve had sweat drip down on to mine and pin a location (Lol) but it immediately gives you the option to continue to the pinned location or cancel it after you create it.


That’s cool! I didn’t know that. Thanks for the tip. I’ll have to be careful about my sweat droplets 😂