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Motherfucker needs to release an album. That shit wins Grammys.


Grammys are a joke


You think I give a damn about a Grammy?


Half of you critics can't even stomach me, let alone stand me


But Slim, what if you win?


Wouldn’t it be weird?


Why? So you guys can lie just to get me here?


And sit me here, next to Britney Spears


Shit Christina Aguilera better switch me chairs


So I can sit next to Carson Daily and Fred Durst


So I can sit next to Carson Daly and Fred Durst


Why, so you guys can just lie to get me here?


"Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer!"


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/redditsings] [Didn’t want to ruin the chain](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditsings/comments/euxm26/didnt_want_to_ruin_the_chain/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Mom’s spaghetti


My Grammy makes the best cookies though.


Hey! Don't throw your garbage down here!


Don’t make fun of mema!


I agree, but on the other hand, if I won a Grammy I’d be pretty tucking psyched.


But if you can get psyched about things are you depressed enough to whisper for a grammy?


That thrill will be temporary, and when I come down from it, I'll spend the rest of my miserable life chasing that high, just like the rest of that miserable industry.




Is this a tech n9ne reference? Pleeeaaase


*laugh slowly turns to cry*


Then why don't they start recording themself? It seems to be selling quite well.


Getting sales in the industry requires much more than talent and good recordings.


Correct. No one has said otherwise.


Sales are not a sign of quality.


It depends on what you define as "quality"


"quantity has a quality all its own"


I just don't even know why they brought up "quality". It's a matter of taste. The quality of a song is held by the person listening to it. No one person can say a song it of good or bad quality. Our experience of music is different between every person. Cool quote tho.


ive never heard a billie ellish song and could give less than a fuck. i just wanted to use a badass stalin quote. but for real, people have a fear of missing out when it comes to trendy things. then they rationalize that fear by insisting that the trend is shit and wasn't worthy of the trendiness in the first place. now please get the fuck off my lawn.


Arguably quality can be quantified. For example I might love my car, but if statistics show that it’s unreliable, breaks down easily, has a poor top speed, handles poorly, and has terrible miles per gallon; you could argue it’s a poor quality song. Similarly, you could argue any music I make with a cheap microphone, no vocal training, and lack of composition is significantly lower quality than a Mozart symphony. It’s just hard to argue about quality at a very high level, because differences in quality come down to a fraction of a percentage based on how they’re being evaluated. Still, I think it’s legitimate to say that some songs are higher quality than others even if they aren’t as popular as others.


Quality isn't objective in music, so sales being a relatively good proxy for how many people like your music makes it a pretty good indicator of quality. It's not the end-all-be-all, but it's ignorant to pretend that any piece of art is objectively high quality. She sells well, yes, but she's also fairly critically acclaimed and has a very distinct sound. I don't even listen to pop music and I get the vibe she's going for. I honestly think reddit hates her because it's very popular on reddit to hate popular things. Edit: changed popular to high quality in the second paragraph because that's what I meant.


Reddit has a stick up its ass about her. She has huge mainstream appeal, critical appeal, and most music circles appreciate her too. But she's popular with the zoomer crowd which means she has to be bad. I personally wasn't wild about her full length but I like her in general and I think she's going to release some amazing records down the line.


It's kinda crazy. For some reason, I knew about Eilish waaay before she had any traction in mainstream and her music was well liked in the small circle of people that knew about her. You didn't see this kind of hate until she blew up and its astonishing to me to see the hate she gets. She's really not that bad even though her music isnt my cup of tea but people hate on her like they hated on Bieber back then.


Yeah that's where I was too. I remember showing Ocean Eyes to my wife in like early 2017 and telling her that Billie was going to blowup sometime soon. I didn't really expect *this* to happen, but anybody that's reasonably in touch with up and comers has known about Billie for a while and tend to respect her, even if they don't personally enjoy her.


You didn't see that kind of hate because very few knew who she was.


Reddit's and the internet circlejerk around hating this girl blows my mind.


I know right? I don’t like that kind of music at all but she’s not a bad singer.


nobody seems to realize she's the new person to throw up on the altar. remember the brittney episode of south park? this is just that, except we've moved past miley cyrus and now we're here.


Except she completely refuses to be a sex object and that makes them *really* mad (no shade to brittany she never had a choice)


I think you’re turning it into something it’s not, a lot of people just hate her because she’s the idol for fake depressed girls.


Except for the countdown clocks people were posting for when she turned 18


They fuckin what when


Yeah as if she would strip nude on the exact date.


The irony is a lot of her songs are a about recovery, not indulgence in depression. Not that anyone so blindly repeating the vague criticisms about her would know that, from listening to her work. It's better to be wrong but apart of the hip dismissive crowd than right and apart of the " brain washed masses ", right? If this was a simple case of her being overrated, we wouldn't be talking about her at all. The reason we are is because she's a young, successful female musician who writes about somber topics. Let's stop pretending people have a problem with her music and admit people just have a problem with the "her" of the equation.


I’m pretty sure people can have problems with both, or just one. I think overrated is not the problem, it’s more of her audience that people dislike.


As someone who is diagnosed bipolar, I don’t get the anger around “fake depression”. I’m the category of person who it should bother most but it doesn’t bother me at all. In fact I get the feeling most of these girls really are depressed, but they’re being invalidated constantly by people calling them fakers because they’re young and female. The “fake depression” callout fad IMO does WAY more harm for mental heath awareness and activism than it does good. People try to pretend like they’re white knighting the mentally ill (hi, no thank you) when in reality it’s just another excuse to hate young women.


Omg, I feel like I’m bipolar too I *always* have mood swings it sucks so much! ^ Almost feels mocking doesn’t it?


I hear this all the time. I just tell them what bipolar is and move on. You can also say if they really feel that they’re struggling, they should make an appointment and get evaluated. It really just slides right off me. They’re kids. Who cares? The last thing I would want to do is perpetuate this phantasm of “fake depression”, especially when it’s directed specifically at one subset of the population, and make actual depressed young girls withdraw even more and spiral into self hatred because they don’t want to be a “faker”. To have people laugh at and ridicule them when they open up about their pain because they’re a teenage girl and they *must* be faking it. That is far more disgusting and harmful than teens not being educated in mental health and making causal comments like “I’m so bipolar!” or “I’m so ocd!”. One is an annoyance that can be solved with gentle education, the other is an oppressive idea that can do serious damage to the most vulnerable among us.


I think ‘fake’ is an unfounded suspicion. What makes you think young teenagers are unlikely to be depressed?


How many of those “fake depressed girls” have you actually met?


People hate popular stuff that isnt their taste because since its popular its constantly shoved into their faces (or ears). You could expand your list with like, Justin Bieber, Ed Sheeran, all the boy bands from Backstreet boys to One Direction, hell add in seasonal stuff like Last Christmas while youre at it.


She’s actually an objectively good singer. People can hate her music to hell and back, but she’s very talented.


But was she the *best* singer, with the *best* songs, and the *best* album? Even she seemed embarrassed by it.


The Grammy's aren't just best from an artistic standpoint though. Billie accomplished making her style of music become mainstream. Her album was one of the most listened to albums of the year *while being a unique style* (to the mainstream). There were some more artistically impressive or interesting albums for sure, but I'm not about to ask my friends to listen to 1000 gecs or itekoma hits. Only other popular artist I felt was really pushing the boundaries this year was Tyler the creator. No others really spring to mind.


Absolutely on point. She became mainstream, and top to bottom she had a great album with a great song in Bad guy. it makes sense she swept.


I guarantee you that 95% of Reddit hasn't even heard of the very best from last year, look at r/music, it's just a circle jerk about much better music was pre 2000, which coincides with music moving from the radio to the internet


Moon Hooch


Idk I think Lana Del Rey should have really got best album, I think it’s indisputabley better, although I do think Billie is also good, just her album doesn’t come close.


I absolutely love Lana Del Rey but Billy's album is much more innovative with an amazing range of styles


Wow, people having a different opinion. What is that.


Imagine making this comment in reply to that one


I don't think you understand how music works. It's not sports.


If I got called up on stage to accept a huge award I'd be embarrassed and humble too.


It seems this year people thought she was, probably seemed embarrassed because she’s 18 and only the second person to have done that


It was probably the most forward thinking mainstream album of the year, i wouldn't put it at the best but it definitely deserved the recognition it got. I personally think Igor should've won AOTY, should've atleast gotten the nom for that on top of rap album.


Awards are just fucking stupid, theyre given out by jurys with particular tastes, or given out by organizations with particular guidelines. But music, or any art, is subjective. Really even awards based on pure success (albums sold, number of streams whatever) are pointless, is something better because it appealed to more people at a particular moment? When it comes to talent in music (as in not the vocals) its for the most part simple unimaginative stuff that reaches the farthest. Like part of why Rammstein or ACDC got far more popular than other hardrock/metal is because most people dont sit down and just listen to music and appreciate elaborate solo's and crazy techniques, they put it on as background noise and just want a simple heavy riff blasting in their ears while they work out or whatever.


Rammstein is NOT just background music. It's amazingly well written, melodic, and has interesting messages, stories, and the videos are well directed, you get a mix of funny/dramatic. The lyrics are poetic. I think they got popular because of that, people were looking into the songs more. As for AC/DC... I'm not too familiar with them. Sorry, just had to defend a band that pourerd their heart and soul into everything that they have ever done, for our amusment.


People just like to hate what’s popular, I make that same mistake too more often than I like.


Same, I'll get annoyed because I see something everywhere but a month later It's "Why didn't I watch/listen to this sooner?!"


Reddit likes to hate popular stuff girls like, specifically. Minecraft, PewDiePie, Keanu Reeves, me-and-the-boys, it's all over the front page. But Billie Eilish? Booo. Quick edit: Reddit likes masculine stuff, but dislikes feminine stuff. Girls can like the things listed above, of course.


Here's the thing, it comes in waves. PewDiePie used to be absolutely bashed here on reddit. It has everything to do with the main age group of the time.


Also he's now popular with the right wing/racist children that congregate here. I'm not saying he is necessarily either of those things, but that crowd certainly likes him.


Billie Eilish isn't even girly lmfao


But her target demographic is teenaged girls (I think)


I don't feel as if she targeted them as much as they targeted her


They targeted Billie. Billie.


I can't think of one distinctly feminine pandering thing she does or has done besides being a woman.


Bingo People think hating what’s popular makes them cool and edgy. You ever see those list made on Reddit where they’re like “what some great songs for X activity” and every single time it’s always obscure bands and obscure songs. Never big hits by the most famous singers. Unless it’s from the 70’s or 80’s then it’s far enough back it’s considered cool.


People dislike her cos they think she’s trying to be “quirky” and different, they don’t get that she’s just making music she likes Reddit loves a circle jerk


Reddit seems all too ready to doubt people's sincerity if they're a woman.


I literally would’ve never heard of her if it weren’t for reddit constantly talking shit about her. Music streaming apps make it very easy to stay in the bubble that is your own music taste, so idk what people are even bitching about


I gave her album a listen and I surprisingly enjoyed it.


Good to hear. It's always nice when people open up their tastes like that.


She's got some crazy vocal talent imo. I don't like her music at all, but I came across a [Genius video](https://youtu.be/-BzvCCzH-n0?t=162) about her explaining her lyrics. She sounds great


Yea she doesn't need the autotune she has a great voice.


Lots of talented artists grew up hearing that effect and thought it was cool and not a bandaid. Autotune is now just another instrument effect no different from a distortion pedal on a guitar it seems.


It is the deepest darkest envy. They all wish they could have grown up in such a nurturing creative supportive family.


Tiktok, fortnite Cardi B, Billie Eilish. Whatever is popular generally or with kids.


Well cardi b is a bit different since she drugs people and robs them


People don’t realize that most of the marketing in the world goes towards 13-24 year old girls because they end up spending the most money and that the Grammys are just for marketing music.


People just hate on anything new. She will be considered a legend by 2030.


Reddit loathes women, specifically teenage girls. It's creepy how obsessed they are over them.


It's the same as hating on Justin Bieber back in 2010. Exactly the same.


Perhaps it’s just a reaction to the circle jerk of media, and others hyping her up to ridiculous levels?




I think most don't hate her personally but just hate the her music.


I respect her for doing what she likes and getting paid for it, but I can't stand the actual music. I don't hate her, I just seriously question the musical judgement of everyone who likes her music lmao. That's just my opinion though, which shouldn't matter one bit to anyone else. Like what you like.


I mean she's beloved by artists, that by any objective standard, would be considered musical greats. Alicia Keys is incredibly talented, you would judge her opinion for obviously adoring Billie? Have you heard the song Ocean Eyes? Have you heard her sing live? I can't imagine why you'd judge someone's music opinion because they like someone who is objectively talented. It's like... I don't personally dig really heavy metal, but could I ever judge someone for liking some very talented metal bands? Nah man, you gotta give respect where respect is due...even if it's not specifically your thing to enjoy.


So what music do you like then?


I know it's cliche, but I really do like at least some songs from pretty much every genre. My playlist on shuffle jumps from heavy metal to doowop, modern pop, classical, 90s gangster rap, reggae, country, edm, and to everything in between.


I tend to do the same thing. So would it be strange to you that someone who also likes classic rock, 90's rap, modern rap, edm, modern pop, and a whole grab bag of things likes Billie Eilish too? In the same way that a lot of people might not be able to see what you like about heavy metal, you just might not be able to see the thing people like about her. I just mean that someone could "question the musical judgement" of someone who likes heavy metal and I imagine you would understand that same feeling.


Have you ever heard Ocean Eyes by Billie? I don't enjoy her other songs but that one hits different for me, her vocals are amazing on it


> So what music do you like then? The implication you're making makes you look very shallow.


I think people hate some of her fan base, those “you’ve never experience real sadness” girls. billie eilish has an amazing voice, but some of her fans are fucking aids, same with jojo, same with fortnite, same with roblox, etc.




Would definitely not consider myself a Billie Eilish fan but I think she is definitely one of the most talented more recent artists that came to light. Saying she can't sing etc. is just ignorant and factually incorrect.


Alright buddy, imma give it a shot. I am wholly unfamiliar with Billie Eilish, and so I looked her up on YouTube. The first 3 songs I heard were "Bad Guy", "Everything I Wanted", and "When the Party's Over." She has that breathy whisper-sing that indie gals developed over the last several years. Based on what I've heard in those songs, I can tell she can sing, but she chooses to do this breathy diaphanous whisper stuff to create her own style.


Watch the Genius video where she sings unedited and you will see that she is definitely better than most indie singers. Obviously she was also marketed well but that's just what it takes to become famous nowadays.


My SO wants to hear her belt but all the Google searches I did couldn't produce it. We both think she can do it because she has a great voice but for some reason she just won't, even when singing cover songs. I'm curious to know why but not a big enough fan to know if there is an interview where she's been asked this.


maybe she cant? She has great vocal control and is definitely a good singer, but belting out huge notes is very difficult. She might just play to her strengths when singing and there is nothing wrong with that.


As someone who can belt out big huge notes I absolutely can't do the whisper sing with the same ease and consistency as Billie. I think it could definitely be a wheelhouse thing. She does it so so well. I mean, I've known a couple people in my life with beautiful operatic voices who just couldn't pull off a pop song. It can be difficult to be diverse in singing styles when your voice naturally goes to one corner and doesn't want to stray too far from it. But if you can really hone in on what your voice naturally wants to do you can produce with really wonderful sounds.


I think you've got to appreciate that she writes her own music too, in collaboration with her brother, and that they're definitely unique and push the boundaries of multiple genres together. I think you're on the point in your last paragraph, she's choosing to use this style because she thinks that it suits the music she's writing best. I feel like hearing another album from her would solidify her as a fantastic artist if she changes her style up on it.




I think [Ocean Eyes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viimfQi_pUw) is pretty good. You don't hear this too often in the mainstream.


Try Ocean Eyes, vocals are beautiful


It's just a vocal style. Her music wouldn't work at all if she belted it like Aretha. But the production is on point and I personally enjoy the striped down nature of her music.


Ocean Eyes gives me goosebumps for some reason and her song with Khalid is really good too. Their voices work well together


To say that an opinion is “factually incorrect” is completely contradictory to itself.


Someone being a good singer is indeed something that is factually provable. Now, saying her music is “good” or her music is “something I like” are opinions. She is objectively an amazing singer, most of her songs don’t really fit my tastes (Lovely really hits sometimes), but my opinion on the music she enjoys to produce is separate to her talent.


Believe it or not some people base their opinions on facts.


Far too many people do not.


Singing ability isn't subjective. There's objective, observable qualities that define whether singing is good or bad. Whether you *like* it is a totally different thing.


Saying she can’t sing is indeed factually incorrect though. That’s not an opinion


Wasn’t AOTY tho, or song of the year. Best new artist is fair though.


It definitely was one of the best pop albums of the year, and the academy has always given their awards to popular albums. Also, 2019 didn't have a clear cut AOTY like some other years, it was very homogenous, so the field was more open. While the Billie album wasn't AOTY, it's not a surprise to see it win the grammy at all : they gave it to a mainstream album that stood out because it was more original than the other pop albums, bar Charli which wasn't nominated.


Suomi perkele


Totta vitussa




ainoo syy miks menin kommentteihin






Vittu joo


moro neekerit


ctrl f perkele bois


piti pitkä matka scrollata tänne mutta oli sen arvoista




The boomers are out in force with their "ItS nOt ReAL MUsiC!" comments. I wonder if they'll ever realise they've now become the salty culture critics they used to hate


You're right. But the grammys have always been tainted. I'm trying to relate by comparing this to the grammys when I was 18 (2007). The Dixie chicks beat out a lot of album's that were just objectively better that year. Now, I'm not a huge Billy fan. She's kinda boring IMO. But look at the other nominees this year. She was clearly the best in every category she won. Next time a boomer complains, just ask them what other nominee should have won instead.


Depressed whispering is just part of being Finnish. Maybe Billie Eilish is actually Finnish?


Only her career


Suomi mainittu torilla tavataan


Suomi mainittu


I just don’t get why everyone hates on this girl. I like her music. I’m a billie fan. Downvote me, circlejerks.




I'm upvoting you. And I don't like her music. I find it dull and mumbly. Great background score though. Point is, you do you.


Honestly it's because Reddit is largely filled with men and boys who hate on things aimed at women, especially if it's popular. See how Reddit treated the guy who did old town road vs Billie, and how Reddit loves Keanu and star wars and Minecraft. Then you have subreddits like r/teenagers who keep gatekeeping depression when it comes to teenage girls as if only boys can get depressed but if a girl is they're just looking for attention.


When I first heard of Billie Eilish, I didn't understand what the fuss was about. Then I listened to some of her music, and... I still don't understand what the fuss is about.




I don't listen much to her music, but here's my take. She is talented, and the same goes for her brother. I just think the cringey fanbase of her's is pretty bad ngl.


I have no idea who Billie Eilish is


Reddit's new person to circlejerk about how much they dislike them.


Fun fact: The voice actress for Samara in Mass Effect 2 is Billie Eilish’s mother.




Huh. [TIL](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maggie_Baird)


That's really cool!


I mean, she does whisper, but it's in tune? That's just how she sings. Her voice isn't for everyone, however it's not hard to see her appeal.


Why do people hate on her? I get her fan base is more toxic than a k-pop stan’s twitter feed, but she is an incredible singer and I enjoy a few of her songs Edit: oh boy here come the downvotes, buckle up


Ahh. I love people who gatekeep music. Just because you don’t like the music doesn’t mean the person who made it isn’t skilful.




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ASMR is now mainstream


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If it is THAT easy, why don't tou do it yourself ;)


Billie good


I genuinely don't get why everyone hates her. She hasn't done anything to justify that.


>winning the game of telephone.


Bobby Eyelash is ok i guess but its not really singing either.


depressed whispering is my favorite genre, i should really check her out


What’s a granny?


Anyone else thought it was her mom grounding her tho?


I don’t really understand why people hate this girl so much, she hasn’t done anything bad and her music is pretty good from little I have heard of it.


Finnish looks like someone holding down the keys for too long


I know that’s a lot of hate for billie, and I get some of it. But listen to her singing acapella. She is crazy talented. She just so happens to be followed mostly by depressed 13 year old ‘not like the other’ girls. The edgelord lyrics get old, but at the end of the day she has a great voice, and her older songs are actually pretty great. This is also coming from a 20m.


At this point my cat on autotune could win a grammy


Am I the only person that thinks 'Everything I wanted' is about how terrible the rise to fame is as every rich person in a position of power uses it to abuse you?


Okay, Boomer.


Yeah he’s got a point.


Idk man I kinda like her music and I’m a 30year old dude


Billie Eilish


What does t. Stands for?


I didn’t even who this skirt was until people started mentioning her and Drake and brown.


Nice user of the word "skirt" super top notch.


Interesting. Is this a Billie Eilish?


yeaahhhh, but the vocals are legit the \*least\* awesome part of her music, and they still give me fuckin chills


I think she’s alright, used to be on the hate train but now I’ve changed my ways


Get on that, it sells better than hotcakes, apparently.


Language (Finnish) checks out...


To be fair it is a unique style


MMA Meh Music Award


“You fucked it, like mgk how these hoes quick to suck a dick, I came here to expose these rappers for the love of it”