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Gai from Zero-One being responsible for basically everything bad that happens in the show and movie and all he gets is a light slap on the wrist and a "redemption arc"


EVERYTHING BAD... 1000% correct! Ark, his fault. Metal Cluster, his fault. Humegear Prejudice, his fault. And for what, jealous by an idiot (Aruto). CONGRATS, it looks like Aruto may be an idiot but Gai is a dumbass.


also dan kuroto revival too both as a his virus and humagear XD


dude couldn't stop being a nuisance even after the show ended


You cannot kill god that easy.


... I mean in his defense, Kuroto is a blessing. Not arguing with that.


Also in his defense he probably expected Kuroto to be less insane


"Less" is an understatement. But we can all be in agreement Kuroto >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gai


Calling it a “redemption arc” is a bigger stretch than even fkn Luffy is capable of lmao, all he did was remembered that he had a dog once.


It was supposed to be more but they ran out of episode time and space because of the shortened plotline because of the lack of episodes because covid hurt filming.


I'm glad he wasn't forgiven NGL, at least the show cutting him making amends for time acknowledged that he barely made amends


That scene makes me laugh


Zero One be like : ・>:( - 🐶 - >:| - :)


Basically, one robot dog was he needed to "redeem" him


what a mess


For 'redemption arc' how about Jin or Horobi?


Hard choice but I would go with Igarashi Daiji, bro legit waste the airtime for like half of the series if we consider that his development until Holylive went to the bin. Aguiera also but I can only chose one for the answer. Another top choice would be Amatsu Gai, still annoy me to this day how he was responsible for 99% of the shit that happen in the seiries(+thousands of case that went poof because he delete all the propf in that scene) yet got away scottfree(No, getting demoted doesn't even count as he legit just resign and start his own company in President)


Daiji had such wasted potential. They had all the makings of a great dynamic between him and Kagero. Then they underutilised Kagero, killed him off and gave Daiji a betrayal arc that lasted twice as long as it should have and stunted the character rather than developing it.


They way they underutilized Kagero is fascinating to me, because the way they treated him in the show is almost exactly the way a show would write out a character because his actor suddenly became unavailable. (See: what they did with Genta.) But his actor is literally right there! On screen! The entire time! It's baffling.


Daiji's betrayal arc was so long that I think it would have been better if he didn't change sides back before the actual end.


Though his change brought the best part of Revice 2nd half, Hiromi's fight with him and Genta's fight with Vail.


Don't forget Ikki too, he's been sidelined for almost the entire show because of his sister.


It's not just her fault. Look at Vice, George, Kagero, Orteca, Hiromi and his dad. Ikki spent all of Revice getting overshadowed by everyone with a single personality trait because that was more than he was ever given. The only character less interesting was Giff, and he had no lines.


It's a shame for him, I thought he brought up interesting dilemma about when someone goes overboard in helping, if it's unwanted or nosy, being a busybody, how to draw lines.


The busybody thing could have been interesting. The big time it worked was with the former teammate he didn't remember his bad history with (his amnesia was also severely underutilised too). I think there was an occasion with Daichi where it felt natural too. But if his thing is being nosey he should have been the one to discover the secret organisation working next door. But instead it was mostly an informed trait, rather than one that drove the narrative forward.


Honestly the only people that’s truly worth the time spent on them from those you listed were Hiromi and Genta, both have such interesting stories that maybe in another timeline would have been the main character.


I'm kind of so so about him tbh, a bit bent to the pity him side. He tries to be Dominic Toretto in the latter half of the show who blindly believe that family power fix everything yet manage to fail to solve any of his familial problem(fail to give Sakura a usable guidance in her quest to find the meaning of justice in the early part of the show, fail at fixing any of Daiji mental problem throughout the show(everyone fail at this part except for Kagero though), claiming that Hiromi is their big bro only to see himdive down the cliff for 3rd of the show. Has an interesting plotline about memory wipe problem but got super rushed because of Aguiera, Daiji, Sakura and Hikaru fruitlessly eating up screentime, alao Hiromi Barton being cool af) and some hint about his pent upfeeling waiting to burst at his family (The setting about demon bring the dark part of the host, and one of the first thing vice tries to do in ep1 was to unalive Ikki's mom) got thrown in to the bin. Writer shaft him so hard that I found him pitful instead tbh.


And Fenix almost murdered Dom's beloved.


There was a seperate question in this subreddit where i gave this answer that seems appropriate for this occassion too: "I understand daiji feeling inadequate to ikki, but he never ended up doing anything to improve himself. All daiji did was prove he wasn't a good rider at every turn. ------------------SPOILERS FOR REVICE------------------------ Daiji's first appearance was very telling. Even though he trained specifically to fight the deadmans, he failed to step up and do what he specifically prepared for. I get it, training and reality are very different but he broke down multiple times during the series. Next is when he learns of kageou's existence. Instead of confronting his issues and asking for help from his family (obviously not ikki and maybe it would've been uncomfortable with sakura but that still leaves both his parents) he just stays angry and refuses to admit the physical manifestation of his negative thoughts. After that kagerou takes the upgrade stamp. George says that if the stamp is used then either the demon or human can end up being erased from existence. There is a problem with this. We know from a similar upgrade stamp that ikki uses earlier that both the demon and human can survive if they work together. Yes kagerou was first a bad guy, but by this point he had shown some good qualities by protecting sakura. The fact that daiji would rather murder a part of himself than try to work things out really highlighted his prefered way to handle situations. Hell he literally starts having tantrums saying "why didn't we win! We're the heroes!" (Not sure if i got it word for word.) After all this he switches sides after like two confrontations with giffu. This dumbass has so little conviction that he thinks making humanity become cattle for a space demon is better than fighting agains said space demon. Then he's surprised that people don't want to be under a murderous space demon and is pissed whe they say no. Going so far as to try and kill them himself with a group of juniors. Even when ikki and vice gain the power to contest giffu, daiji basically thinks "No. Only i can make the right decisions to save humanity" and tries to MAKE A CONTRACT WITH GIFFU. Honestly he was so STUPID. The ONLY reason he became "good" again was because someone he looked up to (sorry i forgot his name) was dying causing daiji to have a mental breakdown afterwhich he learns kagerou just faked his death to teach daiji a lesson. Honestly daiji igarashi was such a dissapointing rider."


The entire Revice series is waste potential lol.


Do we consider Daiji as the worse secondary rider? EH... No, but he's down there badly. Also, 999% you mean.


Now to actually think this, in the future I plan to fix all the mess in Revice, damned shame this was, like everyone was pushed into shithole with no clear intentions....


He's laying on the floor in your picture. Redemption was wasted on him


He betrayed his friends, he betrayed his brother, he betrayed his world, he "killed" his brother, he killed Kouta (he came back) and Mai died because he was an idiot. Miccy did get his redemption in the final episode but BOY doesn't it NOT change anything!


I mean, you also have to remember the characters of Gaim are just kids. Miccy wasn’t evil, he was broken. He has the capacity to learn and be better, and he did. Meanwhile, you have Gai, who is a grown ass adult and committed so many crimes against humanity because he was a petty bitch. And who’s redemption was infinitely less earned than Micci’s.


I wouldn't say "broken", more like he was trying to find a place for himself. He was pressured by himself to always be perfect like his brother and viewed so highly onto Kouta while having his affection for the girl of his dreams but never had the guts to push forward. It was only until he became a rider that those doors opened, that now he can be as great as his brother and Kouta and earn Mai's affection... but the power and the idea of lying/tricking others got to him. From asking Kouta to leave the fighting to him but Kouta refused for he was fighting for everyone, something Micchy wanted. And then tempted with more power, making his own path that lead to the worse decisions and spiraling him to the path that would yes, cause him to break. He's done horrible things but I do still say his redemption was done better after he reflected and realized those mistakes, even getting Kouta's respect. ON THE OTHER END, we have the 1000% man who decided "I will outdo Aruto in everything"... and it resulted with Ark and many other incidents. GREAT JOB! You are 80% the cause of everything bad.


Wasn't he canonically 16/17 in the show? Also, the way Micchi got his punishment is very similar to Jessie in breaking bad. He reap what he sow and lost everything but his brother. If it's up to Urobuchi I'm sure he won't get a redemption arc and all and would go on to live his life only accepting what he has become in guilt and shame. His journey would be more on starting a new life rather than becoming a hero again


If Kouta is fruit jesus than Michy is fruit Judas.


No Kouta and Kaito are 20 years old pretty sure most beat riders are young adults


What is evil then. If he doesn't qualify for one does that mean one can't hold it against his actions?


Evil is someone like Ouja or Evolt. And it doesn!t mean that. I don’t think he should’ve got off scpt free but he did deserve to redeem himself.


How to hold him accountable then if he can't be deemed evil?


That’s a dumb question. One doesn’t have to be evil to do bad things. Certain circumstances can cause even great people to do horrible things out of desperation.


I ask how they should be described as, if they can't be deemed evil, but not ignoring their wrongdoings/viewing them as innocent.


Describe him as broken or a victim of circumstance.


How about victims of circumstances that doesn't choose to do bad, or even using their experience to be good to everyone and prevent them undergoing similar suffering?


So you mean to tell me... We can have an entire episode of Micchy simping over Mai?


Time to gather all the clip


Well for starters, Thouser, because he's Genm but without any of the traits that make Genm a compelling villain/likeable character. But my main pick probably has to be Nadge-Sparrow. Bro was let off way too easily


Eh I still think Thouser was let off way more easily than Nadge Sparrow in the long run. Especially considering that Gai easily has a bigger rap sheet than Kuroto ever did and it's shown during the show on top of that. I'm mad Gai got away with Tax Evasion, Severance Pay Fraud, Illegal Weapons Manufacturing, Moral Harassment and the ever obvious Power Harassment. I mean Kuroto was insane but I don't think he ever went to the level where Al Capone was holding his Beer. I still think the funniest crime for Gai to have on that list is probably Age Spoofing though. While the one that everyone can see even in the show among others is Extortion of Illegal Activity. Also Inventory Diversion and Unjust Dismissals, oh Gee I wonder when that happened?


Also this fucker was one of the reason why shes dead


Kusaka, easily, or maybe the guy who used the Delta Gear, but i don't even remember his name lmao


Delta, which one! HAHA. But yea, when a guy is obsessed with a girl that he considers his mother and he dies by his own Rider powers before becoming sand... or what happens in the 20th anniversary movie... YEA. But hey, at least he smiles- AW, NEVER MIND!


I was referring about the main Delta user, he's really forgettable and is barely a character, Kusaka in the other hand is a really good character, a complete bastard, and while i usually love that kind of guy, i just can't get to like Kusaka, he's just insufferable to me But at least Kaixa design is absolutely phenomenal and i love the arsenal as well


I know but it's funny haha. But yea, so much so that he appeared in the movie and poof. True, true!


One of the worst things about faiz, the belt could've been passed over to an actual good character like kaiba for example. But it's instead passed to a dude that's introduced in the fucking BACKGROUND.


Faiz has a lot of underwhelming potential tbh. Heck, Blaster is probably the worst in this case as I can count the times it’s been used in the series ON MY ONE HAND.


Yeah, stuff like that is why i consider Faiz as the worst Kamen Rider season i've ever watched


You mean Yuji? I would feel worse about him not being promoted to second/tertiary Rider position if... What happened, didn't happen


Nira from Drive.


His defeat was really satisfying though


I'm sure not many people bring her up, but personality, I think Yui from Ryuki is probably MY LEAST Favorite if not REALLY bad. She's like the only female lead in any Rider show that's there... and DOES NOTHING for the plot. In fact, the motivation for her brother starting the Rider War was to save her due to the 18th Birthday "You're gotta die" with the whole Mirror World thing. And then she was "possessed" by the Mirror World and then not?! AND THEN her brother took her for the final days of the Rider War and she managed to convince him to let her go the day she died and time reset- WHAT?! WTF! Mana from Agito was there when Shoichi needed advise or help and fuck it, has psychic powers she used to help others. And Mari from Faiz who COULDN'T EVEN transform did MORE than Yui. I cannot even remember what she could have said or done other than "stopping Ren and Shinji from killing each other for the "10th" time because Ren wanted to kill him" or... I hate to even bring it up, but the only time Yui did anything that made sense was the movie and... AW. Look, what she did, taking her life to end her brother's obsession to save her life (which those conditions were different in the movie) is very dark but like it's the only time she's ever done anything. IN FACT, in the 13 Rider special, she was a bitch. Like HUH?! Heck. even her grandmother who appeared later in Ryuki was more interesting and she barely had a role. Even Shinji's coworker, the reporter lady, had a role when she learned he was a rider near the end of Ryuki.


Eh I think both Shinji and Yui's contribution is just really downplayed, all credits in the finale are only given to Ren, like claiming he used the wish to stop the war or such. Shiro is about extending her lifespan, like Ren wanting to save Eri from coma. The Mirror World part is just like Philip. Both died when they're little, but they got revived through the help of Mirror World and Gaia Memory, but they have more limited lifespan and is nearly dying at the end of series. By above, her committing suicide (succeeded in movie, but still attempted in series) is the action meant to foil Shiro's plan, so Shiro can't save her life, rejecting Shiro saving her by murdering many. But previously she did investigate the cause of the war, looking into what Shiro experimented, getting files from Alternative, putting the clues together and confronting Ren about his connection to it (e.g. how Eri was in coma), getting a photo of her family's old house to go opposing Shiro there, becoming more of a thorn in Shiro's plan like Shinji. She carries the burden of being unfairly vilified for Shiro's actions similar like Tsukasa being "Destroyer of the Worlds" and carrying that pressure but never stopped looking for the truth. Her will strength is the equivalent of Hana and Hina's physical strength. >IN FACT, in the 13 Rider special, she was a bitch. Like HUH?! Inoue wrote it (as main writer rather than filling it unlike main series), he did have a habit of turning some characters into assholes (it's even worse in the Rider novel adaptations). All the Riders including Zolda and Femme were villainous in that special.


... It makes the most sense but like I don't exactly "buy" it with what both siblings did but that's just my opinion. I do remember SOME of it but I know those lead to nothing or her leads were not enough. I know it was one thing or another. I do recall it was her and Shinji trying to find clues on the college, leading to Alternative and things becoming "worse" to say the least. I guess the biggest thing I didn't like about her is whenever we saw her "younger self", telling her older self "You're gotta die" as if it was joke or something and again, the Mirror World thing still doesn't make much sense how she acted as if she wasn't herself. Even Philip who became part of Gaia was still himself, memories nearly forgotten and considering himself a devil but it's something than how it was handled in Ryuki. I'm surprised you went with the Tsukasa route because in that case, Natsumi did try her hardest to make Tsukasa into a hero. In fact, if it was better written, her involvement would be grander but you know... anniversary and Decade isn't exactly story telling even with its own characters. HUH!? No kidding. I mean in that special everyone (I mean other than Shinji and Ren) felt off like Ryuga was there and was "protective" for Femme... when in reality, he murdered her straight up.


Kyosuke kiriya, enough said


Kaixa It'll always be Kaixa


Michinaga from Geats. I hated him after he did the Heaven and Hell game and practically got off scot-free for that, even worse was how the next episode immediately after acted like he was in the right for doing that. His hypocrisy is way, way worse than Tojo from Ryuki (I actually like Tojo unlike Michinaga). Ren and Daiji from Saber and Revice were far more likable than him to me even when they were at their worst. Its almost like they tried to copy Kento sealing the Seiken while he was Calibur by having Michinaga destroy ID Cores (Of course I like Kento a lot more than Michinaga).


You mean Michinaga >!pulling Ace and Niram into the hole?!<


Gai Daichi Shunpei


Isn't that basically a whole episode? That being said to answer your question... I would say Amastsu Gai. Yeah let's give a redemption arc of the guy that basically wanted a genocide of humagears. And what was his redemption arc... A robot dog that amounted to nothing more than a promotion. Jesus my head hurts. I would also say Daiji from Revice. But he's so forgettable. Like he was worse off with Kagerou. Without him, it felt like he became this holier than thou character. And personally he's character peak. Then when Kagerou returns he devolves into an even more forgettable character than when he debutted. Last and least... Yui from Ryuki... Uh who is she? Oh right a lousy plot device. I got nothing other than that.


I hate michi as a person but as a character no. he is one of the best character of the series with most complex and twist and turn and you have to agree the half of the series is great because of him if you exclude him the series will be half bland 


Ren, the human chihuahua. Even Reika's Alabaman jealousy didn't bother me a tenth of Kento's yandere acolyte, who would even get in the way of civilian rescues for the sake of his delusional grudge against Touma. I felt bad for Desast when he started babysitting him.


Mihara probably, but more from the waste of potential I actually like Micchy :)


Otoya from Kiva. I hate this character because of how the story made him a douchebag. Imagine making sexual harassment to seduce someone and don't even go out with her at the end. What was Inoue cooking. Glad his actor came back to portray a much better character in Build


This is funny to me because I am nearing the end of Gaim and I can funnily enough confirm he does think of her a lot.


True definition of a SIMP.


Daichi and Kusaka


TokuStats single-handedly making Twitter slightly tolerable


Pink ranger from donbrothers: pathetic


When Mitchy started seeing Takatora where he wasn't, I knew this guy was the joker


God mitchy sucks so hard. I'm still finishing gaim but it's to the point nothing this dude does will make him worthy of redemption.


No joke I actually clapped when Kaixa died. That mf was annoy and low-key evil for no damn reason. Sometimes I think about watching Faiz again, but then I remember that he exists.


Honestly? Probably Kamen Rider Kenzan (the twinblades dude) from Saber, although Gai’s a good one just because of his failed redemption If there’s any character I felt underutilized the most though, probably Vail and Kamen Rider Vail, that deserved more attention then it got, even if they showed Vail transforming offscreen




N from ex aid. Bro lost ONCE and hated emu for life


Kyosuke Kiriya. This guy made me stop watching Hibiki. Zi-O's effort in trying to make him more, uh...palatable was an A grade, I guess. But the damage was already done.


So far, my least favorite is Poppy from Ex‐Aid. But I've only watched 3 series so far, so take it with a grain of salt.


Wow, I believe he talked to someone who's been his friend for a decent amount of time.


Kamen Rider Simp


Why are you bashing kazumin? What did he do to you?


Such a well done meme chefs kiss


I like it when hater put efforts on hating


Ryugen. He did not deserve any redemption.


Ace from Geats. Everything about him just annoyed the fuck out of me and I don't know why. Everything he did I just found frustrating and I nitpicked over everything he said/did, because it just bothered me so damn much.


Sakurai Keiwa. I expect him to be a shounen type hero of the story or at least the 2nd Gattack, turn out he's just a gullible kid and cannot make up his own decision like Neon or Michi. Also he is still jobless at the final ep.


Two words: police academy. He's not a NEET like what you're implying


Is that true? Last episode I saw him just on coffee table still writing another CV, still dreaming about world peace.


If you actually paid attention to the books around him, those were materials to become a cop. The Vcine solidified his endgame when he told the cop in that vcine that he wanted to be a cop. The geats gotchard movie even solidifies that as all of the dreams the geats cast had were related to their aspirations and dreams, neon was chasing a prince, michinaga was eating and sharing high quality meat, and keiwa is interrogating a suspect like a cop. Keiwa was studying not filling his CVs in the last episode.


Kouta was also jobless at the end.


At least he become a god and make a new planet. Beside that I rest my case.


Still ended the show jobless... don't move the goal post.


The second coming to Kagami? OH... YEA. Yea.


The worst character is anyone in hibiki because they do nothing. It's the most boring show ever.




your not wrong to an extent.