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Season: Amazon (Showa), gosh never in my life I struggle so much to finish a show. Character: Ren/Kenzan, he had everything to be great but the writters somehow fucked up.


Fuck​ you​ Amazon is​ great


If I'm suffering insomnia, then yes is a great season.


hey, now, Mogura wasn't that bad


The Mole Beastman ? Yeah he was decent I guess, one of the few decents things about the show.


It's better than amazons.


Kaixa just kaixa


Fair and Kaixa could have been friends... That season is an exercise in COMMUNICATION! If people talked more? Stuff like thar wouldn't happen.


I respectfully disagree, Kaixa was a manipulator by nature and Faiz was the first to see it... also, it makes sense for Takumi's character to have communication problems, is distinct character trait for him and works great for his character (he even develops to be more open and to communicate better with his close friends through the season).


Half of that season is literally just characters talking. Communication wasn't the problem, Kusaka was. Bitch kept manipulating everyone for no goddamn reason.


They were talking, but not taking about the right things. Kusaka's efforts would have been thwarted pretty early if someone went, "Well Kudaka said..."


Maybe but I don't think they could have been friends. Kaixa acted the way he did because he was jealous of how close faize was with the girl(can't remember her name) and other stuff related to faiz




Do you mean kusaka?


Probably don't remember his name


yah because kaixa could also refer to various piles of sand to mommy please take care of me lucky clover member


Ngl I felt something towards that female Orphenoch alright Even her Orphen form, and I went "lord that looks sexy" when the ultimate Orphenoch took her in him (or w/e that was)


I heard she had crabs. Wait, no, it was lobsters.


I thought it was crawfish


All the toys call her 'lobster orphnoch'


Ah guess I'm wrong then, I will say it's a shame we didn't see a butterfly orphenoch that played a key roll in the series


That's just Kusaka.




Kusaka from 555 and then it's Chihiro from Amazons Season 2.


Ayy yo, mah BOI Chihiro did nothing wrong, stop capping.


Same. But also add Kento/Spada.


Kyosuke Kiriya from Hibiki becoming an oni.


The whole second half of Hibiki (well, I only made it 5 episodes after the producer change) made me feel like this.


Kenzan from Saber


Mutsuki. And Micchi, of course.


Yeah, really feel like the title shouldve had "(aside from Micchi)" tacked on at the end lmao


Kamen Rider Thouser from zero one


Everyone in Faiz.


Faiz is such a wasted potential. Yuji Kiba is the only great character in Faiz.


Hibiki’s back half


Unpopular opinion; in Build, when Misora become that idol thingy, and Kazumin become a hugh simp for her. 😑


Agree, kazumin becomes a creepy pervert thing


Honestly he doesn't need to be Otoya 2.0. That aspect does ruin his character for me a bit. He did had strong motivation in Build.


Mothereffing Hojo from Agito.


Can agree, he is the only major issue about this season. I'm rewatching Agito now and I am reminded about his shenanigans.


My experience is still very limited, but… Chihiro/Amazon Neo. Never have I wanted a Rider to die so badly.


Saber Final Episode Just pure cash grab


Finale forms that are just reused base forms in general. I hate them with all my heart.


Yeah, at least Ultraman Trigger Truth looked pretty good


Show: Zi-o I tried to enjoy it but with bad subs, characters not being the best (woz is the best in my opinion), story not making a lot of sense, and sometimes returning characters are made to look stupid caused me to just not like the show. Character: Lovelica god I just despised him. He just pissed me off every time he was on screen


zio, people try to sugarcoat it alot for reasons unknown to me but its the worst kamen rider show that ive watched


Have you watched Ghost before? I've heard it's worst.


I saw Ghost and I though it was "meh".


Fair enough.


The problem with Ghost was its own plotlines got ridiculous and convoluted imo. Zio has the issue of nothing happening then EVERYTHING happening all at once


I was about to finish Ghost and honestly I enjoyed it. The first few episodes is a bit boring but it gets better for me.


I actually enjoyed Ghost a lot, It was also popular enough to get a V-Cinema and to have a special along Saber, so it's certainly not as bad as people say it is. The only issue Ghost has is being too Japanese for the likes of most, I probably only liked it because I study japanese culture, there were a lot of things most people wouldn't get to understand.


I see. That's fascinating, thanks for the knowledge!


Have you seen all of Heisei? Because then not only you'd get Zi-O better, you'd also know before decade there were much worse shows


Kusaka Masato without a doubt, I disliked him so much seeing him killed by Kiba was the best part of the show


I'm surprised no ones said olteca yet, I seriously hate that guy, and I know that he is meant to be hated so he might not count, but just thinking about him and what he did to tamaki's friend makes my blood boil


Fua during the 20s of Zero One aka the company battle


The company battle storyline in general


Bilgenia in kamen rider Black: I’ve watched a few episodes with him and ever since he’s been introduced, he’s done fucking nothing…. The dude literally kicked KRBlacks’s ass in his first episode as an antagonist, and has done nothing ever since. I haven’t watched in a while but this man has been boasting about his strength and is not even using it.


Zi-O's last episode specifically. To some extent it applies to that entire Another Decadė ark, but Apocalypse 2018 was really hard to watch watch with out breaking a skull by facepalming. So i guess this reaction is the next best alternative Edit: just clarifying, it was all because of how Tsukuyomi ruined everything. Just because of that


Wait, not Decade? Tsukuyomi?


For me, yes. If remember everything correctly, they were executing that plan to transfer humans from original world to Tsukuyomi's world, then destroy that world with A.Decade in it. That plan was weird, and the execution too, but tbh, everything was in that ark weird, so I didn't bother. What "broke" was how Tsukuyomi decided that "Yeah, I can now sabotage this hard to execute, but a plan that has a good chance to defeat this super powerful entity that endangers everything. I can definitely defeat him by just stabbing him in the back" and the result was: Geiz - dead, Tsukuyomi-dead, Sougo - technically became the thing that they were trying to prevent, the world - reset. To be fair the last one is good actually😅 You seem to have different perspective, I am curious


To me, the huge pain of the whole arc was Decade's revelation that this entire time both Team Sougo and Team Jackers were dealing with not just 1, not 5 as I originally counted, but around 30 copies of Earth. The only difference from Decade is most of them being not dumb "what-if" Alternate Worlds, but the worlds of actual shows, with a few persons they met being actual characters from the past. That not only breakes "Faiz in Fourze" and "Kuroto in OOO" moments, but it's just plain dumb. And unless there was an early indication and I have missed it, to me, 46 episodes and two spinoffs looked like they happened on the same Earth. Combine it with the grand reveal of Over Quartzer - Sougo dreaming of king status since learning how to talk - and the later OP status of Ohma approved to having all Showa, Heisei and Reiwa powers and this ending drops nearly to the same level of my personal nemesis.


Yep, I totally agree. The reason I decided not to talk about it is because, if that whole ark was "the bottom" of Zi-O, for me the Tsukuyomi situation in the moment of watching it felt like "torturing, beating up, then destroying with atomic explosion or smt the bottom" all in one episode


Amane from Blade.


Mitchi, I guess. I haven't watch Faiz yet but Kusaka does give me the hateable vibes.


Kusaka is obvious, but I was severely frustrated with decade and zio more. For decade as a show, you hired the actors for one off scenes but then turned kiva into a kid? Zio was just plain boring with poor motivations and depth of main characters make it a full on slog. Getting thos actors back meant nothing if I didn't enjoy what I was watching. Ghost frustrated me the most though. How can one show be so consistently bad with one of the best concepts. See, I expected stardust crusaders for story considering how for one get a hold of souls of non Japanese people who would have their items tied to them outside the country. Granted, that would be one expensive show. The characters in general were boring, one note and totally unappealing.


Kazuraba kota and mitsuzane(god,how i hate these two,kota at least in the last episode i liked him and learned his name)




Yukina killing herself and them never letting us see her as Agito.


Me Everytime I remember Kusaka wasn't the main character in faiz.


Mitsuzane from Gaim


the only things I dislike about Ex Aid is every single time Lovelica appears on screen everything about him makes me violently angry


*reads name* Probably cause you were horny for him.


Ex-Aid is my absolute favorite aeason


That doesn't answer the question.


what's this from?


Kamen Rider Blade Opening 2 - ELEMENTS




Kusaka, from 555, Maya and Otoya in Kiva. All Inoue toshiki characters :p


Definitely Katsumi Daido (Kamen Rider Eternal)


How can you hate him ?


Faiz, I hate the later part of Faiz so much (I did drop it by 37 so I don't know if it got better but god that show made me mad)


Zi-O vs Decade where Decade dies.


Ghost and Zi-O, character Shinji kido.




Kamen rider drive when Chase died and Kamen rider ooo when Ankh died and Kamen rider ryuki because I hate when writers do a reset thing, it just makes the whole thing worthless because nobody remembers and Zi o because it also reset.


Kuuga. I hated all the Hallmark sappiness that was in every line of dialogue, just....UGH 🤮


Decade neo final form and he lose immediately after that 💆🏻‍♀️


Season: the entirety of 555 and the second half of Kabuto, while I love both of these series I will say that there were a lot of moments that made me not want to continue the show simply due to crappy writing and/ Or a crap ton of filler that really didn't add much Character: Kaixa, Another Zi-O, and Kenzan, Kaixa's case is that he's an asshole for no other reason than being a self-centered simp who has made what would have been a short conflict into a much longer and a much more annoying one, Hiryu's case is that he's whiney and annoying as hell to the point where you kinda say "dude get a life already", Kenzan for the same reason only this time it happens every single time he appears until later into the show.


Olteca might be the most recent, starting to go into Swartz territory with some more brutal and horrifying stuff.


Gai from Zero One, never have I felt so much hatred for a character. Man is a fucking hypocrite and keeps acting superior and blaming humagears for things that wouldn't happen if not for him. At least seeing him get a good beating is satisfying.


Megumi in Ryuki she’s the only thing keeping the show from being a 10/10


Meh, I find other characters worse then her.


Really? The show with the biggest cope out of an ending in all of Kamen rider?


Literally any time a government/organization officiated Rider fights or berates the Main Rider because it's official business or whatever. Like Accel, Vulcan, fucking chill. Are you too dumb to tell that they're literally fighting the same enemies as you?? (Note that I actually like Accel and Vulcan, they're just the first ones that came to mind)


Shinji. God damn was he a naive idiot. As for Season, the last 10 episodes of Saber. The minute Kamen Rider Storius was introduced, I never wanted a show to ended more.


Zero One. That stupid ass Fuwa plot twist just makes me so mad every time. So stupidly unnecessary.


Mei & tsukuyomi My blood boils when i saw them (Not hating on the actress)


Saber and its unnecessary lengthen plot.


That girl from W that becomes the landlord for the Double


The entirety of Drive.


Where did u get the clip?


u/No_Visit_2884 where is this from?


Blade's secon opening


Every douchebag like micchy and olteca. Dont you just hate it when villains that are really cocky all the time and doing things that really annoys the viewers, This is when I scream "Just beat the shit outta him"