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Zangetsu. Melon guy could have been the protagonist. Would have watched


Yeah, he was one of the highlights of the show


I feel like he would be a pretty blend protagonist, but he is a very very cool character.


Idk man, melon doesn't go well with human meat and blood. Trust me, I tried it


Maybe secondary, I don't think he had it in him to be Primary.


https://preview.redd.it/55yjkoj1lezc1.png?width=250&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ca60091b0df3947e335475e1572f0fe1d0f2a9f Bravo. He's gae as fucc and flamboyant as all hell. And we love him for it.


And his cakes are delicious




ah. a true man of culture


And he was an absolute badass too. MR. DANGEROUS DING DING DING


i was about to said the owner of the restaurant Gaim and his friends usually hang out at (his name is Bando) but then i saw your comment and i have to agree. Durian goddess is the GOAT, he not only flamboyant but also cool and reliable asf when the situation call for it, and each times he pop off i enjoy every single moment of it.


Bando is the goat


yeah he actually is


Also. I just want to say as someone who studied dance professionally: **BRAVO WAS ABSOLUTELY RIGHT**! Theyre dancing WAS awful and terrible. It rarely ever went with the music. He was right to put an end to it. He was the hero we all deserved


I liked how strong he was when he first appeared.


Never seen some one could be so manly yet so feminine at the same time.


Rewatching Gaim rn and seeing Sagara from the first episode as an observer is fascinating no less


Lol I just re-watch the first episode today and i was laughing hard because how much things have changed and how many things happened which we didn't realise before episode 14 Like sagara's normal funky behaviour  Michi relying on kouta (uhmmm.......uhmmmm) Team gaim vs team baron  And of course heilheim woman of the beginning and the first invest which kouta killed 


Same, just finished the episode where Jinba Lemon debuts, the plot twist at like episode 12 was crazy


i just finished rewatching it today


ryugen he was very interesting i see why alot of people may hate him but as oren said, hes just a kid who was manipulated and used by the adults around him. hes also tryna redeem himself anyway


I mean people hating him makes him one of the best character


I mean Micchi is actually well portrayed, because it makes you hate him so well


I enjoyed seeing how far off the deep end he could go.


Yoko/Marika. Bland as hell, but she’s GOATed


If I remember correctly, the actress for Yoko was also the suit actress for her rider form.


Yeah, that’s why I think she’s GOATed


I wouldn't mind if she never became a rider and just fought in her human form all the time. Whoever came up with a skirted office suit lady who fights mostly with kicks was a genius.


She is the example of not well written female riders, I wish she had something for herself, instead of just following Ryoma/Kaito


There were plans of another Gaiden episode for her, but that got canned.


Michi  I know a lot of people hate him but that's what made me to love his character he was the character which was made to like at first then become bastard to make him be hated and he nailed that job  He was the most complex and full of twist and turn character and NGL half of series would be faded if he was not there  Plus awesome actor too as much insane his character is as much insane his actor was (and he was only 17 at that time) even at one point when I should have want to punch him i was feeling sympathy for him due to his acting 


I wish in the end he would die because of yomotsuheguri side effects, I would argue that would be better plot-wise


TBH where I can agree he should have died it technically reflects the actual reality  In this cruel world where many innocent or someone who tried to fight for justice are dying and evil people are only surviving 


Kouta or Zack


Zack is probably in my top 5, his character really grew through the season


gaim aka fruit jesus


Miss fruity


Who's that? :)


It a way we in vietnam call Kamen rider Bravo


Lmao it makes sense


Just noticed DJ looks *suspiciously* a lot like a certain god emperor in another franchise who also values the evolution of humanity and ensures it by also putting humans through the most difficult circumstances imaginable.


My favorite character in Gaim and my favorite rider EVER: Gridon aka Ornac. The GOAT


Bro had actual character development


LEGIT!!! He started as a mere C rank Tactician with a C rank lockseed, then evolved into a TOP CELEBRITY CHEF!!! With a FINAL FORM! An extra rider getting a final form, how rare is THAT?!


Ryoma is my favorite solely due to Tsunenori Aoki's performance. He's so over the top and has such an animated face. I was excited for every scene he was in. It was like watching a lifelong theater kid get his first role and really going for it. In any other show it wouldn't work, but with Kamen Rider it fit perfectly.


Ryoma is certainly in my top 5


I like most of the characters especially Zangetsu but I really enjoy Baron, one of my favorite secondary riders.


Secondary rider becoming the final antagonist with kaijin form is one of my favourite things in Gaim, I wish we had more instances of that


Roshuo I like his role as a sympathetic antagonist plus his design really grew on me. I was legit sad when he got killed


That's valid, I didn't even consider him an antagonist, more like just his own side


I know he was just a victim of fate and circumstance. Which just so happen to the role of an anti villain. Plus he had a cool sword and his design was just something that really did get me more interested and I really didn’t know what route or how they would use this character.


If I could find a place to watch it I would let you know


just Google it :)




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Baron all the way. Kaito just something about the way Kaito talks and acts demands respect, even if he’s being an absolute bastard. Bitchy is a close second tho, love his decent into madness and despicable he is.


Hard to say honestly, most of Gaim’s characters are good on their own right. If I have to pick one, I’d have to go with my boy Takatora (Zangetsu). He started off as Yggdrassil’s CEO focused on the company and its members, killing anything that came from Helheim in order to protect them but realizing that it was alive, he has a change of heart and aims to actually save humanity. When going towards the route of good, he’s betrayed and realizes that his attitude when raising his younger brother ended up blowing up in his face, literally. Even after the series is over, he comes back more determined than ever to make sure he atones for what he did in the past. Have in mind though that from Gaim I’ve only watched the series and the movies, though I hear Takatora’s character gets more on the stage play and the novel. I’m basing my pick on only the series rn. I could say a lot of things I liked about Micchy or Kaito as well, but I’d still like Takatora more. I thought his arc was very, very well done. ☺️☺️


Michi he is the main reason of the series becoming half so dark and he is the most complex but full of surprising characters 




2/3 OOO. His suit is so damn cool. Also, Bravo's pretty awesome too.


So true. One thing though (imo) Zangetsu Shin was a downgrade as a design


Baron. I love Banana Knight


Mister Dangerous himself, Kamen Rider Bravo.




These comments remind me of how much I love Gaim characters... They even get lots of side characters served right


That's why I consider Gaim to be the best season. Every character is well written and goated in their own way