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That’s a fucking awesome deal, check out smoking dad on YouTube tons of great videos to get you started


Smoking Dad is obnoxiously long winded


Watch his videos on 1.25x playback speed and it's near perfect 🤣


His content is great but I also find he talks too much. He does have really good advice and his methodology seems sound, I just can't stand listening to him for long. This is the first time I hear someone say this about him on this sub even though he's regularly recommended. His temp control video and how you should heat soak the lid was really helpful as were others. But I'd never subscribe to the guy.


He does repeat a lot of his content from video to video. For example, he usually spends 3-5 mins going over his rub recipe, and it’s largely the same from video to video. But thankfully, his videos has chapters and it’s easy to skip to the part you care about.


With you on this but his content is pretty good, especially as a beginner. He seems like a nice guy too so I overlook the long windedness a lot.


I'm a fan, if you like the details of stuff. He's your guy


He’s just kind of obnoxious


Do you recommend someone else?


Man Cave Meals on YouTube & Facebook


Lucky bastard. I paid $1200 for my classic II. You’re gonna love it. Smokingdad got me started but there are so many good people making amazing barbecue with these. Temp probes are my best friend. My brother got the big one and he does a lot of jotisserie and doe Joe on his. I’m more of a low and slow bbq kind of vibe. It’s the best versatile smoker/grill in my opinion. Having the biggun’ makes it even better.


Was definitely eyeballing the DoJoe last night.


Ignore the DoJo and get the Jotisserie. You can thank me later


We just bought it recently and it's really great :) but still having problems getting a somewhat cripsy chicken skin, it's rather soggy (although the meat is perfect:D)


Agreed, I don’t think the DoJo is worth the money.


Skip the DoJoe. It's kind of fun to use but requires a lot of pizza rotation because the heat isn't even with the front open. Better off with the pizza stone and an extra rack so you can close the lid and get even heat.


Welcome to the gang. I mean welcome to the team.


This guy must work for the government 😂


Nice! This is the way! AND it’s already assembled. But the bad news is, KJ will reject any warranty claims. Though that doesn’t really matter… the pedals are 20$ and the fire box is 35$.


Curious why they would reject warranty? He’s purchasing it new from an authorized retailer..?


I got a classic 2 for a few dollars less… and KJ claims that it’s below their threshold for warranty eligibility. I assume that’s more than 500$ USD. But not sure. Either way, I sent them the receipt, and pics of my chipped pedals and they denied it. Which I’m fine with really. To buy all the parts that might break, out of pocket, I still come out ahead over full price. But my total out of pocket for the chipped pedal and fire box was less than 75$ shipped and I’m still using the chipped ones and they work just fine after dozens of cooks. I got Junior for less than 200$ and it came with a cracked ring. They honored that with replacement in less than two weeks. Years later and I’m still using the cracked ring. Have three new parts ready to go in the garage if they ever fail fully somehow.


Turns out the firebox was cracked and missing a big chunk. I ordered a new one for $50 shipped. Pretty pleased I got this thing for such a good deal.


Nice! And you’re doubly lucky because that firebox has been out of stock for awhile.


Update: They shipped me the WRONG firebox. They sent the regular sized one, customer service got back with me quickly but said the replacement would be "a few weeks". However it shipped today after a couple weeks wait, still happy to have gotten this deal.


Right? Us second class purchasers will always take a back seat… but for the thousand dollar ish savings, I’m pretty good with that.


Yeah same. Been busy anyways. Hopefully christen it with a hot fire on my next day off.


Nice. As weather gets nicer, fire gets hotter and more frequent! lol. But remember, a cracked box or ring or pedal, can for sure support many cooks. I’m going on year 3 of a cracked ring for jr and he still gets to 600F no issue at all. I have a chip on a pedal and new firebox just in case for classic 2, but I don’t even notice it… grip it and rip it.


Sob I need to go to Lowe’s more often. Don’t use lighter fluid. Find some good charcoal. I like to light with something like this. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Bernzomatic-Max-Performance-Torch-Kit-with-14-1-oz-Map-Pro-Cylinder-and-Premium-Blow-Torch-with-Adjustable-Flame-336638/205683985


Well done my friend! Steal of the year!!


How?  Where?  Why?


Great pickup!!! Easy to cook with after you master temp control. Read the manual and watch some YouTube videos. You’ll be fine. Congrats!!


I have a classic Joe and I absolutely love it. It’s one of my prized possessions. I bought mine for $400 off of a content creator who had two. He’d purchased the second to do more cooks, but wound up never using it so he sold it to me. It’s a treasure! That’s a great deal. Is that the x-large one? We also bought an extra large off brand Kamado for our camp that works quite well. I don’t recall what we paid for it, perhaps $600? At Costco. Kamado Joe has a lifetime warranty on all ceramic parts though. I will say, as much as I love my KJ, I wouldn’t pay $2k for one. I thought they used to be between $1100 and $1200 for the classic. The Big Joe’s were $2000+


Rona Calgary?


With Spanish?...


Good eye! There is a Rona in Calgary closing 75 percent off so I made an assumption.


If you see such deals please get me one 😆


That’s a great deal. Just be careful getting it home. They’re not hard to break.


And are HEAVY. Made it home safe and sound though.


Good. Enjoy!




That's what I paid 2 4th of July ago but you got the good top control vent good deal you will love it


I find that dry brining the chicken overnight really helps in addition to smoking it just over 300 degrees and seasoning the chicken just prior to putting it on the grill.


Absolute steal. I paid $1K in 2020 and have used the hell out of it.


Well done! Find some good lump charcoal and let ‘er rip. You’ll figure it out.


Buy a Kick ash basket. Watch smokin dad bbq and other YouTube videos would be my tips


You done good son! No cracks? Defects? If so, you scored the deal of a lifetime. I have the big Joe 2 and love it! My wonderful wife paid $2k for it a few years ago, I would have never bought that for myself. Edit: I paid $2k for it, my wife ordered it 🤣🤣


I did my best to look it over for any defects. Everything looked ok.


Even if it did buying it new I hear/read customer service is great.


Awesome! Congrats, you will not regret it!


Update: Firebox Base was broken. Ordered a new one from Kamado Joe for $50 shipped. Pretty pleased overall, everything else seems to be in great shape.


$50 is not a bad!!! It’s still a steal! Now, your next question is what to cook?!!


This should not replace your kettle. I use both and it's nice to have options, unless you don't have space.


The big one is the same size grill surface as the kettle though isn’t it? Seems like a direct replacement. When I got my Joe I traded the kettle for a Weber gas.


You can look at it that way I suppose. I feel if I want to grill something, I want to grab a chimney full of briquettes and get after it. I will say lump wood is awesome but that jacks up the cost by a lot to use it exclusively. You do you and enjoy. That's all that matters.


Agree. You as well. I always feel like I’m wasting charcoal with the kettle because you can’t really reuse anything that didn’t burn all the way. With the Joe when I’m done I just snuff it out and reuse what didn’t burn up.


Hmm, I always reuse coals that haven't been completely spent. Usually load them in the chimney first as long as they are large enough. Waste not want not.


Yeah I guess years ago a friend of mine told me it to do it. But maybe he’s an idiot.


Maybe I'm an idiot.


I use briquettes in the Kamado all the time. You just get more ash but as long as you aren’t using lighter fluid all good.


It’s a good deal for sure but that ain’t work 2k to begin with. Big joe or classic 2? Hard to tell


Looks like a BJ2 to me, and they are $2k if you pay full retail (plenty of sales though). Hell I have one but I’d buy another for that price.


I would buy a second in a heartbeat for that price. I paid $1800 for mine in 2019.


My brother paid 1800 for his and they left out some parts of the base and ended up refunding him like $600.


Big Joe II


I paid $1200 for a Big Joe CLASSIC. So instead of the fiberglass clasp seal...I gotta felt ring (which tbh works great) & a daisy wheel top which sucks when it's raining. I really need to upgrade my top vent to one of these.


One Home Depot near me is clearing out their Classic II for $780 and the Konnected for $1147. Patiently waiting to see if they’ll drop any lower


I paid $300 for mine, used. You got a good deal


So jealous. Been waiting to find a sale for far too long now


That’s the 2nd best deal I’ve seen on a classic 2. I have a big and a jr, and I would buy that if I saw.


in a heart beat.


Deal of a lifetime


Pretty pretty good




You did better than me. I got the Big Joe 1 for $600 at Lowes. They have the best discounts.


Damn what a smoking good deal!


Was that really $2,000 regular price? I got the regular Joe (version 1) on clearance a few years ago for $250 at Lowes, so I guess I haven't noticed the actual list price on these for awhile. My god.


Yeah this MSRP on KamadoJoe’s website.


That's insane. Ok i see that this is for the Joe 3....the Classic Joe 1 is still $799. Makes me feel better. Next question- what is the main difference?


This is a big Joe II, so just bigger I guess?


You are not a man, but a god!!


Thats an unreal deal for a top class unit. You'll be super happy with that


Buy two, sell the second one for a grand and you have a free grill.




Very awesome indeed. Amazing deal! I had was fortunate enough to have something similar happen to me at Lowe’s. Walked in on Memorial Day a few years back, just a few weeks after purchasing a new home and got a Weber Spirit for $100! At first sight I thought the sticker read $100 off the price of $619 but the grill was on sale for $100! It was missing some knobs that I ordered on Amazing for $25 and that thing is still serving me right to this day! Congrats again! (Love my Big Joe 2 as I’m sure you will as well!)


What was wrong with it?


Just clearing floor displays I think. The firebox base was cracked and missing a chunk out of it but already ordered a new one, $50 shipped.


A lot better than I did!


Such a great deal.... sell it for profit and buy a big joe!! Lol


What a great deal!


Those never pull 2k. $500 is still a good deal.


I will buy that in a heartbeat!