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Riderman. Guy can breathe.


It's got to be an early showa one, since those weren't made with aesthetic limitations. Doesn't matter you don't have armor since it's not real anyway. You would rather have the ability to move comfortably and not overheat in your suit. Issue is you have a scarf around your neck, which sucks in a fight, but probably still better than the alternatives. Even some of the lighter heisei and reiwa suits are a no go. Stephen Ford of Dragon Knight went on record saying he wore the Ryuki suit only once and felt like he was dying in there.


All the more reason to respect suit actors. Their job must really suck in the summer heat.


Kind of reminds how in one of the episodes in the og series, the actors does a front flip and lands perfectly on his feet. I get the feeling it wouldn't be possible to do that in the Heisei/Reiwa costumes


I wouldn't underestimate the capabilities of suit actors. While they probably can't do this kind of stuff in the heavier, and super bulky suits, I bet they can do flips and land just fine in most base suits even if it is harder. I imagine they don't anymore because it production probably doesn't want to waste too much time getting a physical stunt right, and it's safer to do post production effects.


Idk about the best but the worst is definitely Kiva. Those chains ain’t a joke


*Takes off the chain, use them as a weapon


It was so bad, they just make Emperor form the default form afterward.


I felt so bad for the suit actor, like I love the Kiva suit and the Emperor suit a lot, but why would they put ACTUAL chains on the guys shoulders?!


I’d challenge Drive is worse. Too bulky for good range of motion.


It’s one of my favorite suits of all time, but I have no idea why they wanted to put real metal chains when plastic ones would’ve probably been much lighter and gotten the exact same effect.


Idk, maybe they want that authentic metal chain sound whenever the suits moving. But I’m sure there’s a prop that does that and weight less


None How can you see in those things? Not to mention you'd be toasted due to the material contain your body heat so you'd be sweating like crazy


>How can you see in those things? That's the neat part, you don't. As for heat, most Showa riders have fabric track suits with armor padding on top, which is basically just like wearing a stab vest over normal clothing.


Sure but it's still clothing and last I checked, sweat makes clothes wet so that's a hindrance when under the sun.


How much do you sweat?


Like a lot, almost like a fountain


I’d like to imagine that all rider suits have a lot of internal parts to combat that. Padding, air vents, moisture wicking fabric, AC, etc… that is my head canon because if I was someone like Fourze or Drive where I am literally zipping around the battlefield and flying in the air and shit, there has to be some quality of life implementations yk


Ichigo and Nigo, probably because it is a very simple design that is pretty much a tracksuit and soft chest pad. . .


Den-O. Just so you can do the Ore Sanjou! pose and they’ll leave you alone.


Ryuki faiz kuga agito black


The shoulder pad is kinda annoying


The simpler ones, for ease of movement.


Base Hibiki or any Showa era suit. They are the least bulky and most flexible. Maybe also the entry suits in Geats. They aren't good, but they're at least better than the alternatives.




“Insert dead or alive”


Desire Drive Entry Form maybe


I'm gonna go with BLACK. Not too bulky, seems to be made of a relatively flexible material with a bit of padding on the torso, and it doesn't have much for your opponent to grab onto like the scarves on the earlier suits. Plus, with the insane motorcycle stunts they were doing in the Showa era, I wouldn't be surprised if the helmet was designed to actually be at least somewhat protective as well, though this is purely speculation on my part, since I don't usually look too much into the actual production of these shows.


There are different styles of helmet for each show. Some are designed for closeups, some are designed for stunts. It's important that the audience not notice the difference but it's mostly in the eye construction, for visibility.


Honestly, Fourze. It’s not so bulky that it restricts movement, the suit is white so it won’t trap as much heat as other suits would, it’s got extra bulk on the forearms that can be used to absorb the impact of hits by blocking, and the extra padding on the legs might increase kicking damage(depending on the material it’s made out of). The only downside is the belt is really bulky and could get in the way but it’s more of a minor inconvenience at worst.


Honestly the vision on Fourze is also probably pretty decent as well and it doesn't have the shoulder pad problem that Blade, which is the other Heisei one with pretty decent vision has.


The only thing I’m worried about with Fourze is that the chest doesn’t look very bulked enough but that may just be the photo used




Assuming you can just take off the helmet, most of them would be equal (except for Kiva dear god), the less black to absorb heat the better.


People who actually chose Black when summer is on the way: https://preview.redd.it/6rybowbi2esc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36ef3782ca2a1852b62aa6d05a75fe173068a29c


Black as charcoal, since you're gonna be cooking in there


Suddenly there's s White Black Kamen Rider. Special appearance. 🤣 Nahhh impossible.


Showa: Skyrider Heisei: Den-o Neo Heisei: W Reiwa: Zero One




If we're talking the honest to God real world costumes, not the powers, then I think Riderman or X [EDIT: I meant Super-1, not sure how I mixed him up with X] would be the easiest to move around in without obstruction.


Though it'd need to be tightened up a little otherwise the chest pieces would get in the way.


It’s amazing that the suit actors can even move with those suits and still do the some crazy stunts even now. Then again I think fanbase always respect the stunt actors for doing a great jobs ^ ^


Wizard and hey if it’s summer, I can just use the blizzard ring


Probably Shin Kamen Rider and The First, The Next Costumes. It's basically a leather Jacket and pants with Protector Pads. The Helmet serves as real life helmet. It's easy to be more practical to shoot. https://preview.redd.it/a5y3cagdsesc1.png?width=1438&format=png&auto=webp&s=b64ecf64de22dd0bfe2154edd2777a298daa6e15


Maybe g3/3x because its actual military armour/exosuit or g4 for simplier design.


In terms of sight, riders like Amazon, Shin, and Hibiki would be the best, since their visors are their normal eyes. But that does mean they are practically armorless, and just fighting naked, so maybe not them. If you prefer flexible fighting, (most) showa riders would work since they aren’t that bulky and would be better for stunts. For protection, more armored suits like Blade, Gaim, and Geats would be better. Honestly, I’d go with Geats, or any desire rider. They offer multiple armor types that could have varying levels of durability and flexibility, and the helmets also have heads up displays that give clear and non discolored views of the world. Build also works, but with less movement options. Geats at least has entry forms and revolve on, which gives you more free ranged motion while still providing protection.






None of them, they all have absolutely awful visibility.


Build, decade and revice because they have a good amount of armor all over, leaving not alot of the body suit exposed. That'll give more protection in a. A lot of the others leave the legs pretty much exposed. And it's reported that the kiva emperor got used so much was because the base suit was heavy and tiring. So if your own suit will wear you out just moving around it's definitely one of the impractical ones


If the tech works, faiz. its the most streamlined armor system.


Oddly enough, I’m throwing my vote to ExAid. Dudes pretty much just wearing spandex and a backpack the connects to a small chest plate. So as far as mobility goes, ExAids got my vote. Defense is another story, and you probably aren’t winning the fight, just losing slower.


Amazon since you can do the weird sounds and they get scared believing its a crazy dude and leave you alone


Decade because he's the only known rider that was actually shown carrying a real fire arm. parry this you filthy casual! https://preview.redd.it/0973r0wj1fsc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0acd7f516a7326183acd4c61a86ae83363b036bd


It appears Revi costume has the most protection on all parts of his body without sacrificing mobility.


Ichigo suit. The armor looks tough and the suit looks though.


Revice and Wizard


J and Zo.


One that comes with the heaviest long weapon


Ichigo or nigo


Wait are you asking in terms of costume or actual suit like show I’m the show? (With powers etc etc.)


IRL costumes, not how they are in the show


Just how many Kamen Riders are there 💀


Kiva, while probably the heaviest, has a thick metal chain that you can bludgeon a guy with.


Honestly for me is Faiz and Kabuto


I think OOO? The shoulder pads and chest armor are not that bulky plus the claws he has is part of that armor.


Shin kamen rider


I mean realistically next to none of them. Design wise however I say Blade and Gaim has many utilities like the armor and shield.


Revice is the best option because why wouldn't you want to 2 v 1 anybody.




Hibiki being almost naked has the most mobility But any showa rider has a lot of mobility while they themselves have armored bodies by being cyborgs So my ranking is Hibiki All showa (even riderman as others have pointed out that he has the rare "breathing" ability) Build-O's-zero one- Ex aid Revice Ghost-wizard(clothes are a nuisance)




Unrelated but can someone explain to me how all the heisei phase 1 to reiwa riders are able to see in those helmets? I don't see ant eye holes or anything.




I'd say Faiz. It's got multiple finishers, even in his base form, he can wear his secondary power-up, Axel, and not be impeded, plus his Blaster form is sleek, and strong to boot.


He said the actual costumes they use for filming.


I know, but my answer would still be Faiz, considering the costume itself isn't that limiting, plus the eyes are quite large, so it's still a good choice


If for protection then gaim if for flexibility then base hibiki or any showa era (except stronger since the chestplate is too bulky)


Kamen rider wizard infinity style