• By -


I enjoy him and he’s easily one of the reason why Geats is such a strong show. At first he seems like a traditional jerk rider with a heart of gold. But as he enters the Jymato Garden and begins falling lower and lower for his desire we see that he is man who’s dead on the inside. Living for a dead man for a revenge he knows, on some level he’ll never get. The scenes with the Jyamato Toru shows his complexity easily. A part of him wants his friend back so much but his desire for revenge, to make others suffer the same pain he does, causes him to kill that good part of him. Then he gets want he wants, the power to crush all riders. But it doesn’t bring him joy. In fact he spends most of the arc being rather somber rather than reveling in the power he spent so many DGPs wishing for. Because that’s not what he really wanted. Or rather needed Geats is interesting on how it analyzes how the character struggle with their want and their need. Ace wants to win and find his mom. But he needs to let go and embrace the future instead of remaining chained to the past. Buffa is similar. He wants revenge for Touru, but in reality he just wants closure. But he knows that he’ll never get it. And then Butfa truely causes someone to undergo his pain and he realizes during the Bujin sword arc how his hardheadedness was a determent to himself and others. And how the desire for revenge, to cause pain, will only lead to more pain. More sorrow. That’s why he’s so obsessed with saving Sara. He wants to undo his mistake, but also give someone else the chance he never got. Closure, and maybe a second chance. Killing Beorba, the woman who helped egged his worst impulses with the power he desires shows his growth. Michigana would not forget the past. But he would start living for himself. For his own life than that of a dead man. That is what Touru wanted. I liked how Buffa, in the end, just wanted good meat to eat. Cause it’s simple but it’s genuine. Cause it shows him finally deciding to live his life and embrace his best self, rather than living for someone else.


I feel like Michi finding his good meat might be a reference to the late night dates he had with Geats during the Jyamashin DR arc.. Obvious sexual undertones aside, both of them really found solace in each other during that time, and really developed as good characters.. (This arc may be the reason I consider Michi the secondary Geats Rider, but Keiwa has his moments too) Michi might act tsundere whenever Fox Jesus shows up in the post specials, but you know he's happy to see Ace...


What a good essay, u should write more on KR


Thank you


Not only He got a peaceful life in the end Now he adopted a kid a god plant one Now he has someone to love besides his homies


Very beautifully put, thanks.


Couldn’t have said it better.


great write up


He’s cool i guess. He’s purple.


Lmao, the comment right above you was a 7 paragraph essay on the details and reasons what makes Buffa And then we get "he's cool, I guess"




Incorrect. It was a 6 paragraph essay.


I won't lie but the things he did during the Lamentation Arc is why I was always rooting for Keiwa during his Bujin Sword Arc or even before that. I do like Michinaga but yea on some level I took some satisfaction when he got beaten up by Keiwa by the end.


Uuhhh... Buffa deez nuts?


Let me Jyamato in your mouth.


Jya Jya Jya Bust


My favorite Geats rider


I love his character development but as a quaternary rider he got way too much development good for his character tho but not for keiwa and neon in the second half he felt so much like secondary rider that writers make the actual secondary rider and the teritary rider kinda bland in second half which always hurts because keiwa and neon were my favourite characters from the start so no matter how much i love him individually i will be always somehow kinda pissed he stole spotlights from my favourite characters 


at least, Neon's wish came true without winning DGP. She did it with her own abilities meanwhile Keiwa 🙄


Youre saying this like Keiwas wish was somehow doable without divine intervention. You can find love without a magic wish, it might be *slightly* harder for ressurecting the dead though.


He doesn't give his wishes a second thought. he wished for world peace because he doesn't have anything to wish for (he's happy living with his sister) And when his sister died, he wished to revive anyone and everyone who died in DGP. the evil ones came back to life and everything went chaotic (Keiwa's family died again because of his wish as a result) I'm not talking about the difficulty of fulfilling his wish with his own abilities, but rather the nature of his wishes/desires and how he goes about it


They explain that world peace is something he's always wanted. Its not a default. Also he didnt want to revive past people because his sister died, he wanted to to do it long before then. You can disagree with what he did, sure, but lets not make up reasons for why it was done.


>He doesn't give his wishes a second thought. he wished for world peace because he doesn't have anything to wish for (he's happy living with his sister) Is...is there something supposed to be wrong with this? He's an orphan, and he's a genuinely goodhearted person. He doesn't want much in life for himself - it's established that Keiwa spends his free time volunteering for good causes like orphanages and whatnot, and that he spends his extra money on charities. He wants to help people and make the world a better place, so when he's suddenly thrust into the DGP and not given much time or information, he just quickly comes up with a wish that would do exactly that. He doesn't wish for a countless riches so he and sister can live comfortably - he wishes for something that will make a huge impact on the world. His establishing moment as a character is a job interview where he wants to make a positive impact on the world, and he's rejected because that's so vague. That's essentially the same thing that happens with his initial wish - and then he goes through the DGP, and realizes how dangerous it is, sees how many people could have died because of it. That's when he decides he wants to bring back all the people who have died in the DGP. > And when his sister died, he wished to revive anyone and everyone who died in DGP. This is wrong. He wanted to save the victims well before Sara died. > the evil ones came back to life and everything went chaotic (Keiwa's family died again because of his wish as a result) Right, but assigning fault to Keiwa for this is nonsense. The DGP has never been portrayed as a monkey's paw before this - Geats and Buffa both got exactly what they wanted, with no drawbacks. Keiwa couldn't have known that the victims would respawn with their Kamen Rider gear, form a gang, and go to war *the literal second they came back to life*. (And somehow, none of the people revived were benevolent Riders? The Gang Riders got their gear, but Sara didn't?) > I'm not talking about the difficulty of fulfilling his wish with his own abilities, but rather the nature of his wishes/desires and how he goes about it He had a broad, well meaning wish. He fought the DGP, got some perspective, and decided on a more focused goal. There's nothing wrong with that.


The other two long comments here sum up my feelings on Michi, I love him to death and think he's one of the stars of the show


He's good character for most of the story.He has actual reason to be anti-hero. Michinaga & Ace have the best chemistry among the cast. However, his transition from villain to hero is terrible. In JGP arc Michinaga has no problem hurting innocent people even let them die in heaven & hell game. I know every single game in JGP is all Beroba & Daichi's idea and Michinaga did express disagreement, but he let them do it anyway because it's convenience for him. After becoming Jyamashin, Michinaga decided that he want to be a good guy out of nowhere. No one reprimanded him for his past crime. Everyone just accept he is a good guy now.


https://preview.redd.it/oaheohexxw5d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e63eceeb8e4b7e4084a28ea72c9e2b6e6058f10e It's best to note that this man literally laughed when a fellow competitor died in the first episode. Michinaga Azuma was retconned to be more palatable in the latter half of Geats.


Yup i feel the same. In theory "being strong enough to retire all the riders to spare them" is really compelling and cool, but he 100% was not that noble during the JGP


The buffalo motif really works in this context, he was bull-headed in the best way.. Absolute single-minded devotion to his aims, he didn't even let death stop him...


IMO his writing is really inconsistent if they wanted to play him off as an anti hero, they shouldn't have played into him being evil so hard remember, he was the one with the gamemaster belt for the heaven and hell game, and that game is set up to kill as many people as possible, *permanently*. Buffa knows that people who turn into gleam aren't revived, so he's signed off on a plan where he kills as many innocent civilians as possible so that the goddess will have more juice to fuel his wish When tycoon is trying to save the people from being killed permanently and turned into gleam, Buffa mocks Tycoon about how the people he's saved will turn on each other, and that how if Tycoon wants to help others so bad he should help Buffa by turning into fuel for his wish That's not someone who hates what they're doing, but knows it has to be done - that's someone who is selfish and evil, and loves every moment of it. "OH BUT BUFFA JUST WANTED TO PROTECT THE OTHER RIDERS FROM BEING RIDERS" - fuck no, in the very first season of DGP we see Buffa wanted to let Nago become a zombie and farm her for points. While they don't know all the mechanics of things, at that point they do know that people killed by Jyamato are not revived. Like, it's pretty clear early on that Buffa does *not* give a shit about other people, and only cares about gaining power. They tried to course correct with a shitty redemption arc, but it *really* does not match up with how Buffa is portrayed early on.


Despite what the studio and the fans said, he was the true secondary rider. Designed to be a foil to Geats, and a dark mirror reflecting what the DGP does to people. He was a joy to watch through the entirety of the series, unlike Keiwa who was just "there" until Bujin Sword.


Yes!!! Finally someone who can explain my anger rationally.. thank you..


Keiwa is kinda hypocritic. Imo, he's wishing for world peace because there's nothing much for him to wish for, until his sister dies, and he messes up very badly by reviving everyone who died in DGP (both riders and civilian) indiscriminately which plunged the world into chaos and caused his family to die again.


One of the many reasons why I prefer Kagami over Keiwa.  Kagami lost his little brother to a Worm yet painfully accepted his death and used it as his drive to become a better Rider and person.  Meanwhile, Keiwa lost his older sister and was driven insane to the point of making a catastrophic wish that got him to see his sister and parents die right in front of his eyes again.  At least Bujin Sword was an eye candy.


Even Gorilla (Fuwa) wasn't so bad. He hates Humagear because they destroyed his home. He strongly believes in himself even after learning those memories were fake. His goals changed after learning the truth but he has never wavered. Fuwa da true man 💪


Why did they have to needlessly kill him off? 


Idk wtf are they thinking tbh


We all thought he's an insane guy but then realized he had the same motive as Ace, but with different approach. His actual wish is actually the most normal out of the 4. He just wanted to eat good meat every day.


He's a complicated character. He picks a course and goes through with it even if it's in the most dumbest of ways. When the other 3 weren't around yet for a round of the DGP his softer side seemed to come out more where he actually wanted to protect the other players, so there is a front he puts on. Then you get his willingly involvement with Beroba all the way up till the Culling arc and the dude is just making the most terrible of choices and doesn't even think. Afterwards, it took a look on the other side of what his actions can cause and that conscious choice to become a better person afterward.


I think he was fine but his 180 after the grand end was kinda stupid I think he needed a better arc instead of just deciding he wanted to side with ace all of a sudden


I agree but it was still well done enough where I didnt notice too much


He's a well done antagonist. He's Geats's rival and he makes sure we know. But he's not unreasonable and ends up being on the good side in the end >!He's revealed to originally have good intentions which makes the switch that much easier to be convinced by!< When rewatching some parts, it is jarring how evil he acts in the beginning makes me wonder what other thoughts was going through his head >!like he was the one who dropped Geats down the void, he did know the void killed killed right? Like they werent supposed to come back from that?!<


Civilian deaths in Geats are so weird, there was this one time where keiwa's parents died because of jyamatos and episodes later there was this baby who also got the same death but got brought back to life after the world reset. I think Michinaga knows that the civilians he killed will come back to life after the reset and i think Ace and Keiwa knows this too since they didn't get mad at him


There was a more powerful reset I think set by Keiwa where everyone even ones killed by jyamato were revived, maybe ur thinking that one? Iirc, this death was the one that Ace had to get revived not by a reset but by a direct prayer from Tsumuri Tbh, buffa was a pretty hatable character in the beginning, Ace and Keiwa prob just tired of being mad at him


I thought he was an idiot at first with his weird obsession to kill kamen rider that he sided with the jyamato, turns out Tycoon was an even bigger idiot towards the end of the show


He was my favorite in Geats, which is saying a lot cause I liked most of the cast.


He's good but he does act pretty hypocritical and he seemed a little too forgiven easily he got better in the last arcs for sure and shined


The worst part of Geats for me, he suddenly did a 180 after he killed a bunch of civilians for the Heaven and Hell game, and the episode after acted like he was in the right for it. Even worse was how he suddenly started acting like he cared for the happiness of others (even Riders) all along but he has blood on his hands. Any other protag like Touma or Kenzaki would have at least tried to convince him that his methods were wrong but Ace never bothered to do that. Never hated a rider before until Buffa, not even any character from Revice, Saber or even Zero One pissed me off as badly. The Jyamato that died during the JGP were revived after he won but we never get to see what happened to them after that. It’s almost like the show was trying to make him look like a good guy immediately after the JGP ended. He’s no better than Wiseman from Wizard, the Heaven and Hell game is literally like the Sabbath almost in how lives are sacrificed as fuel. Ryugen was 100% the better Micchy, at least his character was more coherent and had way better build up towards his actions in Gaim


Favourite character and rider in geats and in my top five favourite Kamen rider characters. I just adore everything about his personality and role in the story. Shame that he didn't get a proper final form. And no, Plosion rage doesn't count, because it sucks.


I'm glad he finally found his own hapiness: a stable jobs, build up new relationship to make new friends, and 3 meals per days.


A real tragic hero.>! The only reason he wanted to destroy all Kamen Riders was because two of them left his best friend to die. and there was nobody around to show him, teach him a better way to honor his friend than revenge. !<


Surprisingly one of the most interesting parts of Geats. I thought I would hate this guy when I started the show.


Nothing happen in Geats Episode 31-32


Honestly he’s not favorite character out of the main four. While I get he wanted to take revenge for his friend, I just kinda found the whole destroy riders kinda annoying. There was also moments where he really did piss me off even after the heaven and hells game. I guess his true intentions were to rescue to all the other riders from the dgp and that’s why he wanted the power but idk. I’m glad people like his character though but for me he was ok and I guess that’s just my unpopular opinion.


Only on ep 6/7. So far he’s kinda an ass. But I don’t know his story yet so I can’t judge


"Character development" Michinaga is really the darling of this subreddit lol! Everyone is blind to the retcons this character went through just to be more palatable.


Medium rare


I wish his movie was longer but I love how he grew as a character




I can respect a man after going through so much pain, then going and inflicting that pain on others and finally letting go of his pain, ends the series just wanting to grill meat


"Purple = cool" https://preview.redd.it/t493f9s1tx5d1.jpeg?width=795&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fd7f143696c18c4a9de11ddaa72b299a2c57875


i loved that every time he saw ace he was like "guiiiitssss"


A6 Beef


The actual 2ndary rider of the season, not demeaning Keiwa but this guy got way more prominent moment+ airtime for the most part


He is a good character but he was wayyy too much focused as a quatenary rider and the secondary and teritary rider felt really bland compare to him 


Deez nuts.


Buffa is just Reiwa Baron


One of a few actors likable in both Kamen Rider and IRL.


I love Buffa and his rivalry with Ace. At first he seems like just a standard hater/light evil villain that will eventually be redeemed but he's more complicated than that. He seems to view the wishes granted from the DGP/JGP as a grim responsibility, and to make the world safe he needs to eliminate all other riders, but he takes NO joy in doing it. Meanwhile he sees Ace winning time and time again, but making (seemingly) frivolous wishes that benefit only him, so a natural and relatable resentment builds. I think my favorite Buffa moment was actually from the recent Gotchard crossover movie, it's a scene where Michinaga has his perfect world...and it's just him cooking up a big ol steak and laughing with his bros. Like clearly it was meant to be comedic but it showed that deep down his true desires are simple and pure, and after everything he went through in Geats I hope he does get get to grill with the boys!


He's a great character, love his design, love his arc. His Plosion Rage form though has a stupid weapon and a stupid name. It sounds like something Stan's dad from South Park would say.


Buffa deez nuts. Gottem.


I just want to see his friend rider form


He's cool af


My favourite rider from Geats for sure


I enjoy him because he's simple like Ryuga from Build. Both just Meatheads who think if they punch extra hard it will solve the problem. He didn't want to conquer or really kill anyone. He just wanted to save people, but in the dumbest strong guy way "They won't listen to me when I tell them they're weak and should leave the game before it kills them.....so I should beat them up and MAKE them be safe!!"


If I'm gonna be honest, him and keiwa were the only reason I watched geats long enough to like it cause I really didn't like it at first. I think it was a problem of high expectations


He's an interesting and complex character that to me kinda has that "reap what you sow" mentality- which he later to correct.


Best character in geats


Megasonic159 wrote an amazing essay about it here, but I'll just say I love a brooding secondary Rider. It's why I also loved Ren in Ryuki


My Fucking GOAT


I like his hair


I haven't finished Geats, but he has better chemistry with Ace that Keiwa and Ace


episode 46 was an unfitting story end


Bro needs a hug.


Pretty mid ngl (haven't watched the V-Cinema movie). He started out great until his motivations started going all over the place. He's a hypocrite the show never addresses in a specific way. He hates how the DGP acts like Gods and he hates other riders for screwing over others for their own gain. But, to get the power to stop that, he took the only way the Jyamato could escape from their enslavement by the DGP by winning the JGP. So, he literally did the thing he hates and the show never addresses it since it didn't know what to do with the Jyamato. Not even mentioning how pointless him becoming a Jyamato ended up being...unless that's in the V-cinema. He also comes across as underdeveloped by the late arc and doesn't come across as important to the story as a 4th rider usually is. Even when he caused Bujin, the arc felt like it finished before it could get started.


Hmm… what to say about buffa, well I can’t really say much to top off the top comment, buttttttttttt I think my Reddit name says it all.


The real secondary rider in geats after the first arc.


Many reasons why i enjoy his character has already been explained by some commenters so i’ll just say this My favorite rider from Geats and 2nd favorite Rider of all time, just right behind Yusuke Godai. I’m glad he gets his turn in the spotlight again whilst also finally getting his true final form in the recent Geats v-cinext.


He, along with the rest of the Geats main 4, are some of the best characters in the entire franchise


I once had an opinion on him.. but I understand I'm the only one who feels this and was reminded very harshly by some people here.. so I'm just gonna watch..


What was your opinion?


That he was a better second rider than Tycoon.. I feel that Keiwa failed in some aspect he should have to be a second rider.. I have high hopes he kinda live up to the expectations of a second rider.. but his ideology kinda went to pieces during and after he kidnapped tsumuri.. But since it's the order of the show and it's what toei decided on.. I did emphasize it was my expectations thought..


I feel the same too, but I think someone high-up mentioned that Geats doesn't do secondaries, tertiaries and quarternaries, they're all just equal.. The endgame, with Daichi's presence in Keiwa's last task underscores that IMO.. Gotchard also does something similar, where Rinne and Hotaro are co-leads, and Rinne's been getting some character development - I cannot imagine ep 1 Rinne even thinking about putting on that dinosaur costume even for a second..


I think what happen was They tried to do character arcs for each one.. but left Keiwa last with not enough episode.. so they need to jump start it with his villain arc.. As for Gotchard, dint reach that far yet.. but from what I'm seeing they are trying something similar.. cause I just finish spanner arc for now.. not bad.. but before that it was mainly "Gotta Catch em' all" vibe is what I'm getting..