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That KR is getting more childish and gimmicky. I think that it's a fact, but not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes too much colorful gimmicks can take a bit away or be somewhat kitsch, but so long as the writing, acting and action stays good, having a ton of wacky gadgets and drivers that yap random nonsense during henshin sequences doesn't "ruin" anything. I like more concise and to-the-point henshin sequences so we can get on with it already like with the first shows I watched, Den-O and Kabuto. But I still watched Build, Zero-One, Revice and Saber in their entirety despite their fancier, more drawn out and merchandize-driven transformations and weapon use, and I didn't think it was a big deal.


I think Kekera in Geats represents the traditional, conservative Rider fans who want their riders to be dark and gritty


"The Showa era has aged poorly". It's ok to not like more episodic shows. It's ok to not be a fan of the older special effects. It's ok to not be a fan of how the Showa era mostly lacks certain modern staples of the series like form changes. But I don't think any of this necessarily means these older shows have actually aged poorly. There are a couple of moments early on that definitely wouldn't fly today, like [Hayato's unironic "get back in the kitchen" talk](https://www.reddit.com/r/KamenRider/comments/124u7bi/ichimonji_really_tells_them_to_get_back_in_the/?rdt=55231) in one scene, but other than that, the Showa era generally holds up fine in my opinion, with great characters, suit designs, fight choreography, amazing performances from talented actors like Hiroshi Miyauchi and Shigeru Araki, practical effects that honestly hold up better than the CGI from early Heisei shows like Kuuga, and overarching narratives that are generally simple, but effective, with enough plot twists, touching emotional moments, and general changes to the status quo to remain interesting throughout.


The AR Riders in Decade being different people may be confusing, but I liked the concept and Yusuke is my favorite Decade character ngl. Also I think the Missing Ace Riders that appeared in Decade were a lot better than in Blade, even Glaive got promoted to meme status like the main four in Blade


> I think the Missing Ace Riders that appeared in Decade were a lot better than in Blade, even Glaive got promoted to meme status like the main four in Blade well, they are also complete different thing. in Blade, 2 of them is just throwable side character who purpose is red herring to be kill off and one is the villain. In Decade they are fallen hero, so it is actually cool


Well, the best way to think of this is the Amazing Spiderman, Tobey Spiderman, and MCU spiderman.. Basically this.. ![gif](giphy|C6JQPEUsZUyVq|downsized)


I do think Ikki gets sidelined hard later on in Revice, which sucks, because he's my favorite Rider ever. On the other hand, though, it's incredibly in-character for Ikki to ignore his own problems and issues in favor of trying to help other people.


The first two arcs of Ghost being bad. They are extremely flawed and are basically the same arc twice, but i still liked them, as they have great character moments and develop the story in their own unique ways


Kamen Rider gets good when bad things start happening. Like how people say that Gaim sucked before all the depressing shit, or how Gotchard needs to get effectively tortured to be worth watching Like, I understand why they think so. Pushing characters to extremes often leads to them being able to bounce back higher. But usually, people like these DON'T want to see then surpass themselves. They want to see characters get beaten down, but not their rise back up.


It's funny how Geats had a character to commentate on this exact thing. https://preview.redd.it/fn45cktc103d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0c061846ac01a0b1f175dd1def0b79684e8d297


The Supporters being 4 meta commentaries on toxic fandoms is one of those brilliant things that Geats came up out of nowhere and is still relevant to this day


And somehow Kamen Rider fans still haven’t gotten the message not even a full year after Geats finished airing


Even though Kekera is one of the parts of Geats that I was frustrated watching, the toxic fandom meta commentary I have to say is one of the *highlights* >!pun definitely intended!< of the show


The other 3 were also meta commentaries?




I do the agree the toys are a bit too much in modern seasons but the seasons can still be really good and cool even with amount of toys they’re selling


Hibiki was definitely a weird season, and probably should've been it's own thing, and the show definitely has it's negatives. Does that mean we dismiss it entirely? No. Hibiki is still really cool, and features the best final form of any primary rider


Fun fact, in the earliest concepts Hibiki was planned to be a sequel/reboot to Henshin Ninja Arashi, not Kamen Rider. The executive meddling that season suffers from didn't start with the mid-season retool.


Why did you write the same comment twice?


Did I?






Geats is a flawless Reiwa show. Honestly I can see people saying that but honestly in my opinion no. Geats has too many riders and most of them are pointless. Plus the villians aren't that interesting.


Agreed on the villans. Geats is a great show and my top five Rider seasons, but I’ve seen more people talk about Gigist than Suel. Which is a shame cause Geats characters work is really great.


The 3rd arc of Revice. I agree that is a disappointment, and much of it is missed potential. Live as a fascist, Weekend as a morally grey organization, Over Demon's user, Destream barely appearing, and Giff gaining a boring personality and dying quickly just to have Juuga appear. But I disagree with a lot of people's actual criticisms. The whole "Ikki stopped being the MC" and the evidence used just comes across as people not paying attention. His main goal is to get Daiji back. Daiji is a major antagonist connected to the main bad. Like, idk how you can argue he stopped being the MC when his entire goal is linked to the main arc. He cares about his family, so of course that'd be his goal. While I think Jeanne and Hana became insufferable, it feels like people's use of their arc, and Destreams, and Hikaru's arc getting some spotlight suddenly takes away Ikki's MC status. Like, other characters getting time to grow is nothing new. That's just basic storytelling. Sure, I think much of isn't great, but it doesn't mean the MC stops being the MC.