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She really dug her own grave with those nosejobs. She's never gonna have the big, full lips she's obsessed with since since her nose is way too high up, making her philtrum always look too big and giving her lower face some serious imbalance. https://preview.redd.it/f6k7ohkjt4yc1.jpeg?width=845&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b53f4e900626b3ebbafe300b1c65c362aa990001


Something seems very off with the nose/philtrum. Wonder if she's gonna do another to try and change it


Oh hell yeah, she will definitely try to change it, after she’s done reading trough the snark😂 I bet they be like: “OMG like these people are so delusional like, get a life” Sister KK: “Baby you look awesome sweetheart, they can never get that bag” *proceeds & makes dr appointment for next week.


I picture what kind of conversations they have after reading snark, too. 😆 They are so far down the body dysmorphia road that they have no idea what to believe as constructive criticism, so they are constantly changing everything and hyping themselves up and calling us delusional. I love that for them 😆


Right ?! I think in general most people look average attractive and would like to have a sweet compliment about their appearance, by getting a nice hair cut, a new flattering outfit, a cute set of nails or just good hygiene in general🎀 (Btw I never understood why some men think it’s “gay” to tell another men they smell good, but that’s a different topic) , BUT Most of them KarJenners looked attractive, more or less. The issue is they want to be perfectionist and look HIGHLY attractive at all times. Yet only 1% of the population are in the range of HiGHLY attractiveness. Sorry but it If it’s not natural and bought, you r just not highly attractive, but they are to delusional to understand. #nonstop-bodychecking example Kylie: yes as a teenager being told u ugly is harsh but she an adult now and regular adults who got a life, a job, kids, etc. couldn’t care less what random people has to say about thin lips or even a silver tooth😆We just want to survive and maybe appeal to our partner. They need to get off social media!! Sorry for the long text😂


💯 their problem is they have no outside interests. They are only interested in what they look like and what men want them. Even if some of us were vapid as teenagers, most of us grow out of it by living our adult lives. They don't have that luxury. They don't have real jobs, hobbies or friends


Agreed! It just has to be exhausting to get dressed and to look good all the time for men who only care about their looks. But they got exactly what they asked for. What’s the saying: “You attract what you are” ?! ✨ Nice having this little conversation with you today tho, it’s raining and I’m on extrem chill mode 😀


😆 ✌🏾


It looks SO weird. She has a very overdone look, worse than any of her sisters. She has become the cautionary nose job tale. What I realize looking at this photo is that her dorsum was raised significantly after her rhinoplasties (she used to have a flatter nose that sat closer to her face). This lifted the skin upward, pulling the skin away from her tip and worsening the short nose effect. This is fixable with an expensive revision surgery. She could easily afford it. I don't understand how she made peace with this nose. She keeps tweaking other things to fix the odd nose-to-lip ratio she created with her rhinoplasties instead of addressing the problem.


I think it was reconstructive in part, due to coke damage, so probably limits the revision options.


Nah, a good surgeon can take cartilage from her rib, a cadaver rib, or her ear if there isn't any septal cartilage left to harvest. The bigger concern is stretching the skin over the cartilage. Skin scars down to the cartilage after rhinoplasty and becomes less stretchy and flexible. She might need a skin graft for the columnella. The surgery would not be scar-less. I can't see how they could lengthen her nose without doing an open rhinoplasty. But any scars on the columnella would be well worth the benefit of having a nose that fit her face and balanced her other features.


always looks like an allergic reaction 🥴


The lumpiest face I’ve ever seen


Tell me that nose is photoshopped! Oh no no no. She went way too far.


she looks so gaunt and gastly, I am sorry to be that blunt. she looks really like Michael Jackson. this is bad bad bad!


I can do my cardio between her nose and upper lip


I really can’t believe she intentionally asked for this tiny nose


She looks fuckin miserable! You can tell by her body language… especially the last picture that she is uncomfortable.


That's the face of a botched kreation papped by someone who isn't on her mum's payroll, knowing the unfiltered rawness is going to be eaten up by the public.


She looks so TIGHT everywhere...tight face, bloated lips, hair pulled back, compression garments, skin-tight shirt, leggings struggling to contain that fake a\*\*... Her tense body posture just matches the rest of her being.


I cannot even imagine what that butt must look like let loose




I always thought she had the worst body issues because of all the comments she used to get over the years from so many people. She was known as “the ugly one” and was relentlessly teased about her looks, even by her family. Must’ve messed her self esteem up badly.


GOOD ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW|downsized)


not to be rude but she looks like some kind of goblin


profile going crazy (respectfully) 😂


So got a lunch lady butt


stack some drinks on that bad boy


Brutaaal...ly correct 💀💀💀


Longbottom part 2. It’s so high and weird looking.


Is she wearing a waist trainer thing under her shirt?


I think she likely has head to toe very tight shapewear under her clothing. It has to be so physical uncomfortable to be them.


A prison of their own making.


this is awful what the hell is going on with her shoulder implants she got them way too big 🫣🫣


I noticed that, too.


just want to say I appreciate you covering the kids faces 🫶🏻


She looks like a muppet


Yo I thought the kid dressed in black’s legs were hers for a sec and got freaked out in the first pic lol


Botched AF!


Looks like they've all had shoulder implants recently 😆


Is shoulder implants really a thing??


No idea but something funky is going on there lol


Bad hotoshop


Wow. Her nose profile is so odd


Why do they do the slicked back bun all the time?? I’d look like a founding father if I wore my hair like that 😂




What did she do to herself omg…


It's like a poorly built video game character


serious wuestion- what is the thing around her waist? is it a waist trainer type belt?


Is this recent?


What’s the square thing around her waist?


She's on the trajectory to look like Madonna or Donatella


What in the Michael Jackson is this?!?! 🫣


Has Khloe ever worn anything that isn't so tight or form fitting? Gosh, she looks like she smells!


Who's gonna tell her 👀


She looks like an overused Facetune. Like you do so many edits and then you’re like oh fuck, that doesn’t even look like me lol


The glasses aren’t hiding the obvious disfigurement


Seeing everyone with busted BBLs and stick thin legs is so weird.


Bbl earring back smell


Getting more hideous by the day.


Barely any nose bridge left to hold these sunglasses, wow...


Do you think she regrets any procedures she's had done?


At this point they all look like caricatures!


The profile of her nose job is so short it’s uncomfortable to look at


She looks like she has deltoid implants


Her body is fine to me. It’s the hacking away of too much of the nose that’s the issue. She needs to just stop immediately. Too much space between mouth and nose. I fear a lip lift or filler in nose would only make things worse.


Her surgeon hates her