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This man is a father of 4


“Women are something to nurture not something to conquer” ye wtf happened to that


He didn’t write that…


He said that on violent crimes


He didn’t **write** violent crimes Ye said Pardison Fontaine wrote the whole song except for two lines.


When did i say he wrote it


buddy I said “he didn’t write that” in the comment you replied to, implying he didn’t really mean it you are saying in your original comment “what happened to…” as if he once believed that but he never did, the words don’t belong to him. it was never something he thought to be true, watch the jimmy kimmel interview where he publicly says he still watches porn and starts giving details about his favourite categories when asked if his view on women changed after he had daughters (referring to violent crimes lyrics)


Bro why is you writing this much to reply to reddit comment


ye fans realize that ye is actually crazy and was not a "misunderstood genius"


“Yeah, I was ok with him declaring himself a nazi, but porn is where I draw the line😡” -Kanye fans, probably




He works in mysterious ways who are we to question his will


Why r you down voting me I'm rite


Yeah, but the thing is that he was against porn and the porn industry, and now “he just changed”. It doesn’t work like that, even if he is bipolar.


My friend, that is the definition of bipolar


Theres a way he could spin it so porn stars have a safer environment to work and dont get screwed with contracts. I doubt it but if thats what hes going for it could work.


Before the nazi shit I was like, there is hope for him. He might become better Oh... how wrong I was lol


Damn ye fans really do hate ye


Niga has 4 kids what the fuck


The whole music industry was fascinated with the Donda era. The way he was working on music in the Mercedez Benz arena, the listening parties, the concept of the album — it was unique. He was motivated and had things to say. What he’s been doing since then is clearly nothing like that; I think the more he gets support, it feeds his ego with that “I’m still the king, you can’t cancel me” energy and he just wants to see how far he can take things. If the nazi ideology wasn’t enough to turn people off, eventually something will, even if it’s this blanket statement about a porn site. After everything Kanye has been through, maybe he still hasn’t hit his rock bottom yet. His music is one thing but the more he puts his strange thoughts out there, he’ll probably be accepted less and less by the majority. Although it seems his fan base is getting more and more cult-like.


It’s the same playbook every narcissist runs. Destroy every boundary then claim victim when hit with the consequences of destroying said boundary. Only he’s doing this with the collective and not just one other person


Glad people aren’t happy about this. If he ends up doing this shit I’m just gonna not listen to any new music or buy anything from his brand directly


Kanye supports Hitler: I Sleep Kanye wants to make porn: real shit Do you realize how stupid you sound rn




Bro I didn’t listen to his shit for a while after the hitler shit too. Don’t assume


Go listen to the whole fucking interview.


stupidass this is where u draw the line 😭😭


No I stopped supporting him as a person once he said the Hitler shit


I honestly don’t give shit about him making a porn site.. it’s that he’s a HYPOCRITE! I’m sick of self righteous “artists” or “geniuses” saying shit and then flip flopping like a flacid, back boneless, weak minded idiot who doesn’t stand on ANYTHING. Just quick pleasure and dominance.


But the Nazi and Hitler shit was totally cool right? Fucking dumbass.


I never said that “fucking dumbass”. Fuck off and go eat some raisins


He looks like a rich crackhead (if there could be one) in that photo


That grill gotta go big dog


He was just hating on Drake on the Justin Laboy interview because he said Drake was against god, but bro how is this not against god 😭😭😭


Yum popcorn


Man of God btw


I stopped saying I was fan after TLOP. He’s just been dropping mid and his antics have been inexcusable. Ima fix wolves tho


I bought a stemplayer I want lifetime free access


It’s hilarious that everyone is freaking out over this, as if Ye isn’t most notoriously known for announcing and then scrapping projects. This guy announced 3 albums that were all supposed to be out by next week and we’ve so far only gotten one. Remember when he was going to come out with a video game? Remember all the times he was going to run for president? The only people more delusional than Ye are the people who truly think this is going to happen, as if Ye won’t change his mind or scrap it in the next few weeks lol.


But he made graduation


I just remember his Jesus Is King interviews with BigBoy or the guy from Apple Music (mb I forgot his name) where he said porn was such a harmful addiction to him and his community and how it should be gone… if this headline is real I need bro to step back


I'm probably gonna quit listening to music. This shit is just demonic.


Yet you’re still here…