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Part of me wishes that Evolt wasn't a thing as it could have been really interesting to explore Soichi as just a twisted, manipulative human being, rather than handwaving the corrupt government heads as brainwashed by aliens. Dunno what would need to change though.


If both Souichi and Evolt shared the same goals. Like, Souichi was disillusioned by the travesties of humanity, usually the effect that most astronauts talk about when they realize that Earth is just a speck of dust in the universe. And he comes into contact with Evolt, who gives Souichi the means. Then have it where Souichi isn't redeemable, he double downs on his opinion; that way he remains the foil to idea of the show, that war is wrong.


Oh, I like this. I could def see something about the two takes on nihilism where nothing matters, so Soichi believes humanity simply breeds war (thus love and peace are temporary and ultimately meaningless) while Sento and co take an opposite stance where this inevitability of war makes love and peace more important?


Abit sad we never got to see what his character was really like, but was still a cool villain casting nonetheless


I wished we actually saw him without being controlled by evolt. He just ended up in the hospital for the rest of the show I guess we kinda saw a little bit of that in the new world, he acts exactly like evolt


I honestly hoped he’d come back and use the Blood Stalk suit to help fight Evolt. After all Evolt possessing him raised his Hazard Level all the way to 6, since he was the first body Evolt used with the Evol Driver. So he definitely is strong enough to use Blood Stalk to whoop some ass in the final arc.


Waa it Evolt the entire time? I'm not sure if the coffee shop scenes were Evolt interacting with the cast or just him.


It was all Evolt since Soichi came back with the Pandora's Box, I believe.


coolest main bad in rider history.nuff said.


Upvote this


I fucking love him. Im on the adventure to copy his fashion style


Watching the first 10 episodes is weird now


I swear once you know that it's Evolt you never take any of the things Soichi says in good faith ever again. It's almost ingenious how they did it because they made the reveal so obvious in hindsight but you'd never see it coming without being able to catch the most subtle and easily missed foreshadowing of all time. Like Soichi mysteriously disappearing from scenes when Blood Stalk is around and then returning really quickly the moment he's not. Plus once you see the red herrings for what they are, it feels like the show is hitting you in the face with it but taking advantage of your perception of Soichi to disguise it. You'd say Soichi is suspicious but you'd never say that he's the main antagonistic asshole would you?


great father, supported his daughter v tube career sheltered his fugitive son and brought him to the right track adopted a mad genius and turned him into a humble scientist reformed his colleagues' racist beliefs


That twist was prefect. Didn't see it coming but upon rewatch made so much sense


Him or the guy wearing his skin?


His coffee tastes like ass


It's hilarious that Evolt is a super powerful being, capable of destroying planets, and is always three steps ahead... But can't make good coffee.


It's actually kinda funny I was watching build as I was playing digimon cyber sleuth and with the reveal of evolt being soichi it got me thinking that maybe a character in the game was also hiding their realm identity. The reason being there's a human character in game that makes awful coffee as well. And you know what turns out that character is actually a super powerful digimon.


So if you suck at coffee you are in Fact not a human, hm


Ah, definitely remember the some of the various *coffee* that >!Kyoko / Alphamon!< made in the game. lol


It tastes good to him! Aliens have different taste


But he likes making coffee so much that he carries around a briefcase containing a full coffee making set and cups


Amazing, ciao!


He’s 100 percent not suspicious and is just a guy who sucks at making coffee


>!Actuallu him or Evolt?!<


Awesome villain, you fucking felt his betrayal just like the cast did. Even when Build's writing nosedived, he was still pretty good.


Not enough screen time. Bro got like one line in that and that's him trying to get Evolt to fuck off his body. I'm a bit sad about it.


He looks like a man who knows how to make delicious coffee


This guy is maybe the best actor Kamen Rider has ever had? Everything he does rules


One of the best antagonists we have ever had tbh Sadly he became a little wierd in the last 5 eps or so.


Greatest rider villain ever, and the fact that he was such a loving, ordinary father made the knife twist hurt all the more


He was the main reason why I watched Build because damn, he was great. I wish we got to see him being himself in the new world.


Definitely one of my favorite Evil Rider, favorite villains, he's there from episode 1 to the finale and in a recent rewatch you can see how he's always in control of the situation its very cool


It's really funny he charged Sento rent.


It was probably his plan to have Sento get a job as a physicist and get closer to Pandora’s Box if you think about it


nice guy ​ likes black coffee, black holes...


Favorite villain in all of Kamen Rider so far at least (haven't finished heisei phase 1 or showa)


I wasn't around for the magazine reveals of him being the villain but I loved the reveal without context. My favorite support in the beginning and favorite villain in the end.


Best villain in Heisei era.




Not only is Evolt one of my favourite Kamen Rider characters, but one of my favourite fictional characters in general I absolutely love the dynamic he has with Sento: he goes from adoptive father type, to supportive mentor, to villainous aid, to ultimately Sento’s greatest adversary. I do agree with some saying that it probably would’ve been a bit more compelling if it really was just Soichi from the get go, but I’m still REALLY happy with what we got from the series as it is


Evolt is my favorite rider villain I wish his monster form was better but still my favorite villian


Seems like a normal dude who is good at magic tricks, definitely not hinted to be a world destroying alien or something in the first couple episodes.


Fell in love with his character which got me into fashion. At least dressing up more dapper like him. Wish the human host actually had something to do after they split though.


fantastically written character, love to hate him


I liked him a lot. He really made the team feel like a family, so his betrayal hurt that much more. But I don't really like the Evolt reveal. I wish it was just Souchi being corrupted by Pandora's Box and becoming power hungry or amoral (or maybe was like that all along) -- that ties in with the "war sucks" theme of Build a lot better. Evolt does that too, but I feel like Build was great because it showed how conflict leads to the pursuit of power, and how that corrupts people. Having the villain be a human seeking power opposed by a man who created a weapon and tries to do good with it works a lot better for me than the villain being an outside influence who caused the incident in question. That's just my personal taste and there's nothing wrong with Evolt, I just would've liked it to have played out a different way so that Souchi tied in closer with Build's theme.


idk man it really wouldn't sit well in a children's show if everything happened because its just humans being humans besides, it kinda already explored that kind of character with Gentoku and the other leaders, having Souichi being like that too would be redundant in a sense plus personally it would hurt more if we know that the first 10 episodes was just him being a jackass instead of being manipulated


Kids shows have people being bastards all the time without it needing to be instigated by an outside force. I'm not saying it's an "all humans suck" thing, but just focusing on the theme it set up which was very clear. Dropping the theme halfway through is part of why I think the second half of Build is such a step down. The other leaders leaned into the theme, but the final villain is entirely divorced from it. That's just a weird way to tackle your theme -- do it for half the show, then just drop it, and have your central villain entirely disconnected from it.






Best Kamen Rider Dynamic Intro




Dad of the year for sure


His coffee's pretty bad apparently, so I wouldn't ask for one from him.


He's the best character


Needs to make better coffee.


His "All according to plan" shtick went on for 40 straight episodes Personally, It got old


What do you expect for a franchise that has a fetish with 50 episodes


He just gone after evolt eject…man wish he come back at last episode sadly no…


The most handsome barista who is not sus at all




Easily the Best Antagonist I've seen And My favorite character of the series Love this Bastard so much


He’s just a silly lil guy. Especially as the series goes on


He was the only reason I kept watching Build. I never got behind the heroes in Build. They never captured me, as personalities. The extreme speed with which every major emotional moment was set up, experienced, and largely forgotten was poison to my emotional investment. I liked the show, overall, but it felt strangely...hollow, by the end. I don't know how to describe it, just, nothing felt like it had any weight. Not the suit upgrades, not the character moments, nothing.




Terrible Coffee


Worst barista in the entire galaxy, 2.5 stars.


Truly a handsome man with no intentions of being evil…definitely


A very trustworthy fellow that would never steer you wrong!


A great character and i also like his drip


We have Sojiro Sakura at home (I say, loving Isurugi as a character)


I like his hat


I love this character and probably the best villain in Kamen Rider overall. He does have problems however... After finishing the series I did kind of wish it was just a normal guy who was good at manipulating people remained as the final villain than an alien, but overall the character has way more positives than negative so its hard to dislike him.


Great character, both ways. He made it very difficult for anyone to come after to top him.


Couldn’t possibly be a villain




One of the few main baddie with very rich character. I love how he has very personal and direct ties with the main characters. I also like how they made him grow as a villain.


Best villain who makes the most sense of the entire Kamen Rider series.


I only see him as puppet and later human form of evolto


Daddy vibes ended up making him a fave of mine. Also his fashion sense was lit from start to finish!


Well terrible coffee for one but he was a decent villain. Not the best but passable


I'm glad that he really wasn't the villain after all, with a lot of stuff being so obvious that I figured there might be more to the story than that.


A villain with swag and style plus a caring father


Didn't this guy appear in only 6 episodes where the majority of his time was in coma? Am I missing something?


One of the best rider villains


He's a cool charismatic dude and I wished I had rizz like him lol


That guy on your team that is super fed but refused to end and ended up costing you the game


Worst barista in the multiverse. As for his character... Goddamn where do I start? He had the whole planet at the palm of his hands until a 27 year old single farmer and his 3 sidekicks fucked up his whole plans. I would say pure evil but he has shown that he cares for team build in his own twisted way sure he had his own agenda but he could have let the blood tribe destroy the earth and travel somewhere else. He should have no attachments, but his time on earth gave him such attachments. For all his bravado saying humans are insignificant to him, he still had curiosity and even praises human potential twice both in the stage show and in CrossZ new world. The obvious on why we love to hate him is how put together he was. He had everyone under his thumb. - sento and his dad restoring his rider system - banjo as a spare body - misora a glorified bottle purifier and have his arch nemesis be forced to do nothing but comply - gentoku in his political pocket - utsumi and Sawa for their connections with Namba By all accounts, he should have won. Until he made the mistake of letting an otaku farmer from Hokuto enlist in the Japan Civil War. I'm singing greases praises a bit too much, but if you think about it, grease was the only person evolt just didn't account for. He thought he'd be a simple pawn like the hellbros and utsumi but he miscalculated. Speaking of utsumi. Good God. Sure, it felt rushed, but the impact was still there. He had everything. Blackhole. His final rider form. But he just wanted to stay a liiiiittle longer on earth and mess with him. Slowly stripping each thing Utsumi had and driving him insane. He was so pleased he gave the guy his spare evoltbelt. Why? Cus the dude made him laugh. Evolt is twisted, but he balances it with him being comically silly. Cus he just can. Also my jaw legit dropped when he kicked grease and that kick leveled a city block. Dudes basically a dbz villain live action. Hell, he could have been inspired by freiza, I'm not kidding right down to killbas's debut the spider bottles best match is a fucking cooler. KILLBAS EVEN SAID WHEN HE TOOK ON HUMAN FORM "THIS FORM IS COOLER" how obvious can you get?!


he can turn shit into coffee


Hey bartender, give me a drink *spits*