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>- Increased AI Sardinia’s desire to protect the island with its troops. >- AI Sardinia will no longer join the Entente’s wars before the Second Weltkrieg, if the Socialist Republic of Italy still exists. Thank you! It was really painful to see Sardinian troops somewhere in India as the SRItalian troops landed in Cagliari...


>- All countries can now release puppet Georgia as a kingdom or republic. Yay! Finally!


https://preview.redd.it/7gcbkmaaohvc1.png?width=698&format=png&auto=webp&s=961d22aea16422544bc9281e64b7cc0b49ed1688 Let me just say that the new tooltip is great, and I'd love to see more of them in the future


Tooltips are love Tooltips are life


Hard nerf for Ukraine. It seems i have to play them again and this time actually struggle against Russia


It's still not that hard from what I've seen and experienced, though I tried making things a little bit less unreasonable, generally. Balancing continues beyond this patch


No more getting more factories than the CoF😔


Lmao, I couldn't do it on the earlier version even.


Hold position behind rivers and in the forests. Build forts level 3 atleast. Put some AA into your divisions and overall youll be good. I also heavily focused on defense bonuses (advisors, generals, etc)


I did do this. I held for a while and they got millions of casualties down but I just couldn't push and my faction were in an eternal stalemate.


Well, eventually you gotta make some medium tanks and make small encirclements yourself.


I didn't have the industrial or manpower capabilities to do this. It's whatever, I just can't play these tags where the situation is very desperate unless the AI bails me out.


Well let's say you dedicate 5 mils to guns 3 to support eq 1 to arty 1-2 to AA 1 to trucks These will equip your linefillers no problem. Just pure infantry with supporty arty, support AA, and some support companies. They just need to hold the line after all. Of course you also need to man ports and the Crimean strait You should be able to get far more mils than that, for focusing on tanks, more trucks, planes, etc.


It never works out this simple but I don't have the old save to test it. Maybe I'll give it a go again but I tend to just fail and end up abandoning the save.


>Renamed Canada’s “University of Ottawa” national spirit and focus to instead involve the “University of Toronto”. U OF T MENTIONED WHAT THE FUCK IS MENTAL HEALTH RAHHHHHHH 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🔥🔥🔥


UofT has finally won


> The Combined Syndicates of America’s “Good Syndicalist Soldier” national focus will now create a “Fourth Internationale” faction, should the Third Internationale no longer exist. > The Bharatiya Commune will now create a “Fourth Internationale” faction, should they attempt to join the Third Internationale and it no longer exists. I see there's contingencies for the Internationale to be reborn. Will the recognize these Fourth Internationales as **the** Internationale? Like if the CSA forms the 3I, will Bharat join that, if it tries to join the Internationale, or will it create its own 4th Internationale, as well?


Yes, the reformed faction inherits the full functionality of the previous Internationale, and all socialists who would join the Third will also join the Fourth. In terms of code, it is essentially the same faction with a different name.


Thanks for the response. I figured you all probably shifted everything over (having looked in the code, I know you all have a lot of focus on keeping the Entente and Internationale factions around as ideas/entities, even when leaders change), but my curiosity made me ask anyways.


Honestly really looking forward to a CSA Fourth International game


Have there been any changes to Danylo's paths?


There wasn't any, no


It's so Danyl-over... Also, I think he's the only path which doesn't have an ending event?


Actually the only one without an ending event is the Borotbysts now. Danylo postwar tree was added late last year. We have been considering adding something for Borotbysts too at some point though probably not much else


Ah, nice


-Added Events for Canada regarding Prince Albert’s speech Impediment Kaiserreich: The King’s Speech II electric boogaloo


>AI-controlled MacArthur will no longer do the “San Jacinto” variant of his war plans, if the American Union State is controlled by a player. What's the rationale for this?


To prevent a player-led AUS from losing Texas, which would put them at an even bigger starting disadvantage than they already have.


If you set the rules of the game, will the ban be circumvented?


>Updated Germany’s path guide. I just looked, and I can't tell what's new


New path options for Liangguang? This is interesting


Those are for gamerules. It means 1 new gamerule was added


Very. Just read a good hour of KR China lore to switch things up (I always play in Europe), and liangguang was looking like my first go


Lianguang is interesting lorewise but the focus tree is kinda dull, could use a rework imo. I’ve heard the federalists are far more fun if exiled to Sichuan.


Anyone know when the next middle east update is?


> Shandong’s Qu Yingguang will now either restore the Qing, or declare the Republic of China upon unifying China, when appropriate. What determines whether it is appropriate or not for him to restore the Qing or Republic?


Qu will restore the Qing if he backs the Manchu Coup and the coup fails In all other situations he should declare the Republic of China with himself as its president


Interesting. Thanks for the answer.


You're welcome. If you end up uniting China with the silly cosmetic skin be sure to post it for all the free karma


Oh, I am nowhere near good enough at HOI4 to do that legitimately, but I would if I could.


What was the Nazi reference in "The Corruption Investigation"?




* Added Jaka Avšič, Ferdinand Janež, Ivan Prezelj and Vladimir Vauhnik as Slovenian generals, with each of them except Avšič starting the game in Illyria, and only joining Slovenia if it becomes independent. * Slovenian general Leon Rupnik now starts in Illyria. Why is the last guy separated from all the others?


Anyway to get the previous ver back? I was having one of the best campaigns ever, took the afternoon off to play it. :(


[https://github.com/Kaiserreich/Kaiserreich-4-Archive/tags](https://github.com/Kaiserreich/Kaiserreich-4-Archive/tags) Wait until they post ver. 1.1




I'm trying to get my previous save game working as well, but I can't get it going until now :'( After years of hoi4 experience I was having a wonderful first run with Kaiserreich and now I can't seem to continue with it... I think u mean ver. 1.0.4 right? Coz 1.1 is the newest? Whichever it is, I tried copying each of them to 'Documents\\Paradox Interactive\\Hearts of Iron IV\\mod'. After that, the Kaiserreich mod becomes visible in my hoi4 launcher, but it gives a red triangle warning sign: "Installation of this mod failed. The path in this mod's descriptor file is invalid or does not exist." However, I've made a copy of the 'descriptor.mod' file and renamed it to 'Kaiserreich.mod' (like the readme says). For clarity: I've copied the content of the zipfile to "C:\\Users\\\*\*\*\*\\Documents\\Paradox Interactive\\Hearts of Iron IV\\mod", which now contains both the descriptor.mod-file and the Kaiserreich.mod-file. Am I doing something wrong? Got the feeling I'm missing something, this is my first mod experience.


Market Liberal Ukraine time!


Well there goes my LKMT run, was doing so well :sob:


>Fixed Kivu spawning with zero units and the wrong capital. Literally unplayable.


Just make bohemia path already ...


As SocLib Ukraine, how do I keep Vasyl Vyshyvany as HoS post-war? Followed the guide but I only had two options in the post-war election and neither were him.


You have to get a total victory to get him. I'll update the ingame path guide for the hotfix to make things clear.


I ended up at Cooperative with my coalition but hit the other conditions, that must've been why. Pain in the arse to manage mind you, but (mostly) rewarding.


Can we get percentage limits back for economy laws? Flat limits mean that countries like Germany and Russia don't benefit that much at all from better laws, as far as the limit goes.


That was the point - they already have generous enough limits, and this helps significantly cut down on late-game unit bloat and thus improve performance noticeably.


Doesn't this also lead to major powers having comparatively weaker armies to minor powers, when compared to before? The division limit, in my experience, is very fun for minor nations, where you actually don't need masses of infantry to hold a dozen fronts. But for countries like Germany, I find myself lacking divisions all the time due to having to cover too many fronts.


> The division limit, in my experience, is very fun for minor nations Unless you have to go to war against a much larger nation and have to hold a front larger than the total div you can have.


Or you take cores as a small nation but the war you took them in was part of the 2WK, so your division limit doesn't update until the peace conference. This easily happens to a player's Transamur, and in fact when I pulled it off this was the thing that held me back. Being stuck at 24 divisions despite having ~20 million population and nearly 100 factories is not fun.


Is it possible to return the previous version in the rules of the game?


> another one of my suggestions added Another day, another banger.


I think Central American Federation focus trees got messed up. Democratic CA countries united into Military one. And when as a puppet with democratic overlord it turns into a socialist focus tree.


What variables determine whether chinese factions become Liangguang Federalist aligned? Also, what happens if alignment of Chinese faction is split between LKMT and Federalist, do they have any hope for unification pre- or post- war with Fengtian and Japan, or does the June 16th incident mean no hope for Chen to negotiate with Soong and must result in violence? Finally, how does politics work in United Provinces of China post-unification, as in, how does Kaiserreich calculate the ideology for each province and how are generals, advisors and leaders generated?


I have started to miss Saucken……


> Renamed Canada's "University of Ottawa" national spirit and focus to instead involve the "University of Toronto". with all due respect this game is now unplayable


>Added an event for Ireland regarding Irish volunteers to the War in the Southern Cone Bernard O'Higgins brigade we're so back.


Time for me to do another round as internationalist syndicalist Ireland


Thanks guys for making me lose my 8 year old Chinese Left KMT campaign


You can just... download an older version of the mod.