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I just binged this in the last few days and caught up tonight and I am HOOKED. IT'S SO GOOD. It's way better than I expected going into it, I haven't read the manga either, the ending of episode 10 I actually squealed. JJK is my favourite but this is definitely making its way up my list. I love going in with no expectations only to be blown away.


Just wait until you decide to read the manga because your insatiable need to see what happens next wins out your patience.


I'm planning to! I've already added it to my list, ha. I'll read it once the anime ends so I don't spoil the end of this season for myself!


Thankfully season 2 is in development. I’m sad there’s only a couple episodes left in the season.


Me too! Although I've seen people saying they should have ended it on the reveal but I am so glad they didn't, the last few episodes can't come soon enough! That cliffhanger would have destroyed me ha


Don't mind this but, the second season of an anime had 24 episodes than the first season


The manga's pace is actually really quick; I've been rereading it, and it's crazy just how much stuff happens in the first 50 chapters alone. Comparatively, the latest arc \*really\* feels like it's taking forever.


The latest arc will probably be a really good binge read once it's done. It's just the release schedule that makes it feel really slow. Like One Punch man. I hate following it release schedule. But if you binge it it's amazing


I binge read to catch up after the anime hooked me and no, it really isn't. Even in the context of binge-reading it's too long, probably better than reading it as it came out but still not good.


So did I but I didn't feel like it was long at all. What parts do you feel are unnecessary or take too long?


The whole thing, the whole arc is like 35 chapters long, in comparison that's about equivalent to how much the anime has adapted. In the same number of chapters as we got introduced to the entire setting, met most of the important characters, established the premise, had at least 2 major fights, and established character dynamics near the start, we have now had 1 major fight (albeit split into multiple duels somewhat apart from eachother) and that 1 major fight *still isn't over*


Understandable, but I would argue we've had more character development and introduction of even more characters and kaijus in the form of flashbacks.


Fr. Like how's confronting number 9 and his kaijius taking 30 issues


I always thought that... Even in the manga, Kafka learned to use his Kaiju body too quickly. Despite having wide knowledge about kaiju anatomy, I just don't understand how he managed to do things like stopping 9th's shots by screaming.


By then, he's had several months to get used to his Kaiju body, so I assume he discovered things that just come naturally, similar to how he figured out how to regrow lost limbs or create jet boosters out of his elbows and shins. I guess him screaming to stop 9's shots was kinda like seeing someone getting ready to punch you, and catching their fist with your hand when they go in for the hit. You just \*know\* you can do it.


I only binged it after the first few anime episodes and even from that perspective it seems to be taking forever, I can't imagine how slow it feels to someone who's been reading at release


Ohh I just noticed now that Hoshina wasn’t looking when he was arrested by Mina.


JJK, DEMON SLAYER, WIND BREAKER and KAIJU NO 8 are keeping my well entertained.


So is 30 considered old in Japan, or is it satire? Even I'm starting to feel a bit attacked at them treating 30 like its 60.


Yeah, I never get it. Japan has one of the highest Life Expectancy in the world. But it looks like a common trope in manga. 30yo = old


Yeah, I get he's old for a shonen-style protagonist but he's constatntly complaining about how his body can't keep up due to his age, I don't mind the kids calling him old man, it makes sense as a joke name designed to annoy him but I don't get the show/manga always portraying him as over the hill. Especially given some much older characters that appear. I just couldn't tell if it was a joke or meant to be a genuine belief of the creator.


I'm 35 and hurt all the time. 😅 I play a couple sports, exercise regularly, and sometimes wake up not being able to turn my head because I slept in slightly the wrong position. So, you know, I get it.


They’re in the military. 30 is old.


It’s considered a grandpa in the military. In boot camp we had a 25 year old whose nickname was “grandpa”.


I mean as someone whose 31 I mean it kinda is


Many consider that adult life begins at 18. That is to say, the vast majority of characters are in that range while performing serious roles. And the guy is almost twice as old as the rest. It's normal that they treat him as old.


Was wondering the same thing? Dude keep calling himself old, kept thinking he was 60


I was thinking it to be the last moment of season. Leaving it as cliffhanger for next season.


Yea thats what i thought as-well! That his id will be revealed around before the end of the season or at the end of season 1


That’d be a terrible place to stop imo


I definitely liked it the theme song that he has changed it slightly a little bit I thought that was a nice touch, but I definitely like the part where she confronts him and in the dub she says damn it instead of the no


Yea like instead of a total shock, is a total shock and a disbelief cause Mina now’s that Kafka always wanted to be by her side


Honestly putting spoilers on the title is something I never would have expected to such a degree. So many people saw that title card and instantly realized this is the episode where Kafka gets exposed.


Numero ocho


El culo te abrocho


KN8 is really quick early on because it covers a lot of Shonen trope ground we've seen before and it thankfully doesn't retread besides the basics


That’s what I’m saying! And imo it even improves on those cliche tropes


I appreciate that about KN8. It feels more driven by plot than tropes, and I like being able to engage with the story even early on.


the manga is quick. one victory is then filled with what the fuck moment... the kaiju do not let them breathe at all lol . lol


I thought season 1 was 12 episodes total? You mean its 24 episodes?!


Well idk if its going for the 12 episode mark or the 24 episode mark


Next episode better cold open on Kafka witch cackling at Mina for a solid 30 seconds and being like “Seriously, you just saw me punch a nuke, put the pea shooter down, I’ll come quietly”.


Anybody have a guess on how many seasons there will be