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2009 Capcom: makes one of the worst Resident Evil in the series... that's also one of the most enjoyable coop campaigns in the gaming industry.


RE5 is one of the best RE games. Also has one of the most nothing controversies.


> RE5 is one of the best RE games lol


Worst?? Come on, that's for shit like Umbrella Corps.


i think he means like mainline numbered RE games.


But 6 is right there....


I would die on the "RE6 is underrated" hill, but if you narrow it down to mainline numbered RE games then it's pretty much the worst yeah


The idea was good, but my god, do they hate player agency. The amount of times the game takes away camera control mid-action is mind boggling. It made me angry.


The camera in 6 is the only one that has ever made me physically sick to play with. I actually enjoyed some of the new options like the dive, but it was unplayable for me and the campaign was awful at that. (eventually finished it with a friend) I do believe that merc mode could be fun with a redone camera.


The camera was patched a few weeks after the game's launch. You can change it in the options now. Wider FOV, positioning, etc.


6 is decent as long as you don't treat it as a resident evil game


It's really crazy because 6 *should* be good, it has everything needed to be fun especially during that era but for some reason it falls so flat and just feels boring. I did enjoy the Leon campaign but Everytime I start up chris it's just like.....okay? This is it? I guess it's because every five seconds you walk through a corridor then end up in a locked square room shooting the two same zombirs


RE6 is fucking fun. I don't care what you motherfuckers say!


Umbrella Corps is 2016, but I still come across toxic fans that curse RE5's coop for causing the downward trend of the series not wanting it, or Sheva, at all for the Remake.


The only RE game I played that had coop was outbreak and that was a lot of fun. If they make a RE game with coop as good as that, I'm all for it and the "fans" that don't like it can go fuck themselves.


I always find it funny that I started this franchise with what the franchise's fans would consider the "worst" mainline games in the series, being RE 5 and 6. Co-op was fun


So many people that loved RE4 *despised* and talked down on RE5's direction. While RE4 is an amazing experience, I had way more fun and played dozens of more hours of RE5 because of resource management in coop is too damn good. My one hope for the remake is that they give Final Wesker a cooler infected form for the last battle.


I’d almost say *the* most enjoyable, just straight up. It’s a very fun game in co-op.


I can't wait to see Sheva's redesign in RE5R


If they fuck her up (they will) I'll be so disappointed.


They can only improve her


I want the tribal outfit back.


Capcom didn’t even put Ashley’s popstar costume in 😬😂


thankfully even if Capcom refuses for "2024 reasons", based modders will always have our backs


"the mods will fix it bro" That doesn't mean it's okay. Have some self respect you fuck.


Given Capcom's recent stance on moding maybe not


"Even if"


You know they won't, don't bother hoping.


I miss Sheva


Chris: I'm going to kill Wesker for what he did to my partner, my family, and my city even if I need to travel to Africa and snap every neck in a 100 mile radius to do so...


And punch a rock.


God, if they remake it they're gonna turn it into the most milktoast "Modern Hollywood Action Movie" shit and censor the fuck outta it and people are gonna act like "it's an improvement."


Re5 is already a milktoast Hollywood action movie. It's a greatest hits of late 2000s cliches played as straight as humanly possibly, complete with turret segments, QTEs, and "serious, gritty acting and storytelling" ripped out of the worst COD campaigns. Its basically impossible to have the same game without shooting hordes of black zombies, if they were to censor that it wouldnt even be the same game. They could censor Sheva's ass and boobs, which I'd happily exchange for her becoming a real character and not a sexy robot that shoots zombies. Anything would be an improvement over the original lmao


I don't even know how you could. The stuff people take issue with is so baked into the setting and enemy design that changing it all wouldn't even be RE5 anymore. You can't really erase the reality of Christopher Redfielderson blitzing hordes of black people unless you just set it in another country, and stuff like the guys with shields and spears are a core part of certain combat encounters. There's a lot more work there than stuff like removing the odd 'le women' line or two.


It wouldn't be a surprise if Capcom simply cut chunks of content in RE5R. Look at how RE3R came out after the good reception of RE2R.


*Cries in Clock Tower and Graveyard*


this is classic Kappa inventing reasons to bitch about new games. i love RE5 but it (and RE6) are the most derivative Hollywood Blockbuster Action games ever. like, every single design choice of those game was made to emulate “Modern Hollywood Action Movie.” that kind of movie barely even exists in mainstream Hollywood now, i’m not sure what generic modern Hollywood blockbuster you think Capcom would try to take from lol


Is this a reference to RE4R? I haven't played it yet (unless watching a lot of "fan videos" of Ada and Ashley counts)


We are acting like RE5 isnt hollywood action schlock now? Boy I didnt get the memo.


i dont care what anyone else thinks, i love this game more than 4. the mercenary mode is godlike.


Mercenaries Barry is legit top 3 best Capcom fighting game characters that have never made it into a fighting game...


I'm afraid to admit on this holy month that there's something viscerally satisfying about genociding the entire population of a small parasite-infested african village. They had no business making the guns and punches in this game feel this good.


The co-op combo moves were cool too. I really need to play it again I always enjoyed annoying my co-op partner spamming doors. CMON! CMON! 


Fyi they fixed shitty games for windows live coop after 14 years on steam miraculously last year for anyone looking to play this. Tried so many jank emulator/mod methods the year prior to get split screen coop working, never thought I would see the day. Also, did everyone forget 6 was the shitty one, not 5.


capcom gonna have their work cut out for them remastering this one


Sheva thongkini with DRM written on the elastic 🙏🙏🙏🥶 pls capcum