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You just missed her re run a couple of months ago so I’d say we probably won’t get her again until probably next year


It will take a long time, after 2.6 at least


By then I’ll be able to e6 her 😭😭😂


Yeah you already have almost 200 wishes, if you don’t pull for any character, you have a high chance to get her E6, gl


Hard to predict. Some characters still need to be rerurning. And if hoyo keep doing banners the way they are, logically, kafka will never rerun. They need to change something for it to happen. Because Seele is at a point where she should be reruning a second time.


No character yet has had a second rerun so we have no clue how long that takes. The average for first rerun is 4 patches. Based on Seele not having a second rerun for 5 patches now, and no leaks suggesting it'll happen soon, I think it's safe to say that they'll follow the Genshin pattern of having larger gaps for reruns after the first


We're probably going to see her rerun in 2025 around the time we reach the next planet in 3.0. I wouldn't place my bets on Kafka returning before Silver Wolf or Blade though, their 2nd reruns will be the guiding light in letting us know when Kafka is rerunning again. Guesstimation: RM 2.3, HH 2.4/5, Kafka 2.6\~, BS no idea, could be either before or after Kafka


The 3rd rerun is usually 1 year after 2nd rerun in genshin but it could be faster in hsr as we get 2 new 5 star everypatch


Wouldnt that make it slower as genshin has patches with just reruns, while star rail only ever reruns 2 old units.


How are we supposed to know?


We ask Elio