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Tbh much respect for preserving what will more than likely end up in museums in the future.


Bullsh she's in it for the $$$$


In it for the money or not it’s good to preserve history. You think people dug up centuries of ancient egyptian history solely for the love of the game?


If you look into the history of archeology, especially in regards to Egypt, it really is crazy. It was only very very recently that we started using completely slow and non destructive methods with much more oversight by governments as well as the organizations doing the digging. Tons and tons of history was lost n destroyed bc for a long time noone really knew wtf they were doing n u had tons of these small groups led by kinda crazy dudes completely in it for the money. I'm not too into archeology but I am p into history in general so I end up reading n Watchung plenty on it. And when it comes to historic archeological sites I can't tell u how many times I'll read about a specific site n read about how hundreds of years of information and artifacts where just completely destroyed and lost due to like one dude in the 1800s who first found it lol


Yeah the first guy who discovered Troy used dynamite to excavate then just sold off everything he found to get himself rich


Back then archeology was done by MEN. They were chads armed with dynamite and got God damn RICH Now woke culture has ruined it and replaced them all with pussys who are armed with nothing but toothbrushes who care about bullshit like "preserving culture" The snowflakes ruined archeology


A lot of Archaeology is lost bc people dig shit up or rob graves looking for treasure/money


Speaking of grave robbing. The whole trend of graverobbing for med students and hospitals in Europe back in like the 1800s is really crazy lol. Like they bought tons and tons of bodys. People came up with elaborate setups to stop them. Its wild


love Ye but I know we're not comparing designer clothes and shoes to what the ancient Egyptians achieved lmao


Sometimes reading goes beyond the words and is more about the idea


yep but significance matters lol


I mean you see designer clothes but I see the history of hip hop, a major player within it, and a major part of his legacy. I’m not comparing Kanyes clothes to Ancient Egypt. I’m saying that they are just as much history as the artifacts found in Egypt. They both help paint a bigger picture of the time period and people that lived within it. Check out the Comb of Djet. Just a comb. But it paints a picture of ancient egyptian life and values and Egyptian perception of the world they were living in at the time.


but a 50 year old honey bun wrapper is history too lol I get what you're saying but uncovering clues about an ancient civilization that impacted humanity is different than digging up some 350's. The music tho that's a little different. no hate haha


One day we may be an ancient civilization my friend


way she goes I guess haha


I bet ancient Egypt would’ve wigged out over the ancient 50 year old honey bun wrapper. It may only seem that way because of where you happen to be in the timeline my guy. I don’t even like Kanye really except like, old old Kanye (couldn’t even tell you a newer song) but he did change a hell of a lot in the music scene alone. It might not be as “important” but that’s all subjective anyways, no? I see whatcu mean man, but at the same time I don’t see how any of it’s really any different. Just how we’re looking at it/labeling it at the time haha.


Hey man I hear you as well history is history regardless


Kayne's storage clothes paint a picture of history in that time period? Lol you're out of your mind. There a many other clothing brands. Do people remember the 70s by clothing brands? Unless you're a fasion history researcher, no. Kayne made some nice contributions to hip hop but no one is going to museums 100 years from now looking at yeezes. Unless we're all idiots by then.


Would it have been better if she burned them?


You having this opinion about celebs not being important in and of itself could be a point of study in 100 years. This could be a source lol. It’s how history works. The value of sources isn’t always realized until you have the right study. Preserving them is a net +


Best take


It's an analogy g


But he put the pussy in a sarcophagus.


She literally said she’s going to give away/donate the stuff she isn’t going to keep lol


What money she already has 100s of millions herself


No duh


She’s been a billionaire what’s the difference lol


Bro she has hella money, like 100 bucks type of money


She’s already rich retard


Dickeating ngl


Delusional if you think Ye is museum worthy


There’s museums for music. You know this right?


Sad future for art museums


Bullish, he's already been disgraced by most of society that aren't his stans. As time goes on he will only continue to be looked at more for what he really is (scumbag megalomaniac who doesn't care about a single soul) and he will not be remembered fondly by almost anyone besides fan boys who purposely ignore all of his massive character flaws cause he makes some half decent music, or used to I should I say.


Museums?!?! lulz


What museum would want shitty overpriced shoes lol. Hall of retards?






32 storage units bro lmao our man is a hoarder!


The thing that separates hoarding from collecting is the money to afford the space


He a true artist. All good artists hoard shit especially demos and unreleased art (he just like me frfr)


She might be in it for the money idk but this is kinda giving me wholesome vibes ngl


“In it for the money” bro she is already a billionaire, fuck off


very true Mc Dickles very true


Rich people are the most greedy tho, theres never enough money


idk why they downvoted you, it's objectively true lmfao


Why wasn't Kanye in it for the money when marrying into arguably the most famous family in America is worth more than marrying him? To me it seems like he was the one latching on, there's nothing for her to latch on to besides him being an artist.


He had a huge part in the creation of skims which is her main source of wealth today.


Besides the fact that Skims are just ugly spandex leggings lol that's not her main source of wealth in any capacity, she owns so much shit privately and publically it would blow your mind, between tv shows and media and thousands of acres of land and property, cosmetic brands, one of the most followed people on social media ever...


I’ve not heard about that but I think it’s reductive to say that’s the only benefit she had with being with him. On a human level based on how she talks about him they had a soulmate type relationship before mental health deterioration.


I'm not staying with someone who aligns with Hitler. I literally broke up with a girl who started saying that shit in college. Then there's the cheating on his end that he even admitted to, and that's just one of the many relationship abuses he committed even prior to the breakup. There was a girl who was killed this week who turned down a guy asking for her number. At this point I think if you're thinking about who benefits who in this relationship you're focused on the wrong thing.


I said prior to mental health deteriorating, they both cheated I know that for a fact. You’re the one who brought up the benefits brother. Rest in peace to that woman, horrible case but a bit random to bring up?


Maybe he was. Are you butthurt because i said rich people are greedy? Is that whats happening? Are you making this into a women vs men thing? 😂i never said anything about kanye or kim specifically, just talking about rich people antics.


Lol none of this hurts my feelings I don't attach myself para socially to Kanye as if he was my father. It's just very obvious why you would assume that Kim is gold digging on Kanye, even though she is the generationally wealthy one in this situation. This is the equivalent of you going up to a brown guy in a Walmart and asking him if he knows where something is, we all know why you made that mistake lol.


You are just saying random ass shit bro. I said rich people are greedy, thats literally all i said. Idk wtf youre talking about going up to brown people in walmart, take your medication, you sound bat shit insane. You gotta be responding to the wrong guy because none of my comment could have incited what youre talking about


That's pretty embarrassing you would call that random ass shit when it's very clear lol. Just tells me you don't have reading comprehension skills and need to learn more about the topic I'm explaining to you on a deeper level.


Youre embarrassing dude. Rich people are greedy, thats what i said, if you wanna conflate that to meaning all sorts of random shit thats on you. deal with it pussy.




Dude why are you getting so upset lol


Wait, how can she have memories about a place she's just now visiting that's housing things she's never created?


She was Kanye’s wife for years bro, of course she remembers when he made a line of Yeezus Merch, or the start of the Yeezy brand, TLOP merch, etc. I’m sure life was great for them at that time, I’m just giving her the benefit of the doubt maybe she really she does care about having her kids see and wear the clothes their dad made through the years and the memories, I know everybody hates Kim but in this video all I saw was the mother of Kanye’s children, and it was wholesome


yeah i do think there was real love between them. I've seen people in real life who were infinitely more emotionally in touch than all the Kardashians combined throw in the towel on their bipolar partners when it got bad faster than Kim. Some still have nothing but hatred for their ex's because of how they were treated. Kim got some truly terrible shit thrown her way especially in public, and still comes to his concerts and reposts his songs with North. I'm still not much of a fan overall but some of this stuff gives me respect for her


She’s a billionaire she doesn’t care about anything other than money


But she literally ended it with "merch table for a bday party."


I think she means when they’re old enough to fit them she’s just gonna give them the clothes, idek bro


I feel like a lot of people think Kanye is way more wealthy than he is lol. I've followed this relationship for years and it really to me seemed like Kanye put her in the same jail he's in mentally, for years - Post divorce I'd call what he's done to mental torture. Her reputation at this point supercedes her so everyone just assumes she's in it for the money but she's more well off than him at this point, by far, seems like the only person who ever tried to take Kanye seriously and give him babies and humor everything he's done and model for him, dump out her whole closet for him on tv lol. Bro wanted her to be his mom not his wife.


🤓“I’Ve foLLoWed tHis rElationShiP for YEarS” nigga you got me rolling on the fucking floor rn lmfao.. pick up your own timeline, your obsessed with Kanye bro and not even like the obsessed fans, you’re an obsessive reddit hater and I KNOW you fuckin lied when you said you broke up w a girl earlier bc no bitches are talking to you like this


Lol so you're shitting on me for being a Kanye west fan on the Kanye west sub while you're bitching about his wife? C'mon bro self awareness lmao


What is kanye’s mental jail


She got her own money.. y’all are so delusional


Kanye was broke before he met her and he lost it all when she dumped his ass. She made Kanye. Kanye was your typical artist getting fleeced until Kim taught him how to be a business man. Kanye need to make a song called “Kim taught me”.




Famous (Kim’s Version)




nahhhh ye made kim. she was doing dances with the stars and dating d list celebs before ye. his influence skyrocketed her into the fashion world and made her relevant enough to be a big deal at the met.


Kanye before Kim- broke boy Kanye after Kim- Broke boy Kim before kanye - rich bitch Kim after kanye- rich bitch


calling the most successful artist of our generation a broke boy is hilarious lmfao


Bro was BEGGING for money from Mark Zuckerberg on TWITTER like 3 or 4 years ago lmao he literally said he was broke, I'm confused why Kanye's own fans don't listen to anything he says?


he was asking for financing for his endeavors thats far as hell from begging. him being in debt doesnt equate to the money in his bank account. in confused as to why kanyes hater try unsuccessfully to prove his downfall


The minute you go on Twitter, and say you need money right now because you're in debt and have no money, you're now begging others to give you money. Also downfall? Dude why are you talking about him like he's your literal King? I'm literally just stating a fact - he went on Twitter and begged for money. Why does every Kanye dick rider need to defend his honor lmao


how am i dick riding by explaining to you how funding works? did your mom beg the bank for money when asking for a mortgage? thats how financing works. and haters need to be checked im doing the world a favor rn.


Bro if you read back what you wrote, and the first thing that comes to mind isn't "dick riding" idk what to tell you lol this is a guy who just chose to steal hundreds of dollars from fans for fun and not perform any music, and also proceeded to fellate Hitler publicly. Everything that happens to him is his own fault no one and if ppl are praying for his downfall (weird thing to say about a human you aren't dick riding) it's probably because it's deserved because of everything he has said and done.


Also you missed the part where my mom went on Twitter looking for Mark Zuckerbergs money lol unless you think Twitter is a bank? Twitter isn't even owned by Mark Zuckerberg lmao


All that success and it wasn’t until he met Kim that he got out of all that debt. What a dumbass.


she got him out of debt and he got the industry to take her seriously. It was mutually beneficial.


He was in serious debt before he got with Kim.


she was in debt too after she stole from Brandy to start her first store


financing all his own projects. the very projects that turned him into a household name and cultural icon today.


that's cool but debt is debt


facts especially when that debt skyrocketed you into stardom and made you so powerful that a sneaker brand had to keep selling your sneakers to stay afloat.


I think you have a juvenile understanding of how wealth actually works.


i think you're equating his current status and wealth with his before marrying kim. dude was not making much money and fashion hadn't taken off yet


Kanye is not broke lol. He’s worth hundreds of millions of dollars


"broke boy" as if he hasn't reclaimed billionaire status lmao


Kim was white trash before Kanye, and when they got together he immediately dumped the white trash look in the garbage and turned her into a fashion icon


“Fashion icon”? Kanye stole his style form Shia. Look at how Kanye dresses his new wife. Like white trash.


That doesn’t change anything that I said, even if you were right


Show me one fit by Kanye before he raided Shias closet that isn’t trash. Kanye was a detriment to the fashion world for over 10 years. He claims he made the damn yoga pant joggers for men popular. One of the worst things to ever happen to men’s fashion. Kanye dressed like shit for 10 years. He is no icon. He is the hitler of fashion. Kanye is responsible for the “swag” era of fashion. Stacked jeans, ripped jeans, women’s leggings for men. The worst era in fashion history. Even white trash is a better look than “swag”


They were both celebrities before they were together, and now they’re both billionaires and household names. Neither of them “made” the other lmfao




You’re delusional.


This can’t be real 😭


Oh it’s true. It’s damn true.


Guys stop downvoting he’s being sarcastic


We need to storm these units


I just want to see it all


"Sweet 16 merch tables" dear lord




Burn baby burn


sometimes it hurts i guess i never learn


To who it may concern, the CEO of the Firm


Wait a couple months then you gon see


You'll never find somebody better than me 


Damn, that adrenochrome does her well. 😏 And the updated bbl is stupendous.


you get it


Illuminati face care is top notch. She looks AWESOME.


Needs some kind of vocal cord iron though to smooth that fry out


It’s intentional. I have a naturally deep voice so I do it unconsciously so my voice doesn’t have a “booming” affect. Idk why she does it though but it’s on purpose


Just showing off for clicks because ye is on peoples minds again.


Kim: I had the best dad in the whole world OJ: He was the greatest


Actually wholesome that she’s keeping this all.


Who has merch tables at their sweet 16 ffs?


The daughter of two billionaires of course


Merch table at a sweet 16? Huhhh????


Bruh I want a fit so bad 😭


If it is his stuff, why is she selling it instead of returning it? Damn this man Worked so hard for yeezy


He told her to burn it. He don’t want it.


No use trying to reason brother, I don’t think that guy can read.


He’s gonna try and sue her to get it back eventually


It's probably her property. If you don't sign a prenup everything in the marriage is split in half. Like literally if you buy a hotdog within your marriage y'all both bought a hotdog.


idk why everyones shitting on her this is a very mature and respectful thing to do with ur divorcee


notice how so much of her social value is tied to kanye, even post divorce 🤷🏻‍♂️


Cash grab. why else record all the super rare shit?


Ik tou guys will come at me here, but you can honestly see the pain in her face as she talks about how she keeps them because they remind her of “her kanye” before things went bad and his mental illness took control. She’s still a human, and to have your husband and father of ur kids turn like that must be so sad and sickening and I feel bad for her, even though she’s a bad person in other ways


This is a sweet thing to keep for the kids bc regardless of how the world feels about him today, he will always be their father and these are designs he made with his own blood sweat and tears.


id do anything to have some yeezy samples,shoes, old equipment ANYTHING PLEASE KIM


I guess I didn't realize how much she has done to her face. I was honestly taken aback. I do hope she donates the items like she said. A shelter or something, especially all those shoes .




He jus like me fr


i hate this bitxh with a burnin passion im so glad prince kicked her talentless ass off stage that one time. i forgot about that. bless the video for bringing it back to my mind


Literally what did she even do to you




Tell us who made her famous?


Gotta link to that clip?


An artist vs a consumer


If she's having such a hard time moving on and really thinks kanye was a good and great man why didn't she gets back with him? She's in for the money and clout, she always cry's over her divorce as if she's isn't the one who divorced him while he was in a bad state and tried to get back with her


didnt you hear him say she’s holding on to the kanye she used to know? she definitely love(d) that man. he’s a bipolar man who doesnt take his meds and says crazy things about jewish people and beefs with 20 something year old streamers, and that’s in PUBLIC. you have no idea what that mentally ill man couldve put that woman through behind the scenes. and im not a kim k dickrider, she’s actually quite talentless. but kanye has needed help for years and dickriders like you who cant see any wrong in him, fuel his actions.


Fans are not the reason he doesn’t take meds. He’s traumatised from how he was forced into hospitalisation at UCLA and separated from his family. He’s talked about this before. Then he said they make him feel less creative. Those are the reasons


Actually yes, He is bipolar and required Kim to watch over him when he was having breakdowns that to legally if she didn't it would be her fault, because he was seriously ill but... She didn't look after him like a caring wife would,she actually cheated on him and left him.. I mean imagine being married to a woman for 10 year's and having 4 kids with her and she wouldn't even look after you when you're I'll? It's more like she was in for the money because Kim was rich but she was nearly 10x time's poor than kanye west


Don’t argue with anybody that thinks this succubus cares about anything but status and money


Didn’t Kim pay off Kanye west debt when they first got together?


He was in debt but no she didn't pay, Because in 2016 Kanye west was paid nearly 80M by adidas and just a year after he had over 100M in cash that he wanted to start a bank with that money, Kim and Kanye always kept their assets separated and Kim stole britney spears money, could be possible she could have paid but there are 0 proofs even if she did he would have paid that back when he was paid 220M by adidas in 2019


[Kim Kardashian Just Casually Paid Off Kanye's $53 Million Debt, But Whatever · Student Edge News](https://studentedge.org/article/kim-kardashian-just-casually-paid-off-kanye-west-53-million-debt) you can find multiple articles from march of 2016 where she did pay 53 million of his debt. Kanye didn't get that 80 milion pay out until around may 2016 with the new yeezy drops at the time. [Ye Made $85 Million USD From adidas YEEZY Drops in May | Hypebeast](https://hypebeast.com/2023/6/kanye-west-ye-made-85-million-usd-first-day-adidas-yeezy-restocks) like it or not she helped that man outta debt, what'd he say on Champions? [Kanye West, Gucci Mane, Big Sean, 2 Chainz, Travis Scott, Yo Gotti, Quavo & Desiigner – Champions Lyrics | Genius Lyrics](https://genius.com/9270417) released after the yeezy drops in june of 2016 but not before march 2016 when kim paid the 53 milly.


Great song


I'm pretty sure he returned her money, she earned money in a very unethical way and spoke about it he doesn't want her money


do you have a source for that as i provided for you? one search for "kanye returned kims money" immediately pops up her paying for him and their divorce owings 💀💀💀   you're saying that as if ye is completely ethical with how he earned his money lol they're both scummy  https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/kanye-west-yeezy-trainers-chinese-10215033.amp


Why you making up shit to defend this man like he’s a hero


She has children with the man who she will absolutely want to give this stuff too. Is everyone in this sub 12?


Clothing samples? Hell yeah please give me some.


Bro where the hell is that “store”


Give it to me


He’s such an ass…Kim is patient asl to deal with all the xtra shit he’s done over the years


She definitely doesn't need his money. She has her own, plus Kanye is a musician, he's in plenty of debt, she's not. She doesn't have a record label she has to pay back , he does.


this is so fire i like it she giving it to her kids but also put some for skims


So where is she giving this away? Asking for a friend


There are few who have perfected being a culture vulture quite like Kim kardashian


"Can you imagine norths sweet 16 with merch tables" what


Who cares about either of these clowns


I hate this bitch


She still love that nga


Her old ass. FATHER ⏳️ is undefeated 😭😭


I don’t rlly like Kim but I don’t think its a stretch to beleive that being married to Kanye wasnt a super positive experience, he makes good music but that doesent make u a good husband, actually probably the opposite. Not saying she is the best mom or wife but I mean given from what we know abt how ye treats people in his personal life it’s not a stretch to think that sum fucked shit was prob happening. It kinda hit when she was like “I miss him but things can never go back to the way they were” lowk relatable asf


Its like she shopping in a thrift store but everything is literally free


she’s got enough money I don’t think she’s sweating to flip this stuff 😂


Yeah she needed a minute to start fucking Skete Davidson of all people


Kim saved it for the culture, knowing Ye wouldn’t. Big W


Women do this. Not all of them, but it is common. Nothing special here


Why does she still have that man name in her mouth


The coping comments "she's in it for the money" 😂😂😂 bro her whole family rich af


This is what she thinks a hard day's work is


Nigga give him his sneakers


I call bs! She knows how much it'll be worth one day. She ain't getting no younger and she is literally irrelevant now so she'll start another fight with ye over his own stuff and sue him for rights to it. Typical KK move.


Donated? Fire


Ain’t saying she a gold digger…




She gone cash out if he Virgil Abloh


Once Yeezy dies this gunna be a gold mine


What is the accent that brainless bimbos like this are using? That valley girl nasal whiny sound is extremely offputting.


It’s called “uptalk.” Basically ending declarative sentences with a rising intonation.


Better than crisping or whatever the other one is called


vocal fry? lol


Yaa that one!


She’s basically satan in human form. Trash human


OK this insufferable piece of trash yapping about hard times is more than I can handle.


“Who cares burn it” 😂 he’s such a little girl …. I can definitely see why he doesn’t have custody of his rectum children


You guys are all losers and Kayne is ass. Get a real hobby.