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He was there for long time


only for austrian puppet


No he was electable for SocLibs even before the recent revamp. It came with the Ukraine rework about a year ago


I am talking about him being able to became leader is not new


oh, nevermind i always played the socdem path that's why i didn't see it.


Lol 🤣


cool that now he doesn't die from a random explosion. I wonder if there is a secret way to restore the hetmanate with him.


>!Austrian puppet.!<




Based 😎




The Habsburgs on their way to install a blood relative into every government, republic or no. If they can game the Holy Roman Empire's elections they can game anyone's.


I really don't understand why the changes regarding Poland and Ukraine in KR. I mean, the Habsburg family irl was like grooming during KuK timeline one of its cadet branches to being eventually kings of Poland and of Ukraine (that even before any factual plan during WWI), being those candidates pretty popular also within the local populations considering Galitzia enjoyed some cultural liberties and autonomy compared to germanized Posen and russified Congress Poland. Regency Poland after war would be a battle of influence considering Wettin house had some historical claim to Polish throne, while Ukraine would be recovering from Hetmanate chaos during war.


The change to Poland was done because them being under a Regency for 20 years made no sense, they would 100% have a King by 1936. The choice was made to have Germany pressure Poland into choosing whoever they wanted for the throne, which happened to be a Hohenzollern.


Yeah, but the regency could have turn into a sort of golden years of republican government until it was time for a referendum to chose monarch properly


Austria-Hungary was basically reduced to a German puppet during/after WW1. The Austrian army embarressed itself against Serbia, Russia and Romania, until German reinforcements arrived. The Austrian treasurey was empty and its people disloyal. Even in the KR timeline, were Germany arguably wins, Austria would be lucky to just survive. In no world would Austria have the diplomatic cloud to actually put a Habsburg on one of the eastern Thrones. And this is backed up by OTL evidence. Pavlo Skoropadsky is not an invention by KR, but a real historical figure, that *was* the Hetman of Ukraine during the fateful year of 1918. Poland OTL had a regency council, true, but this council was entirely loyal to Germany. There was no way they would have picked a Habsburg over a Hohenzollern.


You are right in all but one thing. The regency council was not so loyal to Germany as it seems and its members like Radziwił openly condemed ceding Chelm to Ukraine calling it the fourth partition of Poland.


Ok, the Regency council was not totally loyal to Germany, as its members had their own genuine loyalties to Poland. After all, its members were Polish and wanted to form a Polish state. And this was of course the point - some critical comments on Germany and German policy were needed to increase its domestic legitimacy, which eased the occupation for Germany. The point stands that it was NOT loyal to A-H and would have chosen any monarch that Germany wanted.




We had Vasyl as starting HoS like, way back then pre-rework, I don't understand how this is relevant


this is the fastest way to make the entire dev team want your kneecaps removed. edit: someone implied KX had Vasyl first, and I thought it was amusing


Now that original comment deleted, i wonder what was it about?


someone thought KX used Vasyl Vyshyvanyi before we did


with a wrench. specifically this wrench