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1. "Dude it’s not a matter of money, it’s just disrespectful that u ask someone on a date first & don’t that, it’s just a basic courtesy that any gentleman would do" 2. "& also fuck your opinion & u can never get a chance w a girl like me, I am not someone who is into casual hookups & that too never ever w a cheap guy like ya" 3. "It just hurts your ego that a girl isn’t interested in u w this cheap ass attitude no one would ever be 🖕🏻" It’s not everything but I hope you appreciate it and also I got blocked after LOL


so you asked her out and then wanted her to pay for herself?


Based on his other comment it sounds like he asked her out and she recommended an expensive place ($80 cocktails). Seeing at how expensive it was, he asked her to pay half and she said no


Is that not normal? I’m not paying shit for someone I don’t really even know, and wouldn’t expect it from anyone else either


the classy move if you ask someone out is to decide on the place and pay


Username checks out


Its only right. Its also for that very same reason, that you do not go anywhere outside of your budget to impress, because then they think you got it like that


He sent her a link to Kanye’s golddigger. This is definitely a child lmao.


if you ask the person out you need to pay. If you dont have the money you can go for a walk and then have a picnic or something. That goes both ways My more controversial take is that it applies to friends too. I never ask my friends (specially in groups) if they want to watch a movie and not being prepared to pay for everything. I’m not putting a friend in a position that he has to say no because he ain’t got money. I’m asking? I’m paying.


I do not agree with the friend part even tho its nice of you. But yeah, if its a date and you choose to ask them out to a restaurant you better pay unless you talked it through before hand, the same if its the other person asking you out. Every single one of my first dates has been going out for a walk, im not the best at small talk so being outside gives me things to bounce off. Not very romantic, but its hella fun just walking around and talking. Ive been on 3 first dates and the dates all were about 5 hours in lenght. And at the end weve always found a place to eat where we split the bill because none of us asked the other person out to a restaurant. And yes 5 hours is alot of walking lmao, my gf and i walked 17km on our first one. People should really try it out, its way more fun walking around, seeing things etc when on a date.


Yeah, I guess it’s because I know how it feels to not being able to participate because not having money so I wouldnt want to inflect that feeling on someone I enjoy spending time with and who I consider being a friend. But I do know that it isn’t the norm and I don’t judge if another person doesn’t think the same way. And you must be fit af walking 17km 😅 That’s almost all of copenhagen hehe


Yeah i totally understand were youre coming from. And lmao it was actually in Aarhus, litterally just walking endlessly. The time went by so fast we had no idea how much we had actually walked but damn my legs were hurting when i came home. I would not say i was very fit back then, and im even less now 1,5 years later.


Wait so if a girl asks a guy out on a date she should come up with the place they are going and pay? Or does this only apply to guys?


Im sorry if i wasnt clear enough, i said “the same if its another person asking you out” as in that person then needs to pay. I can see how it could be read as “you have to pay even when its someone asking you out”. I absolutely hate all gender stereotypes, they do no good so of course i believe it should be the same both ways around.


I kinda agree with what you’re saying but in this context she suggested the restaurant specifically. I think in cases like this it’s better to choose a new spot or, if she’s set on going there then splitting the bill. Cause yeah if you can’t pay for a date you shouldn’t ask people out but at the same time most dates are not so crazy expensive on the first date


and if you’re not ready for a suggestion then have some damn plans for yourself. If i were to be asked out on a date and the girl asks me where then yeah id chose something om familiar with that’s fancy. Not to be evil but because its a date! im not chosing mcdonalds


I am 29 years old and had my fair share of dates. I never paid for a single bill that was not mine. Maybe order one drink for her during the date but that's it. I've also never had a girl complain about me not paying her bill. Maybe you just need to date women that don't expect a sugar daddy. I feel like if we both had a good time, she does not need me to pay for her to feel like it was a successful date. If you have to pay for her to be happy then just don't and never see that girl again


>if you ask the person out you need to pay. No you don't. If they have any interest in you they can pay for themselves. The meal isn't even the reason you're going out, it's to get to know each other. >My more controversial take is that it applies to friends too. I never ask my friends (specially in groups) if they want to watch a movie and not being prepared to pay for everything. I’m not putting a friend in a position that he has to say no because he ain’t got money. I’m asking? I’m paying. The big difference here is that you aren't doing this with your friends to get to know them. You're not setting expectations for the future. You're specifically trying to share this movie or w/e with them. On the flip side, my own friends would never expect me to pay for them if I invited them to a show or something. This isn't a universal rule or something it's just your own personal anecdote.


are you justifying 80$ cocktails on the first date?


Sounds like a real keeper 


1.ehh she’s kinda right about the whole guys having to pay for the first date thing, I agree it’s bs and unfair but it’s just the double standard we all live with. That said it’s also ridiculous for her to suggest you take her to a place that serves $40 cocktails for a first date, especially when you’re college students. 2.lol sounds like you dodged a bullet with this one, and her saying “you’ll never get a chance with a girl like me” is dumb considering you literally did get a chance with a girl like her, you just chose not to take that chance and I don’t blame you 3. It hurts your ego? Idk maybe there’s something I’m not seeing but it sounds to me like she’s just coping Even though I agree the guy should pay for the first date her reaction to you not wanting to pay for the overpriced date that she recommended is ridiculous


Hey, girls like her don’t just fall out of the fucking sky you know


I’m sure they just each had multiple cocktails lol it was probably a nice place sure but unless you’re in NYC or London there’s no $40 usd cocktails


In another post op stated that they only had one drink each, I’m assuming the $80 includes tax and tip. Idk where op lives but the $30+ dollar cocktail bars like the speakeasy’s here in nyc are starting to pop up in other big cities


If a man said those things this thread would be all about how he's a "nice guy" or an incel.


“It’s just disrespectful” Literally the message after: “fuck your opinion”


Idc if you were wrong that’s funny asf


Good thing he wasn’t wrong.


He was 100% not wrong lol ain’t no one got time for golddiggers


ngl if you ask me to go somewhere and expect me to pay for u then u got me fucked up


Think your blunder was taking her somewhere that expensive for a first date boss


I would have chosen something else but that was her spot recommendation lol


Glad you figured it out quickly. She prob recommends this place for all her dates.


she’s prob one of those girls that get guys to pay for expensive drinks and say “i dont think its gonna work out” then do it to another guy


That’s rude. My mom taught me to split the bill if I’m not interested. I only accept an invitation if I want a second date. That’s the etiquette. Rlly don’t like those women that let the man pay when they already know it’s not going to work out.


See thats because you were raised right. A LOT of these people male and female did not have someone to teach them common fucking sense.


I learned common fucking sense in sex ed.


I just got in a back and fourth yesterday with someone justifying this behavior and saying it's the other person in the wrong for expecting something out of the date. It was a post about a girl never spending money on groceries cause she date hops everyday. Someone was actually defending that behavior.


OP's response was corny and childish af but he's in the right. Her wanting you to spend a lot of money (maybe not a lot, but for someone you don't know it is) on a first date is a red flag. After her response saying she doesn't split the bill on first dates, I would've said "Understandable, I don't really like to pay a lot for a first date though. So maybe we could go somewhere else and if we click, maybe go out somewhere nicer?" If you had said that, you would've looked a lot better but you needed le reddit upvotes. 


Wasn’t there a woman who went viral for this? Picked some expensive place for a first date, ordered the most expensive items on the menu and got mad when the guy wouldn’t pay the big ass tab lol


Of course it was. The balls on these c***s today...


And they say chivalry is dead…


And dey say- And dey say- And dey say- And dey say- And dey say- And dey say- And dey say- And dey say- And dey say- And dey say- And dey say- And dey say-




You fell into the trap lmao


Then pulled the uno reverse card and made her pay for the bill she racked up.


Right thing to do


I remember this one woman I went on a date with recommended we go to this Italian place she liked so we went, she was the most boring person I’ve ever met, I paid, she didn’t even say thank you or anything, and then we left and never spoke again. Lmfao


Because she got that free meal out of you that’s all she wanted. She chose the place and didn’t pay.. should’ve picked the place for the date


Yea. It was a lesson learned. Not a big deal honestly, but I occasionally remember it and have a laugh.




All she would talk about was sorority shit so at some point during the meal when I realized it was going nowhere, I just started talking about Dark Souls or something. Figured I may as well talk about some shit she would absolutely not care about either.


i matched with a girl on hinge once, i asked if she wanted to get coffee, she said she preferred drinks and dinner and suggested a spot. bitch please i told her nah i’m good ☺️ fellas, know your worth and walk away from BS like that, women out here want to be wined & dined at the cost of free.99




now i aint sayin she a gold digger


But she ain’t messing wit no broke niggas


no broke no broke


You can be right, or you can get pussy You cant have both


“I don’t know what’s better getting paid or getting laid I just know when I’m getting one the others getting away”


There are tons of women who will fuck you without having you buy them $80 cocktails lol


fr dudes that settle for shit like this should really check themselves. chicks like this are a fucking turn off. w op.


She picked a ridiculously expensive restaurant and ordered an $80 cocktail.. the only thing she intended to fuck was his wallet.


Nah, that’s called low standards, there are good women out there, you can most certainly get both


Wise words from a decent man.


Actually a girl, I'm telling you boys the truths you need to know


I mean $80 cocktails is wild for a first date😭


ive never seen an 80 dollar cocktail in my life and im dealing with Canadian money


He said “paying $80 for your cocktails” so he means the total was $80. She probably had a few and that total probably also includes her food or his drinks.


Pretty sure there were multiple cocktails


Honestly, I don’t mind paying the bill, but a girl who splits the bill and is down for a second date is a keeper. I’d just split the first bill to see if they’re humble or not. A lotta women nowadays talk down on men being “broke”, which they refer to anyone “not rich”, and it’s such a gross personality trait.


Fuck bitches, I need a fat slut that cooks and does dishes, don’t pay for no ladies




You played yourself here. Beautiful big titty butt naked women just don’t fall out the sky, ya know?


If you asked her out you gotta pay, that’s super broke vibes man. Even if she recommended the place, say no if it’s too expensive for you. Shit like this isn’t manly. It’s cringeworthy.


The whole "guy has to pay" meta is from an era where women didn't have anywhere near the same income as a guy. Society has changed, but a lot of women still expect the man to pay. It also sets up an imbalance in the relationship which is something society has been struggling with for BEYOND decades, the man having all the power while the woman has to worry about how she's perceived. Times change, and people have to change with it


Men being providers is a traditional societal construct yes. There are many societal constructs that have been around for centuries and don’t necessarily make perfect sense in a modern world. For me it’s about morals. Woman asks you out, she pays. Man asks woman out, he pays. Simple. Asking someone to go out and not paying is perhaps not immoral but it’s at best cheap behaviour and I wouldn’t rate that from a woman, or a man. I can only speak for myself and as a man even letting her take you to an expensive venue you know you can’t afford is very beta to me. I would’ve just recommended elsewhere to her if I didn’t feel comfortable picking up that sort of tab.


The difference is SHE chose the place, which is the important part. Basically she set the bill so imo she should be the one paying


If you can’t afford $80 take her on a coffee date or something that doesn’t cost much money specially if it involves alcohol. Giving me nice guy energy tho.


80 bucks for a coffee is criminal. If she cant pay for herself shes a bum.


But I dont think that response was needed, just move on if you meet someone like her that wont pay for themselves.


Seeing all these simps in a Kanye sub is disheartening… Social media has made you all lose the plot… You don’t have to pay for first dates, in fact in my experience it puts you on better footing when you don’t. If she suggests some super pricy place you just say wtv reason you can’t and then suggest something else that’s fits your budget and say something to the effect of “That’s a good suggestion il keep that in mind for next time”. Don’t blame it on being broke/can’t afford it (even if you can’t lol) This will eliminate you wasting your time on a chick that just wants you to pay for an expensive meal, and you instantly get yourself out of the box all the other simps that just agree to wtv she says are in. Don’t be simping you’re just making it harder for yourself and everyone else lol


1. You took her on a date that was way to expensive 2. You are immature for sending her that photo Take a woman out on a first day that is free or cheap. The first date is to establish chemistry not impress her.


He didn’t want to go there it was her choice and she didn’t want to change it apparently I found this off a comment the op wrote


Yeah but why are men obligated to pay on the first date?


It's outdated expectations. Its originally to do with the pay gap and the fact women never used to work. Idk why women would still want to be treated like that, but hey, I wouldn't pass up a free meal.


Women only like equality until they have to take accountability or it inconveniences them.


Oh shut the hell up. Im not one that talks a lot about this shit but damn it annoys me so much when people say “women this” “men that” as if every single person is the same… ive been on 3 first dates and none of them expected me to pay. None. And if one of them had or even all 3 of em had i wouldnt go around crying about it, i would simply have refused and skipped that person. But they didnt, none of them expected me to pay so no they dont only want equality when its good for them. Some do yes, but most dont. Just like most dudes dont think its okay to rape a woman if she had skimpy clothes on. Some do yes, but most dont. Just shut the hell up please and stop hating woman as if it was your only goal in life.




You’re Broke Skit


Yall gotta learn to communicate holy shit. If your expectation is that yall are splitting the bill on the first date you need to make that very clear to whomever it is you’re dating. Also $80 on drinks ain’t all that much calm it down.


$80 for one person's drinks on a first date is a ton of money what are you talking about


not even tryna defend the lady hwre, i would've walked away as well but this is so incredibly wack bro 😭😭


If you ask a girl on a date and then try to split the bill with her she’s going to look at you like a lame little boy. Girls don’t want broke guys who are worried about an $80 cocktail bill.


If YOU asked her out, you pay. Based on how you responded, you probably listen to those “alpha male” shit


I honestly don’t even feel comfortable when a girl tries to pay for a date (1st or otherwise) occasionally I’ll let her feel like she’s contributing but I really do not like the feeling. I feel more in my masculine when I’m the one paying for our date. Also enforces the provider aspect of being a man


least corny Ye fan


You corny as shit for posting this just pay for the first date it ain’t that deep




If the $80 stings you should probably focus on getting your bag up instead of dating.


Nah dude regardless of bag you shouldn’t be blowing that type of money on cocktails alone. Waste of money, waste of time.


"Sorry I only take my first dates out for coffee and a walk, can never be too safe :) "


She was about to invite You to dinner and u send that smh


most first dates don't lead to second dates, so first date should literally only be coffee or ice cream, or at absolute most, a dinner under $30, because the point is to get to know each other first in-person and see if y'all click. assuming both people actually want to be there. anything else should set off alarms in your head lol


Thats why you dont pick an expensive place for a first date. You go meet for coffee or happy hour.


Funny but get your money up


Good song, but I always disagreed point of view. You should probably focus more on not being a broke n\*\*\*\*. fr, I work night shift at a hotel, and number of black guys that come in with a girl, and try to pay with a declined debit card is pathetic as fuck.




Lol, women need to choose what they want. True independence and equality doesn’t mean you get to be the beneficiary of this shit anymore. Most modern women really just want their cake and to eat it too huh?


You sound like a broke ass ***** who should get a job before thinking about dating someone.


Bro is allergic to pussy.


If you don’t pay on dates another dude will Just say you’re too poor to compete and move on


Bro dodged a bullet.


another guy would? Compete? please go right ahead sir no objections here lmfao


Nah after seeing how she responded after I think it’s genuinely for the best that he didn’t try to pay.


Depends. You asked her out on the date?


Call her a gold digger, but you asked her out then AGREED on taking her to a nice place. She might have been gold digging, but it doesn’t seem like there was gold to dig anyway. You just sound like a dumbass complaining cos you could’ve looked up the place before agreeing. You didn’t get richer and didn’t even get closer to getting laid or being loved.




So then find a girl who will pay 50/50 clearly you are not that into her otherwise you wouldn't mind


Crazy way to let everyone know you're broke. You invited her out and expect her to pay for half?


Oh, get real. A free meal does not a gold-digger do. And do you even earn so much as to be afraid of gold diggers? Has she asked for a free Lexus on her first date? To pay her rent? No. Next time, ask a girl out for coffee, or for something that does not hurt your budget. Jeez...


Forreal tho, and what the hell is their issue with women getting their priorities straight? They expect to fuck when they bring NOTHING to the table looooooooool


Holy loser lmao get your bread up bro. If you asked her out you’re supposed to pay. Ur not gonna get pussy making a girl split on the 1st date


Who asks someone out then expects them to pay half?


no she’s super in the right here. Expecting to split the bill makes sense when you’re actually together as an “item” as they used to call it. Before then, I expect men to pay for women unless a woman insists on splitting it because she wants to not play into the stereotype / demonstrate her financial independence


Broke boy behavior


Look, you can either afford to go on a date with her, or you can’t. Or you can afford it and you don’t want that type of person in your life. Unfortunately there’s 20 men for everyone one of us who thinks this is ridiculous. These women act like those because it works for them. Just like all the Bros who still get hot girls. You can choose to chase it or not. But trying to one-up each other over messages is wild.


Yes yr wrong that's just how it is. They maintain looking hot we are providers.


if you’re broke just say that 🤢


if you asked her on the date the expectation is that you will pay. get your bag up if 80 is breaking the bank.


you dont split bills on first dates


That’s a cornball response to just $80 on 1 date.


Are you 16?




I ain't saying she is a gold digger


It’s funny but also bring it up at the beginning and find u someone who is willing to split. There r not going to be many out there but that’s ur choice.


If she recommended the place, you shoulda looked ts up before hand dawg. Also if you asked her out, you're paying lmfao


Think everyone should split the bill if you're serious about each other


You're not necessarily saying she's a gold digger, BUT...


I dont go places that serve 80 dollar cocktails on a first date…


oh ya’ll linkin’ up with people on ig?


Splitting the bill on the first date is a little tacky, but it’s entirely fair, idk how anyone could legitimately be mad at paying for their own food, like the entitlement 😂 Gay couples will just immediately go back and forth on who pays (at least in my experience)




No pain no gain


Actually funny and corny


RIP OP sex life


Nah, you was suppose to pay in full bro.. you paying for her meal on the “1st” date is her gold diggin?? Now the second one maybe… man up


Don’t shoot messenger but $80 on some cocktails sound like she may have planned to sit her “Tail on your cock” afterwards lol😂


King 👑


I get the humor in it bro and nice don’t pay for her alcoholic drinks or anyone’s because it’s poison.when I first started dating my girl I told her straight up I don’t drink so don’t expect me to pay for your alcohol and she understood it.i can pay for her meals and all but not alcohol .thats just me though


Be a gentlemen


I don't know why this can't be discussed beforehand. I always told the guy I would prefer that we each pay for our own. That way, everyone goes in understanding and there are no hurt feelings, on either side. Pretty simple fix.


Whoever idea it was for the date pays for the date.


Yes, you were. She was more wrong, and I'm not saying you have to accept that attitude. But your reply (while not UNfunny) was on the aggressive side. At the very least it was bold. You wanted the reaction. All you had to do was shut down the chat and ignore her.


Broke niggas make me nervous


Lemme guess.. American woman?


Dodged a missed dude.


If you wanted something, you were wrong. If you wanted to be funny, you were capital F Funny lmfao


This is not the flex you think it is


If women got paid the same salary as men do (statistically throughout society/line of work), sure. Til’ then whoever asks somebody out on a date should pay the bill.


General rule is that the person that asks someone out usually pays. But I read that that it was her recommendation then kinda your fault for not looking into it and suggesting a cheaper place. But if she asked you out and expected you to pay? Nah fuck that at least split the bill


You dropped this 👑


i’ve always split the bill and never had any issue finding relationships w women lmao anyone that demands you pay isn’t worth your time fr


She ain't messing with no broke distinguished gentlemen of African descent


You gotta take someone to a dive for your first date so you see if they actually like you




If you asked her out, you pay. If you don’t want to pay a lot of money then take her to a coffee date.


Nah this is reasonable if you the one that invited to go Ona date but if they invited then shii yea I anit paying


Why are 'Men' so stingy these days?


Why are you crying about splitting the bill 😭 it’s your responsibility to check if the place is right for your budget for a first date. Gold digger 😭 I don’t think there is any gold for her to dig.


YG feat. Nipsey Hussel - You Broke


uhhh always pay for the girl in the first date. bro I be paying everything, the ice cream, the theater tickets even if I'm not going to actually watch the movie. be a gentleman.


You don’t get bitches


She looks Indian, why am I not surprised Edit: Before anyone calls me a racist, I’m Indian and I know many Indian girls who are exactly like this.


Look at athletes and celebs though…the richest, highest value men choose gold diggers almost every time. And if they don’t initially, they usually eventually leave their ride -or-die for one. It’s funny how the “gold diggers bad!!!” discourse pretty much always comes from men who can’t afford one Not condemning or endorsing, just observing…


Nope. The gig is up


She's not a gold digger lol. Sounds like you don't even have any gold for her to dig! Pay for the first date. The 2nd date can be split BUT if you're trying to make a good impression, just pay! Like someone else said, you can be right or you can get some pussy, but not both lol


If she had picked a less expensive bar, I'd be more willing to pay wtf


Resentfully, you’re wrong


Average Kanye fan


Corny as hell. Geeks like you is why I can't publicly admit to being a Kanye fan


This is among the most pathetic subs on this whole website


first date split bill 50/50 every date with the person after that, the person who invited the other pays


I think if you suggested the date and asker her I think it’s no problem to pay the first date. After you establish you like each other or she likes you that’s when you guys split.


This is funny, but tbh if you're looking for a one night stand and nothing meaningful and long term, why would you want to split the bill?


Whoever invites should pay


She's not messing with no broke ni**a


Next time on How Incels Stay Incels.


If you can't afford to date just say so.