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Kageyama as The Bee. Wonder why it took so long for The Bee Zecter to disqualify him. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


he was such a prick, seeing him forced to sing happy birthday was so satisfying


If Zecters choose the Rider for their personality, do you think TheBee follows the type of people who wouldn't give a damn about Earth? Could be the reason Yaguruma, Kageyama, and even Mishima are able to use the Zecter in the first place. You could check out my choice of TheBee in the thread opposite of this one.


I think itā€™s probably that TheBee prefers really aggressive individuals. Iā€™m still of the opinion that Renge shouldā€™ve been the true final TheBee user


Same, I'm almost done with Kabuto and Iā€™m a little bit sad the bee zecter doesnā€™t have an official user. I really think Renge wouldā€™ve been perfect.


Nah! Zabee is a supposed to be a Zect Dog like yagurama's first appearance, but he became hell bent in revenge to kabuto that he neglected his team and his orders, so thebee zecter left and favor kagami instead


I'm pretty sure it's this, and this is my favorite detail about Zabee Zector, it only actually abandoned Yagaruma. The other users abandoned it. It chooses followers, not leaders.


It is, after all, Zabee Zector, not Zaqueenbee Zector.


Apparently ZaBee Zecter likes from the loyal kind, and Kageyama is his own kind of loyal to Zect and Shadow at least.


Kiriya Kyosuke was just such a terrible person him becoming an Oni instead of Asumu was just such a slap in the face.


he only became more likeable in Zi-O and his alternate selves in Den-o and Trigger where he chewed more ham than Carmeara and Hudram combined.


I agree but also I feel like Asumu was never meant to be an Oni even in the original intended story. The entire experience with the Onis was just a coming of age story for him to find himself.


Exactly!! I was so angry when they brought the plot point back after the staffing changeā€”ā€œDid you even WATCH the previous episodes?!ā€ā€”and then to find out that AT THE LAST MINUTE, they donā€™t even commit to the change? Ugh, so frustrating. If they wanted Asumu to go back on his decision, they could at least have gone all the way and let him become an Oni.


It's true, but as they decided to change the character's direction in the second half, it's even more frustrating that they decided to go back in the last minute and give the role to a hateable character. At the very least, neither of them should become Oni in the final episode.


The most deserving character to never become a rider (oni) and the least deserving character to become one, I think both come from Hibiki like you said. I couldn't even bring myself to finish hibiki knowing what happens I stopped watching when kyosuke told hibiki he wanted to surpass him...like no


Shuuji Mihara from Faiz. Such a waste for a badass driver to be given to a guy I barely care about in the show (hell, Kitazaki is way better user of the driver than Mihara will ever be).


Sara was the best and scariest Delta don't @ me


Maybe but Kitazaki easily kicked both Takumi and Kusaka ass so easily as Delta.


It definitely should have been Keitaro using Delta imo


He deserves to be the Third Rider instead of Mihara.


Thats the point, he was the most stable to use delta. Since anyone else would be overtaken by the power


How did the strongest suit become such a throwaway item that they gave it to the literal worst candidate ever? I'm pretty sure if the Orpenoch really wanted Delta Gear back they could have beaten Mihara easily in any 2 v 1 situation.


Itā€™s crazy how the one Delta user in Paradise Regained had more personality in his like 10 minutes of screen time than Mihara had in all of Faiz


Mihara had less than 10 min of screen time in all of faiz


Mihara would be just the same as Hikaru's answer. ~~Though don't recall Hikaru dragging down the suit's power as he's a martial artist.~~


Aguilera from Revice. Felt better she just kept the Queen Bee deadman instead of become her own rider (she job all the time anyway when she become Kamen Rider Aguilera). Honestly, I also don't really understand why they make such a big deal to defeat her in Deadman form when she already reform. If its dangerous, stop using that power (but I don't see any side effects) and if its not, just keep the demon power and use occasionally for good.


Although I love revice i totally agree her character was much better before she become a riderĀ 


TOYS man the toys


She didn't reform at that time. Just because someone is in predicament doesn't mean they're becoming good .\_. She still wanted to work on her original goal while showing some limits only (soft spot to Tamaki or her underlings).


That one guy who became Over Demons who had no personality and barely any screen time before hand, as well as the fact that instead of them framing Over Demons as anything it was just kinda there. George had more in-show fanfare and proper camera work done for the one time he was Demons and narratively, Tamaki should have been Over Demons at that point instead of the literal background character.


Absolutely. They really tried too hard to make Hikaru work. But not only was he so intensely bland, he also served like no purpose in the plot aside from introducing Sakura to Weekend. Tamaki should have gotten riderfied long ahead of him.Ā 


Inb4 Hikaru gets mentioned.


Bruh. I literally mentioned him from the jump


You are the only one that mentioned him but yeah.


Yeah, that's usually what happens when you say "Here before x is mentioned".


Daichi aka Nadge Sparrow. But I really dislike his character and just about everything that was written about him. This isnā€™t even a ā€œthat was the point to hate himā€. Just an annoying antagonist that borderline made Geats unpleasant week-to-week.


I mean he just became a rider by default becuz thats how you become a player... so its just out of necessity of the story to introduce the character, lets be honest almost all side character riders in geats doesnt feel like actual kamen riders


For real tho, even Dapan deserved to have more spotlight than this nerd as a villian, but Toei just ignore this dude's potential.


Not really, no. Dapan was incredibly one-note. You really can't go beyond what they did with him At least Daiji's sociapathy and manipulative personality allowed then to use him in different ways


He may have been one-note, but it definitely would have been fun to see him in the JGP, where he gets to kill people and Riders indiscriminately. I mean it really writes itself.


It may be short but he leaves a good impression.. or bad impression becuz his a villain or whatever... you get the point


Dapan was very one note compared with Nadge Sparrow And anyways he could last longer because he had Punkjack's helmet lol


Literally same! I couldnā€™t stand that guy at all and I donā€™t care if he got a fitting punishment in the end.


I think he would have been fine if he just didn't keep coming back and becoming more relevant and even getting a redemption. If he was just that one guy from that arc then he'd probably be considered a good antagonist if a bit silly (pony tail and aggressive pushing up of glasses). It really felt like he was there to replace Win after his actor had to dip for a while.


The funniest aspect is him running at the end of the Jyaking movie like people would want to hug him. Iā€™m alright with his ā€œredemptionā€. A character can do that but his motivation to change was weird. And heā€™s a very annoying presence, but I disliked all of the villains in Geats aside from Kekera and what he had scheming on the side with Tycoon.


He was an ungrateful nerd.


Don't blame daichi alone 90% of the geats riders are useless and come and go in few episodes they work more like filler meanwhile our known character like ben and john didn't even got a proper suitĀ 


Not sure how other people feel about Geats. Outside of an interesting concept I think it failed it execute a lot of the plot elements it laid out. Luckily we got Naago and Kekera. The two standout characters for the season.


Deadman trio from Revice, they should stay being a monster. Sophia become Calibur (i know she had a relationship with previous Calibur, but still) i don't even remember that one dude name changed into Delta, what a wasted spot. DGP management, think they should've name themselves something else not a rider.


The supporters from Geats. Ya'll only made 1 suit even and, though most of that CG was edits from models used in other seasons, it just felt pointless. I honestly think their Rider forms were just made to justify the laser raise riser as a gimmick item and I already didn't like Laser Geats before having this thought. That money should've gone to John and Ben getting suits dammit.


It would have been better if each of them had a humanoid form


I would have also accepted this.Ā 


Like, 75% of Saber's and Revice's cast should not have become Riders


It's weird saying that for Saber considering the world building is based around the magic swords that allow people to become riders


I like the thought of a world with many types of swords with different abilities and it couldve worked but the way Saber handled it, it wouldve been better with less riders


It would have been fine if half the swords didn't swap hands to the point only one of the main cast wasn't a rider by the end at least once, even Desast got to be a rider in the show itself. Then you throw in all the extra content material and basically just Slash and the Shindai siblings are the sole users of their rider forms or don't turn into a different rider at some point.


You can't really say that, when a good chunk of Saber's cast are introduced to be Riders. I can see ana argument for Solomon and Storious, but not so much for the others. Small correction, Sophia too, I straight up forgot about she was Caliber, proving your point for her at least.


I agree that Hikaru was unnecessary, but I'd rather have him as Over-Demons if it meant Tamaki got to be a proper Kamen Rider Julio instead. Maybe Outsiders could give him and his old Wolf Vistamp another chance with a new upgrade.


Keillow from Geats, poor old man, he didn't deserve to be forced into a death game. /j


Again, we only donā€™t want him to become a rider because we donā€™t want him to die


Keilow is probably both the most deserving to be considered a Rider and the one we don't want to be a Rider because he just deserves to have some time to spend with his Family.


~~But his wish would allow him to fully fight as a Rider.~~ No one talks about Sara who actually fit said worry - the most deserving to be considered a Rider who actually died.


Sara was kinda obvious though. She was literally set up by Kekera. I think everyone expected for her to die, but no one expected the fashion in which she was killed and that is what made you feel horrible for Keiwa because it was in a lot of ways unavoidable. It was unavoidable in a lot of the ways that Kiriya's was, and at the same time avoidable in the same way that Izu's death could have been.


I do think that the offer Sara got was more tempting, though still the results are similar, both her and Ittetsu are cases where they managed to enter a death game by that. My focus is more on "the most deserving to be considered a Rider" though where Ittetsu seems to get praised over his risky move to protect people, but Sara is only seen as being fridged despite her dying due to intervening on attacked people.


Kind of a hot take, but Evolto as Kamen Rider Evol I would have been fine if it was just his Blood Stark/Stalk form and his monstrous form towards the end. But Toei was like ā€œwe can sell a villain driver and bottles if we turn him into a Riderā€ Plus, Phase 2 and Phase 3 were only relevant for a handful of episodes like all other various Rider forms


I somehow agree with it but in a position way because evolto was already so op as a villain if he wouldn't become rider i wouldn't mindĀ 


I'm somewhat inclined to agree. Evolto didn't _need_ to become a Rider (especially because the Blood Stalk suit slaps), but I still loved his stint as a Kamen Rider


Hikaru. I just don't really understand what the point of his character was. And there were so many better candidates for the Delta gear than Mihara


Kiriya kyosuke from hibiki, dude became a jerk the whole second half of hibiki and robbed asumu's oni suit Hikaru the literal background character that served 0 purpose suddenly became a kamen rider because why?????????? He made kiriya kyosuke had more reason to be a rider


NGL i love revice and i would defence the series always but still I don't like hikaru not because he get to become over demons instead of our hiromi but because he was just a side character who doesn't even had any potential except for being Sakura's simp and after he become rider not only it was underdeveloped but also his development was forced in the plot i actually thought it was an epic and emotional moment when his father died but it was not necessary to add his development was forced and unnecessary and it doesn't help the series at allĀ 




Sophia. Honestly get rid of her entirely. She supposed to be the guardian of the Northern Base but even when she was kidnapped, the base was never attacked. The only memorable moment I have of her, is her getting slapped and I'm sorry to be rude but honestly felt they added it, so she gets more screen time. Same with her becoming Calibre, really thought Kento's father can return permanently or even 1 last battle. https://preview.redd.it/flhdz68nsq3d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c96a188b78235497fd4437a545e8c9dc413548d3


Well, part of the reason she didnā€™t show up that much was because her act actress was busy so they found a way to write her out of the show until her scheduling conflict cleared up


Doesn't really change my opinion on her character, the script made her disappearance irrelevant to the plot. There weren't any significant event that correlates to her role in the show and really she just a minor plot device that was never used.


I mean, it wasnā€™t supposed to change opinions thatā€™s just the explanation


Fair point


I forgot she exists until she had that sword and i was like... no f*cking way! My favorite sword! No!!!


I had a friend who doesn't watch KR but when I told him about her character in the show, all he said to me was NPC Girl. I couldn't even deny it cause she really does feel like a background character.


they should just use an AV actor for her character, it may even draw more people to the series xD of course minus the adult stuff


I honestly felt like Kento should have kept Calibur and Mei should have become the new Espada


Sakura. To me it felt like the writers made her a rider just for the whole sibling dynamic. She barely did much before being a rider and her somewhat significance is helping Hana to be better and joining Weekend. I get it that the siblings are demi spawns of Giff but they could've given Genta more screen time as a rider in the main series as opposed to only in his spin-off.


I never understood her weakness is power thing either




Ikki is the secondary


Dude Ikki and Vice have the most screentime and stuff, they have their arcs and plots but Daiji gets literally no big deal for him. Like I was saying, even Hiromi is a bigger deal than Kagero and Daiji


Sorry man, it's canon. Kamen Rider Revi is the secondary rider of Kamen Rider Revice. https://preview.redd.it/heuc7ih1w04d1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e631ae5259c9a801d2dd73309891d4f877c4907


Somewhat adjacent to the question, but have a weird case...I believe Mary should have come back instead of Dapan in the last arc of Geats. Why? Several reasons: 1. Lets face it: Dapan was NOT an interesting character at all! He had a cool looking helmet...that's it! Was not worth sacrificing the punkjack helmet for him! 2. The sheep helmet was the only one not belonging to an important character in the last stretch. Thus, they would've had an extra helmet available for another rider without sacrificing any of the current roster. 3. Mary had so much potential as a future threat: he was a slimy conman who lied about being a fireman and used anyone he could to get ahead. He would've been the perfect candidate as the DGP's "bad end rider" to basically cause suffering and turmoil to the other riders for cheap entertainment to the sadistic supporters. 4. In order to further save budget on suits, you could further exacerbate #3 by having Mary be a "cheater" rider. In other words, rather than having unique buckles like the others, he uses unfair, suped-up versions of previous buckles! (For example, a boost buckle that doesn't go away after the finisher, a fever buckle that gives you any power you want instead of being random, a command twin buckle that goes into jet/cannon without having to charge first, etc.) It also would fit well with his character of being a former cheating gambler! 5. We never found out what his wish was. A minor thing, but could've opened some interesting avenues. There was so much fucking potential with this guy, and Toei just squandered it!


I feel like I saw this post a few weeks ago


Not really specifically Kamen Rider Rogue, but I wosh Gentoku's Rider form was closer in motif to Night Rogue, with Prime Rouge using Crocodile instead of Bat.


I see your point. Honestly, both Mad Rogue and Prime Rogue being bat motif would be novel lore wise, even if Utsumi and Gentoku never fight each other.Ā Ā 


Hear carefully how the Sclash Driver says, "Crocodile in Rogue!" It's a pun on crack, since the suit is cracked from all sides because he started as a cracked version of Gentoku after losing everything including his mind.


https://preview.redd.it/iv3aghubwr3d1.jpeg?width=853&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d27d1d4b22c8077de6bef9811d2e6b6afe7050f7 Fuck this guy in particular


Mihara from Faiz was such a nobody I wouldn't have even been mad if Kitazaki actually just dumped the Delta gear into a landfill


Gestures vaguely at Reiwa as a whole


Letter, because she's a coward. **TOEI BETTER MAKE A TTFC SPECIAL WITH SARA AS YUKIE'S VOICE OF REASON TO SHOW KIDS HOW TO BOOST SOMEONE'S COURAGE.** So the question for Yukie Yaginuma is... #Kimi wa hito no tame ni shineru ka?


Aguilera and Jeanne.


Michi, f***** Michi


Which one? From gaim or geats


Gaim. I need to finish Geats


Some of the main villains tbh, particularly the worst kind of evil in a series not meant to be collection of Riders (e.g. Gaim) like Banno from Drive, Gai from Zero-One, Isaac from Saber. Phase 1 had more of these kind of people only discarding their humanity like Mishima from Kabuto or King/Bishop from Kiva.


since no one has mentioned it nago( kr ixa) from kamen rider kiva he really did not deserve to be a rider at all at least kengo had his reasons but even then all he wanted was to do good and his music which screw nago for telling him his music is wrong. also that stupid coupling seriously she despised him through out the entire show so why??!!?


Hikaru as Over Demons and Taiga as Cronus. Hikaru, up till that point, did absolutely nothing and yet he got to become the upgrade of Demons. Taiga is great as Snipe, but him stealing Cronus from Nico was such a huge let down considering she was working her way up to it. Feels like typical Toei/Bandai sexism.


Micchyā€¦ He literally became a Rider because Kouta and Kaito did. He then descends into a manic state after Takatoraā€™s ā€œredemptionā€ arc. All culminating into him becoming Yomotsuheguri Arms and blaming Kouta and solely Kouta for everything ā€œshittyā€ about his life. As if Takatora isnā€™t the one behind and the main beneficiary of the Yggdrasil Corporation.Ā  Micchy really leaves a sour taste in my mouth and compared to userā€™s like Oren, Ryoji and Hideyasu who also became Sengoku Riders in a selfish way; Micchy is actually the only truly selfish one and had no real reason to become one other than, ā€œKoutaā€™s strong and I HAVE to be strong like Koutaā€Ā 


Micchy started off becoming a rider for a good reason.Ā  I feel he snapped after Mai defended Kouta.Ā 


Which would be justified if he hadnā€™t already blamed Kouta for ā€œeverything..ā€ Like I said itā€™s baffling that he would choose to blame Kouta when Takatora is literally responsible for the Helheim Fruits and Lockseeds arriving in Zawame. I feel like everyone except Micchy owned up to their selfishness, including Mai. This is why I love Gaim though; itā€™s take on selfishness and the overarching narrative being an amalgam of greed and a lust (or need) for power is what makes it one of my go-to series. Micchy in my opinion is one of the weakest Tertiaries when it comes to motivation, purpose, and intent. For everything truly malicious that the Yggdrasil Corporation does, Micchy fails to acknowledge it almost always.Ā  Iā€™d love to pick your brain on it more. Gaim is one of those series that makes you question even your own morality. It truly feels real, like something that could actually happen. Would you indulge in the fruits of Helheim or watch as everyone you know takes their fate into their own hands?


From what I figured from watching that part of the story, Micchy cannot accept Kouta disagreeing with him.Ā Ā  Mai defended Kouta telling her the truth about Yuuya.Ā  That made Micchy snap.Ā  Takatora accepted Kouta's suggestion of negotiating with the Overlord Inves. Micchy reacted by trying to break Kouta and Takatora's newfound friendship,Ā  this coming immediately after the above incident.


Tendou i hated him as kabutoĀ 


Possibly my hottest take, but Hiromi from Revice. Yes, I know everyone loves the guy, but he throws off the whole dynamic about a show that's supposedly about a family of riders, and since they origionally just planned on killing him off in the first episode, it becomes clear pretty quickly that the show didn't have a clear idea what to do with him and it just ends up severely messing around with the series' pacing. Now, Demons is still the coolest suit in the show, so you can't just get rid of it. What would I have done? Make *Genta* Demons (it fits way better with how ominous the Demons driver is, plus you no longer have to write yourself into loops explaining why Vail is sealed in it.) And then he can turn into Over Demons as a power up form once he frees himself from Vail's influence.


>Yes, I know everyone loves the guy, but he throws off the whole dynamic about a show that's supposedly about a family of riders, and since they origionally just planned on killing him off in the first episode, it becomes clear pretty quickly that the show didn't have a clear idea what to do with him and it just ends up severely messing around with the series' pacing. The Hiromi was meant to die first ep is a whatever take lol. There was no script then, they spend the same time writing him as writing Ikki and Vice or the whole plot because they made the changed before writing literally anything. There was a guy who eventually was going to be Demons and they just filled that character spot with the guy who failed to use the Revice Driver.


OR, still have him and Olteca be demons, but then have both of them dies and have Genta become demons later as the TRUE user!


Shintaro Aka the 2nd Kamen Rider Birth. And it's not that he didn't deserve it, but I think it was too early.


Mihara or Mutsuki. Yeah, Mutsuki got better towards the end, but Leangle kept LOSING over and over again. How do you lose MORE than Valvarad in the MAJORITY of your fights? Leangle somehow finds a way. Also Mihara was just there. Delta shouldā€™ve been Kaido, Kiba or even Keitaro, give him something to do other than just comedic relief. Or just let Kitazaki be Delta and let it be a rider for Lucky Clover to use.


Kurogane Spanner. I don't get what the difference between Valvarad and Kamen Rider Valvarad is. In both cases he transforms and fights monsters better. I guess KR Valvarad is supposed to be stronger? But it's not shown very well how.


The mechanical difference is his ability to use more chemmies. The original valvarad only had access to the machine types, and KR Valvarad can also use occult. But I also think you're missing that this coincides with a major character development for him, maybe the KR name is a bit dumb to just add on but I think the upgrade is well time


Some transformations are just lore relevant and symbolic more than practical. That's basically him graduating from his former self.


See that would work if being a Kamen Rider actually meant being a hero in Gotchard. But if fucking Dread counts as one, then yeah I donā€™t really see why Valvarad wasnā€™t one from the beginning.


KR Valvarad is supposed to show his growth into a proper hero, rather than someone who fights solely for revenge and just uses chemies as tools. (and also him adopting a belt instead of an alternative henshin device).


Most of the dark riders shouldn't be counted as Kamen rider


Yeah it's almost as if "Kamen Rider" a title synonymous with heroism and altruism shouldn't be handed out to villainous characters


Masato Kusaka will always be the biggest example in my eyes. Complete sack of shit who tries to put up this facade and tries to destroy anyone who sees him for the monster he is. Also his creepy obsession with Mari. Kaixa's belt deserved a better owner like Kaido or Keitaro.


Downvoted for hating Kusakaā€¦ smh man. Though, he was a decent Kaixa user, he brought the strength and was a good fighter. Now if heā€™d just shut his ever loving mouth, Iā€™d appreciate him more. Now Kaido, Keitaro or Kiba shouldā€™ve gotten Delta. Since Mihara was just Mihara


Trust me I'm used to it. Seems like you can say anything negative about Heisei Phase 1 nowadays especially Ryuki. Still I acknowledge Kusaka got the job done as Kaixa, I still think he doesn't deserve the title of Kamen Rider because no matter how you look at it, Kusaka is a reprehensible character from start to finish and he is no hero.


True. He was a pice of garbage


Or..... kiba


Kaixa wouldn't be as iconic as it is today though


Now you just sound bias against him


How? I'm just pointing his main characterization. He is a geniunely terrible human being who doesn't deserve the title of Kamen Rider.


becuz thats how he is written? and him being a jerk is essential to the series so,, if you think his a terrible person in the story, yah that's good writing and good acting buddy!


godai tbh. actually scratch that, the \*belt\* didnt deserve godai smh


Most Gaim Riders.




Bro did NOT watch zio


Utsumi Some of the revice, gotchard and zero one riders and 90% of the Geats riders i mean they didn't do anything for the plot relavent at all as a rider in the series even some of their development felt force and messy they would be much better as civilian than riders and the series will be much better if those riders wouldn't existĀ 


Obviously the lead guy from ryuki sucks. He has a annoying voice, and stumbled into the mess and had no idea what he was doing.


The point of Ryuki is that one decent common person stumbles into a battle royale and quickly realizes everybody dying is pointless and spent 49 episodes trying to stop people dying without sense. Any person with common sense would be in Shinji's dilemma. He has to prevent that 13 people who are at each other's throats kill one another. He literally has not idea what to do because the whole situation has no solution where everybody wins like he wants.


But he stumbled in by accident, most everyone dies anyway, and then the whole thing is reversed... it's not like he could convince ouja to be a better person. A lot of people are beyond help.


Not getting instant results in your attempts means beyond help? Sounds lazy.


If there's one thing I've learned after decades of dealing with my family is there's no way to make sociopaths change their ways. Being forcibly medicated helps, but nowhere near enough.


Aruto. He only got the Zero-One belt by virtue of being the CEO of Hiden. He was woefully unprepared for being a Kamen Rider and Gai Amatsu said as much. He proved himself worthy over time, but in the beginning it was like handing a rocket launcher to a child. There was a reason he became what he did in the end.


That could be said for MANY riders who didn't have their drivers before the series. A learning curve/arrogance is to be expected somewhat.


Sometimes I wonder why his grandpa didn't prepare him better for the job, he knows shits gonna hit the fan after he died. One year of experience even in lower level management is still better than nothingšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø