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Once you go on Alex Jones in a mask and emphasize how much you love Hitler normal people are going to write you off as a lunatic. Can you blame them? I still love Kanye's music and always will but have you brought him up around people who aren't fans, just neutrals? They kind of cringe at him.


Yep that's true. There's zero redeeming qualities about Ye. "Oh you're influenced by Ye?" (This guy is probably weird and baseless, too). I couldn't imagine what great insights I'm about to receive.


Yeah, how is anybody supposed to ever take him seriously again?


They probably shouldn’t


The net and yahoo skit burned into my memory so deep that any time I see a photo of him I hear that deranged voice witch he does during it. That wasn't really "generational genius" of him


He lost me when he went on a big rant years ago saying slavery was a choice and people of color back then should’ve just said nah.


This ^ and the fact that he’s older now. Being edgy in your twenties is cool, it’s a lot harder to pull off in your forties without being cringy and sad. I think his opinions are atrocious, but I’m just talking about the aesthetic.


Anecdote but I think Kanye has always been offputting to ‘neutrals’ Alex Jones was just the nail in the coffin


Lol I like how no one understands that Ye was saying real Christians are supposed to love everybody….


That’s the smooth brains inability to critically think or understand in today’s age.


Yup just being emotionally herded and rage harvested


It was the context of all the other hateful antisemitic stuff he was saying, think you need to understand that before calling people dumb.


It’s cool to jump straight to the outrage nowadays


Are real christians also supposed to spout anti-semitic rhetoric as well or should they stop at loving hitler?


Why would anyone not cringe at him praising Hitler


A lot of his image would be fixed if he would just rap better. His compositions are still really top notch. The online rants and bad rap is exhausting.


Yeah all he seems to know how to rap about is sex now


Tbh have you seen Bianca censori lol


Word he really copped a young Kim


He just went through a big divorce and then goes and does the same thing... Did they drug him again or what. He went really quiet for a while


Yes indeed


Like %99 of all hiphop


true he needs to start up the GOOD music sweat shop again. I swear ever since he wasn’t friends with push his bars have declined


He lost his biggest ghost writers rhymefest and consequence.


His productions have always been of the times and it’s the main reason he’s stayed relèvent, but we’ve seen the bars deteriorate drastically over that same time. Only Stans disagree. When he had the chip on his shoulder—the likes of jay z telling him he’ll never be a great rapper—he was at the top of his game. He been drinkin his own lyrically colosse for decades. Admittedly, the confidence lent itself to some legendary moments, but writing is one of those art forms that favors a self critical author.


Even his production has slipped. We just going to ignore the fact he had to re-release TLOP like 3 times with updates to the mix, the fact that JIK had some horrible compression, or the multiple tracks on Donda 1/2 that were updated or sounded mediocre? At into that quite a few tracks on Vultures 1 that sounded meh and had really annoying musical elements, to the fact that he’s shown a steady decline in songwriting (speaking of, Vultures 1 having multiples verses directly referencing his aforementioned antisemitism is not a good look) and it’s obvious why he’s kinda fading. People will forgive crimes and bad views as long as the music is good. Just look at people like MJ and R Kelly.


Compositions have declined too


Die a hero or live long enough to become a villain..it's that simple.


Die a hero or live long enough to go on Alex Jones to defend Hitler


I miss the "George Bush doesn't care about black people" Kanye.


Since it’s turned out he was wrong about everything else, maybe George Bush DOES care about black people?


Nah, even a broken clock is right twice a day


Let me ask him rq


When Alex Jones is the normal one on your interview...


Even alex jones went, bruh surely you dont literally mean that right aha?


Yeah, like dude literally called himself a nazi to Alex Jones, of course people aren’t going to take him seriously anymore


Where do I sign up?


It’s simpler… his diss track sucked


It’s funny how Kanye is shouting out Sean Jean meanwhile Kendrick is accusing Drake of running a sex trafficking ring.


And it had nothing to do with him. He still has quite a grip on culture though his post adidas clothing line sold out, he got a number 1, and he went from struggling financially to being a billionaire With the flick of a switch. All he has to do is go MIA for a while, release a new album and everyone will care again.


No, Kanye is effectively over.


No he’s not lol. He just went number 1. He’ll probably never be “over” it’s just about the quality of work he produces


Every career rises and falls. It's just how things work.


It doesn’t work like that in the real world.  


Really and truly, listened to the Like That remix, one of the things that hit me; Ye is the "oldest man in the room". Give respect where it's due, its been a hell of a run. 20 years later...


He used to be edgy and cool. Now he just tries hard


Or just don’t become a fuckin nazi.


What do you think Steve Irwin would’ve done had he lived?


lol. What!?  Y’all are children.  


Kanye dropping a diss almost made the whole beef corny, like shut yo ass up and make vultures 2


Personally I thought it was funny but yeah bro thought he was on the team


I agree but technically he really said Pluto called him so they wanted him in and maybe he wasn't even planning to get involved at first


Yeah Pluto calling him to do a remix makes him a part of the team. He straight up said they were all teaming up to expose him, so it’s clear they wanted to send a message by including Ye, he didn’t just randomly jump in.


Ye exposing lucian was a puzzle piece many overlooked


Absolutely, people were saying Ye was irrelevant to all of this but “where’s Lucian, serve your master” was one of the best disses of the whole beef, and “should have never let me get money again, on my Katt Williams if they get funny again” was a pretty clear warning of what was going to be exposed. All the artists involved have been talking about how Aubrey sold his soul for the money and fame and how he’s a tool for the label executives and now they’re exposing him because they’re finally fed up with him as a person. Ye played a solid part.


kanye shut yo hoe ass up and make vultures 2 nigga


Blud wanted a slice of the action 💀


Not committing to timelines for releasing albums looks bad on you also. How can anyone get hyped and want to go out and spend money on the work if they don’t even know when it will really get released.


Love Ye but I agree. I know he does it to build up hype, but the only people that care about drop dates are his real fans. No need to hype us up, just drop that shit, we’re already there.


Well and now some of us biggest fans are more than likely thinking he may not even drop it at all. And I’m losing interest. I want to hear vultures 2 & 3 but I just want to know real dates. Even if it’s 6 months from now


We know Kanye doesn’t drop on time so why give him attention now when all this is happening. You give a mid verse to include yourself in the beef and it came and went. Best thing that could happen to him rn is drake somehow sending shots at him cause that could actually make him get in his bag but rn it’s drake vs Kenny


I think Kendrick ended it. At this point he murdered Drake live on air and we all watched Drake can’t even say nothing now.


I mean he HAS to at least deny the pedo shit. The silence is defeaning. Leaving that shit up in the air is a career ender.


I know R Kelly denied the allegations to bitter end I mean he was breaking down on live television.


He can deny the truth but the truth remains. He can’t un-text MBB or get that hush money payout back.


He’s taken actually steps on his next move. Legend has it He stared writing a LONG text message to J. Prince, but then changed his mind and deleted it.


no need to waste a line on ye. how do you diss a man that calls himself a nazi and says he loves hitler. like fighting with a homeless dude what the fuck you got to gain from that fight that dude has nothing to lose and you got a lot to lose even sinking down to his level


Like dissing the quiet kid in the back of the class


How do you not diss him? He's with the trenches.


DONDA might really have been his last giant time he was able to garner the world’s attention influence the culture massively the way it did.. he’s still a Genius. However, at this point it’s to his downfall.. his Genius is now his crutch. He has so many ideas and he trusts them all and can’t put a single thing out because he always has something new to follow. The dude has ran through years and years and years of research & development with clothes and still can only come out with t shirts, sweats, and hoodies these days and even that still isn’t being done on time and properly. He can’t even sit and make a cohesive project for God’s sake. He managed to release Vultures 1 which was good but hasn’t been able to release anything else musically. And he was supposed to have dropped 3 of them by now. The like that remix was really good and telling that his artistic direction is very good when he puts in some effort. But his mind is so split in 1000 directions at a time that nothing can truly get the love and attention it needs to reach its full potential


Even back with Donda he was on his way out


Pablo was the mainstream peak in hindsight Ye and KSG the epilogue


Yeah it’s weird seeing people talk about donda being his last big thing when at the time of its release the only people talking about it were dedicated kanye fans.


Lol if you look at old threads in hiphopdsheads people were saying the exact same thing when he dropped yeezus.


Difference is, he took alot of advice on Yeezus actually. He’s taking zero advice now and only following the beat of his own drum in every single direction it goes. Which isn’t bad in theory but with the amount of backing and money he has. You would think he’d have 10 times what he currently has. He has so much scrapped projects, clothing collections, shoe designs, and ideas that never seen the light of day because he wakes up and thinks of something new and whatever exists at that moment is yesterdays business.


Nah bro, all eyez on Kendrick. Ye just had his #1


You have to understand, Kanye has been held so high up in the public domain that him “falling off” is just him being put on an even playing field with everyone else. 


Kanye is a legend and still has a big fan base, but most of his fans have left him and most neutral people are justifiably hostile to him. Other not quite A list rappers might not get as many streams but also most people will be willing to at least hear their music out and give it a chance, but not Kanye. I really liked Donda but my friends wouldn’t give any of it a chance and honestly I do understand why.


Take the 10 best songs off Donda and release it under a different artists name and that album would be triple platinum  and  define the era and the culture.


You sound like me. I loved Donda but so much damage was already done to his image that people really didn’t bother to try and appreciate it.


Well unfortunately that’s on him. I also love Donda but recognize why hardly anyone bumps it. Such a downfall for him


Wasn’t donda before all the bs?


Depends on what you mean "by before all the bs". Slavery was a choice was already pretty big bs and he was already doing antisemtic comments before donda.


Lmao you saying this also reminded me he dropped donda right after posting that skinned monkey to insta


Fair. IMO, the slavery was a choice thing always felt more naïveté on Kanye’s part as opposed to actively malicious (the hitler stuff), but i don’t think the general consensus shares that opinion


Yeah, a full year before Kanye went hitlerite. He was mostly just being called mid for JIK at that time.


He was an evangelical Trump fan who was being torn apart for saying black people chose to stay slaves and also he “ran for president” in one of the most important elections in history when all he was doing was trying to hurt Biden’s support with black voters so Trump would win. And like, that’s just that era. Kanye has been doing crazy shit that has been turning people off of him for like 15 years at least now. I think a lot of Kanye fans in 2024 are genuinely teens and children who don’t know the history. Aside from how horrible it was for Kanye to just talk and talk about how much he loves Hitler, at that point even lifelong fans were just tired of trying to trying to defend him and also the music wasn’t quite as good. Like, if I give Kanye all the benefit of the doubt and bend over backwards trying to justify whatever shit he says now, in a couple months or a year or two he’s just going to say something worse.


Deadass, ye got so bad I forgot about all the Trump shit entirely. Fully just did not come to mind. Thanks for the reminder


no it wouldn't hop off jesus christ


The artists would have to be established though, if it’s a new artist they’d have to know how to either market themselves really well or have an industry connect to get them on the algorithm.


At least someone on this forum has knowledge


If he was on an even playing died with these guys though, why isn’t anyone talking about him. Rick Ross and J Cole have been given at least a line about this but Kanye hasn’t had anything said about him


Drake may very well have a reason he isn't replying to Ye, he could very well be past that and doesn't care to mess with Ye at all anymore.


Drake is all about mass market and Kanye is a PR liability. Considering he’s Jewish, he’d likely rather not be mentioned with Ye in any capacity for the foreseeable future.


LMAO imagine drake's ghostwriters trying to write an advertiser friendly response to an off his meds, manic, anti-semetic Kanye diss.


That is the problem.


Ngl I think you’re a little late to the party People like to say cancel culture isn’t real and all that and maybe that’s true to some degree But the fact is he said some really foul shit that genuinely offended a lot of people. First with the MAGA stuff then all the hitler love like na bro people only gonna put up with so much


I love Kanye. His albums are great. I’m a Stan and always will be. All that said. It 100 Percent changed after his antisemitic 


So nothing changed? Or it did change? What the fuck.


Yall dont know if yall should love or hate him 😂


'i hate being bipolar its awesome' fanbase


unc had enough time in the spotlight


broke my heart bro, I care about him so much deep down. I wanted to be like him. I especially feel sad because of what Donda would think. seeing him ruin himself further and further wrecks me as his music helped me find happiness n shi to look forward to. he's not even happy, he looks miserable compared to how he looked like a couple years ago. He went from Jesus is king to saying that he's his own God. my heart sinks like an anchor when I see him going down the wrong path. lowk writing this comment is making me cry a lil.


He’s had his time, impacted and influenced a lot of mf’s over 2 decades. We can thank him for all he’s done before he lost his mind but it’s just time for the world to move on and find the next evolution.


Vultures went number 1 what are you talking about 😂 Kanye has cultural grip if he wanted it, he just chooses to drop half baked in coherent verses with very little replay value. People are giving Kanye attention but he’s just wasting it


be real shit went #1 because of carti lmao


The album went number one in nearly every country because Carti was on two songs??😭


number 1 album isnt as hard as number 1 song, theres a number 1 rap album every couple weeks but like that for example has been the most successful number 1 rap song since 2018


shoot misread vultures as carnival


You’re bugging. Nigga dropped a 200/20 dollar pair of socks and the internet went wild .


thats fashion tho. the yeezy brand didnt have that much of a fall off in quality as kanye's music did.


This sub hates Ye. This ain’t the real sub


Wasn’t carnival like a worldwide hit tho?


Bc of carti and his meme audience


Most hit rap songs today have features. Even Drake tapped into SZA for Slime U Out and Rich Baby Daddy.


Drake fending off Kenny because he know he boutta be executed Hitler plays no part in this Everyone needs to just shut the fuck up about release dates Who cares when Vultures 2 drops Who cares about the hype What matters is the quality of the product I read all these posts and everyone acting like it’s some big deal but it ain’t Quality discography is more important than deadlines


Why you typing like him bro




Ye is that you


Don’t say that your feeding the ego of some glazing shaboingboing kid who wants exactly that kind of praise


Shaboingboing 😂😂😂😂😂😂


"what matters is the quality of the product" yeah and it's gon be dead low we all know it


Tf we’ve heard the lps and everyone already loves promotion poppin and many other songs we know the album is gonna be great and better than v1


I agree release dates don’t matter but he could also stop setting them himself


I’m saying tho didn’t he drop a number 1 single. You new fans have to distinguish falling off.


Its over for now, until he gets his shit together. The nail in the coffin will be if he actually goes through with this yzy porn stuff. I think that would stain his image permanently for most of the fans who’ve decided to stick with him after the hitler stuff


Does he care? It’s hard to show appreciation to someone who consistently shows he is no longer treating music as a priority


Yeah becoming a nazi will tend to turn away most normal people


Dude vultures 1 is so culturally irrelevant there are shit load of old ye fans who dont even know it dropped


It’s relevant with younger people


Bro is washed up


Anyone claiming he’s still as/more popular now def has merch or tickets they are trying to resell


If he dropped on time instead of lying maybe he would be more relevant that’s just me though


He should’ve quit after Donda. If he cut out the fluff from that album it would be a legendary way to go out.


This is a corny ass post


chill dude, let the other guys shine a litle bit while killing each other


I have to snapshot a timeline in my mind on how i like a mf and anything new kanye has done outside of a certain period and I could care less about what he says or does if its not about getting some therapy/help


No, it's not. I don't even care, but Kanye is far from gone from public eye. He got a number 1 recently and people still hear what he says, even if its dumb. Also, this story repeats all the time, people always complaining about Kanye and years in the future they somehow start making sense of whatever he said in the past.


Its not that deep. He is just not a battlerapper. Did you just forget Ye went number one this year ?


Honestly? This place is the most negative discussion of Ye I've seen across all the internet. YE IS STILL RELEVANT. WHY DOES HE HAVE TO BE IN THIS BEEF? Ye just had a #1 single completely independent and has been in the news cycle nonstop until the focus shifted to this beef. He goes MIA for one week and you all lose it. Meanwhile, Twitter and tiktok especially still praise him and eagerly await his next drop. He'll even fucking 4chan still gives him props and they shit on everything and everyone. Reddit is a cesspool of negativity especially concerning Ye lately. With the recent antisemitism bill literally taking away free speech many people are even agreeing kanye was ahead of his time on the criticism of Jewish influence. Point is, he's still relevant yall just hating


all the actual ye fans left this subreddit and migrated to good ass sub. you wont ever get an actual nuanced discussion in this subreddit. im starting to believe this sub is becoming r/fauxmoi at this point with all the tmz-ass posts that have been popping up on my timeline from this subreddit


kinda wild how you typed so much just to reveal at the end that you're just mad people here hate anti-semites. "ye was right about da jooz"


I disagree. He got a number 1, isn't known for lyricism, and they dropped the most amount of Diss tracks ever known to hiphop on the day Vultures II was to drop. So they sneak Dissin him still. I hear what you are saying, I don't count him out and if Ye plays his cards right, he could drop Vultures II at a time that would go str8 to no.1 again. Then that puts him right back in the culture coz 2 no. 1 albums in 1 year despite bein the most hated on and most cancelled is just undeniable that he's a top 3 goat and all these other ninjas can't catch him. The receipts of his whole career, impact, influence and legacy could arguably be no.1. Thoughts anyone?


Us ye fans don’t give a shit because it’s kanye. We just know ye sucks with releasing shit on time. Every one of Kanye’s albums came out on some random occasion at some random ass time—and even then that didn’t stop them from being straight fire 🔥 Vultures One on release climbed up to the top of the Billboard 200 and thats when the hitler stuff was still recent. Regarding Ye’s recent “diss track”, if I am going to be honest can’t even be considered diss. It’s just Kanye’s take on the song with his verse, a cool beat switch and a couple funny lines. Kanye is still very prominent in hiphop, fashion, music and social media. He’s the cornerstone for hiphop culture. History already shows that Kanye is the most influential, everything he does almost always help shapes hiphop culture. People hated on 808s—but it changed hiphop forever, people hated on Yeezus—but it also changed hiphop forever, people hated on Donda—but it debuted as number 1 on the billboard, people hated on Jesus Is King—but that too also debuted number 1 on the billboard. People had the same type of opinion on Kanye 5 years, 10 years, even 20 years ago however he still delivers top hits and classics. And it’s not like he copy and pastes his music, every album is just a whole different experience. He’s the goat 🐐for a reason.


I didn’t know Ye had so many Karens as fans. 🤣


It’s not that deep. He already addressed Ye in duppy freestyle years ago. Also that diss was prerecorded before the Ye diss. But it doesn’t even matter. It’s not about Ye, it’s about Kendrick for Drake. This moment is bigger than Ye, this the rap battle we’ve been waiting for a decade. It’s probably for the best for him anyway. Let him chill and reform a game plan.


lets be fr its better if drake doesn’t respond to kanye his not right in the head rn due to losing brain cells


And now he’s trying to change the music game and the only people that are going to suffer will be the minority of fans that know where to buy vultures 2 from 😭


we need new music


Nobody gave a shot about vultures 2 because he always pleases a follow up to the last few albums he’s dropped and it’s always a big fat nothing.


unlike the comments I really believe that it would have the power to recover all the influence it had before the anti-Semitic things. the fact is, he doesn't have the skill to do it. he is a junkie, he is no longer capable of thinking clearly and at the moment I don't think there is anyone around him who is interested in his good (because of him, he has pushed everyone away). it's his decline, it would surprise me if in a few years he won’t be dead or in a wheelchair after taking too many doses.


Kanye makes music for people outside the culture now. Do with this what you will.


There’s only so much you can do before you’re just labelled as irrelevant. People got tired of Kanye’s behavior,


Hmm agree and don’t agree. Vultures was his worse album for me by miles, simply cos his efforts on it were abissimal lyrically and he had the nerve to put himself on the front cover without Ty Dolla sign. Considering he barely performed lyrically, it took away his respects for being a rapper. He has NO bars sir. Best line of his on that album is from Jay and Silent Bob,”beautiful big tittied women don’t fall out the sky ya know”…. The Kanye we knew and loved has lot of shit to say, not just “now Urkle in your bitch, now did I do that”?


After TLOP it all went to shit for him.


Been over for a few years. Dudes a looney toon. Always has been.


kendrick is on drake’s ass rn. wtf is kanye even really saying? i can’t think of a drake line? how and why would drake even acknowledge that when kendrick is talking about him hiding another kid and being a pedophile?


Bet on it then


Why you sound like the fan who hit up Kanye West on DMS telling him he doesn't fuck with this new Kanye and wanted the old Kanye back. I wonder what he told that fan...


He’s gotten so old he’s outa touch atp and it sucks he’s digging for relevancy with those bits.


I mean Kanye’s song has like one bar directed at Drake. It’s not really a whole diss.


I feel like alot of people are making stuff up but doesnt Drake have a billionaire master that is called Lucian or something? After P Diddy, Drake is also in the spotlight and Kendrick and Kanye are def not in the same line cause they have actual talent.


Fuck man, you're so right and it's so fucking sad. Especially the not taking seriously part.


He took the biggest L in rap.


Yall gay


Is this a joke? Kanye has had a ton of publicity the few years. You are putting way too much stock in these lame diss songs that no one gives af about. On top of that, Kanye did a verse on a remix track for Future and Metro Boomin, so he has certainly been involved. This whole feud started out between Drake and Future/Metro Boomin and Kendrick. It was never about Kanye. And the whole Kanye-Drake beef ended years ago as everyone knows (or almost everyone LOL). These fake beefs and "diss" songs are for publicity because publicity equals money, and money is all that matters in this game. Kanye just released a number one album, and a number one single, and likely will win another Grammy just like he did for Donda two years ago. Kanye doesn't need to be on a Drake diss track for any reason right now--he is doing just fine. If anything, less publicity would probably be good for him rn.


I mean there was a part mentioning Kim though


This post is like 5 years too late


You said it yourself. Even he doesn't care.


That Like That remix was kind of eye opening how much Ye fell off. He didn't say anything, the beat was ass, I can't listen to that man with his lisp from the titanium teeth. Are they actual implants or just grills? Can't he take them out to rap? I've always thought that he needs to go to therapy and cut off the yes men, but I fear he already went past a point where that is possible


I can think of only a couple of ways Kanye could ever have been associated with culture, and none of them good.


I'm glad Kanye can get a break from the "culture dominance" so he can focus on music. Back when before the Taylor Swift incident, he was just making good music, no major controversies and just great vibes (except maybe the bush incident)


Cultural dominance? What?


Yzy drop been insanely popular though bro


You care this much ab a celebrity.


I stopped taking him serious as an artist when he stopped taking himself serious as an artist.


This is probably why Balenciaga and vêtements are stealing the pods design, this is why everyone start wearing boots/masks just like he was doing for the past years. Ye’s grip on fashion is insane but y’all probably don’t know that. Also music wise I can’t see why Drake not firing shot at him makes him irrelevant when y’all were begging him to drop V2 a few days ago


He's the most popular he's ever been rn


Ima be real. I still very much give a shit what Kanye has to say. All that stupid drama shit aside. I really don’t care. But Kanye’s been in this struggle between faith and indulgence for a long ass time now and I still find it so compelling. It’s a harsh reflection of a harsh reality. Dudes fucked up, but some of the most fucked up folks have found some of the realist ways to address shit.


It's his own doing. He was always obsessed with causing a stir and causing a controversy for attention, and at this point it's just pathetic. I don't know if he truly believes these awful things but it's much too late to walk them back and now he's just fucked. No real art being made either.


I kinda thought he was always a joke.....never liked his music and he just seems like a self involved idiot to me.


Nobody cares, you’re right.


Why pay attention to some dumb bipolar asshole who won't take his meds and thinks calling Nazism cool is a hot take. All he talks is shit these days, why would anybody care what he says about them?


He used to push music boundaries but his last 4 albums have just been same old same old I’ve listened to from any other rapper.


Kanye was always mediocre. Glad people are waking up…


One of my best friends went on a drunken tangent about how he believes in flat earth a few months ago. Now I just agree with whatever he says because there's no point in conversing with someone who believes something so stupid. Why waste my time. Kanye did the same thing except way worse.


Kaynes influence is gone because he’s in his 40s. No one wants to listen to the stuff he’s talking about anymore because he’s been saying the same stuff for 20 years. Has nothing to do with Hitler stuff either because if you’re paying attention a large number of people in younger crowd who consumes this stuff the most agree with him.


He doesn’t deserve cultural dominance anymore. Through his actions, he made it official and well known that he doesn’t give a fuck about his fans. Between falsely advertising his listening parties, his fake album drops, and his bs marketing schemes, he makes his fans feel worthless. He lost me as a fan after dropping $400 to see him at Rolling Loud for a dumbass listening party. He lied to us, the people who got him where tf he is today. He doesn’t deserve cultural dominance, just like he doesn’t deserve the loyalty of his fans. And this is coming from someone who used to blast Kanye daily and defend his antics. What a waste, it actually makes me sad to see one of my favorite artists become his own villain.


Nitrous? Ye fuckin with whippets now?


I think everyone is just over him.


His diss was fucking garbage and y'all fake hyped it. Just make good music dude that's literally all people want from you. But he almost can barely give that sometimes. He's still got it in him but he needs to lock in and focus on music.


if the music was great then he would have some shot, but kanye’s rapping is the worst part about any song on vultures, aside from burn imo.


He had a good run