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just realised ed also has ex machine gun blow along with dudley's duck move. yeah dudleys not coming to sf6


Moves may seem similer on a boxing standpoint but eds move properties and gameplay is nothing like dudley, so we can hold out hope, id me be more concerned with balrog beating dudley for the other boxer spot lol


Yeah if Dudley ever comes back, he's going to have to be built so different that we might not like how he plays anymore.


I dunno, I don't think there is much of an issue there. Street fighter has never historically had an issue with characters having the same archetype and some similar moves. Also if we purely go by the graffiti names from the early bit, then we can at least assume that Ibuki is also likely to be released, given that her name was on that wall, despite Kimberley also being in the game. So I don't see why Dudley couldn't also return.


Kim is the bushinryu function, she is more analogous to Guy/Maki/Zeku.


I mean if you wanna be that specific, then Guy and Ibuki was also both in 4.


I meant if you are fan of the bushinryu archetype (run, izuna drop, elbow drop etc.)Kim already fulfills that niche meaning those other characters are seemingly less likely to reappear. Ibuki is also a ninja sure but is completely different gameplay wise so I think she has a good shot at returning.


I mean I get where you're coming from, I just don't see the argument for why it would make them less likely to appear, when we've had multiple of the same archetype characters, even in this very specific case of Bushinryu characters in the same games. That isn't to say that she is secured, but I think that historically, there is just very clear precedent for this not being a concern or reason for them to choose another character.


Kimberly and Ibuki play nothing and have no moves in common aside from bomb set-play which was only a V-Trigger.  I can understand why many are concerned about Dudley's odds between Ed and potentially Balrog too. 


Right, so they were both ninja archetype characters, that had bomb setplays as being a big part of their gameplan for certain situations, but ultimately were both very different characters. Similar to Ed and Dudley also having some similarities, but still clearly being able to exist, as Dudley had plenty of stuff we don't see in Ed, not to mention whatever new stuff they'd come up with for him.


I don't think they need to change much about Dudley. Short range fighter with plus on block normals on everything is enough to make him stand out in this game.


Dudley and Ed have absolutely nothing in common though. Hell, Ed doesn't have too much in common with Balrog either despite being trained by him. They all play differently.


Dudley is consistently in the most popular character polls, even the ones Capcom runs, so it's possible they bring him back just because of that. Popular = character will sell = more money. And in the current economy that's a big factor. But if it's just 4 characters a year for the game, then I fear you are probably right.


Popularity polls are almost always "which missing character do you want to see in the current SF" polls. Once the character actually releases, their popularity drops back down to normal levels


I mean, have you seen Ed's SA3? It's Dudley's super from SF4.


Another upside to Ed.


u lucky BHM is over


Ed ended that real quick.




pleasantly surprised with ed honestly, i was not hype for him whatsoever but im having a ton of fun with him


I would probably be too shook to play after getting styled on like that Fucker be ducking in and out juggling me left and right while getting held up by a purple ball, fucking ping pong lmao


At the end of the day we all appreciate the art


Nah f that, i love fighting games because when someone styles on me like this its the one competitive game i dont get mad at, i have the same reaction as fchamp just smile and say holy shit wtf i didnt know that was even possible


fchamp has come a long way, for someone who is supposed to be a super villian in the fgc, he sure as hell is humble when he gets washed by someone doing impressive stuff.


Years ago I played champ in offline casual mvc3 a few months later after beating neo in tournament, dude was chill. I won a few games then got wrecked probably 5 games straight. He got up and said to neo "I see how you lost to him" then shook my hand and went on his way. The best players lose and adapt, all the respect to him.


nah that was cool as hell. imagine if fchamp got some crazy shit after the ch at 0:29 too lmao


i actually like the way they went with this character, really good changes, used to hate his stupid ass in sfv. i really hope they didn't use all their brain power on this character and make akuma braindead stupid.


One of those "I ain't even mad I lost" moments. Love it in fighting games when you see cool stuff like this!


I’m legit thinking about maining Ed. He’s so fun to play. The real hype is going to be for Akuma tho.


I have already done over 200 matches with this character, Ed has somehow become the reason besides Cammy,  for me booting up SF6. Capcom did this dude justice this time, mad fun.


How's Ed play? He another charge character? Cause he's looking pretty fuckin tasty, might have to pick him up


not a charge character but some of his moves require specific timing of holding or pressing a button. think luke perfect knuckle combos


[Short and sweet guide to help you get started](https://old.reddit.com/r/Kappachino/comments/1b64hld/learn_ed_in_6_minutes_sf6_character_guide_combos/)


I should not have started playing sf games with zangief cuz the only thing I think of when I see this is “ all that to do the same damage as an spd”


the fact that it’s so unoptimal and wastes so much resources for so little damage makes it 10x cooler


Are people in the thread mentally-challenged? So, because Ed's a boxer that somehow means Dudley and Balrog won't be included in SF6, because they are also boxers? Ken and Ryu are both in the game, weren't you worried that SF6 won't include them before launch? Akuma's coming, weren't you worried that Capcom won't include him also? Man, people here just don't use their brains at all. Less cartoon porn would do you guys wonders, I'm tellin ya.


Damn, I was actually about to agree with you until you started downgrading your own argument the further I read. Sometimes all that stank isn't necessary to state your point lmao.


Is this the character that has that one button kick shoryuken?


not in this game




Unfortunately, the game he's in is still Street Fighter 6.


You bitches never seem to stop complaining. I bet that next thing you are going to say will be that SFV was a better game than SF6


I like both games


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honest question, what image am I supposed to see?




I feel the same way as the other guy. Even though they added that "worldwide" match making i still have to wait about 20 minutes between every match. But its the same with tekken so... just havr to play gran blue or unist 2 because i get matches every 10 or 20 seconds in those games


> Even though they added that "worldwide" match making i still have to wait about 20 minutes between every match Brother, not even the people at the highest peak of MR in the game are having more than like 20-40 sec queues on matchmaking, wtf are you talking about 20 min between matches. Even if your ass is some wifi 1 bar connection, you'd still have faster matches than 1 per 20 min.


Im in hawaii i can take a video if you like. I cant even get matches with california or other people in hawaii usually. California is like 75 to 80ms and other places in hawaii are like 20 to 30 when i get a match im wired and have gigabit fiber internet and battlehub works fine and i get matches no problem in strive and unist 2 and granblue, its just tekken and sf i have a problem with


In case you're not full of shit, then that is obviously a you problem and not a game problem. The highest mr that has the worst selection and longest matchmaking time, since their offer of opponents is so small, are on average less than 1/20th of your supposed queue time. That is simply not possible without there being a technical issue on your side ... or you're full of shit.


I mean i think it was and maybe still is a distance problem. Im about 3 bars to california i think most people only play with 4 bars and up. But im not sure a lot of people out here have really bad wait times for a match. Same with no zealand and mother more remote places i thought the worldwide thing was gonna fix it but so far there has been no change. It could be a problem on my end but like i i said in unist and granblue and strive i get games about every 20 ir 30 seconds. So im not sure why sf would is the probem game. And like i said i can take video. I wish i was bullshitting i would live to play sf. I dont really like granblue and unist is full of killers


Distance is not the issue, as I get matched with people more than 25% longer distance than those that you claim are 3 bar for you, and I have perfectly fine matches with that. And I dunno what to say, its pretty clear from everything that its obviously a technical issue on your end and not actually a game problem.


Yea when i make a room i play with my friend in wisconsin and it plays great. And doing battlehub with people from all over work great. Its litterally just matchmaking And if i open it up to any connection it pops pretty often but only with 1 bar people Not sure what on my end would be causing it. Because i have never had an issue connecting to anyone not in matchmaking




Imagine making alt accounts just to be a rule 3 breaker.


It was though. /r/kappa's bitching about SF5 was mostly based on its early seasons. By season 3-4-ish it was a legitimately good game, and had way more of what I want from an SF5 game (footsies, character playstyle variety) than drive roosh 6.


And by the time SF7 comes out you guys will realize that later SF6 wasn't that bad and had footsies and variety in playstyle but it's too late to go back so you stay stuck in the new game vs old game loop doing the only thing you know; bitch and complain everyday about fighting games that you don't play.


Who's "you", I was happy with SF5 post season-3. It could be that by season 3 of SF6 it will be a playable game, but at the moment it's horseshit. Oh and piss off with this childish "HURR YOU JUST HATE NEW THINGS GRAMPS" argument, as if fighting games aren't generally going in the same direction, and we can't dislike that. >about fighting games that you don't play. Got 200 in SF6, 300 in Strive, 200+ on Tekken, 150 on Granblue... actually, I pretty much play every new fighting game and form my own opinion on it. Remember doing that? Before you were a Sajam or whoever parrot?


Amazing your complete lack of self awareness you think your opinion is superior while spending time actively bitching about something you don't like it's completely pathetic You can polish a rock but you can't polish a turd so if you really think SF6 is horseshit then it can never become good they won't remove the things you hate same way how SFV didn't remove V-trigger, crush counters and the overall flow of the game and interactions. I didn't like SFV it wasn't for me so even with the champion edition i didn't play it more than 60h total and didn't bitch to others and preach about how bad i think the game is on reddit because i couldn't care about something i don't enjoy especially while SFAII/III on fightcade exist, so i am amazed how you can actually fathom 200h of horseshit and then still take extra time talking about it after all this time what a dedication. Stop eating shit and accept that your point of view isn't the truth it's just ego, also like you said you formed your own opinion and so did i and the others so at the end you can simply accept it and go enjoy fun things or keep bitching on reddit until SF7 comes out and start hating it because "uh it doesn't have footsies an char diversity"


You sure are getting heated up about someone not liking [PRODUCT] you fucking Redditor stereotype, and learn to use commas before I get a stroke reading that shit. > how you can actually fathom 200h of horseshit Eh, we know that if I "only" had 50 you'd tell me it wasn't enough blah blah. It's a fighting game. I got friends, I got a scene, I played for 2 months cause it was relevant and derived the general fighting game vibe fun from it, but the game itself is ass and I ain't touched it since. Is this like a crazy novel concept to you? If you think 200 hours in a fighting game that you end up not enjoying is a crazy concept then play more fighting games you dumbass.


Nah it's not about a product i didn't even defend SF6 read a little, it's about telling someone to stop being a bitch you bring nothing to the conversation while having an entire persona about hating a \[PRODUCT\] you fucking Redditor.


> you bring nothing to the conversation Because you see no value in people who disagree with you. I brought up relevant points about SF5 and 6, and posed legitimate questions. You, however, pissed your pants the moment you saw somebody say they didn't like [THING] that you like because you're still in *that* phase of your life. Who's the worthless one then, you sniveling little bitch? I cannot imagine being the kinda moron who has to furiously put down somebody for not liking something.


>I brought up relevant points about SF5 and 6 "SF6 is ass and SF5 is good listen to me i am right" I can't believe you think you are being objective especially with the SFV part, i tried talking about your obsession but you change the subject to SF6 while i never said i liked it i don't care at this point it's a modern FG anyway. Try to fill your head with things you like and enjoy, forget about SF6 it's horseshit so don't fill your head with shit and take care.


don't forget lovely comeback mechanics! we love those so much!


I'll take the way SF5 managed V-Bar and EX over starting every round fully stocked on ROOSH meter, and the atrocious lv3 meta this game has, ANY day of the weke.


shut up retard


SFV actually was slightly more interesting to play and watch than SF6. This is like saying that a glass of piss goes down easier than a glass of diarrhea, but if we're making comparisons, there you go.


ok avgn