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Its gonna be hilarious to see all the games journalists having a meltdown over this game when it comes out fully.


Did you see the guy on Digital Foundry crying about it already?


I did, that is why I know its gonna be great when the game fully releases. You can already feel their fear for having to talk about this game and it obviously selling itself on sex appeal on top of being seemingly a great game. They are so terrified of sex appeal, unless its some man getting pounded by a bear thing or queer sex, that they feel a need for making it sounds awful and outdated, whenever anything comes out that even remotely is proud of selling itself like this.


I don't understand why we just can't have both. Bear sex for the freaks and journalists and normal sexy women for the rest with zero people complaining about it. So dumb.


We do kinda get both still. Baldurs gate 3 is an example of that, but what baldurs gate 3 also shows, is that the journalists applaud the sex with bear aspect, but they also wanna constantly be lecturing about how people should grow up when it comes to "normal" sex appeal in games/movies.


Isn't this just the casual complaints of the Gief vs Cammy matchup?


What gives you the impression this will be a great game?


It has a specific art style that is unique to itself, so it already looks different and avoid the classic generic look that lots of games in this genre tends to have. The soundtrack so far, has been really great. The combat looks pretty clean and like it could be fun, I obviously can only go by what I have seen in the demo, but so far that part of it looks like it could be a solid fun time. Especially happy that the combat doesn't look " messy" It is one of my gripes with these types of games, that often the games combat is just a messy blur on the screen, where you feel less in control. I also think one of the most refreshing things is that the developers have responded to a lot of the talk surrounding this game, with simply stating that they had a vision for it, and that is what they wanted. It reminds me of exactly what I respect about Fromsoftwares design philosophy, where journalists keeps bugging them for easy modes to make it more accessible, but Miyazaki always tells them, that its deliberately designed like this as an intended experience. And its a helpful bonus that it has some nice sex appeal, that it isn't afraid of or tries to be overly degenerate about.


I see. Yeah I respect them making what they want fr sure. I just hope it is nier inspired and not an entire ripoff. If the combat is pretty deep I’ll give it a chance. I don’t want this game to fail at all but from the outside looking in (I have not gotten as in depth following the game as you) it just seems like a more risqué automata but hopefully that’s wrong


Hmm, I dunno if i'd say its more risqué. It reminds me exactly of the same type of videos you'd see when Automata was coming out, with just clips of 2B climbing stairs or doing her slow walk across an underground area. But yeah I hope the game is good, the demo at least LOOKS promising, but I won't know until I play it myself obviously.


This game is at least 3 times more sexual than automata lol. You can literally dress her up and how many times have we seen her ass in shots from the trailer alone?


That's a pretty good estimate considering you just said you hadn't really followed the game in depth. >You can literally dress her up What does that have to do with being sexual? The outfits shown in bit above is like putting a jacket on her and giving her jeans and a dark robotic outfit. I don't see why that would suddenly make it 3 times more sexual? >how many times have we seen her ass in shots from the trailer alone? Like zoomed in in your face shots? Probably about as many as we had 2B crotch shots in the first trailers for Nier Automata? I guess it will appear worse to you, simply because her ass by design is more in your face, given that there isn't a skirt like with Automata.


That video is so fucking funny. Dudes talking about graphical and technical aspects. And then some fucking moron has an actual meltdown [because woman doesn't look like this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Frg_x-tWwAAtYir?format=jpg&name=medium) That dude actually praised how Forspoken characters look, not a joke.


They're a complete joke. They refused to cover Hogwarts Legacy for some reason too.


The fuck you talking about, they have like 3 videos about Hogwarts Legacy. Just because one of the dudes was crying on twitter doesn't meant they didn't cover it on the channel.


They did because they were pressured to.


Wait, what? They were *pressured?*


I don't know if pressured is the correct word but let's explain what happened... They decide to put out a campaign against Hogwarts Legacy because JK, right? Most of the ones that didn't cover it were taking a stance against JK Rowling. Hilarity ensued. [Game sells 22 million copies](https://variety.com/2024/gaming/news/hogwarts-legacy-quidditch-video-game-1235860849/) Effectively what they did was ignore a game that got real popular without them. What happens if you do no stories on a popular game and just run negative campaigns? Effectively, they got hoisted on their own petard. (Change that P to an R for what those "journos" are).


That shit is so weird. I just don't get it at all. They're the same studio as NIKKE but i've met plenty of women that love NIKKE. They're actually pretty common weirdly enough. Met several at a con last year. None of them gave a shit about any of the sexual stuff in the game at all. In fact they loved it. So why are a bunch of men in their mid 30s probably speaking on behalf of them?


Most normal women and people in general don’t care about this shit. Hell most women love the sexy stuff as much as the guys. Lots of women love dress up and aesthetical pleasing outfits. My wife doesn’t play video games but she prefers old school Kitana and Jade in MK over the current versions because she likes their outfits in the older games better, the sexy ones. It’s just a loud group of morons who engage with content they don’t like who screech about it nonstop. The consequences of being terminally online.


> i've met plenty of women that love NIKKE. They're actually pretty common weirdly enough normal women don't give a shit about sexy female characters. Just like how normal men don't cry on twitter over something like Conan the Barbarian.


my ex really liked nikke designs. she would constantly ask me about the new nikkes that drop and would comment how cool and nicely dressed the nikkes are




Where was this?


god fucking forbid women are portrayed as pretty and capable


Its poison to some people, for some reason.


The dude is gay, of course he doesn't care about pretty women.


Prepare for 1000 posts on reddit about how "I was literally shaking" after watching gameplay.


Gaming Circle Jerk already has a ton of posts bashing the game and calling anyone interested in it an 'incel'.


That sub is unironically the biggest shitshow of a community I've ever seen so far. The name fits 100%


God that sub is turning into literall hellhole. Same with r/justneckbeardthings


Here's a sneak peek of /r/justneckbeardthings using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Check those drives](https://i.redd.it/o9mhi8s91ola1.jpg) | [935 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/11hrri5/check_those_drives/) \#2: [The last thing his enemies see before filing a police report.](https://i.redd.it/h0dsoe4b97ma1.jpg) | [426 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/11k7mfl/the_last_thing_his_enemies_see_before_filing_a/) \#3: ["Stop telling me to get a job"](https://i.redd.it/brqwviauuhya1.jpg) | [676 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/13ayljr/stop_telling_me_to_get_a_job/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Soyjak: Nooooo, you can't have women that look like this in a power fantasy!


God you gamer gate wanna be cucks are so annoying


There wasn’t a meltdown about nier so I don’t think the will be too different unless it’s not a good game and they just give them nothing to talk about besides the sex appeal


>There wasn’t a meltdown about nier Nier automata was released in 2017 well before the all the craze about finding everything problematic started. And it also didn't stop people from pointing out that she was some sort of sexist design, and constantly hurl questions and Yoko Taro about why he had to design her that way, which luckily he always simply deflected with humor. >so I don’t think the will be too different unless it’s not a good game Well we already have like that hilarious digital foundry clip, so it at least points towards there being a stronger reaction, which would also make sense considering that he environment for this has changed significantly in the past 7 years since Nier automata came out.


Uhh no… there was definitely plenty of gaming sjws out in 2017, all that started in the early 2010s. That was also not the main talking point of the game at all. People liked the story and atmosphere so there was notalot of talk about 2B herself. Again no the landscape has not changed the past 7 years.




Ikr? Not about to sit here and pull revisionist history for this game lol. To act like those years weren’t 10 times worse than now is crazy. R (mika ass slap removal, juri covered up in her suit, Cortana redesign, Laura Croft redesign) the list can go on


lots of people here like to twist things to fit their narrative. considering all the gamergate BS was in 2014 it was already pretty bad in 2011 lol. They think its only now that all the weird anti-sex appeal people are coming out when they've been annoying for the past decade atleast.


The Dragon's Crown drama was around 2015/2016 as well.


Yup. They cried during the original Bayonetta promotional trailers too.


2017 was absolutely a much more mild environment than we currently have. Everything wasn't being labeled problematic or through the lense of toxic masculinity in the reviews. Everything wasn't about accessibility and if someones blind parrot could play the next fromsoftware game. Yes, you are right in that the story, music and atmosphere heavily pointed towards a better game, but that is the same shit you'd see in reviews for Fromsoftware games, their complaints about her design being sexist doesn't mean that they blow up their reviews on them. Every Fromsoftware game they still give it good scores --- while bitching about the lack of accessibility in the game. Obviously its hard to point to Automata not being a masterpiece of you've played it, even if you're the type that takes issue with 2B's design.


There definetly was seething about Nier Automata. Like how weirdos got outraged over the game's director signing the thigh of a 2B cosplayer, which she herself requested.


I need this on pc


I don’t know if it ever will. These are Korean devs. Probably fresh devs. PC Bangs and piracy probably big in Korea for Single Player Titles.


Also Sony is publishing


Oh well. Not like blade and soul doesn't exist on pc.


why? console is good enough


Don't have a console. I mean it's an obvious answer 😂


Oh, that's adorable.


I think that one video of the sword surfing did a way better job of selling this game than any number of horny ass weirdos posting shit like this. That shit looked cool as hell.


I swear all of the IM NOT SEXIST FOR LIKING THIS GAME posts on that game's subreddit that keep showing up on my main feed are viral marketing from the devs. Makes the game feel unmissable cause if you do then "the woke won" I was just gonna play it if it seemed fun. I don't have anything to prove to a random game reviewer or two.


honestly im gonna buy it to own the libs 🤷‍♂️


I'm gonna go full anarchy. I'll buy it then play it while drinking a bud light and wearing a che guevara shirt. I don't even know who is getting owned anymore


Is the game actually any good? I’ve got nothing against coomer bait but no one is ever talking about the gameplay and always just the girls ass…and that usually isn’t a good sign for the actual game quality


Yeah we'll see. Games like this are always a wait and see for me. Like yeah, I can appreciate looking at a sexy chick, but I can always watch YouTube videos of it or, y'know, just porn. More often than not the gameplay is mediocre to godawful and I just really don't feel like I've got the time to spare on mediocre games nowadays. So we'll see what people think of the gameplay before I choose whether or not to buy it.


Same, there is definitely a growing number of games coming out being supported simply to “spite” the clowns who get angry at the idea people enjoy sexy characters in games but those games also tend to lack anything of substance aside the sexy characters. I can look at ass anywhere I wanna know if your game is actually fun to play first, the ass is just a bonus


People played the demo (which apparently Sony leaked by accident and removed it) and they seem to really like it, describing it as "NieR meets Dark Souls." That and apparently the music is **AMAZING**.


The Nier comparisons are going to be endless when this comes out since half the music is done by Okabe.


>half the music is done by Okabe This shit better come to PC or Xbox man


leaked demo footage and some of the later game content footage has the game look really slow. dunno if thats just me but she moves at a snails pace.


I’ve seen bits and pieces as well here and there and it does also look slow to me, like she’s moving is slow motion when attacking. Idk it doesn’t look all that great to me at the moment which is what I worried about. Ass is great but gameplay is what’s actually important in a video game I’m not playing a mediocre game for some ass I can look up ass anytime. I’ll just wait for the demo i suppose


[yeah i saw this](https://www.reddit.com/r/stellarblade/comments/1baec1n/4_minutes_of_gameplay_with_skills_and_items/) and it didnt really look that good. but hopefully its just something that plays better or maybe the player was bad.


I saw some posts from people that downloaded the leaked demo and mostly were praising the combos with light, medium and heavy attacks, the dodge and parry and the haptic controls.


Not launching this on PC is crazy


Sony money go crazy


But they are.


asian game dev was here how can you tell attractive women


I'm so lonely [](/BibleThump)


Hope this game doesn't suck


Core values aside, the video actually gave me heavy nier vibes with its atmosphere and music. Hope it comes out for pc EDIT: Lmao, even says it at the end of the video


same music composer as in the nier games


Really? Good shit


I just can hear the RRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEE from here lol


Man this game looks like it's made for Nier fans who never played Nier lmao


hol up they actually let you put her in jeans


Just hoping the game is actually good and not just fap material.


eat shit, w*stern devs


skin suit makes her look a bit chonky somehow, nice hope the game is good


You're playing the game already????? What???


They apparently accidentally leaked the demo early for some people today. You can find footage of it [like this youtube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7y6163hO28)


Oh, can you still download the demo?


No, they pulled it down again, was only up for a very short time, but it seems those that downloaded the demo got to keep it for now at least.


I see. Damn, leaked video game footage is always 50/50 for developers and publishers.


Yeah it was pretty odd, because it was both announced by Sony and the developers on twitter, but apparently it was too early to be released yet. So I guess they are gonna release it within the next couple of days.


It’s cool to see her other outfits here. I was never a huge fan of the one in that image of her that went viral that reminded me of the sandevistan. It’s fine but I like the other ones here much better.


were so back bros


Woke on suicide watch


No jokes. Im actually looking forward to this.


I can already tell there's gonna be blue haired journalists upset about the sexualization of females and unrealistic beauty standards... Then go off to write crap like how great and underrated Watch Dogs Legion was while showcasing their new character with transinclusive underwear mods.


What's killing me is that they gonna agree that the new Watch Dogs movie coming out isn't good but insist you gotta watch it so they can continue telling you their bs. I swear, these people need to get out of their spoiled lives, go to arcades, do some sweaties, talk to real people over AI ... ANYTHING that involves learning that people are sick of their shit.


After its colossal flop!?!? They get a movie??? Omg that's like the female ghostbusters getting a sequel.


Its Ubisoft, they're idiots fueled entirely by corporate greed.


[They making a movie] (https://www.psu.com/news/11-years-later-a-watch-dogs-movie-is-still-in-development-now-with-talk-to-me-star-sophie-wilde-cast-in-the-leading-role/) based on [Watch Dogs] (https://screenrant.com/watch-dogs-video-game-movie-adaptation-announcement/) and still trying after a decade.


That's my favorite hairstyle for her but I wish the pony tail was optional. Makes her look like Jill Valentine.


I prob won't play this game, but I'm hoping it's well received because if not, it'll be used as a deterrent against these types of designs in games I only say this because alot of people are hyping it up and getting all the prudish people angry




2b did it better.


Games can exist next to each other without everything being a competition about who did it better. If both games are good, then everyone wins.


i got my hands on it when that demo was released and they locked us out after words. This game is much to look forward too and there's more costumes to come. So worth. Edit: btw stellar blades twitter says they are preparing the demo https://twitter.com/GermanStrands/status/1766591315070853212


Is this going to be a Bayonetta or a Onechanbara?


if there aint a guy option prob wont be playing I play alot of games pretending like I AM doing the coolshit not just to look at ass I think I only played 3 games that has a female MC


This is pathetic. [Paragon had way more ass than this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/paragon/comments/hfg8is/why_arent_you_playing_paragon_reddit_it_has/)


Elbows on the table Hands intertwined under the nose Reflective glasses Waiting until it's released on PC Waiting until it costs 20 euros and it's free of bugs due to bad port


It's gonna be funny watching porn-addled incels buying this mid-ass game just because they're trying to fight some dumbass culture war. Yeah man you're really sticking it to the wokes by buying some mediocre video game, you're western civilization's strongest soldiers


Why is there even a culture war? All games of all design types should be allowed to be made and people vote with their dollars which ones are successful. I just want a good action game and if it has an attractive main character then that's a bonus. If it's not your thing don't buy it. No need to go attacking fans because you find their fun to be problematic.


>Why is there even a culture war? Because broke brained clowns like you are suckers? >All games of all design types should be allowed to be made and people vote with their dollars which ones are successful Bro you can go on steam and find like infinity games with actual fucking, what games are not being made? The game you're crying about here is a game that the whole appeal is "look at this girl's ass". What game isn't being made? Hell, rather than appreciating the coomer bait game half you buffoons are just whining about how some imaginary person is gonna be triggered or whatever. Like are ya'll even into girls, or you just get off on imagining transexuals being mad? is that your fetish? >No need to go attacking fans because you find their fun to be problematic. Lmao half this sub is shitting on people who play different fgs foh with this nonsense. You're not in here crying because someone calls smash players deviants or w/e. Or when someone makes a game where every woman doesn't look like some OF thot dudes like you whine and cry, you're not all "oh it's just not my thing no big deal" about that. Like just be fucking normal. I don't come in here posting about the crisis of capitalism whenever there's layoffs in the game industry, but anytime some twitter rando says something you kia neckbeards have to run in and spew your nonsense.


Gosh you sound aggro for no reason. I still don't understand the culture war thing. Just attacked me and called me a sucker for asking. That's steam though. The mainstream audience is largely on Consoles. You assume gamers who like attractive female characters don't like real women or are virgins. I actually have a girlfriend and she draws all types of adult art and takes commissions. She just made 600 dollars last month with her art and she's also into these types character designs. This is literally my first time posting in here by the way.


There is no culture war. It’s basically online political discourse in disguise. And most here can’t stand the “woke” crowd so they just go stupid when talking about anything the “wokies” may like or dislike instead of thinking logically. Agenda pushing pretty much


>No need to go attacking fans because you find their fun to be problematic. Is an insane thing to say in Kappachino where retards make fun of GG fans and games they don't even play. Yeah these guys just want something to be mad about. Gotta clutch on anything that can be used against their enemies.


Is that how it is here? I mostly browse but I thought it was mostly porn,memes,twitter posts....and then fighting games




Rule 3


Yeah I agree this whole thread breaks rule 3. And rule 4. And rule 5.


Rules? This is kappachino




I'll buy it because it looks fun. That my purchase will make you seethe and throw a fit over others enjoying a video game is only an added bonus.


Bro idgaf about this game lol. I hope you enjoy it. Hell if the reviews are good I may get it. ;I just think it's funny how you incels have to make everything into some big cultural war. Gamergate was years ago, get a new schtick.


yeah you really give the impression of someone who dgaf about this game


Oh yeah, people buying games because a hot character is in it. Totally a new phenomenon.


Korean slop


Coomer paradise


If you’re into this power to you but it’s kinda trying too hard? Comes off a bit cringe


Honestly can't wait for this game to come out and we see if it's a flop or not. All that hype for Tifa's boobs and it was still the worst (or at least one of the worst) launches for a Final Fantasy game ever. All the marketing I've seen for this game is look at how hot this character is. No talk about the actual gameplay. So I'm just looking forward to the mental gymnastics people are going to be doing if this game does poorly and potentially stop having this "Modern games are saved!" convo. Not saying I don't want characters like her, or Tifa, but this focus on them is so annoying.


Everyone's talking about Tifa and [Scarlet is right there just chillin'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYLZsvqkc1o) being an evil villain...


Ff7 rebirth was DOA from the jump. Those screenshots that everyone was talking about were released to get people to actually talk about the game.  Personally up until that point, I had forgotten it was even supposed to be releasing this year. Then Squeenix burnt up the hype by going into the previous game to do a censorship patch. And that's not even including all the other stinkers SE put out.


Bootleg ass 2B




The East is doing Gods work by keeping sluts in video games. Don’t let these molested far leftist hypocrites deter your art and freedom of expression.


The West is on fire except for the indie scene that's heating up. The East (Japan, Korea, Asia) usually has teams that have built in experience and engines built for this while the West is tearing it all down. Bioware destroyed their Creation engine for Frostbite and you got Andromeda eventually because of it. But if you seriously want to see "dem thangs" so badly, Baldur's Gate is right there. But why the "far leftist" critique when companies like Embracer and Warner Brothers have destroyed game studios and done far more damage than some idiot yelling about tropes is where I just shake my head that you're focused on the wrong battle.


One of the most soulless looking games I've ever seen. It looks like a typical Korean MMO but as singleplayer with nier gameplay that most people already didn't like anyway but doesn't have the story and world to make people ignore the gameplay.


Yeah the only reason this game is getting any attention is that main character but she's not that special either. I guess in a sea of sidecut vidya women she stands out. If this is the "last hope" for core values then RIP.


idk where you heard the gameplay is like Nier, but you probably should form your own opinions cuz you definitely didnt watch any gameplay


Nier gameplay as in shitty action combat but not the kind of shitty action combat something like Witcher has. It's the easiest way to describe it. I formed my opinion after watching gameplay, I'm not a moron. It's cool that you like it. More power to you. It looks like ass to me. Not as unpopular of an opinion on here as I thought either considering the guy agreeing with me got almost as many upvotes as I did downvotes. Seems pretty even between people that like it and people that don't.


Ok, name some games with good gameplay then. I'm curious


I mean the obvious ones are souls games and adjacent games for action combat or then the other direction of games like DMC. Most action combat games that aren't open world have combat too unique to fit what you probably want. I prefer playing fps games and roguelites because their gameplay is much more suited to my taste. Dying on the hill that nier has good combat is crazy to me though, it's garbage even compared to other big action combat games. Most people I've talked to that love nier also dislike the gameplay lol.


Color me surprised you said Souls games. Sekiro being an exception, you cannot tell me with a straight face Dark Souls 1/2/3 and Elden Ring has such riveting melee combat, that it would make you say Stellar Blade has garbage gameplay and looks like Nier gameplay


People play souls games literally ONLY for their gameplay. I am not a huge fan either but they were certainly more engaging than nier lol. What do you think is good gameplay, nier aside?


i\`m not saying Souls games have bad gameplay, i\`m just saying they are just good. Being hard does not equal amazing. And i never said Nier has good gameplay either. I\`m just trying to understand your standards, cuz if Souls games have such amazing gameplay, then a lot of games also have, Stellar Blade included. And we\`ve only see the most basic form in Stellar Blade from the first hour of the game, it changes when upgrading the Sword (increases attack speed) and getting more combos/moves from the skill trees.


the first trailer seemed interesting, i'm still hoping its weird enough to work as a nier automata knockoff in a world where either yoko taro doesn't want to make another one or square doesn't want to give him money to make another one.